
Chapter 40: End and Beginning

The fight had gone on longer than planned, the fight ended up becoming what it should have been from the start, how only those who were willing to fight are the only ones who should put an end to it all. There may be many reasons why you must win, there will always be buts to stop you but... It doesn't matter at all, if you are fighting for something then you must fight to the end, only then when it is finally over, will you find the answer to what you have been sacrificing so much and going round and round in circles. Life is simple in many ways...

『Listen brat, so that you won't have doubts again in the rest of your life, all living beings have 3 fixed paths for the rest of our existence. Winning, losing and surrendering』-『All define you as you will be later on, every round, turn in your life counts and has a lot of value, you may not take it much importance, but in the future it will be noticed that you were a cowardly jerk or a virtuous winner. If you win you will be rewarded, if you lose you will be reproached, but if you give up...I mostly take it, that you are and will be nobody in life, who is afraid of winning or losing in this life, is because he is not able to accept the reality of the world』-『You will always see 2 sides of the coin throughout your life, it all depends on how you yourself take it, there is no place for those who decide to give up』.

There she was again...the heroine Tatsumaki was calling my attention in the middle of our fight, just listening to her talking to me with this tone of annoyance that she already has...it also makes me realise that she cares a lot for others, it is something that is needed to have a great work as she and all heroes are...There is no place to give up...no one should give up...everyone should fight until the end because....

『That's how you show who you are...』

I really understood it better and better, yes...I shouldn't give life too many turns, there are only 2 ways, either you keep moving forward or you decide to go backwards, a third option like staying in one place, there is no place for it. I can tell that my words from before, my whisper of wanting to give up, really did bother Tatsumaki a lot...I looked up at the sky for a while and...I hope that when this is all over, it will be night...I really am very tired but....

『I'm going to keep fighting until I win』.

I was determined to finally be in this fight, I felt a bit...calmer and more relaxed for some reason, just having a clear purpose like winning, it cleared me of the many doubts that I had and that were generated in the middle of this fight. I think I've been putting a lot of importance on words all this time, there's no need to resort to that when all you have to do is fight with all your might. For the time being it's going to be like that until someone proves me otherwise, if I meet someone with such power and peaceful ability, I will really trust that again...

On the other side was Blaze and Carmis, who were also determined to continue the fight, and at that the Demon could again feel the feeling of his surroundings, especially his friend M who looked with a different countenance more in accordance to the situation, and that...

『*smile*Lord M has no more doubts, you can see it in his eyes, the only thing he wants at this moment is to win no matter what』-『I would like to know what happened at this moment, could you please tell me Miss Blaze?』

The Demon Carmis asked her friend for a favour, who quickly and briefly told her everything that had happened since the two of them left. After finishing his simple summary, the demon became thoughtful and even put his hand on his chin thinking about what happened, but in the end he seems to have come up with something very simple, which is...

『It's just a child who is becoming a young man 』-『Lord M told me too, that you, Miss Blaze, were also entangled with many thoughts that he himself could not understand, and I agree, but now I can also feel it, Miss Blaze, it seems that you are also cleared of many doubts that you had, you are no longer a young man to have a more mature conscience *smiles*』.

To the Demon's comments, he also seemed relaxed, since having a time out from all the surreal fight he had, it makes him want to calm down for a moment and take a breath, plus if he is among friends, he feels that there is no need to pretend to be who you are not.

『In every challenge in life, there are only 2 paths, forward and backward. There is nothing more that can be done.... or at least that's how many simple people see it, but the truth is that humanity, being the way we are, is not simple at all, we are such complex creatures that for that very reason we are incredible, we get angry if we are annoyed, we cry if we are sad, we laugh if we are amused by something, we hold a grudge for a lack of respect, we deceive others, we are courageous, we have virtues, we can decide what we like and what we don't like, in many occasions we act in different ways that not even another person can understand us』-『We don't have only 2 ways or 2 sides of the coin. ...for me one is free to create his own decision and what to do with it, it can be 1, 2, 3,4,5, we can create a great end of paths only with one theme sticks to us a lot...For me it is not wrong, to have more than 2 options. ...it all depends on what you want at that moment...if you want to give up...it's your right...』-『But of course, you have to be strong to give up and face the consequences of your decision....』

What was this...Carmis was how to put it subtly...it was a different way of thinking from what we heard before, and the truth was too big but...it also had similarities and they agreed on many things that...Blaze at this happened to look at his partner who, this happened to stare at his 2 rivals who were determined to win no matter what...

『I'm a weak person, I understand that, even though there are many options, I took them without going straight for what I wanted so much. Which is to win. I am willing to lose and give up, but I am also willing to win above all things, I will fight for who I am and who I really want 』.

To this Carmis also made it very clear with the little speech he made, where he even raised his voice for his rivals to hear him and...to this could be seen how Tatsumaki smiled slightly at that moment, as if giving a hint that finally everyone here, could understand something extremely simple in this life. 

Blaze listening to the words of her friend and partner...it was strange...but she felt much more calm and relaxed, and she started to stare at her rivals, she did nothing but that...and from one moment to another, just as she had fought to be able to win and excel since long before, she has to do it again now more than anything else, staying behind is not an option. Blaze raised his fist in front of him extending his hand and ....

『Look at me and don't forget who I am, because I'm going to be the one who wins this fight 』.

He clenched his fist at that moment which...gave us a warning of how this fight would end. Where after a surge of enthusiasm and fervour, the fight of these 4 was about to start and most likely, it will end up concluding at the end of all of this...

Quickly M was the first to make his move, where instead of appearing with his fast and almost instantaneous speed in his rivals, because of the exhaustion he has, you could see how he was running back and forth, but do not be confident, anyway he has the enthusiasm to fight to the end. Quickly M approached Blaze in order to give him a strong blow at that moment, who the cat quickly redirected the attack to the ground where...Pom!!!! She tried to lunge with a knee, but M's tail worked as a block and...

She quickly went on to want to catch him with her tail to whip him again to the ground where...The cat quickly reacted to this with her fiery stroke appearing in front of M and....Summoning her fist artifact of fire, she was going to give a strong blow to M but...POMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blaze's blow ended up being redirected to herself, hitting herself in the chest and all she had to do was to resist her own blow that...Tatsumaki made use of her Spiral to defend M from the attack, quickly Carmis made use of the UltiWorld again, where again you could see how spikes came out of the ground towards Tatsumaki, who first tried to create a barrier to defend herself but. She quickly moved aside as the spikes pierced the shield forcibly so...before the other spikes could hit her, she again made use of her Spirals to defend herself and .....

『Miss Blaze!!!!』

Carmis made a scream at what was about to happen. Quickly Blaze was able to recover and...he could sense that a danger from several directions were coming, just as Carmis could sense the appearance of the Spirals, Blaze could also catch it at the last moment that...With agility Blaze could dodge it like a professional cat. While Carmis ....

