
Chapter 36: Dragon

This certainly took me by surprise, I had the mind to make clear what my intentions were and to think about the future, in truth to be content with what one has, is not bad at all, or at least that's what I think. But even if you don't care about it, your family and friends will want you to better yourself or become better than them, better in your life, better in how you will be as a person. My mother in primary school didn't pay much attention to me apart from the little moments we had, which even though she was very busy, she really looked out for my future wellbeing, I think we all heard the phrase "When I'm not around".... Really when he said it to me, it made me feel a deep feeling in my heart, because I didn't know exactly what to do when I'm alone without anyone I trust, I'm not ready to leave home and look after myself, I never found an answer to that, because I really didn't want it to happen, the "When I'm not there"... It only made me want to appreciate much more the little time with my family, and even to spend my whole life together with them, because if they weren't there with me, I really don't know what I would do...

And if for some reason they leave sooner than me, which is more likely, I really...I wouldn't know that all the effort and love they put into me, would serve me well for the rest of the time I have left...The thought of the future for a fearful person, is really overwhelming.

I have a motive right now, I've become at least strong enough to stand up for what I believe is right, even if it's just an escape from reality...I want to do it, with my own fists, to prove that I more than deserve to be here and being kicked out of my home really hurts...I'm not doing anything productive? That's how they see it...but...for me everything that happened in these years, my family knows it very well now...they are kicking me out of my home, because they know it's time, because it's the best for me, before it's too late and I don't have the same opportunity as before...


『(Tatsumaki will fight by my side, even though she said she has no intention of ending it all herself, something tells me that I've created a barrier, a wall, an impediment...I told you that sometimes I get lucky right? This would be one of those, I literally don't even have to do anything now, Tatsumaki will beat you all, and I really don't think you can beat her ....) *sigh* Sometimes luck falls at the wrong time ....』

I didn't even have to go to my God Form, really the desire to fight that I had at the beginning, it's kind of waning little by little. Of course I would like to fight against everyone, it would be like a revenge for me too after all my journey in the Mysterious Island, but... If I do it with Tatsumaki's support, this fight wouldn't really last, in this small group, right now we 2 are the strongest there is, while on the other side not to disrespect them but... the level of difference there is abysmal. The only way I see this possible, a slim chance of the other team winning, is....

At that moment the superior and stronger versions of all my friends came to mind, that potential and unlocking that the Parasite gave them by possessing them, the strength they had, the speed, the new level of their abilities, not that it's far off, they themselves can achieve it again, as it would be like being on the verge of breaking your limits...Just like Blaze managed to surpass himself at the time, maybe the people I have in front of me....

『No, more realistically, this time around the only ones who could oppose us are Blaze with his Unleashed Form and Carmis...especially my compa...I wonder if he's still fighting with the UltiWorld...』

While on the other side, the team was thinking that they have to do this to win, which has to start from there, because none of them really think they can win this fight.... Their very expressions say it, even though they are determined to fight, they are not determined or thinking about how to win this fight. But someone who stares at everyone and starts to really say what he feels, whether it's good or bad, notices the atmosphere, it only took him a second, to feel annoyed. ....

『Take off those faces』-『Or are you doing this out of commitment?』

Amy had spoken at that moment, where everyone turned to look at her and...Amy could see it better, how there was concern on their faces indicating that this fight is already lost without even having started, which only made Amy even more upset, she could easily yell at them and tell them everything she thinks with some truths, that would be best, but....

『I don't blame them, I understand their thinking at the moment, facing someone who we know can easily finish us off leaves a distinct feeling of inferiority, but...why are they acting like it's something new』-『We're not weak!!!』

Amy was about to begin her words of encouragement to her companions, who, as they began to listen to her, knew and felt that someone from their group had to take that position to boost morale. 

