
Chapter 2: The Repercussions

Chapter 2: The Repercussions

3 days after the incident

Life in Konoha was dull now. The citizens couldn't believe that their Hokage was gone. Some were sad about how they treated Naruto, others didn't care and were still happy that the "demon" was gone.

"Man it feels great to know that my kids will be safe from that plague," some of the women said to each other as they gossiped. Unknown to them the rookie 9 were unintentionally listening on some people's conversations.

"Damn this village, is this really the village we all grew up in?" Ino said as she hung out with her squad.

"I know, I can't even eat the regular food because of my disgust for this place," Choji said to his squad.

"This village has become so troublesome," Shikamaru said with a yawn. It was obvious that some of the rookie 9 were not at all pleased with the way the village was running. Ever since Naruto and Tsunade left, the place was a lot more gloomy. It was hard to believe this was the same Konoha a few weeks ago.

Hyuuga Compound

"This is so stupid," Neji said as he protested to Hinata. He didn't like how things were going. He felt that he just couldn't protect this place anymore after the way they treated Naruto.

"This village is no longer a great place," Hinata said. As they walked around, they saw that people who still had smiles on their faces that Naruto was gone.

Hokage Mansion

"All right, since Tsunade has resigned the position of Kage, we hereby decree that the next kage shall be you, Danzo Shimura," the council said as Danzo bowed to receive his new position. Danzo was now the Rokudaime Hokage of Konoha. All citizens of Konoha rejoiced to see another Kage lead their village. Danzo could hear their request of him as the next kage. This shocked all of the rookie 9 except Sakura.

"Kill Naruto, Kill Naruto, Kill the Demon, KILL NARUTO AND TSUNADE," the villagers shouted as Danzo heard their cries. The rookie 9 had enough they couldn't go along with any of this anymore. This was not the village they knew, this was a village of heartless demons. After Danzo guaranteed the death of Naruto and Tsunade after a few weeks in office, the rookie 9 walked into the new kage's office. He stared at them and smiled.

"Hello my fellow ninja, just be patient we will end the life of Naruto and Tsunade soon enough," he said as he sat down. Shikamaru and Choji held back Ino who had the urge to end the new kage's life. Everyone looked at him and sighed as they took of their headbands and with their kunai they scratched a line through the leaf symbol.

"Sorry sir, but we don't agree with this anyomre, we resign as ninja and citizens of Konoha," they said as they bowed and left to pack their stuff to leave the village.

"Dammit that fox brat, even when he is gone he still causes trouble," he said as he sat down.

Sand Village at 8:00 p.m

Naruto was now in Suna looking at the sky. He was thinking about how things must be going back in Konoha.

"I can't believe my life is this low because of that mission," he said as he sulked out in the cld night. As he remembered the past events, he was brought to the time when Tsunade decided to come with him as she had left the village with him. It brought the blond to blush a little as she had stuck up for him. Without him knowing, Tsunade crept up behind him and offered him some company.

"What is the matter Naruto? she said as she stood next to him. Naruto jumped a bit to see Tsunade next to him. His action caused the ex-hokage to smile. Regaining his composure Naruto spoke.

"Oh Tsunade baa-chan, its nothing, just thinking about the village," he said as he looked back up at the sky.

"You don't have to worry about them anymore," she said as she hugged him. Naruto could feel her warmth on his body. He blushed as he turned around and faced her. She looked beautiful in the moonlight. She had the body of a woman in her thirties, but was actually in her fifties. Naruto was still blushing as they continued the hug. Tsunade caught herself as she and Naruto decided to let go.

"Why am I feeling this way for him?" she said as she smiled at him.

"Ever since he had saved me from the incident with Orochimaru, I can't get him out of my head," she said to herself.

"W-wait is it possible that I-," She thought to herself.

"No, no, he is like a son to me and that is it," she said trying to convince herself. Naruto looked into her eyes, he had always been enticed by them. They always looked at him with love. He knew that deep in his heart he was aching. He knew that the way he was feeling was wrong. This was taboo in the eyes of society. He was barely in his teens and she was in her early fifties.

"I want to tell her, but to ruin the relationship we have would be too much for me," he said as he realized he was staring. He snapped himself out of his thinking as he spoke.

"T-then Tsunade Baa-chan, I will go back inside," he said as he ran back to the room. Tsunade continued to stare as she rubbed her temples.

"Can it be possible?, Do I actually feel this way?" she asked herself as she walked back to the house.