『Ahhh!!!! My compa!!!!! Hey Tatsumaki-san!!!! It's winning!!! not killing them!!!!!』

M was annoyed as...he could see how several spikes pierced Carmis at that time, he was impaled in many directions, where M to this really got scared that he didn't avoid to draw attention to the Heroine, who this one was saying to him.

『If this was enough to kill him, I would have won long ago』.

I was somewhat confused by her words, where as I looked to the side again, I could see Carmis himself on his own, coming out of the pierced spikes and ...I could see how he was slowly healing his wounds that....

『Don't worry Master M, I can regenerate from the wounds I suffer from 』

....Really seeing him say that in a calm and relaxed manner, made me think that he was truly a Demon who likes all things satanic. At that moment I saw that he was shedding blood Carmis but in good quantity and looking at him better...his whole garment is covered with blood, I think it's the first time I see this and the truth is very graphic how he regenerates...I looked away at that moment because I couldn't bear to see the horrible state of a person...So I'd better go fight against Blaze to forget that moment...

『(Her regeneration is much slower this time, before it was even instantaneous every wound I did to her...also her brightness and power is decreasing a lot, I knew it, she is running out of time) I told you Demon, as long as you keep regenerating I will attack you with intentions to kill you, because of you this world has suffered a lot, you are going to pay dearly』?

『¿? (I see, it really affected her that she thinks she couldn't protect this world and...all the disaster that happened is blaming me, although she's partly right but...) Well, I've decided, I'll use my remaining power to put an end to this 』.

Quickly from what I was fighting evenly with Blaze, in the exchange of blows and the speed we were driving, we could both notice a very different feeling from anything we had seen before. All of us present our gaze ended up rising to the skies as...a series of gigantic incantations of spells were appearing all over the sky, easily the incantation that was being written would span miles and miles away that....

『(It's the spell from before...It really wants to wipe out everything...) Don't think I'm going to let you destroy everything!!!!!』

Quickly Tatsumaki summoned her Spirals that...seemed to come out again the spikes that Carmis had summoned earlier, the Heroine moulded them to her liking putting all the pieces together and forming a truly gigantic spike that...Unlike a similar attack in the past, this one spun with much more speed spiralling and without holding back....


It was thrown with great force and speed, you could even see how the huge spiral spike sprouted green energy from it...POOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! Quickly a block was heard at that moment, a gigantic hand was trying to hold back Tatsumaki's powerful attack, this was the same hand that previously hit Tatsumaki and ..... You could notice how that gigantic hand was doing its best to try to stop him with its attack, it was even bleeding from the effort it was making and .....

『.....(I must avoid regeneration, I used a lot of power just for that, and it was very costly for me to do it all the time...)』

Again Carmis while casting the giant spell, this time Tatsumaki could feel that something was coming after her, where she could quickly feel that something invisible was coming and...she used her shield which seems to block something. Where clearly the heroine could feel how a cut of magic tried to attack her and...It was not only that, as if the reality was being pierced, from many senses was coming out those cuts of energy that tried to hit Tatsumaki, but...Tatsumaki at the moment of using her Spirals realized that....

『(Destroy my spell with a single slash....)』

Those slashes that were like fine threads of pure magic, the moment they made contact with Tatsumaki's Spiral, they were capable of piercing him at a moment's notice. This attack is too fine for a technique like Tatsumaki's to try to block or rather absorb. But the Heroine's energy shield, this one was able to block it because of the thick density it had, even something thin was not able to cut something as heavy as a shield but...Quickly many cuts were aiming at the same place and .... from one moment to another it started to break that...Tatsumaki had no choice but to dodge with pure agility and speed the attacks that were coming at her. 

『(Energy slashes can't pierce Tatsumaki's defence, while spikes are able to pierce it...this is simple...spikes have more piercing force that is concentrated at the tip, managing to pierce the energy shield. While energy slashes, they are fast yes...but their power is focused on the entire coverage of the slash, the force is expanded instead of being a single point but...at least it helps me get rid of this attack...)』

Carmis was still in front of that gigantic spike that Tatsumaki threw at him, quickly at the sides of the attack, the energy cuts appeared again that with speed and strength tried to destroy the attack and .... it seems that it was costing him a bit that...At that the hand that was trying to hold the huge spike, seems to lose strength since it was slowly advancing towards Carmis that...

『No my little devil-sama, don't give up!!!! (Ahh.... if I move I'll stop the spell and I'll have to start completely from 0...we can't waste time...)』

At that Carmis was summoning his spikes to attack this huge spike, but he quickly realized that Tatsumaki was making use of his Spirals to absorb them from the tip, this attack can indeed absorb it as it goes straight in instead of destroying the attack completely. With this the Demon realised that it will not be able to do more on its own so....

『Miss Blaze!!!! Please help me!!!!!』

He made a call for help at that moment, that quickly Blaze's ear moved at that moment, and from the fight he had with M, he quickly used his fire stroke at that moment to go to where Carmis was, seeing the problem that there was, he quickly placed himself on top of the attack and. ...He switched to his Unleashed Form and with his 2 huge artifacts, he tried to grab the huge spike from the beak and...He was quickly making force and wanting to redirect it upwards...Carmis realised this and gave a new order to his little friend.

『Diablito-sama, try to send it up!!!』

The huge hand that was what he wanted to do from the start, but the power was too difficult for him alone. Quickly with Blaze's help, it was placed on the tip of the spike and calmly said.

『Don't be afraid, you just try hard』.

Blaze was shooting great flames from the tip of the spike, where everything was engulfed in flames. Quickly the spike was entering a huge heat that...seemed to be slowly weakening in strength and speed as it wanted to melt. Where quickly now Blaze together with the huge hand, managed to redirect it towards the ground, where it was flying into space as if it was a plane taking off...

Blaze was quickly exhausted with this, and thanked the hand that...this same giant hand, was confused at the time, because what he thought was burned everywhere, was not at all, even Blaze smiled at him saying "Thank you for trusting me". Where Carmis returned that giant hand and had something prepared.

『I have a plan Miss Blaze, I need to finish this spell I'm doing, if we manage to finish it in time, Miss Tatsumaki might calm down and that would be a huge advantage for us』.

『Calm down? You mean defeat her right? Besides what did you do to make her angry?』

『Uhm...I'm afraid you'll scold me too, so I'll keep it to myself when I'm done with this...』-『But in short, I need you to defend me until I finish conjuring the spell, could you lend me your help Miss Blaze?』

At this Carmis was telling her plan to Blaze, where the Cat was hesitant about this, but anyway if it's a method to get Tatsumaki out of the fight, then she's willing to do it because....

