
Chapter 35**

"What did you just say Naruto?" Sakura asked, anger seeping into her voice.

"I said I have a promise to keep," Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto yelped in pain when Sakura suddenly pulled on his ear.

"You just want to go to Oni no Kuni so you can sleep with Shion you little pervert!" Sakura accused as she continued to pull on Naruto's ear. The pink-haired kunoichi glared at Naruto when she released his ear. "We are not taking a detour just so you can fuck a priestess!"

"Ah shit! Sakura-chan that hurt," Naruto said as he rubbed his sore ear. "But I did make a promise Sakura-chan, and I always keep my promises."

"I don't give a shit!" Sakura exclaimed, as her anger slowly grew. "We're on a mission, and we can't be wasting time. We already made one detour, we're not making another one!"

"But it wouldn't take too long, Sakura-chan." Naruto said, trying to convince Sakura. "We're really close to Oni no Kuni. It would take two days at the longest. Then we can get right back on track."

"I said-" Sakura tried to say something, but she was cut off by Ryuuzetsu.

"Wait! What the hell is going on?! Why the hell are you two arguing?!" Ryuuzetsu questioned with a confused look on her face. "Because I've seen you two fights lots of times, but they were always just little spats. Then you guys would make up like ten minutes later. But you seem like you're genuinely pissed Sakura, so what's up?"

Sakura huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm also curious as to why you're so upset at Naruto-kun." Hinata said as she poked her index fingers together; a faint blush painting her cheeks.

"Yeah what the hell has your panties in a bunch." Anko said as she picked her teeth with a kunai.

"FINE!" Sakura suddenly exclaimed. "If you want to know so bad I'll tell you."

Sakura took a deep breath to calm herself, before she started speaking.

"It was about a year ago, shortly after Naruto returned to the village. Naruto, Lee, Neji, and I were assigned a mission to protect a priestess named Shion. A demon named Mōryō was trying to take over the world, but he needed his old body back first. Shion was the only person who could seal Mōryō away. So he sent four assassin's after her." Sakura explained as she shrugged her shoulders. "Long story short, we beat the bad guys and Mōryō was sealed away."

Sakura then turned to glare at Naruto, who visibly flinched under her harsh gaze.

"Then after we do all this, Shion mentions something about passing on her powers. She basically asked Naruto to have sex with her, and get her pregnant. Then this baka agreed without even thinking. He probably didn't even know what she was talking about." Sakura finished with a sigh.

"Hey!" Naruto exclaimed, "I did know what she meant!"

"Oh did you now!" Sakura yelled as she started to glare at him again, her fists glowing blue as chakra flowed off them.

"I-I mean I had no idea what she was was saying. Y-You know me, I'm so stupid sometimes." Naruto stuttered out, as he shrunk away from Sakura's growing anger.

"Now do you see why I'm so pissed?!" Sakura exclaimed as she turned back to the rest of the group.

"I say let the gaki have his fun." Anko said as she continued to pick her teeth.

"What!? You can't be serious?!" Sakura yelled, as she looked at Anko incredulously.

"I just don't see what the big deal is." Anko said, as she put her kunai away. "We head to Oni no Kuni, the gaki knocks up that priestess, and then we're on our merry way. It's not like this priestess doesn't want the gaki to fuck her."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing." Sakura said as she turned to the other girls. "You all can't be okay with this!"

"I'm with Anko on this one Forehead." Ino said as she pushed a couple platinum blonde locks out of her eye. "Just let Naruto-kun have his dirty fun, then we can get back to the mission."

"How did I know you'd agree with Anko?" Sakura said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Temari, Tenten what about you two?"

"I don't really care, as long as Naruto comes back to us." Tenten said as she adjusted the large scroll on her back.

"Yeah, I'm with Tenten." Temari said with a small smile. "Sakura we have mate marks, it's not like Naruto is gonna leave us. We're all bound together by these marks."

"I know that," Sakura said in a defeated tone. "I trust Naruto completely, and I know he'd never leave us. But I just don't want this to cause some incident, and have Naruto risk his chances at becoming Hokage. His dreams are my dreams too, and I want to see his dreams come true."

"Sakura something like this just happened with Yugito back in Kumo, and we got out of that situation just fine. If anything happens we'll all back Naruto up, and make sure nothing happens to him. We all will make sure that his dream stays within his reach." Konan said with a smile, as she placed her hand on Sakura's shoulder.

