
Chapter Eighteen: Confusing Lives

We pan over to Xero. still in her female form for some reason. She was looking for Maddix because she slipped a tracker on him for reasons revealed later. She went to the last place the signal was before Maddix vanished. She looked around and found a small glowing pebble. She touched it and was sent to a white space, Xero tried to use her quirk but was not working for some reason. Xero heard fighting and turned around and saw Maddix fight a woman who looks a lot like him. They noticed Xero and stopped fighting. "Oh Maddix, is this your girlfriend~" the woman said. "No no! She is Xero, the guy I was talking to you about. I already have Tsu" Maddix replied as chairs appeared and everyone sat down. "Maddix, who is this? And why doesn't my quirk work?" Xero asked, very confused. "Well for starters this is Maxine, a version of me from another reality. She is I think number 7 in the order. And to answer your other question, it's because you don't have your authority here." Maddix said as he made coffee appear out of nowhere and drank it. "Authority? What is that?" Xero asked as a cup of tea appeared before her. "I'll explain. In each reality there is someone who has what we call "Authority" ; it's the ability to do whatever you want in a set reality. This is my Dimension where I have Authority. I gave Maddix Authority here since I'm training him." Maxine said.   "Why are you training him? And are there other versions of me?" Xero said, slightly panicking. "No no, you are very unique. You are what we call a unique existence which means that you are the only one we can find in the dimensions and realities we know of. And in my world I am the God of Energy. And since I am the highest one who has an energy based ability I have to train Maddix who is a special version of us which is called a conductor." Maxine said as she drank her coffee. "Conductor? And does that mean other versions of Maddix have different powers?" Xero asked, extremely confused. "Yes, different versions of me have different manipulation abilities. Some have time manipulation, some have space manipulation and so on. A conductor is a me who can channel another me's power for a short time each day. There are only 3 including me who have this skill and I can retain that power longer than the others which is a whopping 5 minutes. The only thing I'm not allowed to do is use the number one's power. She is known as "The God of dimensions'' so her power is extremely good but she is the only one who has that skill." Maddix explained to Xero. "What are the numbers for?" Xero asked, hearing Maxine call herself Number 7. "Well I signed the registration. Which is a book that must be signed by one of us as soon as possible. Number 7 means I was the 7th one found" Maxine said. "So which Number is my Maddix?" Xero asked catching up. "I am number 769, though I already rank in the top 50. Also Maxine, is my request here?" Maddix said. "Oh, ya number 69 has brought it to me to give it to you" Maxine said as she gave Maddix a red vial. "What is that?" Xero asked. "Well it's a gift for you as thanks for adopting me. It's called "Dream Dragons Blood ''. It is a beast that only exists in 3 realities. Take it when you are at home because it will literally restructure your body. I don't know what will happen besides you getting stronger." Maddix said. "Well thanks, how do I get back?" Xero asked. "I will take you home" Maddix said as they got out and went home. 

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