『Of course I'll support you buddy, also stop calling me Miss Blaze, I think at this point, stop being formal with me 』.

『I don't treat you as formal, I only treat you with respect Miss Blaze *smiles*』.

『Yes you keep annoying me *smiles*』

Now they had a plan, which was to defend Carmis until he finished his spell. More or less even though the spell seems huge and time consuming, it will only take him 5 min to complete it and at that time, his star spell like the portal will be disabled. But reciting a spell for 5 min in a fight is really too long, one slip up and you could be done for. He tried to do it before thinking he was superior, but he realised that his opponent is someone who is not a joke at all...

『The plan is as follows kid, defeat them and win, got it?』

『Yes, we have to beat them before they do anything!!!』

Quickly the 2 individuals, Tatsumaki and M went all out for Blaze and Carmis' defence, who quickly for safety's sake, the Cat went on to envelop all around them with a huge flare that went for meters and meters across the entire area. M quickly used his arms to resist the heat, but fortunately he was not taking any damage, as he had an energy shield on him from Tatsumaki and...

『What a jerk, that attack will also damage that Demon』.

『No, those flames won't harm the one who chooses to defend』.

『.... I see, so he has that control over his flames, then』.

Tatsumaki quickly with her psychic powers it would be easy for her to undo these flames, but in a smiling manner she was rushing towards the centre of the flames that...I couldn't stay behind either so I also followed her. Quickly Blaze's ears twitched from one moment to the next as enemies came to attack her. Where in a fast way he tried with his stroke of fire to move to protect Carmis, who....From one moment to another he could notice how his flames were apparently being absorbed for some reason, where all the flames disappeared and...

『Whatever you do is useless insect 』

Tatsumaki appeared and with her coils ended up absorbing all of Blaze's attack, she had her in front who the cat was surprised by this, but more so she wasn't afraid since...Carmis at this than she was still conjuring the spell, she quickly summoned another type of magic again, which seems to be eletricity and....

As the Tatsumaki Spirals were still appearing, upon contact with the slight eletricity...Blaze at this again created a screen of flames to counter the explosion that occurred. The whole place was quickly filled with explosions, especially around the Heroine's immediate surroundings, seeing her bouncing from one side to the other by explosions that she herself actually caused. ....

『His Spiral came from my same ability...so he won't be able to get rid of them if there is still matter in between, he won't be able to redirect them or disappear them, he will stay where he was summoned...』.

Carmis knew very well how this ability works and he was right. Tatsumaki didn't understand the reason why she can't undo her Spirals that were around her nor can she summon them to other parts that...Quickly even though she has her energy barrier all over her body. Seeing her who fell right next to me, she was completely even more injured than I thought, but....

『(Fuck it, I bounced around like a rag doll...)』

『With this skill having that disadvantage...then let's go straight 』

Tatsumaki thought about clearing the flames, but Blaze would most likely make them reappear again and...even though this time Tatsumaki thought he was one step ahead by absorbing the flames, the explosions and the disadvantage of the spell did work against him. Besides, by getting too close to this sea of flames, Carmis could easily summon a thunder spell and explode all around him. And since they have a barrier as well and can heal themselves even a little bit at a time....

『What a nuisance...you've already pissed me off....』

Tatsumaki was thinking of a strategy to break through this barrier but....

『Leave it to me 』

Decided I said, it's not really that I had an idea or a plan, I just wanted to win at all costs. Inside the flames Carmis was still conjuring the spell, while Blaze watched and sensed the presence of the others. She could quickly see a sphere of energy coming at her, where she quickly countered it with her flames but... They were quickly throwing spheres of energy from sideways piles, as if someone was running in a circle at all times. Blaze either had to redirect his flames or launch new ones, but....

『(What does M...)』 

This didn't seem to make sense, his attacks didn't seem to have no result, but quickly Blaze realized something. Maybe M tries to use the strategy of collecting energy spheres and then redirecting them to the centre, but...his attacks are destroyed by the flame barrier and the separate flames Blaze throws...so....


Quickly Blaze and Carmis could feel a huge amount of incredible energy above them, where... it was weird, Carmis could feel that in that huge amount of energy was not only from Tatsumaki, but there was also energy from M and also from Blaze. The entire attack was being attracted by Tatsumaki's coils and all of it was enclosed in a layer of its own energy, creating an unbalanced giant sphere of energy above the flames that...

『If you like explosions so much, let's see if you like this!!!!!』

And Tatsumaki forcefully threw the large energy sphere. Blaze quickly tried to throw flares at the attack, but instead of making it retreat or explode at that moment, it rather took more size and strength as it absorbed it, forcing every power to be inside that....

At that moment they did not end up expecting it, that M appeared at that moment to be able to make him against melee both. Before the nerves of receiving the explosion, they could not see this, where M passed with speed to take Blaze with him and could be seen as both came out of the great barrier of flame. Where M happened to tie up Blaze and hold her tightly so that she wouldn't do anything else and...

Carmis was left alone at that moment that...he had 2 options, either to retreat too and be safe, or to start the spell again that .... where Tatsumaki was using the Seikatsu no Basho and he realized that ....POOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The attack ended up hitting the same place where again the attack was concentrating on a single point of the explosion, Blaze was shocked by the attack that was occurring, Tatsumaki from the heights was sure that this had won, any of the 2 results served her but undoing the spell was the most important thing. She looked up at the sky and .... the spell was still being written. He quickly moved on to clear everything with his powers and ended up finding that....

『You die already....』

Carmis was shocked and stunned by what happened, he was recovering from his wounds little by little, he didn't get out of the attack but...the reason he was able to hold on was not so much because of his barrier, but because the giant hand was used as a shield to protect Carmis from all the energy explosion. Where in the end only the huge hand was left bleeding and completely falling to the ground after protecting its owner. Carmis was still healing from the wounds but...it hurt a lot anyway....

『I could heal you too but...you knew that if I did that I wouldn't withstand the attack...without your protection the attack would have been more than my healing...Diablito-sama...thanks for your help....』

Carmis was completely healed and...while the giant hand was swallowed by a portal from where it appeared. At this Carmis would like to continue fighting but...now thanks to that attack he has no more resources, all he has left is to finish the spell, no more barrier, no more protection from demons at his mercy, another kind of spell...is no longer possible. So Carmis just closed his eyes and continued to cast the spell that...

『Leave it all to me, in this minute that's left, I'm going to protect you my friend 』.

Blaze appeared at that moment in front of the Demon, who Carmis upon hearing this, said nothing more and continued to conjure the spell. Tatsumaki went down to M and complained to him about why he decided to let him go, which his answer was....

『It's just that he's a good sneak』.

My answer annoyed the Heroine who...happened to be in a good mood since our strategy did end up disabling Carmis completely.

