
Chapter 23: Final Days of Peace

Chapter 23: Final Days of Peace

Same Night, 11:00 p.m

Naruto stared at Hina as he tried to process what she had just told him. Naruto's eyes had a show of pure confusion as he looked at Hina. Hina in turn was thinking about the mistake she made. Soon Naruto looked down to the ground as he closed his eyes.

"Y-You love me?" He asked her. Hina's world seemed to crumble as she heard his voice, but she decided to be honest since she couldn't take back her words.

"Y-Yes Naruto-kun...I love you. I love you so much," Hina confessed. Naruto sighed as he looked at her. He looked to see that Hina turned her back to him as she chuckled softly.

"But I think I waited too late to tell you. It seems that I won't get you since you have Tsunade. Well I just wanted to tell you," Hina said as she tried to walk past Naruto. Before she got out of his reach, Naruto grabbed her hand and brought her back.

"You aren't getting away that easily," Naruto said to her. Hina shed a few tears as she tried to avoid his eyes.

"It doesn't matter Naruto, I know that I can't have you so I will just leave you alone," Hina said to him. Naruto sighed as he tried to get Hina to look at him. Naruto's eyes narrowed as he finally got her to turn around.

"What makes you think you can't have me?" He asked her. Hina scoffed a bit as she turned to him.

"Umm...the fact that you are engaged to Tsunade and I don't think that she minds sharing," Hina said to him. Naruto looked at her until he put his eyes back on the ground. From Hina's view, Naruto's eyes were hidden so she couldn't see his expression. Soon she saw a smirk and then heard a laugh. Naruto soon laughed as he held Hina's hand. Hina looked at him slightly embarrassed to have him laughing at her.

"What is so funny, I am being serious here," Hina told him. Naruto nodded as he tried to stop laughing. After a few minutes, Naruto was able to calm down as he stared back at Hina.

"Sorry Hina-chan, but I really don't think you know Tsunade-chan that well," Naruto told her. Hina narrowed her eyes at Naruto with slight confusion in her expression. Naruto sighed as he decided to elaborate.

"What I mean is that I don't think Tsunade will mind all that much, if anything I think she would allow it," Naruto told her. Hina looked at him more than surprised as she tried to take in his words. Suddenly both were snapped out of their talk when a certain voice decided to make itself known.

"She might accept with a condition," The figure said to them. Naruto smiled as Hina turned around. She looked to see the person they were talking about behind a tree.

"Hello Hime," Naruto said to her. Tsunade smiled as she walked up to the two.

"Hello Naruto-kun, so what is everything about?" She asked him. Naruto sighed as he decided to elaborate.

"In a nutshell...Hina loves me also and wants to share me with you," Naruto told her. Tsunade turned to Hina and narrowed her eyes a bit. Hina almost felt herself tremble under Tsunade's gaze, considering she was the most powerful being in existence. Tsunade's glare turned into a smile as she looked at Hina. Tsunade walked up to Hina as she stood face to face with her. Tsunade sighed as her smile glowed.

"You get one shot, hurt him and I will do what the Yondaime couldn't do," Tsunade said to her. Hina smiled as she nodded.

"Good, alright you are the ONLY woman I will allow to be with Naruto other than me," Tsunade said to her. Hina smiled as she ran to hug Naruto. Naruto smiled as he suddenly went red as Hina's bust decided to rub against his arm. Tsunade smiled at Naruto's reaction as she looked at him.

"Oh well, might be good to have another woman, for what I don't know though," Tsunade thought as she shrugged her shoulders. Hina smiled as she kissed Naruto on the cheek. Naruto blushed as Tsunade grew a tick on her head.

"That is going to take some getting used to," Tsunade thought. Soon Hina let Naruto go as he clasped his hands.

"Alright let's go back, I am sure everyone is worried us," Naruto said to the girls. Both girls nodded as Hina took Naruto's right shoulder and Tsunade took his left. Naruto smiled as he took his girls back to the house.

Shinobi House

Everyone soon came back as they sat back into the house as they sat in the same room where they played the game.

"I wonder where she went," Lee thought as everyone sat down. Everyone couldn't help but nod with him.

"I wonder if Tsunade's question caused Hina some grief," Ino said to them. Everyone put up a thinking pose as they tried to find the reason.

"Maybe it brought up a bad memory?" Shizune asked them. Everyone looked at her then looked up.

"Maybe that's it," Kiba said to them. Everyone nodded as they decided to wait for the three missing people to come back so they could finish their game or what was left of it. Soon everyone heard a door slide as they assumed the people coming were Naruto, Tsunade, and Hina. Soon all three people appeared as everyone gasped at Hina holding Naruto's arm with a smile on her face. Naruto grinned as he looked at their reactions.

"Is it that surprising?" Naruto asked them. Everyone nodded as Jiraiya cried.

