
Chapter 5

Lauren was walking inside the company in Los Angeles, it was already 9 am and she was already late for the meeting since she got home just two hours ago she was restless. She already texted her already explaining that if she didn't reply right after she got home she's totally resting.

While she was walking in the hallways a lot of people are greeting her and the CEO is just smiling at them but her heart is fluttering when all her employees are not calling her Miss. Walton but instead they called her Mrs. Jeung.

"I'm so sorry I was late," Lauren said quickly make her way to the chair, all the employees are already standing "It's okay, Mrs. Jeung" Lauren smiled "Are we ready to present your work, Mr. Lucas?" Lauren smiled sitting as all the employees sit in their respective seats.

Lucas was a gay fashion designer, Lauren got interested in his work and wanted to add it to her collections knowing it will fit in the Chanel section. She was intently listening to Lucas when her phone vibrates. She looks at it and it was from Jihye.

My Wifey:

Hey, I'm currently on my way to the studio. You had a meeting at 9 am? Did you at least sleep when you came?

Lauren smiled and replied


No, I didn't that's why I told you I might not be able to reply right after the meeting. You seem early?

My Wifey:

Alright, I need to since I have a photoshoot in Gangnam at 11 anyway I have to go the traffic light just turned green. Talk to you later Wifey?

Laurene couldn't help but blush and can't help but smile.


Alright then Jiji

Lauren closed her phone and listen to Lucas while smiling from ear to ear.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Jihye was shouting internally and her face is heating up. Lauren just called her Jiji well it was Yujin's nickname for her but it felt different when her wife called her that. She's trying her best to show her true feelings to the CEO and wants her to be comfortable and seems like it's working.

"So, I guess the dress needs more a bit work. Do you have choices when it comes to the length of the dress? Your designs are very nice but it will be better if they have lengths since some customers are finding that" Lauren suggested while looking at the designs "and I prefer if you make the belt gold not black"

"Will be followed Miss, I have lengths in my saved collection. I will just be emailing it to your secretary Miss. Bae but the CEO of Chanel told me that this needs to have a model and she prefers your Wife Jihye Jeung" Laurene blushed

"Well yeah of course she's the Global Ambassador. I will be giving you four months to finalize and redesign the dress and I have to train more models to use this collection" Lucas nodded and thanked the CEO "Next please" Lauren said

The meeting went by of course Lauren was stressed a bit since they were a lot of copied designs that came from her original ones. This usually happens often, Lauren is very strict when it comes to that knowing everyone is like stealing her works and there's no way she would allow that.

Lauren huffed when she sat down in her office thinking of the new designs that she just encountered in the meeting. She's not very a strict boss but it hits different when someone steals her work, she surely will be a madwoman who wouldn't right? Well, know that Lauren is a very hardworking girl and she has a sleepless night sometimes just to finish all those designs.

"After the wedding bad day huh?" Suzy said coming into the office while she looked at Lauren who's holding now her head in madness.

"I just can't believe they copied and stole my work then have the guts to show right in front of my face" Lauren respond and drink the coffee that Suzy bought for her.

"Hands up Boss, it's all done. You know what Gabbie and Marceline will do to their design." Ever since then it was really Marceline and Gabbie's work to throw and delete all the files that the designer did and even sue them sometimes if they really tried to post it on social media. 

It's not that Lauren is being so strict and rude it's just that all she wants is to see some efforts and originality in their own designs, stealing others' work is very strict when it comes to her agency especially it was very famous it literally needed originality. She learned it from her father, he use to get mad at the designers who stole and use the design without any consent. Lauren is really not that hard sometimes in the first attempt of stealing her designs usually she just doesn't accept it and just lectures them about stealing but when they did it again she doesn't have any choice but never let them in the company and never add to the collection sometimes. That's why a lot of designers are very careful not to re-designing or use it. 

But even though that usually happens still a lot of designers are really trying their best to work in her agency, it's because Lauren is very generous giving them their salary and Lauren is very understanding if one employee didn't finish their design she will usually tell it's okay and just take his/her time. Another thing people love about her is that she makes every designer famous with their works whenever she sees such luxury and beautiful works. In short, Lauren is very helpful and kind. 

The CEO looks at Lucas and the other designer's design admiring and thinking how will she hire the five of them. While she's looking at it, she asked Suzy to call the CEO of Chanel.