『He's like a child waiting to be robbed of his candy』.

『(What's with the comparison?)』

『That insect over there, it'll be easy to push her aside, don't stand in the way of my victory!!!!!!』

Quickly Tatsumaki came with speed towards Blaze who the cat gathered power in her fire artifact. Where both of them clashed power with each other again, this time she can resist more because Tatsumaki is exhausted. But anyway the superiority could be noticed because ..... Blaze was quickly hit by invisible blows all over her body and was thrown out of the place. Quickly Tatsumaki had Carmis in front of him unprotected, and was going to give him a strong blow to end this. But she could quickly feel a streak of fire coming at her. And again it was trying to hit Tatsumaki, who the Heroine nimbly dodged it and placing her hand to Blaze's face said.

『You insect storms 』

And with an expulsion of power he threw her away from the place, once again Carmis was free but...Tatsumaki's patience was exhausted and he quickly caused a great pressure all around him, not only causing damage to Carmis but also to Blaze who had come back fast with his fire stroke and ....

『Ya give up, give up you two, don't you see that winning is impossible for you?』

『Impossible you say? Of course it's impossible for me to beat you, but I'm not looking for this...I'm currently fighting to protect my friend!!!!!』

Blaze quickly began to release fire from all around him, of course the flames themselves suffered from the pressure generated by Tatsumaki, but it seems that the fire spread so much that it ended up coming out of Tatsumaki's pressure generation. This didn't matter to him as he easily absorbed it with his Spiral and...

『*sigh* Stop fighting, everything you do won't do any good, I'm at a completely higher level than you, and you trying to beat me, instead of making me laugh, it's really pitiful, that you don't understand something so simple...it really bothers me』.

Tatsumaki turned to be to Carmis who...despite suffering from the pressure, was still conjuring the spell that...So he collected energy in his palm to finish this, when I cast it this time if the match will have won and....

『And what's wrong with that if I don't understand? What's wrong with wanting to fight for who I am? .... What's wrong with trying even though it's impossible for me? That's none of your business, that's my problem...but you know why I do it? Mostly to make myself stronger and to measure myself, but I also do it...because it annoys the hell out of me!!!!』

At this Blaze gave a burst of flames that...even though she was being oppressed by Tatsumaki's gravity pressure...her flames were slowly...fluttering around the surroundings. At this the Heroine ended up surprised and even got a sweat on her face, she still did not stop her attack towards Carmis, but her gaze was aware of Blaze because of that....

『Why...you keep getting up...how come you keep...being able to move forward!!!!』

『...Do you know why?....Because that's who I am!!!!!!!!』

Gravity unravelled where Blaze was at that moment, and with a burst of power, he quickly loaded all his attack into his artifact fist he had, and like a kite he went all out for Tatsumaki...PPOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A loud roar was heard in the place, where Tatsumaki released his barrier and was again provoking pressure to Blaze to be thrown but...again he was making effort not to be defeated this time and....

『Of course I won't beat you...I can't beat you...but it's not the only way for you to remember me...you little runt...』

At this Tatsumaki was nervous and...*crack* A cracking sound could be heard and...Tatsumaki's shield was breaking at that moment that...from the attack she was charging towards Carmis, this fear of overcoming even able to break the limit.... all this only gave him what humanity is capable of when you put your mind to it...CRACK!!!!!!!!!The barrier was breaking at that moment surprising Tatsumaki even more, where Blaze again was still going hard to hit the Heroine but...

『Of course you're never going to beat me, don't think you're too much of an insect!!!!!!』

Again he resumed the attack he was going to throw at Carmis, he concentrated it on his fist, and in a much faster and more direct way, he finished hitting his punch, a green lightning bolt could be seen ascending to the skies. Where in it was Blaze who was completely defeated at that moment and....Tatsumaki was fine, but quietly, she wasn't shaking at all, neither her arms nor her legs...but...the one who broke her barrier and all the times that cat got up...really....

『Thank you so much friend, let me return the favour.... *smiles*』

Carmis then finished conjuring his spell, where the spells and writings from all over the sky, were not only in the place where they were. But they were also conjured in all the places where they fought before and... like a ray of light falling silently in the centre of the spells, a white light ended up spreading to all the places and corners of the world. In this one too, there was such a release of energy, where Tatsumaki all he could do, was again create his shield that...he realised...although it is easy to create another shield and how strong it is...at that moment he thought he would not resist this attack....

A light imbued the whole place, where as it gradually cleared up, Tatsumaki realised that....

『Nothing happened...』

He was expecting something else, like a devastating attack that would end everything but...everything was really the same...or at least it seemed that way. Tatsumaki looked around at the destroyed landscape where they were fighting. It was once again the autumn forest of the beginning and...faint sounds of land animals could be heard, as well as a few birds flying by and .....

『Hey, what exactly did you do?....』

『*smile*Just clean up our mess 』

When Tatsumaki asked Carmis, he calmly answered her, and upon hearing the answer. The Heroine was left somewhat as to say...tired of it all at last....Carmis explained to her that since her fight spread to many places in the world and with it brought destruction to everything, the best thing she can do then is to repair everything she caused, if there were some lives involved, she made a little too much effort, everything was fine again...

『By the way Miss Tatsumaki, I don't think any lives were lost, I did my best not to get someone killed in all of this, the explosion I caused, we actually transported at the last minute to a desolate place, so no one died, everything was recovered, you can rest now...』

To what Carmis said, Tatsumaki to this couldn't believe it...from all the fighting he caused destruction and thought he couldn't do anything more for others...it seems that the damage that was caused, was repaired by this smiling Demon who is on the ground from exhaustion...He no longer possesses the radiance of before, all the power that gushed forth is gone, he's not even able to summon his portal...he really looks like an ordinary guy who....

『If you can repair everything from one moment to the next, if you can bring everything back before the disaster, you would really be very useful in a difficult world like mine 』.

『ahahaha...I prefer a simple life...』-『So please end this, I...couldn't win 』

Carmis used little of his strength to kneel down...Tatsumaki had him in front of him and...with a single punch to his chest, the Demon ended up falling completely defeated by his opponent. This was really good for him, since he could rest as much as he wanted from now on, although the bad thing is that he also exhausted all the power of the UltiWorld, being in a world where you can't steal other people's magic because it doesn't exist, it's really a huge disadvantage...

『It looks like I won...what a victory...weird to feel...』

Tatsumaki had no reason to keep fighting anymore, he had already won and they also ended up showing him what he was expecting so much from these...But the fight wasn't over yet, it was still continuing on for these 2 fighters to finish their fight which...is going to be just right now....