"First Hime now the beautiful and powerful Kyuubi, Hina. Why does he get all the luck?" Jiraiya thought. Tsunade, Naruto, and Hina sat down as they looked at their confused friends.

"Okay in a nutshell(again), Hina likes me and Tsunade said she didn't mind sharing, so me and Hina are dating," Naruto told them. Everyone gasped as they tried to see how a human and bijuu could date, but it proved to be too much of a headache to think about anymore.

"So are we continuing the game?" Tsunade asked them. Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

"Alright, why not," Temari said to them. Everyone nodded. Tsunade decided to start again.

"So Hina truth or dare," Tsunade asked her with a smile. Hina thought and smiled.

"Dare" Hina said to her. Tsunade smiled.

"I dare you to kiss the person you love," Tsunade said to her. Hina looked at Tsunade and nodded. Hina turned to Naruto with a looked of lust in her eyes and Naruto slowly, but surely tried to back away.

"Oh Naruto-kun," Hina said to him and she pounced on him. Naruto gasped as Hina laid her oft lips on his. Naruto was in shock as was everyone else that saw them. Naruto began to register the kiss and Hina slowly took her lips off of Naruto's lips. Hina sat back with a smile as she looked at a dazed Naruto.

"Did you enjoy that?" Hina asked him. Naruto blushed, then fainted from the feeling. Hina and Tsunade chuckled as they decided to continue while Naruto slept.

"Okay my turn, umm...Shizune truth or dare?" Hina asked her. Shizune looked up as she thought.

"Umm...truth," Shizune said to her. Hina smiled as she turned to Shizune.

"What is your favorite hobby besides studying medical jutsu?" Hina asked her. Shizune thought for a minute then decided to answer.

"I like to walk tonton on occasions," Shizune answered. Hina nodded as Shizune decided to speak.

"Umm...Sasuke truth or dare?" Shizune asked the Uchiha.

"*sigh* dare," Sasuke said with a bit of indifference. Shizune smiled as she took out her book along with a pen.

"I dare you to fight Naruto when he wakes up," Shizune said to him. Everyone gasped as they turned their heads to see a smirking Sasuke. Everyone turned to Shizune and looked at her like she was insane. Sasuke got up and walked over to Naruto.

"Hey dobe, wake up so I can kick your ass again," Sasuke said to him. Naruto's eyes shot open as he took a glance at Sasuke. Naruto, while knocked out, was able to hear most of the game as he got up.

"Bring it Uchiha, I will kick your ass again, just like I did on that mission," Naruto said to Sasuke as he took off Sasuke's chakra restriction seal. Sasuke smiled as his chakra returned. Naruto's eyes narrowed.

"Don't try to escape either, I can still kill you if you try to leave," Naruto told him. Sasuke frowned, but nodded nonetheless.

"Fine dobe, kicking your ass will be worth the stay here, and if I lose then I will be more than happy to help with the invasion of Konoha," Sasuke said to him. Naruto smiled with a nod.

"And if I lose, umm...I will teach you my most powerful Fuuton technique," Naruto said to him. Sasuke smirked and nodded.

"You got yourself a deal dobe," Sasuke said to him. Naruto nodded also as the two left. Everyone looked at each other as they all scrambled out of the room to watch the fight.

Iwa Training Grounds 12:00 a.m (A/N: Whoever fights this late is beyond me)

Sasuke and Naruto stood apart from each other as they stared each other down. Everyone sat on a ledge as they waited for the fight. Everyone tensed or smiled as they got to see a good fight. Shizune came between Naruto and Sasuke as she coughed into her hand.

"Alright, one-on-one match, Sasuke Uchiha vs Naruto Uzumaki, Begin," Shizune shouted as she jumped back. Sasuke and Naruto smirked as they disappeared. Everyone gasped as they heard a few shockwaves around them. Soon the biggest hit the middle of the field as they saw Naruto and Sasuke's kunai clash, both still smiling.

Naruto managed to pivot his foot as he tried to bring his kunai towards Sasuke's neck. Sasuke smirked as he ducked his head only to find his face hit by Naruto's foot from the close contact. Sasuke grinned as he was shot backwards away from Naruto. Naruto smiled as he called out to Sasuke.

"Come on sharingan-user, let's go at it," Naruto shouted. Sasuke cursed under his breath as he took out his sword.

"Very well dobe," Sasuke said as he disappeared behind Naruto and lunged forward. Naruto managed to pivot his foot as his kunai clashed again with Sasuke's sword as they two bounced back. Naruto smiled as he threw three shuriken at Sasuke. Sasuke smirked as he easily blocked the kunai to see Naruto dash towards him. Sasuke smirked as he was able to backflip in time to avoid Naruto's dash. Naruto smirked as he poofed out of existence. Sasuke looked confused until he got kicked in the back. Sasuke grunted as he made a soft landing.