Sakura sighed, and turned her head to look at Naruto. The blonde jinchuriki was standing away from her. His head was turned away from her, as he rubbed his arm sheepishly. The pink-haired kunoichi gently brushed Konan's hand off her shoulder, and walked up to Naruto. Sakura stopped right in front of the jinchuriki, and she took one of his hands. She quickly gave his hand a short squeeze. After a few moments, Naruto slowly turned his head to look at her.

"I'm sorry for flipping out on you," Sakura apologized, as she gave his hand another soft squeeze. She took his hand and slowly guided it to her slightly bulging stomach. "I know you'd never even think about leaving us Naruto. Our children prove your commitment to all of us. But that's not why I was upset. I just didn't want you to get in trouble, and put your dream of becoming Hokage in jeopardy."

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard Sakura say this.

"I made a promise during the war. I promised myself that I would help you achieve your dreams at all costs." Sakura said as tears built up in her eyes.

Naruto gasped slightly when Sakura's other hand gently ran over a scar on his side. The blonde jinchuriki didn't know how or why, but this particular scar never faded away or disappeared, like all his other scars had. A small smile graced Sakura's face when she noticed his reaction to her touch.

"You still have a scar here don't you?" Sakura asked, causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow.

"How did you know I had a scar there?" Naruto asked with a confused look on his face.

"I'm the one who gave you that scar." Sakura answered, as a single tear fell from both her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, as he wiped the forming tears from Sakura's eyes.

"It was during the war, just after Kurama was extracted from your body." Sakura said, as tears once again filled her eyes. Naruto was surprised when Sakura suddenly buried her head into his chest. He could already feel his jacket dampening from her tears. Doing the only thing he could, Naruto pulled Sakura closer and wrapped his arms around her. "You were dying Naruto." Sakura finally said after a few moments.

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard this. His grasp on Sakura tightened slightly. Everyone, except for Konan, Shisui, and Ryuuzetsu, had sad looks on their faces. They all could vividly remember the day that Naruto had almost died.

"Gaara was was flying us to your father, so that he could seal Kurama's ying half inside you. B-But...but...your heartbeat it was so weak, and it was getting weaker and slower by the second. I was doing everything I could help you hang on, but nothing I did was working." Sakura explained, as tears continued to pour from her eyes. Every few seconds she would have to stop and choke back a sob before she continued. "Eventually my chakra started to run out, but we still hadn't reached your father yet. Your heart was stopping, and I was getting really desperate. So I did the only thing I could think of. I cut a hole in your side, and manually pumped your heart with my hand while I gave you CPR."

Sakura suddenly launched her arms around Naruto, and held him tightly.

"I made a promise on that day, as I pumped your heart. I promised that your dreams were my dreams as well. There was no way I was going to let you die when you were so close to achieving your dreams. I have no idea how long I performed CPR for, but we eventually found your father and sealed Kurama's ying half inside you." Sakura's said, as her hands fisted the back of Naruto's jacket. "I-I thought you were going to d-die that day Naruto. I was so scared that I would lose you. But after that day I swore that protecting you and your dreams were my new goal. I will protect you at all costs Naruto, especially now that we have a children on the way."

"Thank you Sakura-chan," Naruto whispered as he buried his face into her pink-hair. "You have no idea how much I love you right now."

"I love you so much, Naruto." Sakura whispered, as she released Naruto and looked into his blue eyes.

Sakura leaned in a gently kissed Naruto. It was gentle and passionate kiss, that showed the strong love they showed for each other.

"Aww that's so sweet my teeth might rot." Anko said with a smirk.

"Damnit! Anko why do you always have to ruin the mood?!" Sakura exclaimed, as spun around to face the snake mistress.

"Oh someone's feisty," Anko said with a grin, as she licked her lips. "I like my women feisty. Maybe while Naruto's off with that priestess you and I can have some fun."

Sakura immediately blushed, and turned her head way from Anko.

"So pinkie are we going to Oni no Kuni or not? Because it's getting late, and I'd rather not do any traveling by night." Anko said, as she gestured to the setting Sun.

Sakura turned to face the rest of the group.

"Are you all okay with this?" Sakura asked, earning nods from everyone. "Alright then I guess we're heading to Oni no Kuni."

"Thanks Sakura-chan," Naruto said as he put his arm around Sakura's shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah I guess it would be nice to see Shion again too." Sakura said, as a smile graced her face.

"Well let's hit the road, the gaki has a priestess to fuck!" Anko cheered, making everyone else groan.

"Why did you pick her to be one of your mates again?" Ryuuzetsu asked, as she rubbed her temples.