The last thing Blaze remembered was that he used all his strength to oppose Tatsumaki, it can be said that he succeeded, he far exceeded his own limits at that moment, he had nothing else in mind but to go forward destroying everything in front of him. What little he remembers and perhaps made him somewhat deserving of his achievement, is that Tatsumaki got nervous at that moment...His face of concern about why he keeps getting up to fight...It seems that he will not forget it for a long time...but in the end that joy remained in a single second, if... She managed to pierce through the Heroine's shield and leave her exposed in many ways but...Blaze herself knew that this was her limit, to hit her would be to want more than you can, she received an attack full of energy from the Psychic showing her that she will never be at her level...

『Maybe I had the advantage this time...Tatsumaki was already worn out and exhausted after her fight with Carmis, but her skills were still very advantageous...I don't care about the situation she was left in...a win is a win...the face she made when I destroyed her shield...*mockery* was satisfying but...I couldn't do anything else and...that's fine by me, that dwarf is really strong...』

Blaze was lying on top of the fallen Autumn leaves that...also the orange light with yellow was still in the forest. Blaze knows how he feels, no matter how the result is given, one declares victor by his requirements, he did not seek to beat Tatsumaki, but since he saw her make that worried face that she may be more not a danger, but insistent, really Blaze had already taken it as a great achievement and that he can now rest in all this and.....-------------

『Get up Blaze...it's not over yet』

A child's voice ended up being heard in the place where they were. Blaze looked up and could see him at that moment, and just as he expected, it was his friend M who was still in his God Form, his body was worn out and trembling. He had fought from the beginning of his own free will and without any benefit in the fight, no regeneration, no support, he only had his brute strength and the belief that he is someone strong and...all that led him to this scenario where ....

『I will defeat you...Blaze...』

He got into combat pose at that moment, M was serious because he wanted to win this fight if or if, only then he will realize what awaits him later, he has his gaze fixed on what he wants. Where Blaze hearing and feeling M's being, this one was still with a null face that would turn to a proud one as if telling him....

『All right, let's have a real fight again M, let's fight until we are both satisfied *proudly*』.

Blaze stood up at that moment only to reciprocate his friend's feeling, that they should finish this fight just between the 2 of them. Blaze couldn't feel it or think why he still has enough strength to continue the fight, but Carmis had the answer, when he finished the restoration spell, he not only returned everything around the world to normal, but also when he hit Blaze, he ended up healing him a little and at the same time...giving him a little push to see that there was still an extra option that he realized at the last moment ....

M was smiling and...an image came to him at that moment, of his previous fight he had with Blaze, they were in the same situations, M came from incredible fights and even exhausted he had the feeling of wanting to win no matter what, just like at this very moment, he wants to win no matter what...This would be his first revenge to all that previous confrontation with the beings that gave him a space in this world and who he appreciates. At that time he learned in that fight to grow as a person, and now...there was no difference either...at the end of it all, whatever the result, it will be a different way of thinking for both of them...

Running as fast as he could, M headed towards Blaze to be the first to attack, the tiredness was noticeable, it was like watching a child running across a field. Quickly M tried to perform and hit Blaze with an accurate hit. Where the cat instead of redirecting it, it passed to first dodge the blow, and in a fast way, it charged its fist in flames and tried to hit M, who could barely dodge it, where it quickly noticed an opening at that moment, without expecting it, with its tail it ended up hitting Blaze's feet making him lose his balance, where it proceeded without rest to launch a combo of attacks that only Blaze could protect himself with his arms, again M with its tail made Blaze spin with force in the middle of the fall, where the Cat did not end up waiting for it, uncoordinating its movements and. .. POM! He ended up receiving M's simultaneous blows all over his body, M didn't have to lose strength or speed at this point, he was really getting too exhausted, so...he ended up going around the small area that was around Blaze, and....

With maximum speed in everything he could, he tried to give blows from different sides that hit Blaze all over his body, he was going so fast that Blaze could not really do anything but receive the blows, but at that moment the boy was also doing something, at the same time that he was throwing several blows at Blaze, he was also throwing several energy spheres that were accumulating and....

M ended up jumping and throwing a beam of energy that ended up slamming Blaze on the ground and... quickly with his hand he gave the order and directed the energy spheres towards Blaze, where they exploded in the area and... M was falling through the skies...he was even more exhausted by this, he was exhaling as he used the great resistance he had in that opening he achieved, his heart was pounding, the sweat and nerves were also overflowing the limit and...

Quickly M had to use his arms to protect himself from the flares that were coming at him in the middle of the fall. Blaze was counteracting M's techniques, which finally cleared up... it seems that the initial deterioration of strength was noticeable...

『(He may be faster than me...but his attacks really reduced his strength...he knows it himself, that's why he kept attacking in a thousand ways trying and hoping to weaken me but...)』

Quickly Blaze used his fire stroke, where in a light way he was heading to where M was, who the boy knew that in terms of defending himself from direct attacks, if he was going to have a hard time. He quickly threw spheres of energy around the place, but Blaze dodged them and when they passed around him, they left flame marks, but they didn't burn or cause a fire at all... Blaze ended up jumping and was in front of M at that moment... the first reaction that M had was...

『(I have to get away from her or else...)』

『You won't be able to beat me M...We're both too exhausted, with those weak punches it will take you a while to defeat me , while I'm going for more of a sure thing, with a single powerful punch, I'm going to destroy you 』.

Listening to her, I really couldn't help but agree with her, if I want to end this, instead of wasting my strength in a few weak attacks, it's better to concentrate everything in one attack and put an end to this but...I realised what Blaze was looking for at that moment, I think it's easy to deduce it, the only way to show that you are strong, is with a clash of the most powerful attacks of each one of you. Someone weak if they have a powerful attack, is able to defeat even the strongest of all...

To this I quickly changed my strategy in a fast way, where first I ended up pushing myself twice with punches in the air, I ended up redirecting myself under Blaze, where I didn't end up expecting it, but...when I wanted to prepare a powerful blow...the look on Blaze's face at that moment....


The gaze he gave me really became very familiar...it's the typical gaze he gives when he concentrates his whole being only on me...that fixed gaze that seems to be undisturbed by anything, that gaze that every time I said something in a normal tone, Blaze would turn to look at me piercingly and I didn't know what was wrong with him...now the same thing is happening...he really won't take his gaze off me and that....

POMMM!!!!!! We clashed our punches at that moment, my normal punch that faltered at that moment, and Blaze's fist engulfed in flames, even though I tried to win this clash of forces...really my arm was faltering and...POMM!!!! Blaze ended up hitting me with his powerful punch that ended up taking me and smashing me into the whole bed of autumn leaves and...I really spat saliva at that moment...I was really hurting from the blow he gave me...I wanted to complain about the pain and roll over but...when I opened my eyes, I realized that Blaze was standing in front of me and...still his gaze on me was still persistent and...