『If you thought we are insects, well surprise, we are not, being strong is always related to strength, it's simple, the more power you have the more amazing you become, but...it's not the only way to become strong!!!! We have been paying so much attention to strength that we didn't see other very important values, being strong doesn't define your life! I understood that a long time ago, being stronger than others doesn't make you better, if you believe that being strong no one will beat you, even someone weak has a chance to beat you, why? Because it has both this and this』-Amy went on to aim first at her head and then at her chest-『You don't need to be smart, if you are more creative than your opponent, you can win, you don't need a big heart or to be a better person, if you have the will and feel that you can do it despite everything to the contrary, that miracle of beating someone superior to you happens』-『We were not born strong, we became strong, and how? I said it a moment ago, with hard work, perseverance and ingenuity. When we met stronger opponents, did we panic and think that all was lost? Of course not, we fought without worrying about it anyway, because we knew better than anyone how strong we had become...and this was another chance to better ourselves...At least that's what I think as Sonic and company, even other really strong individuals had the level they have now. I don't know about that midget, but she probably worked her way up to be who she is now. Look at her, her attitude of superiority is her strength and that makes her strong, she will not turn her back to any threat or danger, she will fight for victory, not for nothing is she a heroine』-『And what about us? what makes us different? Nothing to me, we have the same chance to beat her, we are strong, we can win this fight!!!』

At this Amy was really giving some motivational words to her entire team, so much so that even the other side could hear it, where Tatsumaki noticing that she was talking about her, hearing her say it all...it really made her think of all of them, it might make them change their way of thinking from now on. Everyone, absolutely everyone listened to this, where no one seemed to do anything but pay attention, and when it was over, the atmosphere returned to a silent one.


A voice was heard, it was Zeta who happened to look at Amy, where she looked back at her, and after saying all that. The albino with a warm and gentle face said.

『You've become someone amazing, thank you so much *smiles*』

Where the pink one seems to have been hit by this, she knows that they have this thought of her, she even has memories of it being said to her, but for some reason, hearing it again at this moment...it really made her happy.

『.... You guys are pretty awesome too, I always thought so *smiles*』

Amy had come clean with everyone, even seeing her at this moment, it was like saying "Ah, she was always like that, our friend." With her spirits up and that desire that they can win, that small hope of coming out victorious. It was what was needed to start this fight, where Tatsumaki looking at how everyone was watching her with eyes of victory, this also made her smile with pride.

『That look is better, if you think you can beat me, then prove it!!!』

The heroine was now more excited to start this fight. Where on the other side, it still seemed to be figuring out how to win, now the ideas were coming. Zeta told everyone that Tatsumaki is targeting Blaze, but the cat clearly wants to fight against M as well, and if she were to take on both of them alone, she would lose.

『We will do our best to manage to hold off Miss Tatsumaki-san, she will respect the rules we gave before, if one of the 2, in our case 3. If Carmis and Blaze fall defeated, then we will have lost, but if only M falls defeated, then we will have won, it's like -------』

『A game of strategy, if the King tile falls, then it's over 』-『Although M beats me in rare games, lately I'm on a roll *serious*』

Amy complements Zeta's words at the time, where it seems they were right, it is a kind of game with a leader or important token, if he ends up being defeated, the fight will be over. The other team may have an advantage, as there should only be 2 who fall, Blaze and Carmis. And both of them can be very sneaky if they set their minds to it, while on the other side, they only have M who...it seems that from how lively he was, he has no intentions of more...he looks too vulnerable at the moment.....

『I need everyone to support in containing Miss Tatsumaki-san, Blaze you take care of defeating M』-『Your Carmis I would ask you to also fight alongside Blaze, but without you, I really don't think we'll last long, we're facing a psychic, your portals will be of great help to us 』

『Yes! Understood Miss Zeta!!! (So I'll be the support...but right now I think...I'll give Miss Tatsumaki a fight....)』

And when everyone had been still devising and agreeing on their plan. It seems that this was already over, when they least expected it, Tatsumaki had instantly appeared in the middle of their group, this alerted everyone, even saying that she had teleported herself.

『Every time they open their mouths, they provoke a feeling in me. !!!!』

The heroine didn't take long with her move, she quickly released an energy field around her, which she pushed everyone with her psychic power in a strong and impactful way. The place where Tatsumaki was now, had only left a perfect little crater, where you could see in front of her, where Carmis had almost used her portal, in order to dodge and defend her friends, who were Blaze and Zeta.

『That was close, thank you Carmis, your fearful reflexes really work 』.