Naruto smiled, as he gazed at Anko.

"Anko is unique, and she understands the pain and loneliness I went through." Naruto said, as his eyes fixed themselves to Anko's toned legs. "Plus she's sexy as hell."

"Well she's unique, I'll give you that." Ryuuzetsu said, as she adjusted her jonin vest.

"You talkin about me back there gaki?" Anko asked without turning around, but she did have a smirk across her face. "Because if I found out you're bad mouthing me, I'll show all the nasty things my snakes can do."

"Of course we're not saying anything bad about you, Anko-chan." Naruto said with a nervous smile.

"Hmm that's what I thought." Anko said, as she turned around to face Naruto. "Now why don't you come up here and talk with me for a bit."

"Uh, sure thing Anko-chan." Naruto said as he walked up next to the snake mistress.

"Aww calm down gaki I don't bite...hard." Anko whispered the last part into Naruto's ear, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

"I think Naruto might be a masochist." Temari whispered to Tenten, earning a nod from the bun-haired girl.

"Wouldn't surprise me the way he let's Sakura beat him around sometimes." Tenten said with a smirk. "I might have to get some new toys if Naruto likes to play a little rough."

Sakura sighed, and tan her hand down her face.

"I'm completely surrounded by perverts." Sakura thought with a groan.

"Oh shut up, I know you love it." Inner Sakura said with a grin. "I know what Anko said defiantly got you excited."

"S-Shut up," Sakura thought as her face flushed bright red.

"Whatever, I know you want to." Inner Sakura said with a smirk before she disappeared.

"M-Maybe it wouldn't be so bad." Sakura thought, as she watched Anko's swaying hips.

(Noon the Next Day, Oni no Kuni)

Shion, priestess of Oni no Kuni, kneeled in the temple that she lived in. Her eyes were closed as she meditated. Sensing another person enter the room, Shion opened her pink eyes and sighed.

"What do you want?" Shion asked without turning around.

"I'm sorry to bother you during your meditation Shion-sama, but someone is here to see you." A guard said, as he kneeled before Shion.

"Tell them to go away, I don't wish to be disturbed right now." Shion said as she stood up, and started to leave the room.

"But the person said they know you." The guard said, making Shion stop mid-step.

"What does this person look like?" Shion asked, as she turned to face the guard.

"Um, there were actually a lot of people, but the boy who asked to see you had spiked blonde hair and whisker marks on his face." The guard answered, making Shion's eyes widen in shock.

"Was his Naruto?" Shion asked, as she rushed towards the guard.

"Uh, I think so." The guard said just as Shion stopped in front of him.

"Then send him in here immediately!" Shion exclaimed, causing the guard to rush out of the room.

Shion walked back over to where she had been kneeling, and sat down. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, as excitement raced through her body. Could it really be Naruto? She hadn't seen him in almost a year. Why was he here? Did he come to keep his promise to her?

Suddenly Shion sensed several people approaching. She immediately sat up straight, and turned to face the doorway. After a few moments a familiar face poked it's head into the doorway. Shion couldn't help the smile that spread across her face when she saw Naruto grinning at her.

"Hey Shion!" Naruto exclaimed, a massive fox-like grin on his face, as he stepped into the room. "It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"It sure has Naruto," Shion said with a smile as she stood up.

They both walked forward and embraced each other.

"I missed you Naruto," Shion said as she wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck.

"I missed you too Shion. I would have come and visited, but you know I had to fight in the war." Naruto said with a cheeky grin. "Hey! You guys can come in now!"

Shion was surprised when a large group of people walked into the room.

"Shion, you remember Sakura right?" Naruto asked, as Sakura walked up next to Naruto.

"Of course," Shion said sweetly. "How are you Sakura-san?"

"I'm doing well Shion, thanks for asking." Sakura said with a smile of her own.

It was then that Shion noticed Sakura's slightly distended stomach.

"So, Sakura who's the lucky man?" Shion asked with a mischievous look.

"What are you you," Sakura then followed Shion's gaze, and immediately blushed. "Oh, uh that. Um Naruto is the father, we're having triplets actually."

"Oh," Shion said as her face fell.

Sakura quickly nudged Naruto, and gestured to the other girls.

"Uh, Shion I'd also like to introduce you to my future wives." Naruto said as Ino, Hinata, Anko, Tenten, Temari, Konan, and Ryuuzetsu gathered around Naruto.

Shion's pink eyes immediately widened, as she gazed at Naruto in shock.

"F-Future w-wives?" Shion stuttered out, as her hope rose a little.