I gritted my teeth and stood up with my whole body trembling but somehow resisting...I was wiping the saliva from my mouth and....

『(I can't...I mustn't look pathetic right now...I must keep fighting and prove that I'm someone strong...I must win...)』

So I concentrated as much as I could at that moment, and after taking a few breaths and trying to be determined, I stared at Blaze again and...I found myself for some reason, that I must not disappoint her again and that I must win this rematch. At that moment I remembered what Amy said to me before the fight....

『"Don't lose your eyes on Blaze, because just like you, he will show you the true reason for which fight"』.

Now I understand what Amy meant by telling me that and...all the times she looked at me like that, she was really showing me or wanting to show me what she really felt in those moments and...so my duty as her friend and as a person, is to reciprocate those wishes...I don't know why...but I'm really cheering up in this last fight I'm going to have, I happened to get a slight emotion of smile at that moment and...that we are going to end up here all because...

『Come and let me know how you feel, Blaze, I also want to tell you how I feel!!!!』

And I really got excited at that moment, that I energetically started to throw myself at Blaze running as fast as I could, where Blaze also at that moment, started to throw a slight smile, to continue to run in the same way. In the first clash of fists that took place, there was really nothing else to think about but to keep fighting continuously, every time that we went back to the par by our own blows, we quickly found ourselves in an exchange as simple as I could see at that moment but... every dodge, every grazing blow, every hit, every hit and receive it... it really was as if he was telling me everything he felt and...

I quickly started to want to confuse it by jumping and going from here to there, where Blaze, without wasting time, started to expand his flames enough to hinder me and...the only thing I could do at that moment when I saw that he was coming for me, when I saw his fist that wanted to hit me again was...to counterattack with the same blow. POM!!! Another clash of fists at that moment, they were evenly matched, where again I faltered at that moment for the last minute, that blow left me with openings and ... before receiving another blow, with my tail I took his fist and redirected it to the ground where ... Pom!!!! I finished giving a strong blow to Blaze's back where I quickly grabbed his leg with my tail and without wasting time I smashed it against the ground and...when I wanted to continue with another blow, I received a sea of flames and the only thing I had left was to continue with my attack among the flames. POM! There was another collision at that moment where I again lost the combat strength and when I tried to repeat my strategy, Blaze ended up countering me with his...

『Are you really going to use your tail again?』

Its tail stretched out thanks to its flames blocking my tail attack at that moment and POMM!!!! I received a blow all over my face at that moment that...I could really feel it a lot at that moment, even feel my body trembling but...With a strong stomp I went back to the gait and we continued with our clash of attacks at that moment, the movements we were doing were definitely not our best state but...we were really both giving our all in that attack that....

I could notice how Blaze's piercing eyes glowed at that moment and...he quickly ended up propelling himself into the sky, where in the process he left me with bursts of flames that left me stunned for a while and... .... When I was free I could realize something, it was like a kite of fire was ascending through the sky and...

I knew what Blaze was going to do at that moment, that technique needs time to be prepared, besides the most effective thing is to take your opponent with you but...

I quickly gathered energy in me that with a shout I took it even more seriously, where I could again invoke the white ki that was pouring out of my whole body and...I could feel it myself...I charged all that energy in my fist that little by little began to emerge a pure glow in it...What Blaze wants is very easy, so I'll give you what you want and we'll end this once and for all...So much energy was pouring out and I demanded that the leaves were being thrown by the force that I provoked. While from the sky, the comet that was ascending, quickly Blaze in that small moment of calm before descending...

『(You're an incredible fighter M, you gave me to understand in our first real confrontation, now with this fight you're giving me to understand how much you care about us, my answer is...) You're still a child!!!』 

Blaze was quickly descending from the heights with power that...you could hear how he was breaking even boundaries he never believed in. A large sphere of spinning fire could be seen descending with force towards our location, it really looked like a meteorite that...M was still gathering enough strength at that moment in his fist the pure attack, that in this entire moment....

『(I wish I could be a child forever, you have a family that loves you, a simple and simple life, being an adult really scares me...growing up and becoming the person I don't want...it scares me...)Ahh.... I wish I never grow up...I think that would give me a little bit more strength in this life...but...One in the face of problems, you must always respond with strength if you are sure of what you want!!!』-『I am still a child!!!! And I will fight to live this dream a little longer!!!!』

Where I could see it at that moment, my gaze focused on the heights, I could see what I had to face. Blaze was coming with one of his strongest attacks so far, Blaze's Spin Dash in his Unleashed Form, I really believe that if he hits anyone with that attack, he can defeat anyone. And when I least expected it, there was a moment of silence and calmness in that moment...POMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our attacks were colliding with each other and sprouting counter energy from each other. My Pure attack was struggling against Blaze's Spin Dash, who's attack kept spinning and gushing flames all the time. It was weird...his flames didn't burn me at all, I'm sure that would weaken me even more because of the heat but...Blaze wants to defeat me with brute force as it's always been his style...My arm was shaking at that moment, my legs were shaking too, it might not burn at all, but the spinning is weakening my attack and...At that moment I was trying too hard not to let myself win but...at that moment I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird...I was feeling something weird... ..At that moment I felt something strange, a green energy was also combining with me and...I felt a bit stronger...I knew what had happened, so again I was making effort and I could feel that I was remoting the clash of attacks, I was again wanting to stand my ground and...Blaze's Spin, was becoming weaker...my counter attack was weakening his and...if I keep going like this then....

『Remember what I told you M?』


『The only thing I have to do is something simple, to completely destroy your falsehood and make you understand that the world is really huge M!』

And at his words...really all this time...instead of seeing the whole huge world that was within my reach, I only limited myself to stay in the place where I knew nothing bad would happen to me...At that moment I didn't understand it but...Blaze somehow regained and took the advantage in our clash of attacks. My arm quickly felt weaker and weaker as time went by, and the retreat was inevitable little by little. I fixed my gaze on something that never dared to look away and...I could notice that something was sprouting in it, not only its own power...but also something white was being generated in it where...Our attacks were made against each other, but in my case it ended up causing a big opening in front of me, my arms are useless, my legs too, my tail too, my tail the same. ...I have no strength but the feeling of wanting to win but...I could see it at that moment, Blaze undoing his Spin Dash and seeing it I could tell that...his fist really was full of pure emotions that....

『You won't be a kid forever M!!!!!!!!!』

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....When he said that to me...I really...POMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The attack ended up hitting me so hard that I couldn't do anything to avoid it...It was weird that moment, the attack could have easily caused a big disaster in the whole area but...all the pure attack and feeling of Blaze, was concentrated only on me that...when I opened my eyes, I was lying on the floor and unable to do anything...I couldn't even move my fingers, I couldn't feel my arms or my legs.... I was really exhausted and...I was really...