『You're going to start with that too Miss Zeta? I'm not a coward...』

『Yes, I know that very well』.

While the other half of the team, Rouge could also see this at the last moment, where she used her wings both to protect herself, and to protect Amy and Cream, the only bad thing was that they were sent away from the battlefield. This was a bad situation, they had been separated in a hurry. But...

『There's no other way, Carmis! Blaze! We have to fight Tatsumaki while the others return!!!』

And with those words, the fight against the heroine had begun, Zeta quickly lunged with her blade to attack Tatsumaki, but it only took a glance to cause a heavy weight in her area. Blaze quickly went to her side with his fire line to surprise the heroine, where he quickly and without complication lifted a heavy piece of land to hit her in the face. Tatsumaki now saw Carmis, who didn't know what to do, and quickly tried to get into her portal but...

『(I can't move!!!』)

Of course he also possesses Telekinesis, causing Carmis to stand still without moving a single muscle. He wanted to be swallowed by his portal, but this prevented him from doing so. In a moment he had already countered all 3 individuals. Blaze repeatedly tried again to attack the heroine, but with only a few finger movements. Quickly Blaze noticed as if he had been hit invisibly by strong attacks. On the last move, he was thrown with force with a powerful attack into the forest, impacting the nearest trees. 

『*sigh* Really? After saying all that, they can't do it anymore...I'm not even fighting...it's not even a game...this is nothing but nonsense』

Tatsumaki seemed to be disappointed in my friends, which...I was in my own place doing nothing, I knew, she can handle this on her own, she really had it easy this time. Which, I decided to sit on the grass I was on, and just wait for it to be over.

『I'm really lucky....』

But at that moment Tatsumaki turned his gaze to where he was causing intense pressure and .... noticed that Zeta was no longer in the place. Quickly a portal had appeared above him without him noticing immediately. Zeta had an electric sphere ready in his fist. He unleashed it without holding back for a moment. Tatsumaki was hit directly with this attack, where....

『Eh? She doesn't even flinch? No...She has a slight barrier around her body like a thin brush....』

Tatsumaki was calmly receiving the attack, she couldn't even feel it. This thin barrier she has around her, is to be able to withstand or keep up with really strong individuals in brute strength. With this invisible barrier, she will be able to withstand both heavy impacts and blows, of course. If he gets hit. 

『(I don't feel anything, your aim is not to hurt me? Or is there some other purpose to this...)』

Quickly with a release of her power, she unleashed the electricity around her, and with just a raise of her hand again, she ended up invisibly striking Zeta, where the albino girl overtook her, putting her arms in strong resistance. POOMM!!! She was sent flying through the sky. But at that moment she could feel something coming from the forest, someone who thought he was flying fast, wanted to hit her with his blades, but in a simple dodge he managed to dodge out of the way. From Rouge's wings were released Amy and Cream, who were engaged in a melee with Tatsumaki, where she ....

『I don't specialise in close combat, but this is very easy to dodge, even if they hit me they wouldn't cause me much damage, actually watching you guys...makes me appreciate my comrades more!!!』

As Tatsumaki dodged, he prepared an energy attack in his hand, he was going to lunge at them with a powerful blow, but...with speed he doesn't even know, Zeta appeared again from above, turning his arm into a powerful cannon of pure electric energy. Where as he already had his attack ready in his fist, it would be a waste to undo it, so....


A powerful clash of powers had been generated on the battlefield, where Zeta was giving his all to win this confrontation. Where Tatsumaki to this seemed to not cost him much, but if he felt that if he made another move, he would drop what he would be doing, ending up impacting the entire attack....

『(What is this...my body feels like it's reacting differently than I would like it to...why?..is it that electricity field from before?)』

Tatsumaki was affected by the Electric Fever, she was able to enter easily even though she had her thin barrier all over her body. At this point it seems that they did not give up. Cream with Amy's order, both went on to attack Tatsumaki consecutively, who out of concern or rather surprise confusion of what might happen to her movements, was receiving the blows of her opponents. The Barrier served her well, she could withstand the blows but .... got tired of this where she tried again with her gaze to provoke a great strain of gravity in her opponents but... Instead of doing that, she lifted the earth around her where she commanded to hit Cream and Amy, who managed to dodge, not even that, some attacks were not even aimed at them.

