
The Mermaid Chase (4)


I went to where my flower was and found out there was something wrong with it. The petals had dried up, and its color had faded. The flower withered. What caused it to happen? I took care of it every day, but in the end, it died.

"Don't sulk. I'll get you another flower next time."

"Papa, you're awake. "So, it turned out that Papa awakened and changed into his human form. Papa grabbed the food stored at the corner that Max brought last time. Let me see what food it is. Hmmm. A brown round sweet; Oh! Cookies. Max said the brown ones inside the container were cookies. Papa moved towards me, holding the container of cookies, and fed me.

Yummy! The cookies are heaven-sent. Is this something that all humans eat? They are so lucky. I'm envious.

Papa and I ate all the cookies. I'm happy that Papa liked it as well. I'll tell Max about it.


The ocean tides, higher than before, were pounding on the shoreline of the sea. It was a usual occurrence on the day of a full moon.

Today was fine- a clear blue sky, cool breeze moving towards the water, and light snow falling from above. It was a peaceful day to play. Unfortunately, Max was forbidden to come over today because today is where the full moon will occur. Plus, it would be dangerous if Max saw me and Papa turned into our different forms. Though I had trust in Max, it's better to be cautious.

Hours passed by, and we just did our daily routine.

Ate the food Max gave to us.

Strolled the beach.

Watched the beautiful scenery of the sea.

Went home.


Six hours before the full moon-the time wherein Papa will spend his hours sleeping. Yeah, that was right. Papa will sleep for hours, maybe until the full moon has passed. It happened yearly, and it had become a tradition to us. Papa undergoes his resting state and I, myself, transform into a mermaid. Since Papa was unconscious during that time, he instructed me to remain at home all the time. He was worried about what would happen to me while I waited for him, especially that I would lose my legs. Well, I would only do what I did for the past three years- I patiently wait for Papa. Follow Papa's rules. Stay at the cave. Simple as that!

"Papa, will you sleep now?" I asked as I saw him transformed into a wolf.

"Yes, Brielle. Promise me too not—"

"First, don't wander around. Second, never get near humans at all costs. And lastly, stay at home. I'm alright, Papa, so sleep soundly. I'll promise that I'll be right here when you return," I said.

"Okay. I believed my daughter."

Papa began to prepare to sleep. With his power, Papa made a portion of the cave into ice. The ice form resembled a throne. In the center of the ice was where Papa would rest, like a comfy bed. As soon as Papa got in there, he fell asleep. He looked like a gentle woof when he was sleeping. Papa was defenseless, so I needed to guard and protect him. Don't worry, Papa. Your daughter is here to protect you!

I plop down on the ground of the cave and wait, like what I always do.


It had been four hours since Papa started to sleep. Everything was normal- Papa was still resting, I'm here at the cave safe and sound, and no humans around. It was so silent that I could only hear the whispering of the wind and the waves of the sea. Sigh, so peaceful. And the time went by slowly. So slow that I could count all the stars through the hole in the ceiling of the cave.

Maybe, it was more fun waiting if I could play with Max or even Sir Ian. What can I do while waiting? Hmmm. I had an idea! I'll wear the shoes that Sir Ian gifted me.

Hurriedly, I looked for a blue pair of shoes. Not here. Maybe there. There it is! It still looked new. I tried it on and walked with it. I enjoyed wearing the shoes because they were so comfortable and pretty. I continued to walk to pass the time.


Chatter, Chatter, Chatter.

What was that? It came from the outside. There should be no one around, but how come I heard chattering of humans. I should go check what was happening. Just wait here, Papa.

"Yes, I'm sure. That child is just hiding somewhere. Go, look over there!" I peeked outside to see what was happening outside and was surprised by what I saw. Near the forest stood three men, who were dressed in black, searching for something. I could not distinguish their faces because of the distance, and it was too dark.

I hid as soon I confirmed that there were humans around. It will cause trouble if they find us here. I waited for them to leave, but why does the sound get nearer and nearer?! Are they heading into the cave?

"Elias, are you sure the child is here?" I was in a complete state of shock when I heard their conversation. My hands turned cold, and I sweated in fear, thinking of what might happen not only to myself but also to Papa, who was fast asleep. Not only that, I only had myself this time. No one can help us. I need to do something, or else Papa will be in danger.

After a minute of thinking, I decided. I will lure those men to the forest. For sure, if they found us in the cave, they would not let Papa live. They want me, so certainly those three men will come after me.

Before I proceed with my plan, I take one last look at Papa and whisper, "I'm sorry, Papa. I know I promised that I would follow your rules. But if I don't do this, you will be in danger. I can't risk your life for that. I love you, Papa."


All set. I'm ready. While the three men searched for me, I silently started to leave the cave. They didn't notice, which is a good thing. My goal was to get to the forest and throw stones in the opposite direction to confuse them. That would keep them away from our cave. I walked carefully on the sand with snow traces. Because the three men were busy on the other side, I continued on my way to the forest.

Just five more steps.

Four steps.

Three steps.

Two more.

And the last st—

Thud! The rock I'm holding fell on the ground.

"Hey! Our pretty item is here," shouted one of the men, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. They were all charging in my direction, holding a knife in case I resisted them. I was terrified; my body felt numb.

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