"What Can I do for you, Mrs. Jeung?" Laurene blushed and Suzy smiled at her 

"Uhm, Mr. Wertheimer. I was wondering how are we gonna schedule Jihye Jeung's photoshoot for Luca's final designs? I actually told him to re-design and change the things that I ask him to. I gave him four months for that. Do you think it's too long?" Lauren looks at the view of her office. 

"No, It's fine. I'm actually thinking that the longer the better and I know she is your wife already do you perhaps have her schedule? oh and Congratulations by the way. I didn't know that she was your lover since then" Lauren widened her eyes while Suzy laughed her ass off Lauren wanted to say that it was just an Arranged Marriage but she doesn't have the guts. 

"U-uh yeah, Thank you. I really appreciate it. As far as I know, her schedule will die down since she will be teaching a new dance to the upcoming girl group since theywill have a comeback" Mr. Wethmeimer hummed while Lauren sat in her swirling chair, finding Jihye's schedule that Suzy printed a few hours ago. 

"Alright, I will just send her scheduled photoshoot to your secretary and by the way please be at your wife's photoshoot so I could finally get the chance to see you personally. The last time I saw you, you were still like 17 I also need your opinion of the upcoming designs" 

"You know I wouldn't say no to that Mr. Wethmeimer. Anyway, I'll just wait for your emails so I know when will we leave and fix our original schedule" 

"Alright, Mrs. Jeung, Bye" Lauren hummed and hang up the call and told everything Suzy that she needs to do.


She got up from the chair and instantly told her four bodyguards to take her home, All she wants is to rest and sleep for the whole day. She texted Jihye that she was on her way home telling her that not to skip any meals since she has the rights right? Jihye is her wife and she needs to look after her. 

Jihye was in the studio with Ara they just finished recording the last parts of the dance and will be posted later, they decided to post another choreography since they wanted to surprise the fans and let them know that they are doing okay because it's been a long time since she posted from her youtube. Jihye just received the text from Lauren a while ago and she was smiling from ear to ear seeing the text telling her not to skip meals and don't forget to update her. 

"So, now that you are married to your crush what are your plans now? like are you gonna tell it to the public?" Ara asked sitting in the chair beside Jihye. Jihye was really thinking hard if the time comes that their marriage will be public she really needs to protect Lauren realizing there are a lot of Koreans who have been crushing on her girl. Lauren was something else, she knew she is a Gem that she needed to protect forever and there's no way Jihye will let people touch her. 

Jihye knew what Saesang can do they can be aggressive sometimes and they will follow her everywhere she experienced that and she doesn't want that to happen to her lovely wife. Even though Lauren has a ton of bodyguards and professional people she is still not satisfied with it so she decided to hire another five bodyguards and two guards to be at the gate of their future house and even let him stay outside the penthouse if it's possible. 

"You know Lauren is used to the media in American countries they are not that aggressive but Koreans are really something else sometimes I mean Asians Country. You know they really get aggressive sometimes and I don't want my wife to experience that kind of treatment to my wife and she already has a Saesang when she was seen in the mall with Aunt Leslie a lot of girls especially boys are harassing her. You know I experience that" Jihyee said looking at the news on the internet. She experienced that because she was also a famous dancer.

"Oh yeah, it really hits different when it comes to Korea. You really need to protect I heard that your company will also hire some for you since you know you're married to a famous girl and a...billionaire" Jihye hummed looking at Lauren's picture in the airport, her ring was showing but good thing it wasn't in the topic yet. "Anyway, what are your plans after this?" Ara asked getting up from the chair.

"I'm going to Aunt Leslie and Uncle Dwown's house. I need to ask some important questions. Wanna come?" Jihywe asked getting up from the swirling chair "Sadly, I can't I'm gonna be with my sister we will have lunch. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Jihye hummed and gave the idol a hug as she left. Jihye took her phone and wallet as she left in the studio. 

Jihye was on her way to Songpa which Leslie and Dowon are living with their children. It was a long drive but she really didn't care since the important question that she will ask is about her wife, she can't call them Mom yet because she was very shy and wanted them to do the first move to tell her that she could call them that. Jihye can't also wait to really look around the house since the first time she saw that she was surprised how huge and luxurious it is. 

Jihye finally arrived and she honk her car, she saw Leslie gardening. Leslie instantly gets out of the gate when the idol gets out of her car. 