『No...don't tell me the obvious....*cry*....』

The fact that they told me that, I really couldn't help but start crying at that moment of our fight, I was crying so hard that instead of a child I looked like a baby, I couldn't believe it...was this really happening? Even though I tried so hard and gave my best I...At that moment I could feel a warm caress on my head and...it was Blaze who was behind me, who with his hand was caressing my head, while he was with a smile that...

『You'll stop being a kid, but that doesn't mean you'll lose everything M, you'll get and even recover things if you keep going, just get up and keep fighting till the end kid *smiles*』

Blaze kept stroking my head and...I really couldn't cope with it...that I was still in my God Form...I was slowly turning into my Base Form, showing myself as a little boy who will stop being a little boy one of these days and...I must be strong for what's coming...

『I...lost again *smiles*.....』

The result of this fight, M has lost again in this world.....


Night had finally fallen, where it seemed at first it was never going to be. The fight had been over for a while now and...things were already a little better, with this result many were satisfied and realised that it was the best decision that came out. Even M, who seemed to be sad, dissatisfied and against it, is taking a very positive view that this is the right path to take. Everyone was happy, but it seems that there was one who....

『Did he really lose? And I decided to help him a little in the end...even with my power, that boy is not able to do anything』.

Tatsumaki was really annoyed with this result, it was a team fight above all, she may have won her match with Carmis, but the real fight was if M managed to lose and...that's how it ended. M lost and Blaze won.

『*laughs*Well, after all, an adult's job is to guide the children, not to make it easy for them 』

『And you Carmis, don't think I didn't notice that you also helped Blaze at the last moment, if you hadn't intervened the boy ---------』

『I didn't do anything, or well I did do something, with the restoration spell I healed Miss Blaze's condition a bit, the fact that I received a bit of power is mostly due to the UltiWorld, it became interested in Blaze being its user for a while, but in the end I managed to reconcile with the UltiWorld. In the middle of the fight, the Magic Book is always aware of everything, of every living being and see if it is true to itself, I'm not going to lie to you that when it decided to kill me, UltiWorld was thinking about rejecting me and you becoming its user *laughs* That would have been horrible... but upon returning to the original battlefield, the UltiWorld once again recognized and took interest in Blaze by becoming a better true to herself, so that last power surge, was because of the Magic Book rather than my decision *laughs*』-『You didn't get stuck did you? or do you want me to explain it again?』

『In short, the UltiWorld gave its last bit of power to Blaze because it already had feelings for the cat *sigh* How hard is it to say something simple? You make things too complicated for yourself Carmis』

『Ohh, I see you're also very smart Miss Tatsumaki』

At that moment Carmis turned her gaze back, to look at him too...but at that moment Tatsumaki was leaving the place because she'd rather not be with a pervert who takes it as pure...

While outside his home, lying on the bed of dry leaves was really nice. M lay on his stomach as if it was the most comfortable thing in the world, where he wasn't the only one, Cream was also playing along, where the rabbit moved his arms and legs while saying at the end.

『Look M, a dry leaf angel *smiles*』

『*smile*You looked really cute Cream, and to imagine that someone tender and cute like you would become someone strong capable of giving a fight to strong people, you're amazing Cream 』

『Did she just say she's strong? Well, I guess she is 』 

At this M was stroking Cream's head where upon hearing the comment he made, Amy couldn't help but find doubts in all this as well. While M was stroking Cream's head in a calm manner, M quickly felt like crying again because...but he quickly held it in and resisted like the man he would become.

『No!!! I can't show myself like this!!! Even if it's not at this time!!! But the truth...』

At that moment I could hear someone call out to me, who when I turned around was Zeta who was with her arms open, at this I didn't understand much, but in a calm manner she came over and was moving to hug me in her little arms and....

『Come on, if you want to cry, just do it, just because you are a man doesn't stop you from being weak and remorseful』.

At her words and affection...it really ended up hitting me so much that I hid my face in her body and would go on to cry silently at that moment. Seeing this Zeta, it really made him remember the same moment where M was small and he did the same thing...At all this it seems that each one was going to come and tell me something, no one said it was a farewell because of that....

『Yeah, you're more mature when it's all over, I can't wait to see you when you're all grown up, so when you go back home, you should visit us from time to time *smiles*』

『But what are you saying Rouge, how am I going to visit them if I don't even know how I'm going to do it』

『That doesn't matter, but the point is that we should meet again, all together, so I know that you are well 』.

The exchange of words with Rouge, really...I was smiling at that moment thinking that this is how my friend should always be instead of the perverted version I know. So I was replying to her that...

『All right, I'll come back and you'll see me grow up, it's a promise, although I don't know how I'll do it but okay』.

At this Rouge was calmer with my response, where it seems Amy was next to give me her words that...I was quickly getting a pang in my chest at that moment that...as I looked down I could tell that....

『Enseriously since when did you become bigger than us...』

『I'd like to know the same thing too』.

『I'll give you one last piece of advice, don't go back to strategies that put you at a disadvantage too, if you hadn't done the stupid thing of returning to your Base Form, maybe even the result would be different, strategies in combat is to win above all, there may be sacrifices but for the greater good but...』

『It's no use if we don't win...I'm sorry...』

『Same thing, but still, I like that even though you're cornered, you fight to get the victory, don't lose that feeling M, you must have more victories than defeats in your life *smiles*』

At that last comment Amy happened to stick out her thumb at me giving me luck, to this I could only do the same, where I really must keep in mind her words, may be if I had thought of something else, everything would have ended differently...Cream came up to me at that moment as if telling me, not telling me...if not I had to kneel down where she happened to tell me straight to my face that....

『Never give up!!!! M-nii-chan!!!!』

Where... I was really happy for his words, where I was telling him that I will always keep him in mind from now on. I was really hoping that someone else would tell me something, but it seems he doesn't want to....

The preparations were ready, to this while Tatsumaki was saying and doing the portal spell to cross between worlds. I told Carmis and suggested that he should also come with us, that he should return to his original world, but....

『No, I may look like an adult and capable person, but you know very well that I'm still weak in many things, even if you live long, things from your childhood you still retain...I'm very fearful *smiles*』

At her words, it really made me think that I'm afraid too, but I see that there are people who are even more afraid...At this Tatsumaki had conjured up the portal, it was spiralling around in all green and dark. Actually seeing it, the Heroine was telling me that we should leave now, but...At that moment I happened to look back where...it really doesn't seem like anything is going to happen, well, she already did a lot for me too, so I guess she wouldn't have anything more to tell me. So I would take the first step, but...

I could feel someone holding my hand at that moment, and when I looked at him, I could notice how Blaze with his 2 hands was holding mine, he didn't say anything, I didn't say anything either. Rather, I could feel how he was touching my scar on my hand and...