"Yep," Naruto said with a massive grin. "Tsunade-baachan put me under the Clan Restoration Act, so I can take on multiple wives to help bring back my clans. All my girls here are actually pregnant." The blonde jinchuriki chuckled a little. "In less then a year I'm gonna be a dad."

"T-That's great news Naruto." Shion said with a bright smile.

Again Sakura nudged Naruto, but this time she gestured to Shion.

"Oh! Shion the reason I'm here is to keep that promise I made you." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"W-What?" Shion squeaked out, as her eyes widened.

"You know, you asked me help pass your powers down to the next generation." Naruto said as he took a step closer.

"Ugh...I...I...um..." Shion fumbled over her words, as her face burned bright red.

However Shion was caught completely off guard when Naruto closed the distance between them, and gently captured her lips. Her eyes widened momentarily, before she closed them and leaned into the kiss. When Naruto pulled back Shion's eye were half-lidded, and filled with lust.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Naruto whispered into Shion's ear.

She shivered at his lust filled tone. Quickly nodding, Shion grabbed Naruto and led him towards her room.

"Well I'm gonna look around." Ino said as she walked towards the door. "Anyone wanna come with me?"

Everyone nodded and followed after Ino. But before Sakura leave the room they were in, she found herself pinned against the wall. She gasped when she saw Anko holding her wrists.

"Anko what the hell are you doing?!" Sakura hissed at the snake mistress.

"I wasn't joking earlier," Anko said as she nibbled on Sakura's ear, causing the pinkette to let out a soft moan. "I want to have some fun with you."

"A-Anko we can't," Sakura weakly protested.

"Hmm, why's that?" Anko asked in a sultry tone, as she planted kisses on Sakura's neck.

"We...we...ooo," Sakura couldn't help the moans that were starting to escape. Anko seemed to be hitting all her sweet spots, and it was driving her crazy.

Sakura gasped when Anko's lips left her neck, and found themselves planted her own lips. After a moment of hesitation Sakura started to return Anko's kiss with just as much passion. Sakura stifled a moan when Anko forced her tongue into her mouth. Anko quickly dominated the kiss, and used her experienced tongue to explore the pinkette's mouth. After a few more moments Anko pulled away, much to Sakura's displeasure. Both their eyes were clouded with lust as they stared at each other.

"Why don't we find some place a little more private?" Anko said as she grabbed Sakura's hand.

The pinkette could only nod dumbly, as Anko dragged her along. Anko had a wicked smile on her face as she pulled Sakura into a guest bedroom.

Shion gently held Naruto's hand as she quickly led him through the temple halls. Eventually they found themselves in Shion's master bedroom.

"Well here it is," Shion said as she gestured around her room. "So how do you," Shion was cut off when Naruto once again captured her lips.

"Don't talk just follow you instincts." Naruto said as he started to suck on Shion's neck.

The priestess gasped when she felt Naruto's lips on her neck. Naruto quickly trailed kisses up Shion's neck, leaving marks all along the way. He quickly pulled off her yellow jacket. The jinchuriki then took off his orange jacket, and threw it somewhere across the room. Shion made the next move, stepping forward she locked lips with Naruto once again. This time however she licked Naruto's bottom lip. He immediately granted her tongue entrance into her mouth. Their tongues quickly intertwined, as both their hands started to wander.

Shion ran her fingers through Naruto's golden blonde locks, before she moved her hands down to his toned chest. She moaned into the kiss when she felt his hard muscles.

While Shion was doing this, Naruto's were slowly rubbing up and down her sides. Feeling more adventurous, Naruto reached down and grasped Shion's soft ass. The priestess let out a surprised squeak when she felt Naruto cup her backside. But she quickly started moaning when Naruto started to squeeze her cheeks.

Shion groaned when she felt Naruto's erection press against her stomach. So she decided to get things moving, by swiftly working the buttons on Naruto's orange pants. With one quick motion, Naruto's pants were pooled around his ankles. The blonde jinchuriki smirked before he reached out and yanked down Shion's pants. The priestess squeaked when felt her pants suddenly fall down.

Both Naruto and Shion were nearly naked now. Shion was only dressed in a small white tank top that only reached to her midriff and a pair of light yellow panties. Naruto was only clad in a mesh ninja shirt and a pair of boxers.

Taking a deep breath, Shion slowly removed her shirt and panties. As soon as she was completely naked, Shion quickly covered herself with her arms. Naruto stepped forward and gently moved Shion's arms away.