"Jihye, Darling" Leslie gave Jihyee a hug "What are you doing here?" Jihye pulled out the hug 

"I came here to visit and ask some questions regarding Lauren" Leslie might have an idea of what it is knowing Jennie really likes her daughter. So, they went inside and Jihye instantly looked around, Leslie looked at her and smiled "It was Lauren's idea to make everything modern. You know her, she grew up with modern things" Jihye hummed and nodded "Wait in the living I will make you some tea" Jihye nodded as she sat in the living looking at Lauren's baby picture and Leslie's family picture together with her son, daughter, and husband but she was thankful that there is still a picture of Lauren and sometimes it was from her own photoshoots. Leslie came back with two cups and sat across Jihye.

"So, what can I do for you?" The mother asked while leaning her back on the couch.

"I'm really curious what Lauren about anything that she eats, her likes and dislikes," Jihye said looking at Leslie, she couldn't help but think that Leslie is just like her wife's sister because she is like the carbon copy of her. The difference is that Lauren got her mouth to her father, 

"Oh. Lauren is really not picky when it comes to food, she usually does all the work back in her home in Los Angeles since you know she is also the one who takes care of her Dad but when she was around 19 I told Ben to let Lauren learn about house chores since in Ben's family it is really required to do that. Mostly, Lauren will really do house chores and look after you as a wife. But, if you want to help and be the best you just show her how much you love her, most especially how much you really admire her but talking about her favorites she really likes Asian foods than American but she also does eat burgers and tacos and she doesn't like anything" 

Jihye couldn't help but think how much is it hard for Lauren when she was in her childhood, she was studying, learning chores, and taking care of her Dad. But, she fell more even harder knowing that's what she likes and also knew that Lauren is like a simple luxury girl. 

"So, I really don't have to worry about something? she's not allergic to something? seafood? uh, dust?" Leslie smiled she really realized that Jihye is indeed in love with her Daughter

"No, Honey. She will really enjoy the food that you will serve to her. She's really a foodie"

Jihye smiled and ask more questions about Lauren asking about more of her life than it wasn't in the media. 

"You know when she was 22 years old. I was talking to her over the phone and I asked her about what country that she likes to be in when she has her honeymoon with her future spouse which is you"  Jihye's eyes lit up she really wants to know this knowing she needs to treat her members to a trip that she will need to list. She ask Leslie about it "She said she likes to go to Paris first wherein Ben proposed and she also wants to go to Greece wherein we also had our Honeymoon. All she wants to do is to follow in our footsteps. Of course, she'll be happy with it" 

"You can count me in with that, I've been really struggling were to have our honeymoon," Jihye said already thinking where should she take Lauren "Well, now that you know you should book a ticket before she comes home" Jihye chuckled when Leslie said that. 

Jihye also mentioned the saesangs and her plans when it ever their relationship will be publicized soon. Leslie told her that Dowon will put some CCTV around the penthouse and inside. Also, Leslie and Chaerin will sue them instantly when the time comes. 

Jihyee wanted to give the best for her wife. She doesn't know how will she ask her mother-in-law about this but Leslie instantly saw her expression and instantly asked her about it.

"Uhm, I'm thinking of building us a house. I really want to know what she really likes because I don't want to decide on my own. I heard that Lauren really likes designing everything does she perhaps have her own design for her house?" Leslie grinned and stood up to get something from the drawer, It was a huge piece of paper she sat beside Jihye and put it down on the table. 

"Laurene drew this one day before the wedding, Dohyun and Daeun knew about this because they really like spending their time with their sister. Lauren really likes modern and luxury houses, she likes to live in Gangnam where her Grandma is. She also wants everything to be private property so you both can have privacy and a quiet place" Jihye take look at it closely, she also likes the type of house it was all glass and very modern. She doesn't know but Lauren is very smart thinking about this kind of house she really likes everything that she did. She realized that there was a space on the right side of the paper. SO, she got confused and ask Leslie. 