『Are you telling me not to go and stay? I think that would be a bit-----』

From what I was talking about, quickly something happened that no one expected, I was really surprised because...Blaze happened to bite my hand that was holding me out of nowhere and...what was this...it hurt but it was bearable...from one moment to another he ended up stopping and happened to stare at me at that moment...I really don't understand what happened...he was looking at my scar again and....

『!!!!!!!!!!....*smile* 』

『No matter what happens, you must keep going until the end of your journey M, everything bad that you suffer, take it as a teaching not to make mistakes in the future, if you want to be the best version of yourself, learn to cope with everything, and if you can't cope with it, get up and go on, go on, go on, go on and go on. Have...a safe journey my friend 』.

To Blaze's words, it really ended up hitting me hard and...I was really thankful with everything that happened in this world and that from now on I must continue with that new phase that I hope will end someday.

M's stay in the First World: 2 years 1 month and 1 week from the day he left.

M left his Original World on April 29th.

End of Volume One.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

This is a remake of the first volume. The first version goes back to 2019 when I was introduced to the world of the novels, and I noticed as time went by that it was weak in too many ways, so I decided to improve it and it's actually better. But still I will make a small summary of the first version and you will see in your own way the beginning of someone new. 

But now comes how I felt writing and finishing this story. Well, the truth is that it felt very gratifying, because you know when something is better than what you did before, really when I read again or rather have slight memories of my beginnings with the first volume, I really didn't like it very much, I feel that it had more potential and resources to exploit, if it wasn't for a comment I think that I wouldn't have even thought of rewriting and telling the story from the beginning. It only happened in the First and Second Volume, from the third, I also read it again, and I am impressed with how I handled it in its time, but I don't think I will rewrite it again, because I have a special affection for that volume, because I feel that is where I start to understand better what it is to write and find my style of how to tell a story. So I thank that commentary and person who suggested me more than anything to retell better the first chapters, as you can see I extended a lot, since in principle the first version had 22 chapters and with the Remake I left it just in 40 chapters. The truth is that I feel very satisfied with the work I did, it took some time because of the way I work but I hope you have patience with me, I really appreciate it. 

Now we'll go with some curious facts from the First Volume:

1.In case many didn't notice, yes...all this stuff in the first volume comes from an inspiration of a little kid who had too much freedom with the internet back in the day and discovered something he maybe shouldn't have looked at...I guess I should be thankful for starting it all...

2.In the first version, Carmis literally dies in his introductory Arc. Since Blaze is the one who ends up charring him completely.

3.There are a lot of events that are very different from the whole first volume, so I will most likely dedicate a summary to it as I said.

4.The character of Carmis was really very much to my liking, I literally spontaneously came out with his personality and how the character should be, I literally revived a dead character from the beginning and even made him fit in the story very well, helping the narrative a lot in several moments.

5.Parasite X is considered someone rare among his species, as he literally should have no thoughts of his own and only see for his creator, these initial parasites are not even the crumbs and dirt that they will be in the future. They are not considered prototypes, as told, they were released and will grow on their own.

6.The Parasites are created in great mass and are spread all over the world and existing realities in the story, if there is a successor somewhere, it is most likely that there is a Parasite that has the mission to possess it. 

7.Let's say that if I know Sonic but I haven't delved much into his world, I tell you that I didn't know exactly what are the personalities or thoughts of the characters, I only got the vague idea by how I remember them and how they look like. That's why maybe or at least I think they are a bit different from the official or canon versions, but I think in the end they ended up having their differences, characteristics and character in the end if we just focus on the story, so it's fine, I think. At least they are defined as they are in the initial story and based on that I've worked to improve them, I think that's the most important thing in everything.

8.I omitted a lot of obscene things in this version, because I have the vague memory that if I wrote some dirty moments in the first volume, I guess it's because it was the thought of a child who wanted to just enjoy things...you know...But in the end I omitted all that and it was much better, ah, but the second volume will be obligatorily the hot topic, because literally that is not the main topic, but it's present.

Just as M knew that Blaze felt something for him, in his original world he also knows that his childhood friend, Menhera feels affection and love for him. Or at least here he realises with the passing of time as he grows up, but as a child he was lost in all this love stuff and that's why you could see in many aspects and moments that he is very interested in the subject of love, he wants to understand it right and left, not just stay with the vague idea of "this person likes me".

10.Carmis comes from the world of Jashin-chan Dropkick, and literally the silliness of his power and maybe the UltiWorld comes from that world which is also somewhat, comical and absurd? That must be why he is able to perform great feats that Magic Book.

11.UltiWorld is one of the most powerful artifacts in the entire history of M no Monogatari, mainly coming from the logic that is followed in its world, so literally in the hands of someone powerful to put it together with something that is capable of breaking absurdity, it becomes someone extremely dangerous to be reckoned with.

12.It's not that I focus on teaching or understanding a specific theme when telling a story, I just do it as I have it planned in my mind, it really impresses me if I connect too many bridges.

13.Although I omitted a big part of the original version, at least I left an important topic which is, the interest that humans have in relating them with semi-humans, but no, as I said before, you can but you shouldn't, you can? it's a story son, don't fuck around.

14.Thanks to the fact that M spent his puberty surrounded by semi-humans, more specifically anthropomorphic beings, an interest in this subject was born, so yes, M would get into these races without any problem, and even more so in the Second Volume.

15.Tatsumaki's appearance doesn't really have much mystery, at the time I added it just because, there was no extra background, but now I fixed it and even made it relevant, repairing it and making sense to my novice self.

16.Carmis is a pervert and it shows more when Tatsumaki arrives, but she's not the only one he looked at his ass, since he started living with everyone, he looked at his friends' asses, and he even created his own ranking of best asses for himself of all the individuals he met in this world. Undoubtedly a far superior and divine position is Medusa's. Ranking 1 is Tatsumaki, then Zeta in 2nd place, Amy in 3rd place, Rouge in 4th place and Blaze in 5th place.

17.The unlocking of M's power in his God Form is actually far below what he imagines, if he is surprised to find out that he has nothing now, he would be very humiliated.

18.The Carmis Develot Arge Form is a very advanced form in history, more will be known about it later on, but we can already get a picture of what it is capable of when someone reaches this form.

19.If M had stayed in the First World in spite of everything, he really would have lived happily, surely in some different reality that would have happened. But of course, it would have been momentary since his progress would have been stagnant and he would not have been able to deal with the threats that would come in the future.

Extra information about the characters of the story.

1: Carmis Develot Arge is 1.80 m tall / Born on May 4th.

2: X is 10cm tall in his Parasite form / Born on March 2nd. 

3: M at 13 years old is 1.45 m / M at 14 years old is 1.48 m / M at 15 years old is 1.50 cm

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