"Please don't hide yourself Shion, you're beautiful." Naruto said in a soothing voice, as he gently kissed Shion.

When Naruto's lips pressed against her, Shion felt a rush of confidence surge through her. With new found pride Shion stepped back, and helped Naruto remove his mesh shirt. But when Naruto went to remove his boxers, Shion stopped him.

"Please let me do it." Shion said, earning a nod from Naruto.

The priestess took a quick breath, before she quickly yanked Naruto's boxers down. Shion gasped when she saw the size of Naruto's erection.

"No wonder all those girls stick around him." Shion thought as she gazed at Naruto's impressive length.

Naruto quickly grabbed Shion's hand and led her towards the large bed in the room. Gently laying Shion down, Naruto positioned himself between her legs. He reached out and slowly massaged Shion's moist entrance. Shion started to squirm under Naruto's touch.

"P-Please Naruto I need you." Shion managed to say in between moans.

"What do you want me to do?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

Shion quickly mumbled something under her breath.

"Hmm what was that?" Naruto asked as he cupped a hand to his ear.

"I said I want you to impregnate me." Shion said without hesitation.

Hearing this turned Naruto on immensely. He quickly positioned himself at Shion's womanhood, and ran his shaft along her soaking entrance. The priestess gasped when she felt the tip enter inside her. Shion's arms flung around Naruto's neck as he slowly penetrated her. Naruto bit his lip to suppress a groan. Shion was so tight that Naruto had a hard time not slamming right into her. But Naruto knew that Shion needed time to adjust to his size, so he slowly entered her to give her time to get used to him. Once he was fully inside her, Naruto stopped and waited for Shion to tell him that he could move.

After about a minute, Shion experimentally gyrated her hips. A low moan escaped her lips, as pleasure shot through her body. Naruto took this as his queue, and started to slowly thrust in and out of the blonde priestess. Shion let out a sharp gasp when Naruto started to thrust into her. His thrusts were slow and filling, each one seemed to hit every part of her. Naruto buried his head into Shion's neck, and inhaled her sweet scent as he continued to thrust into her. Shion wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck, and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Naruto please faster, harder I need more." Shion moaned out as she started to meet Naruto's thrusts with her own.

Eager to please, Naruto increased his pace. His hips became a blur as he rapidly pounded into Shion. The blonde priestess gasped at the sudden increase in speed.

"More Naruto!" Shion screamed as pleasure racked her body.

Naruto took one Shion's large breasts into her mouth, while he massaged her clit. Shion let out a scream of pleasure, as her first orgasm hit her. Naruto slowed his pace allowing Shion to recover from her orgasm. The blonde jinchuriki was surprised when Shion suddenly flipped them both over, so that she now straddled his waist.

"It's my turn now," Shion said with a lustful smirk.

Shion immediately started to bounce up and down on Naruto's shaft. Naruto refrained himself from thrusting into Shion for a moment. He just sat back, and let the pleasure pulse through him as Shion repeatedly slammed down onto his shaft.

"Mmm more Naruto!" Shion exclaimed as she increased the speed of her bouncing.

Naruto now grabbed ahold of Shion's hips, and started to rapidly piston in and out of her. Shion immediately threw her head back, and let out a throaty moan. Naruto continued to pound into Shion, but he was quickly approaching his limit. Which surprised him, because he could usually last longer than this.

"Kami, why am I so tired?" Naruto thought as he pounded into Shion's wet core.

"Shion I'm about to cum." Naruto groaned out as he slowed his thrusts.

"Me to Naruto. Please cum inside me! Give me a child!" Shion screamed out as her orgasm exploded through her.

Naruto grunted as his seed shot inside Shion's womb. He quickly dug his teeth into Shion's neck drawing a small amount of blood. This caused Shion to let out a low moan, as another orgasm suddenly hit her. Shion immediately fell on top of Naruto, as she rode out her orgasm. She lightly shook in his arms, as her pleasure slowly subsided. They were both panting, but Naruto noticed that he was panting slightly harder than Shion. It felt as if he had just tried outrun Lee in laps around the village.

"Oi fuzzball! What the hell is going on with me!?" Naruto yelled in his head, trying to get Kurama's attention. "Kurama answer me damnit! Why the hell am I so wore out all of a sudden?!" After not receiving a response Naruto grunted. "Stupid fox, must be giving me the silent treatment or something."

Suddenly Naruto felt Shion shift on top of him. He looked, and saw that she was giving him a sultry smile.

"Ready for another go. I want to ensure that I get pregnant." Shion said in a low husky tone.

