
Chapter 15: Sinister Foreboding**

Chapter 15: Sinister Foreboding

Tsunade put down her cup of sake and began to rub her forehead. She wasn't pleased with what she had been told by her ex-team mate but was also, at the same time, apprehensive of how such a thing could've happened, "I don't understand this."

Jiraiya moved the cup in his hand slowly sending the sake inside spiralling before gulping it down, refilling his empty cup he spoke, "The first time Naruto told me about it…I found it hard to believe as well."

Tsunade sighed, speaking in a low voice so only Jiraiya would hear, "Are you sure the Kyuubi didn't ask for anything?"

Jiraiya had a serious demeanour as he spoke calmly, "From what Naruto told me, he readily agreed."

The two sannin sat quietly watching the old man and his daughter clean up. There were no other customers apart from them. The sun had disappeared a long time ago, time seemed to be still for the Hokage as she contemplated the new piece of information she had received.

The Godaime broke the silence, "The seal is weakening…which means the fox has been busy trying to escape." Jiraiya nodded at the woman's words before she continued, "But then he agrees to something like this. Naruto must have done something incredible to persuade him."

Jiraiya put down his cup of sake shaking his head, "No…he didn't do anything. Kyuubi is a proud demon and he can't be convinced…particularly by the kind that he loathes. Naruto told me of his threats…he would destroy us the first chance he got." Jiraiya stared at the counter intently, "He knows something…"

Tsunade stared at the white haired hermit upon his last statement, "What makes you say that?"

Jiraiya spoke in a serious tone, "From what we know of the Kyuubi…he wouldn't ever do something like this…especially if he was close to escaping. If Naruto dies so does he; he's been forced to stop attempting to weaken the seal even more than it already is because of the state Naruto is in. His pact with Naruto was forged long before the battle with Orochimaru…he has an idea of what could happen."

Tsunade felt the hair on the back of her neck rise up leaving her with a feeling of dread, "This is bad." She sighed finishing another cup of sake.

Jiraiya ran his hand through his long hair, "Yeah…and the one who may have an idea of what's going on would never tell us."


Naruto slowly walked up the stairs to his apartment, his encounter with Sasuke fresh on his mind. He felt guilty about not telling the Uchiha and letting him find out elsewhere. He let the calm wind ruffle his hair enjoying its cooling presence. Reaching the top, he walked forwards only to stop in his tracks when he saw familiar emerald eyes looking in his direction.

"Sakura-chan?" He looked at the medic-nin who quickly faced towards the ground.

Sakura had been waiting for over an hour for the blonde to arrive and was glad that he finally came but she felt her courage slip from her when she faced him. She was confused not knowing how to exactly respond.

Naruto, noting her sombre mood, knew that it was his fault. "I owe you an explanation."

Sakura looked at the genin relieved that he had made the first move since she felt a little awkward. "I needed to say something as well."

Naruto scratched the back of his head not entirely sure of how to begin. This was the moment he would have to reveal his condition to her. He couldn't let her find out the same way Sasuke did. He stumbled for words as he felt the wind pick up blowing past him roughly.

Sakura felt a cold shudder flow through her as the air around her dropped in temperature. Naruto, noticing her reaction to the weather as well as the fact that they were still outside, reddened from embarrassment. "Maybe we should go inside." He walked towards his apartment door opening it and led the pink haired medic inside.

Sakura felt grateful as she entered the relatively small abode letting the warmth encase her body. Naruto closed the door behind them before walking in the direction of his kitchen. Sakura followed the jinchuuriki and took a seat at the small table.

Naruto, poured himself some water, turning he looked at Sakura who had her attention strictly on him, "Would you like some?"

Sakura nodded letting a smile appear across her face, "Hai."

Naruto felt a pleasing sensation run through him at seeing the kunoichi's smile. His whiskered face adopted a smile of its own which he quickly removed due to what he was planning on telling her. Giving Sakura her water, he sat down opposite her quietly.

Sakura downed the liquid quickly, moistening her dry throat. Putting her glass down; she saw Naruto looking at her. The leaf-nin averted his gaze upon being caught, "Gomen…I didn't mean to stare."

She couldn't help but inwardly smile at his antics. Strengthening her resolve she decided to speak first, "Before you give me an explanation…I wanted to let you know…" Her voice broke off stopping her from finishing. She didn't understand why it was so hard to speak to the hyperactive ninja.

Naruto was curious as to what she exactly meant, "Know what?"

Sakura spoke in a whisper, her eyes on the wooden table she was seated at, "…my feelings."

