
Chapter 17: Call a Doctor


The next morning, I ache all over and I wonder if I'm coming down with something. I shuffle along with all the other inmates and have watered-down oatmeal for breakfast. This time, I don't have to force myself to give Lene my extra food. I can't stomach any of it anyway.

"You okay?" she asks. "You look pale and there are dark circles under your eyes. I could do a seance and ask the ancestors for help. Get you feeling right again in no time."

"Ah, no thanks." I shake my head. "I think I just need some rest."

"You can go back to the cell." She scoops up more of the oatmeal I gave her. "I'll even let you lay down in my bunk if you wash the sheets after. 'Cause I don't want whatever is making you sick."

"Thanks." I push up from the floor. The crowded cafeteria is full of dishes clattering and other inmates talking. I still haven't been allowed to eat at one of the tables and I haven't tried again either.

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