"I don't how much longer I can go for." Naruto thought, but then he spotted the two rings on Shion's arms. "Well I do have to please my lady."

With a foxy grin, Naruto quickly shot forward and captured Shion's lips.

While this was happening Kurama was screaming within his seal.


Kurama sighed and lowered his head.

"It's no use, he can't hear me. Something extremely strong is blocking our link, and it's seriously limiting the amount of chakra he can get from me. But it seems that his mates can still receive my chakra just fine." Kurama sighed again, and rested his head on his arms. "Naruto, what the hell is separating us?"

(4 Hours Later)

Naruto stood at the entrance to temple with the rest of his group behind him. Shion stood in front of him, smiling brightly as she place a hand over her stomach.

"So you really have to leave?" Shion asked with a sad smile.

"Yeah, but I'll come visit you," Naruto said as he ran his hand over Shion's stomach. "Especially since we got a bundle of joy heading our way."

"Thank you again for doing this Naruto." Shion said as she hugged Naruto.

"It was my pleasure." Naruto said with a smirk, which earned him a smack in the arm from Shion.

Naruto pulled out a three pronged kunai and handed it to Shion.

"I did the same thing with a kunoichi in Kumo," Naruto said as Shion took the kunai. "If you ever want to see me, or need me. Just pump a little chakra into the kunai's seal, and I'll be your side in a moment."

"Thank you Naruto," Shion said as she clutched the kunai to her heart. "I'm sure I'll be using it in the future."

"Well we better get going," Naruto said as he slung his pack over his shoulder. "Everyone ready...wait where's Sakura and Anko."

As soon as the words left Naruto's mouth, Anko came from around the corner. Everyone was surprised to see Anko carrying a sleeping Sakura on her back.

"Where were you two?" Naruto asked when Anko caught up with the group.

"Oh, Sakura tired while we explored the temple. So I found her a place to lay down, but Ms. Princess wouldn't wake up so I had to carry her back here." Anko explained as she adjusted Sakura on her back.

"Oh, okay." Naruto said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Let's get going then."

Anko smirked when Naruto turned his back to her. Sakura's words from earlier suddenly filling her mind.

Naked and sweaty, Anko and Sakura embraced each other as they recovered from their orgasms. Anko gently kissed Sakura, and smiled at pinkette.

"I told you, you'd like it." Anko said with a smirk.

Sakura grumbled something under her breath, and blushed in embarassment. But Anko gasped when Sakura suddenly straddled her and pinned her wrists to the bed.

"You don't breath a word about this to anyone." Sakura hissed in a low tone.

"Hai, mistress Sakura." Anko said with a nod.

Anko shivered as she remembered their pleasurable experience.

"Hmm that girl was a damn sadist, and I loved it." Anko thought as she licked her lips. "I can't wait until we get to do that again."

"Bye Shion!" Naruto exclaimed as his group started to walk out of the temple.

"Goodbye Naruto!" Shion called back, as she waved to Naruto's group.

When Naruto's group had disappeared into the distance, Shion pressed a hand to her stomach and smiled.

"You're really in there aren't you?" Shion said with a warm smile.

Her gaze then fell to the two rings on her arm. Naruto had explained to Shion what the marks meant, and she couldn't have been more happy.

"Naruto," Shion whispered as she gazed off into the direction Naruto's group had left in. "I think I love you."

"So we're on our way to Takigakure?" Sai asked Naruto.

"Yep, Takigakure hosts the Nanabi." Naruto said as he placed his hands behind his head. "We should be there in about two more days."

Sai nodded, and Naruto dropped bag to where Anko was. The snake mistress was still carrying an unconscious Sakura on her back. Naruto smirked as he walked next to Anko.

"What's so funny gaki?" Anko asked when she noticed Naruto's smirk.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Naruto asked with a wicked grin.

Anko flinched, but she quickly composed herself.

"Tell you about what?" Anko asked feigning ignorance.

"About you an Sakura." Naruto replied with a knowing look.

"How did you?" Anko asked in complete shock.

Naruto simply tapped a finger to his nose.

"You two reek of sex, and each other." Naruto said as he inhaled deeply. "It's actually quite alluring."

It was now Anko's turn to smirk.

"Well you're free to join us anytime you want. Because I definitely plan on doing that with Sakura a lot more." Anko said as she sped up her walking.

"I love you girls." Naruto said with a grin before he ran to catch up to Anko.

Words -5383

Uzumaki_Kushina_21creators' thoughts
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