"Why is there a space on this?" Jihye asked pointing at it 

"Oh, Dohyun told me that you also need to decide what to add and design to the house. Lauren also wants to know about your opinion and likes it. She also wants to know your decision so she left some space on the right side she even also left for the Interior" Leslie stood up and get it in the same drawer "Lauren drew this on the exact day of the wedding"

'Woah, my wife really has a fast hand'  Jihye said to herself 

"She told Dohyun that you should be the one deciding at that part" Leslie pointed to the side of it 

Jihye smiled and look at everything she promised that this house will be built in no time she will instantly call her professional architect and engineer "Can I take this home?" Jihye asked Leslie rolling up the paper and Leslie smiled 

"Of course you can, but aren't you supposed to be waiting for Lauren and talk about it?" Jihye shook her head

"I want to surprise your daughter, I want to give her the best and the things that she deserves. I know it's very unusual of this I know this was Arranged but I'm willing to love your daughter for the rest of my life" Leslie sighed in relief Lauren is indeed in good hands

"I already know your admiration towards my daughter, your mother has been telling me about it, to be honest, we really want to make this quick, we were supposed to ask you to marry Lauren when she was 21 but you were so busy that you rarely go home and Lauren was already handling the company we really wanted Ben to be in her wedding but faith didn't because he died first and wasn't able to walk his daughter in the aisle. Lauren really didn't want to marry you in the first place because you're a girl but I explained everything to her" Jennie was taken aback by it of course. It saddens her that Lauren isn't the type of girl who also likes girls "I mean it's not she's against with it but because she wanted to have kids in the future, Jiyong explained everything to her about your condition and I used my magic words" Jihye grinned 

"She really likes to have her own family and I know deep inside her it still hurts her that I and Ben needed to divorce, I know she's still mad about it she's just silent about it, she really wanted to have a complete family when she has her own. All she wants is someone to make her feel special, loved, she needs someone who will protect her, show her how much this person is happy to have her, show her that she is really willing to stay with her forever. I really could feel that she needs it, she's longing for it. Imagine working in the office for almost three and you had no experience in love for sure you'll be curious right?" Leslie looked at Jihye as she nodded "That's what Lauren's mind is. She's overthinking that maybe you won't love her, you won't take care of her, you don't want to be her, she might annoy you. I actually explained to her that I know you had no guts to do it..right?" 

"Never in a million years that I would, hurting someone I love is out of line, especially she's my other half, she's the girl that I dreamt of in the first place, she's the girl that I want to be with at the rest of my life, I didn't remove anything from my private area because I want her to carry our child, I want to build memories with her and want to love on her.  I've been dreaming of this for almost three and I'm thankful that it's happening. That's why I'm here asking you everything about my wife, your daughter. I wanted to win her heart even though we're married and there's no way I will change my mind for it because she's my life" Jihye said as some tears is escaping from her eyes. Leslie felt sudden relief, her heart is happy finally the assurance that she needed, her baby girl is safe. 

"Thank you so much, Jihye, you have no idea how much I wanted to hear that from you. My girl is really safe from you. You know Lauren will absolutely fall in love with you soon, you just need to show her how much you really care. She's so lucky to have you, Jihye" Leslie smiled 

"As her wife, I really need to make her fall in love with me more. Aunt Leslie" Jihye said 

"No, no, Darling call me Mommy. Lauren calls me that" Jihye nodded and grinned 

"Okay, Mommy. How about Uncle Dowon?"

"Oh Lauren just call him by his first name, she's not calling her Dad yet you know everything is still fresh and she's totally not moved on. You can just call him that" Jihye nodded and sighed in relief. Just then the door opened revealing Dowon and Dohyun carrying some plants and wood 

"Sweetheart, why in the world do you have so many plants?" Leslie asked looking at everything

"Lauren really likes these plants and I'm planning to plant outside her room and the other in the Garden" Dowon looked at the living room so is Dohyun "Oh. Hi Jihye" "Hi Noona," Dowon and Dohyun said as Jihye smiled and stood up as she went close to the two as she bowed "Hey Uncle and Dohyun"

"What are you doing in here in this early afternoon?" Dowon asked "I came to see Mommy since I ask about Lauren's likes and dislikes and her plans" 

"Mom, Did you give Noona the drawing?" Dohyun said looking at the drawers 

"Yes kiddo, You don't have to worry. Jihyeknows what to do" Leslie came out from the kitchen with water

"Noona, May I know what are your plans?" Dohyun asked just then Jihye was about to speak when Daeun came "Woah, where did all these come from...Oh Hey Sunbae" Daeun bowed as Jihye smiled

"Please call me Unnie. Uhm Dohyun, I'm planning to find a private property that's on sale. I'm planning to do it whenever I have time" Jihye said looking at the plants 

"Can I come?" Dohyun asked "What? where?" Daeun asked curiously

"I mean if Mommy wouldn't mind sure you can" Dohyun looked at her Mom and she nodded "How about your school?" Jihye asked 

"We have a two-month break Noona. Can I have your number?" Jihye nodded and type her number in Dohyun's phone "Daeun aren't you suppose to be at the company?" Dowon asked coming out from the kitchen as he was already wearing some comfortable clothes and some tools in his hands.