Naruto felt his breath leave him when he heard her response. They had been getting closer ever since his return from his training trip with Jiraiya and in recent weeks their relationship was escalating to a new level. He felt delight at hearing those words but knew that it would be harder to tell her. He gave a nod to the kunoichi, who was now looking at him, as a signal to continue elaborating.

Sakura stared into his sapphire eyes speaking in a quiet voice, "When I first met you, I always thought you deliberately tried to annoy me…" She felt guilty as she spoke but continued, "…but as we started spending more time together…I began to see who you really were…everything people said about you…they were wrong."

Naruto looked at her with a mix of surprise and sympathy. He had never seen the kunoichi in such a manner. Sakura looked away from Naruto before continuing, "…that day when you made your promise…do you remember what you said?"

"Right now, you're in pain. A pain I know well."

Naruto's words flashed through his mind before he replied, "Hai."

Sakura spoke softly, "I realised that day…how well you really understood me…"

Naruto looked down, a sweet smile across his face, "You don't have to say more."

Sakura felt her heart aching as she shook her head, "…You always tried to help me…but I pushed you away." She felt culpable, "…the day we became a team you asked me what I thought of you…I gave you an answer not knowing who you really were…but I'll give you my real reply now."

Naruto was shocked by her words as he realised what she meant. She knew that it was him asking her, when he transformed into Sasuke. He looked into her pain filled eyes.

Sakura held back her tears as she spoke, "You're kind…thoughtful…loving…you always think about others before yourself…"

Naruto closed his eyes since he couldn't look at the kunoichi. A feeling of bliss swelled up inside him as she spoke.

Sakura smiled, "…whenever I'm with you…I forget everything that's bothering me…I feel safe…"

Naruto rose from his seat at the table walking over to the window and looking outside to the sky above. He couldn't handle looking at the confessing girl opting instead to stare at the twinkling stars.

Sakura stared at Naruto as he looked outside, continuing, "…for a long time now…you made me feel something that I had never felt before…I wasn't sure what it was…"

Naruto felt his eyes begin to water dreading what she was going to say next.

Sakura smiled, "…but I understand now…" She felt the courage build within her, "…I love you."

Naruto felt his heart breaking knowing that this wouldn't work out. For the first time in the past month, the news of his death hurt him more deeply than he could've imagined.

Sakura clasped her hands putting them in her lap before speaking in a soft regretful tone, "It hurts though…to know I was late…that you don't feel the same way anymore." Her voice became a whisper before she finished, "That's all I wanted to say."

Naruto calmed himself, "My feelings never changed." Sakura looked at him as he turned to face her. His eyes were filled with a deep anguish as he spoke, "The circumstances did."

Sakura didn't comprehend the meaning of his words. She felt elated at hearing him say that he still felt the same. However she could feel a weird sensation building within her attempting to stop her from asking her next question. For some reason she began to dread the upcoming answer she might receive. She asked with a hint of obvious hesitation, "If you still feel the same…then what does it matter?"

Naruto sat back on the window sill speaking in a composed voice, "That's why it matters…" Sakura was confused with his answer as he continued, "…When I made that promise…it was because I never wanted to see you like that again…to see you in that much pain…I don't want you be upset when I leave."

Sakura rose from her seat walking forwards so she was only a few feet away from Naruto, "What are you trying to say?" Something was wrong with the way he spoke. She couldn't understand why he would be leaving.

Naruto closed his eyes, "…You remember when I fought the Yondaime."

Sakura could feel her heart become uneasy not liking where the jinchuuriki could be heading with this. "Of course…how could I forget?"

The hyperactive ninja nodded before speaking once again, "…You saw my condition after that…" Sakura felt a pain within her being reminded of his fatal state on that night, "…Even though I could feel my life slipping away…I saw you…crying as you looked at me…it felt as if I had broken my promise…but I came back didn't I?"

Sakura felt the realness of the day flash through her memories as she struggled to repress a tear, "Naruto…why are you bringing this up?"

Naruto opened his eyes as he saw the girl in front of him looking towards the ground. He abandoned his seat on the window sill walking forwards, towards her. Bringing his hand to her face, he wiped the solitary tear away, "…This time…" Sakura looked at him, "…there's no coming back."

Sakura felt her already disturbed heart shatter into pieces as she understood what he was saying. She gazed into his deep eyes hoping that he was joking. But she knew her hope was misplaced as the shinobi's face revealed his seriousness in the matter. All her dreams about everything turning out well in the end with the reunion of her team were destroyed. Her emerald eyes began to water as she let the tears of grief break out. She quickly hugged the blonde wrapping her arms tightly around his waist crying into his chest.