『(My body is slightly gushing electricity...it must be the fault of that white girl over there...) *tsch* They do have some interesting abilities』

At that Blaze was recovering from the blow he received, he was getting up where the first thing he saw, was Carmis who was in front of him, and was applying quick healing with the magic he possessed. To this Blaze asked him why so early in the morning he had her apply the healing.

『Any wear and tear is a disadvantage, those attacks ended up creating heavy bruises, I even think they might have broken your bones. You must be in top condition, after all after defeating Miss Tatsumaki, you're going to fight against Master M』.

『You always act your best Carmis, thanks again, but since you mentioned it, don't you think M is weird? I saw him just now, and from all the excitement he had to fight, now he's just sitting there doing nothing』.

『Yeah, I noticed it too, Master M knows very well that Miss Tatsumaki will take care of everything, that we have to defeat her first and then fight him, and him sitting there with that accepting face...it really annoys me that he doesn't trust us right now...』

They were talking about M at this moment, where upon realising this, there was silence for that moment. Where later Blaze stood up already much better from the attacks he received, and with complete sincerity said.

『Don't worry Carmis, I told him I'll destroy his thinking』.

He said it with such normality, he didn't show seriousness, he didn't show affection, he didn't even show respect, he said it as if he had already had it in mind for a long time. Where Carmis seeing that his companion and friend was determined, this made Carmis a little more tense, that he must do something for the sake of all his friends.

At that moment when Tatsumaki was receiving the blows of Amy and Cream, Rouge also appeared at that moment, with a great speed thanks to her wings, she ended up hitting Tatsumaki with everything, but of course. This didn't even make him move from his place. At first he said to himself that there was no point in attacking her if he didn't even get hurt, he was going to resign himself at that moment. But if it wasn't for Amy catching her attention, Rouge would continue to attack with everything to see if she could cause any damage.

『(Why doesn't she flinch, I'm hitting her where it should disable her, Cream is also fixing her targets on it but...this invisible barrier she has on top of her body....) Ay!!!! If we're going to be with those!!!!』

Cream from what she was hitting without stopping, noticed something that made her scared and brought back bad memories. At that Amy stepped back, summoning her hammer and with intense seriousness, she would turn to look annoyingly at Tatsumaki, taking her hammer to prepare a side attack. But...it was getting bigger...and bigger...and bigger...it looked really gigantic and huge, that hammer. Tatsumaki saw this and was really not impressed, he managed to defeat opponents and take more gigantic blows than this.

But .... At that moment he could see it, a portal opened at his side. And from it he could see a transition, Blaze appeared with his Unleashed Form on his way. Preparing a strong fist with his huge artifacts in the same way. It really got serious from one moment to the next. Rouge noticing this, quickly grabbed Cream to the side, where it scared the Succubus, as Tatsumaki was about to receive and face the 3 most powerful attacks from Zeta, Amy and Blaze.

M was watching this, where it was unbelievable to her how it had come to this, somehow they had Tatsumaki on the ropes. This from the gesture of acceptance he had, would go on to light up his face with joy and excitement, as he....

『I knew it Master M, you don't want this』.

Carmis appeared at M's side, who, listening to his friend, really didn't know if that was it. They both stood there watching to see how it would end, but one thing was for sure, everyone who witnessed this, wanted it to continue with the next phase....

『Bugs right? You like to call anyone who is not up to your standards insects? If we're insects, then you're a midget!!!!!』

Amy was throwing everything and her giant hammer at Tatsumaki, even a strength that was rarely seen in her. She was really giving it her all in this attack. Where Blaze wouldn't be far behind either, he would power up his fist of fire even more to tell her.

『We are not weak, and we are going to prove it to you now!』

Blaze was also going all out, propelling himself with his flames to make the attack more powerful. While Zeta who was giving it her all from the start, seeing that her other friends were also giving their best. It only made her smile a smile of joy on her face for that....

