
Power of the Sun 2

Aldrich unleashed all that power, the might of a sun, inside of him. He flew forwards at hyperspeed, so fast that he easily shattered past the sound barrier. Unused to the sudden cocktail rush of speed, he could not get out a punch. Instead, he crudely shoulder bashed into Nilah, but even that hit so hard that Nilah shot backwards like a pinball, her head whipping back as her figure accelerated out of the boss arena, into the distance, rapidly fading into a black dot.

Shards of pale flesh broke off from Aldrich's shoulder, where he had made impact, and fell to the floor. When the gold tinted shards touched the blackened ground, they disintegrated into a thousand little particles. The broken shards made a small indent in his shoulder, and it was not muscle and blood and bone that was visible there, but just pure light.

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