Naruto stared at the pink haired medic hugging him before slowly wrapping his own arms around her, "It would hurt a lot more if we were together."

Sakura heard his words before pushing him away, the tears streaked down her face, "Baka! Is this what's stopping you? Why would it hurt more? I'm already in love with you!"

Naruto looked guiltily at the kunoichi as he hadn't imagined she would react this way. He honestly believed it would be better to not get closer now. Sakura walked nearer to him, her voice soft and the tears still visible, "I don't care…I'd rather know what could have been…than to live the rest of my life in regret."

Naruto looked into her captivating eyes, "Sakura-chan…"

Sakura stood in front of the unsuspecting genin as she looked deeply into his sapphire eyes, "…You've always tried to make me happy…it hurt me that I couldn't do anything for you…but this time…I want to return the favour…" Naruto let a smile appear across his visage as a tear leaked from his eye, "…I want to be there…by your side…until the end."

He gazed at the kunoichi, a warming feeling radiating from her. He had a smile across his face as he spoke, "How can you be so sure that it would be better this way?"

She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, "It's easier when you share the pain…"

The two shinobi looked at each other, a renewed understanding between them as they fully acknowledged their true selves. They leaned forward, their faces inching closer. Naruto felt a whirlwind of feelings flow through him but they ultimately ended with a sense of contentment brewing within him. 'Somehow…you always make me feel…at peace.' He felt her breath before they kissed. A new sensation passed through him as he enjoyed the touch of her soft lips. His insides were buzzing with happiness as he let his arms coil around her waist embracing her. Sakura relished the new experience as she enjoyed her first kiss. After a few moments they parted slowly looking into each others eyes.

Naruto reddened, his worries leaving him, "That…was…" He scratched the back of his head, "Arigatou, Sakura-chan."

Sakura had a smile across her pretty face; she felt a little more comfort at having been in the blonde's embrace. She grabbed a hold of his hand leading him through the apartment.

Naruto broken out of his stupor spoke, "Where are you going?"

Sakura looked at the bedroom across the living room. She led the hyperactive ninja through the room as he stumbled across the various things strewn on the floor. As they both entered the bedroom Sakura closed the door. Naruto realised the situation and turned to face the kunoichi, "I don't think this is…" He was broken from his speech as Sakura once again locked lips with him.

He immediately began to enjoy the pleasure of feeling her smooth lips. His arms went around her pulling her in close. He felt her tongue slither across his lips asking for entrance. He gladly complied letting her roaming tongue into his mouth enjoying the succulent taste he felt. An immense wave of bliss drifted through his body as he savoured the moment, his hold over her tightened when he deepened the kiss.

They continued their activity passionately for a few minutes before Naruto broke the kiss taking a breath. Sakura moved her hands to his jacket slowly taking it off. Naruto initially surprised, quickly spoke his thoughts, "Sakura-chan…are you sure you want this?" Sakura's mind drifted back to her mentors words.

"A person never knows when they fall in love…it's a feeling that builds up over time."

Sakura smiled and nodded. Her insides were tingling as she realised what she was about to do. A red tint appeared on her cheeks as she answered, "Hai..." Naruto discarded his jacket and kicked off his sandals as he took the girl in his arms.

They once again exchanged a series of passionate kisses as they let their desire for each other cloud their senses. Naruto let his hands wander her body as they slowly moved lower. He grabbed her rear tightly which earned a gasp out of the beauty in his arms. He continued caressing the curved figure as their tongues danced, eliciting moans of pleasure.

Sakura pushed him onto the relatively small bed as she proceeded to get rid of her boots. Taking a position on top of him, her hips straddled his waist; she could feel his hardened state as she bent over to place kisses on his whiskered face.

Naruto's hands moved to her thighs as Sakura shivered slightly from the cold touch. Quickly placing their lips in synch he entered her mouth enjoying her sweet taste all the while stroking her smooth skin. Sakura moved back before licking his cheek earning a shudder out of the jinchuuriki. She moved her hands to the zip on her vest.

Naruto stared with eyes wide anticipating her move, growing harder as each second passed. Sakura slowly unzipped the vest revealing more skin much to Naruto's delight. The moonlight clearly reflected her gorgeous features as her creamy skin shined, her breasts only concealed by the red bra she was wearing. Naruto with a clear view couldn't help himself as he rose to sitting position. He grabbed her as he began to place kisses on her neck.

Sakura held his hair as she felt an arousing feeling of excitement build with each of his kisses. Letting his animalistic side get the better of him, Naruto bit down on her neck earning a gasp which quickly turned into a pleasing moan. He proceeded to lick her soft skin as he left a trail of kisses slowly leading to her chin.