『It bothers you a lot to be treated as inferior, doesn't it? I agree, I don't like my family being looked down on too!!!』

The 3 attacks became even more powerful, where from both sides and from the heights, there were big attacks coming from above that could really kill anyone even if he didn't survive. At this M saw and did not know if he was in that position if he could do anything in this situation. Carmis was nervous and worried, but he really prayed to God that it would end at this moment...

Tatsumaki, as if in slow motion, could see how the attacks were coming at her, she really even thought that if she received these 3 attacks in full, she would end up in a state that was not pitiful, but impossible in this fight to reach. Tatsumaki accepted that she couldn't do more in this nonsense she said, she stopped counterattacking Zeta's attack and now she wasn't even defending herself. What was he going to do? Take the direct attacks? trust his thin barrier to hold? release the energy shield? He really had more options, but of all the thousands he had, he preferred to use .....

『They went all out *smiles*』


When everyone saw what happened, there was really no way to explain what had happened. Tatsumaki should have just received the attacks, everyone saw that coming, but... all those attacks that were directed at her, they didn't know how, but they ended up hitting everyone except Tatsumaki.... The attack was really spread out. The attacks of Zeta, Amy and Blaze, were hit with their own attacks, and not only them, but also Cream, Rouge and Carmis who were watching, received the powerful attacks of their friends in parts. Just when you thought it was over, it wasn't at all. Tatsumaki was still moving in place and... although she shouldn't have been hurt, it seems she was a bit damaged, she had a few bruises, dirt on her body, maybe a bit burnt, but nothing too bad.

『(Eh? My body is starting to feel numb, I won't even be able to move it like I'd like to, I got a few damages, but nothing alarming, although I must congratulate them, they put me between the ropes this time, but they didn't make me take it seriously)』

When I looked to my side, Carmis was on the ground trying to resist the heavy blows he received out of nowhere, I was really surprised by this and was going to help him to see what had happened. Carmis couldn't even speak because of the heavy impact, he was severely damaged by the multiple united attacks he received...but....

『I can't believe it...I've really mastered it completely...Genies are really scary...』

『What?...What do you mean Carmis?』

Carmis at this was both somewhat cheerful and worried at the same time. After all, he was the one who instructed Tatsumaki all this time. Carmis explained to me what happened, that in that small moment he could see it, as a small spiral, not one, but several defined spirals of the same colour as the portal of worlds, appeared all around Carmis, and the next thing that happened is...that the attacks of his friends, all ended up travelling through those portals hitting Carmis. 

This surprised me, as it was practically Carmis' special ability, to control portals. So at the moment when Tatsumaki decided to do nothing, it wasn't like that. He used the portals he learned on his own merit and used them to counterattack everyone. This reminded me of something, that Carmis told us that Tatsumaki may not have learned the spell to travel between worlds the first time, but she in turn created and discovered new abilities on her own, in this case....

『I should name my creation, Spiral, yeah, it looks good』.

Tatsumaki was proud of her new found ability. Where Carmis was badly injured. He did his best to try to stand up and congratulate Tatsumaki for all the effort he made to learn the spell...But while he was happy, he could tell that he was also frustrated, how a genius in a few days managed to achieve something that took his family and generation a long time...

『This is frustrating...』

Carmis was with a dark countenance, as he hit the ground at that moment. Now that I saw this new ability of Tatsumaki, Spiral. It really does seem much more powerful than before. The Heroine was looking at her surroundings, and she could notice all of her opponents really still without moving at all, which was a qualitative thing....

『What a disappointment, it's really very disappointing, I thought something interesting would happen with you guys, but I see it's not like that, it's not my fault for the expectations I had, it's your fault for making me believe something that's really rubbish』-『You're all insects』.

Tatsumaki had said it, and with that it was over. There really seemed to be no intention of continuing the fight. All of them...really none of them could move at this point, the powerful attacks that focused on Tatsumaki, was spread out among all of them, there was nothing else to do, but....


Tatsumaki turned to look behind her, where she could see that Blaze was completely wounded and bleeding all over his body, and they were all the same. The cat was trying to crawl as far as she could towards the heroine, but when she couldn't anymore...she just grabbed what grass and dirt she could from her fists and ....