"Our recording ended early for today and decided to pay for a visit. I thought Unnie will leave today so I can at least see her. Anyway, Mommy did you cook lunch?" Daeun asked "Yes, be sure to wash the dishes right after" Daeun hummed, Jihye can't help but smile Daeun is like Lauren she remembers what Gabbie told her Lauren is always hungry.

"Are you gonna leave Jihye? Why don't you eat with Daeun?" Dowon asks gathering the tools while Jennie is looking "Uhm No, It's fine. I was wondering If I can help gardening and fixing some..things?" Jihye asked curiously while Dowon looked at Leslie 

"Are you sure Dear?" Leslie asked 

"Yeah sure, I really have nothing to do. I also know what to do since I'm doing a man's work at home sometimes" Jihye said not wanting to sound arrogant. It is indeed true that she was doing some man's work, she really likes helping and fixing some things since her dad is an Architect and likes to fix some broken things. 

"Okay, if you say so" Jihye grinned, she wanted to help especially since this is her wife's family. 

They all started gardening first It was a bit hot but it's windy. Jihye decided to take off her sweatshirt leaving her with a t-shirt. She was digging some soil with Dohyun while Dowon is getting the plants out of the pot. On the other hand, Leslie and Daeun was looking at the three

"I can't believe sunbae does those things. she looks so luxurious and very serious but woah I can't believe she's gardening and building some things in front of me and she looks so hot" Leslie smack her daughter's shoulder

"Stop it, that's your sister's wife " Daeun just rolled her eyes playfully and looked at the three again. 

Jihye was listening to Dowon's stories about his memories with his family especially how he really admire and adopt Lauren. Jihye realized that Dowon is so kind and the father material like Ben and his father Beom Suk. Surely, Laurene is really a lucky girl to have this kind of family. Dohyun also told her that he and Daeun are really excited to meet her wife when she arrived in Korea it's because they just couldn't believe they had the oldest sister and wanted to feel how to have an older sister. They continued their work with laughter and teasing each other while Leslie and Daeun are just watching. 

Lauren just woke up and she was already on her phone. She was curious why Jihye hasn't replied yet and not updating her, she doesn't want to think things but she's getting worried. 

'what if she's the one who has a secret lover? what if she's sick? what if she's Aish don't think of that rene just tell her that you just woke up"  Lauren sighed and was about to throw Jihye a text when her Mom called she got curious so she quickly answered. 

"Mommy" Lauren said sitting up 

"Hey Darling, Did I wake you up?" 

"No, you didn't. Why'd you call?" Lauren asked curiously while looking at the clock it was already three in the morning and she can't believe she slept that long "It's seven in the evening in there. Why'd you call I just woke up and was about to text Jihye" Laurene said getting out of the bed

"Oh about Jihye.."Just then Lauren heard some laughter "Do you have any visitors? and what about Jihye?" her daughter asked 

"Jihye visit here a while ago and you know Dowon and Dohyun came home with something and Jihye decided to help she was here around one in the afternoon and she's really enjoying her time here. They just finished everything" Laurene couldn't help but smile, her wife just helped her parents to fix everything. 

"Uhm, is she okay? You know she has a schedule tomorrow?" Lauren asked "She's doing okay. Do you want me to pass it to her?"

"No, No it's okay. Just tell her to text me when she got home, I have a meeting at 7 and I'm planning to sleep again...Mommy?" Leslie hummed "Please, look after Jihye okay?" Lauren doesn't know but the fact that her wife is a famous dancer and is CEO it seems like her mind and her body doesn't want her to do that much and look after her.

Leslie smiled "You know I will honey. Now. Go to sleep you need rest"

"Alright bye," Lauren hung up and smiled as she lay down again and put her phone in her chest. 

"yep this is it,"  Lauren said to her mind 

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