"Damn Kage Bunshin," Sasuke thought. Naruto smirked as he disappeared again. Sasuke turned his eye to follow Naruto as he saw the blonde behind him. Sasuke smirked as he ducked his head and flip to avoid a drop kick from Naruto. Both exchanged blows as Sasuke tried to cut Naruto with his sword as Naruto managed to dodge the blade while losing some hair. Sasuke smiled as he began to spin and kicked Naruto across the grounds. Naruto cursed as clutched his stomach. He looked up to see Sasuke's hand glowing with lighting as Naruto managed to get up.

"Chidori Nagashi," Sasuke yelled as a lighting current went towards Naruto. Naruto smiled as he backflipped and avoided the strike, but Sasuke managed to maneuver the current and sent it after Naruto. Naruto smiled as he jumped to the side and avoided the strike again. Sasuke cursed as he sent an entire wave of lighting at Naruto. Naruto looked back at the massive wave of lighting as he did his handsign.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," Naruto yelled as he made a mountain of clones. Sasuke smirked as the lightning hit the clones causing a spectacular light show. Everyone smiled as they saw the lights flash.

"Those two really can't hold back can they?" Tsunade said with a smile. Everyone shook their heads.

"I would have been surprised if they weren't serious," Gaara said to her.

"I know that's true," Shikamaru said to them. Everyone could only nod.

"Though I wonder why Naruto and Sasuke aren't using their elemental jutsus," Temari wondered. Hina smirked.

"I think we might see them soon," Hina said to them. Soon everyone looked to see smoke from the explosion engulf the area. Sasuke covered his eyes slightly as Naruto shot out of the smoke and slammed Sasuke in his jaw sending the Uchiha sliding across the dirt. Sasuke managed to recover from the blow slightly as he smirked.

"This feels weird that we aren't fighting over my allegiance to Konoha," Sasuke said to Naruto. Naruto smiled with a nod in agreement.

"I know, people might have tried to stop this fight by now," Naruto told him. Sasuke nodded as he shot forward. Naruto followed as the two clashed making another loud explosion. Naruto moved back as he clasped his hands. Soon his arms started to vibrate violently as he shot his arm forward.

"Fuuton:Renkūdan(Wind Style: Drilling Air Bullet)," Naruto yelled as he sent a burst of wind at Sasuke. Sasuke smirked as he jumped out of the wind's way in time to see the destruction that would have befallen him.

"Hmmm Not bad dobe," Sasuke said as he did his handsigns. Naruto smirked realizing the jutsu.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu," Sasuke yelled as he sent a fireball at Naruto. Naruto managed to dodge to fire at the last second as he looked at Sasuke.

"Alright let's turn it up a notch," Naruto said as he winked at Hina. Hina smiled at blushed with a nod. Naruto smiled as Hina's chakra enveloped his body. Sasuke smiled as he activated his curse mark. Naruto suddenly smiled.

"You know Sasuke, you should replace that mark, it isn't healthy, I think I can give you a new one," Naruto told him. Sasuke pondered his offer and nod.

"Alright dobe, at least I don't need that pedophile on me anymore," Sasuke thought as he went to his second stage curse mark. Naruto smiled as they two clashed again. Sasuke managed to bring Naruto into the air as he went high in the sky. Sasuke gripped Naruto's hand as he flew back down at an amazing speed. Sasuke managed to get Naruto under him as he propelled him to the ground.

"Hayabusa Daibingu(Falcon Dive)," Sasuke yelled as he sent Naruto into the dirt with a loud bang. Sasuke smirked as he looked at the ground with his wings flapping. Everyone looked and waited for Naruto to appear. Soon red chakra flared as Naruto climbed out of the hole.

"Whew, that was too close," Naruto said as he dusted himself off. Sasuke's eyes narrowed until he formed a smile. Soon Sasuke was about to attack Naruto again until he was stopped by Shizune.

"Hey you two, what do you think of turning this into a two-on-two battle?" Shizune asked them. Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and smiled.

"Alright we don't mind," They said to her. Shizune nodded.

"So who is going to fight with them?" Shizune asked. Gaara soon rolled his head and cracked his knuckles.

"I will fight," Gaara said with a hidden smirk as he shunshined next to Naruto. Naruto smiled as he put his hand on Gaara's shoulder.

"Glad to have you partner," Naruto told him. Gaara looked at him and smiled.

"Sure man," Gaara said to him. Soon everyone looked at each other until Neji got up and shunshined next to Sasuke.

"I want a rematch Naruto and I aim to get it," Neji said to him with a smile. Naruto nodded as Shizune resumed the match. Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, and Naruto smiled as they ran at each other. Soon Naruto went into his own thoughts.

"This is so much fun, even though we are going to war in a few days we are still having fun. I think we will be able to do this again. I know we will. These last days of temporary peace are so enjoyable. I guess we are all going to be tired tomorrow," Naruto thought as he and Gaara collided with Sasuke and Neji.

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