As Naruto went outside to think some more he ran into one of his old friends.

"Naruto Uzumaki, how do you do?" said the mysterious figure.

"Oh Hi Gaara, not so well, I have been outcasted by my village forever," he said to the shocked sand user.

"WHAT!," Gaara said to a startled Naruto.

"Yeah everyone says its my fault for losing Sasuke and they would kill me if I didn't leave the village," he said as he looked down to the ground.

"Oh no, they are not getting away with this without some consequences," Gaara said as he headed for the Kazekage Mansion. As they entered Gaara told Naruto to stay in the waiting area. After 30 minutes in a room, Gaara showed up in front of Naruto.

"I can't go along with this, so now our allegiance to Konoha is over," he said as he sat down. Naruto couldn't believe it. Suna was no longer Konoha's ally.

"Gaara, you didn't have to do that," Naruto said to him.

"Oh yes I did, I will not allow people like that to be situated with Suna," he said as he gave Naruto a goodbye. Naruto gave him a goodbye as he went back to his room.

3 days later,

"Lord Hokage we have received a message from Suna," said one of Danzo's personal ninjas. He thanked the ninja as he left. Danzo read the message as his face turned from happiness to anger as he read the message.

"Dear Rokudaime Hokage,

You and your village have become corrupted. We have heard how you treated one of your own ninja. To threaten your own shinobi shows how little you value them and how little you appreciate them. We cannot go along with your insanity. As of this day Suna and Konoha are no longer allies. If you can't trust your own ninja, how are we to know if we can trust you with ours.

Your ex-ally Suna,"

Danzo couldn't believe it. He was counting on Suna for their help, but here it was that they ended their alliance beacause of what Konoha did to Naruto. Apparently Naruto was the biggest impact for Konoha, he was the reason that they weren't destroyed by Suna. He was also one of the reasons that Suna wanted to make an alliance to Konoha.

"Dammit that demon brat, he is making my job so much harder," Danzo said as he threw the scroll on the floor.

"I will kill you demon brat, count on it," He said as he laughed. The appearance of Konoha was changing it was no longer a sunny village, but a village shrouded in the dark. People stopped going their and the business was terrible. Rumors happened that Konoha was now called "The Village Hidden in the Darkness". As the rookie 9 left, Sakura was the only genin still around in the village. The Jounin didn't leave but most quit being ninja, due to the madness of the villagers.

"Where is everyone?" Sakura said as she noticed Kiba with his bags packed. She ran up to Kiba.

"Hey Kiba, where are you going?, you got a mission?" she asked. Kiba looked at her, but ignored her and walked off. Sakura in confusion went to look around some more. She spotted Ino also with her bags.

"Ino where are you going?" she asked as she smiled. Ino walked past Sakura and completely ignored her. Sakura couldn't understand what was wrong. She looked for one more person before going home. She spotted Shikamaru also with his bags packed.

"Shikamaru why are you guys packing your bags?" she asked him. Shikamaru looked up to see her smiling. That smile pissed him off more than anything. He walked past Sakura and didn't utter a word. Sakura couldn't take it anymore.

"Why is everyone ignoring me? what have I done?" she asked as Shikamaru turned around. He was seething mad that she hadn't realized her error.

"You really don't know huh, in that Sasuke filled mind are you that dumb?" he asked her. She was shocked to hear him say that.

"If you must know we resigned as ninja and citizens of Konoha three days ago," he said to her. Sakura couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"And this is partly your fault," he said to her. Sakura didn't understand and yelled.

"WHAT DID I DO?," she yelled at him. Not being able to take her tone anymore he turned around.


"He is worthless and a freak, he couldn't bring back Sasuke," she said to him.

"I DOUBT THAT SASUKE WOULD HAVE CHNAGED EVEN IF NARUTO DID BRING HIM BACK, SAKURA HE DIDN"T LOVE YOU," Shikamaru said as he turned and headed for the gate. All of her friends were leaving her and she gave them good reason too. She hit the floor as she cried.

"WELL FINE SEE IF I CARE," she said as she sat there on the ground.

All the rookie 9 left the village and began to look for Naruto.

"Okay everyone let's start our search for Naruto," Shikamaru said to everyone. Everyone nodded as they took to the trees and left the village, vowing never to return.

Konoha is losing its ninja and its power. Where does Naruto stand with Tsunade? How will Konoha change with their ninja leaving the village?

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