Sakura, feeling the hardness of his member underneath her, was becoming wet. Her hands still in his hair, she planted a rough kiss on his lips. Their passionate dance followed with Sakura letting her hands move underneath his black t-shirt. Naruto felt himself become even more aroused as her soft hands roamed his well defined body. Sakura pulled the shirt over his head before pushing him onto his back.

Leaning over him she brushed her knee against his hardened figure in the middle of his legs. She was delighted when she heard the moan escape the blonde's mouth. She slowly planted kisses on his stomach teasing him. Moving around his hardened stomach she began to lick his chest before kissing his hardened nipple.

Naruto gave a moan of extreme pleasure as the pink haired girl worked his defined figure. He had never experienced anything like this before and had a vast amount of rapture running through the muscles of his body. Moving his hand behind her as she kissed his built pectorals; he unclasped her bra before throwing it to a side. Sakura's startled reaction quickly changed into a smile.

Naruto reversed their positions so he was in between her legs. He looked at her voluptuous breasts before moving down and licking the nipple of one of them. Sakura moaned in response to his actions as she clenched the sheets of his bed. Naruto satisfied with the results he was receiving moved his hand up to fondle one of her breasts whilst he licked the other one.

He could feel her wetness as his hardened member pushed against her. The sound of her moans only made him even more excited as he continued fondling her breast. Giving a final wet slithering of his tongue around her nipple he moved back. His hands moved to the side of Sakura's shorts as he slowly began to pull them off. His desire grew more as he discarded the last piece of her clothing revealing all her womanly features.

Sakura looked at him with a blush across her face, the feeling of ecstasy still present. She spoke in a sultry voice attempting to tease him, "What? Do I look that nice?"

Naruto realised the familiarity of the phrase as he leaned in towards her. Their eyes locked as they were closer than ever before. Gazing into her enthralling eyes, he gave a soft reply, "No…not just nice…you're beautiful."

She gave him a smile pulling him in for another wet kiss. As their mouths sparkled with enjoyment her hand moved to his member. Naruto gave a growl as she stroked him while at the same time keeping him busy with her tongue. His own hands moved towards the last piece of apparel he had on removing them as quickly as he could.

He looked at her before giving a final kiss, "Are you ready?"

Sakura nodded as Naruto moved in between her legs. Placing his member at her entrance he pushed, only entering the tip. Sakura gasped in momentary pain as her hands tightened on the bed sheets. Naruto quickly grew concerned over her reaction, "Are you alright Sakura-chan?"

Sakura smiled before moving her hands to his neck. "Hai."

Naruto began to slowly move as he felt the warm feeling of being inside her. The wetness as well as the tightness proceeded to make him even hungrier as he felt an unmatchable wave of ecstasy build within him. Sakura felt the initial pain leave her being replaced with a growing feeling of pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his sweating body. His thrusts into her gave her mounting elation as she moaned. Her hands held his hair tightly as she felt herself become lost in the feeling of bliss.

Naruto aroused by her moans and confident that she had become accustomed to his size increased the pace of his thrusts. He kept entering her repeatedly before Sakura rose from on her back.

The kunoichi pushed him onto his back placing her hands on his stomach as she thrust herself onto his member. Growing even more daring with each grinding of his hips, she came down onto him hardly pushing his hardened figure fully into her. She moaned loudly with reverberating satisfaction as Naruto brushed her hands away making her fall towards him.

Sakura quickly supported herself by placing her hands above his head. Naruto's mouth cupped her dangling breast as his hands moved to her toned rear. Sakura continued thrusting onto him as he caressed her backside. Naruto could feel himself nearing his climax. He bit down on her luscious breast causing her to scream in approval.

Sakura's walls tightened around his large member as she felt herself reaching her limit. Each thrust increased the amount of ecstasy they were feeling as their sweaty bodies reached their maximum. Naruto removed his mouth from Sakura's breast as his hardened member felt like it was about to explode. Sakura moved back giving a final thrust as they both erupted within each other sending a riveting feeling of pure heaven throughout them. Sakura moaned loudly as she convulsed around Naruto's member. The orgasm was nothing like they had ever experienced, Sakura fell forwards as Naruto quickly grabbed her.

They stared into each others eyes, their sweat covered bodies glistening due to the moonlight seeping through the window. Naruto smiled as his eyes showed the love and care he felt for the girl with whom he had connected. Sakura moved down giving him a kiss as she took sanctuary in his embrace. Her eyes slowly closed as she relished the warmth of being together with him. Drifting into slumber along with the blonde shinobi, one thought was running through her mind, 'I'll find a way…I promise you.'

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