『I can still fight...we can still win...』

Blaze was badly hurt and looked up determined to continue the fight. Tatsumaki was staring at her and decided to get closer to see what was going on. Blaze noticing that Tatsumaki wants to continue fighting, she must do whatever it takes, for her to also stand up and fight hand to hand, she has to show her that even a weakling is able to break her limits and beat the strongest...But....

『You guys already lost, accept it Blaze, you're weaklings 』

Tatsumaki stepped on Blaze's fist in a soft and gentle way, saying all that directly to the cat, who upon hearing it...couldn't object at that moment...even though she didn't agree...she couldn't find a way to contradict him...all her strength, all her will, the same reality told everyone that...they must accept the facts....

『This is not over yet...』

A voice was now heard behind Tatsumaki's back, who was Carmis who was able to stand up and recover a little from the state he was in. The Demon was bleeding, from how well dressed he is, now it's just fabrics without elegance...Carmis was approaching Tatsumaki without saying anything, where every step, showed him the reality he was in, and when he was finally in front of her....

『*laughs* It's okay to say it now isn't it Miss Tatsumaki? I've been holding it in all this time. You're an unbearable dwarf with a nice ass *smiles*』

When Carmis said that, the atmosphere really went silent, why did he say that? What did he have to do with it? Was it really the time? I was really calm, I knew that my friend was not going to live after this. It quickly became clear that this had its consequences. Tatsumaki unleashed all of his power in that instant, while the look on his face was really scary...

『This time you were really straightforward you damn Demon, look I put up with and even appreciated the compliment I was given when I visited that kid's room, but now...don't think I didn't notice that you were leering at me when you were showing me Carmis...You play the saint, but you are nothing but a pervert...and those bastards, we must destroy them !!!!!』

At this Tatsumaki was really upset, the more time passed, the more intense it became, I was really praying for the corpse of my friend who I hope will go to God, but most likely will return to hell, you really are an Incubus friend....

『I am not a pervert, I am only true to myself, and I must accept myself as I am, yes...I am a coward, fearful and a liar...of that there is no doubt, when I am in danger, I really am the first to cower...but I also know that I am brave, respectful and above all loving with those I care about very much』-『All that is me, and I love myself as I am. Who can accept me in this life, you ask? That's simple, there is a unique and irreplaceable person, no matter how many worlds there are, there is only one in my heart. All my love I know Medusa will accept it, because that is true love』.

At that moment Carmis said everything he had to say, and really Tatsumaki this did not lower his anger, rather it kept rising, but...Something strange was happening, a strange power was bursting out of Carmis at that moment, what was it...but Carmis really felt just by looking at him, he found himself and most of all, he showed himself as he is .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A strong blast started to emerge, it was so strong that Tatsumaki even had to cover his eyes because of it, and when he realised when he opened them, it was Carmis himself who was gushing. It was Carmis himself who was gushing out all that power, it was strange...it was a really rare power, it was making an appearance, even for someone as superior as Tatsumaki, he knew that what was coming, could put him in danger and this alone....

『Interesting...very interesting!!!! Show me more of your true self Carmis!!!!!』

Tatsumaki was excited, where Carmis calmly stretched out his hand, the power was concentrated in his hand, where he decisively said.

『Yo!!! Carmis Develot Arge!!!! I call upon your power and pure devotion, I will never fail you, I will do everything possible to please you and make you feel satisfied, who seeks the sincerity and true reason of oneself, only those demonstrate your infinite power!!!! I call upon you UltiWorld!!!!』

!!!!!!!!!!!!! A strong blast was on the battlefield, from the hand of Carmis, a truly unimaginable power was being concentrated even later in history. All this power was taking shape, a truly powerful artifact was making its appearance little by little, from their quarrel they had some time ago, it seems that today they finally reconciled and could become one again. The UltiWorld Magic Book has once again been called into existence. !!!! With its pages turning quickly, with the mana and power it had, another being that had surpassed its limits had appeared. Tatsumaki when he saw the new Carmis, that presential showing really made him feel that sense of the dangers of his world and....

『Come to me, Disaster Level Dragon 』

『Disaster? I will fight, because of the love I feel for my friends, we are not weak 』

『Finally someone, who can make me think differently』.

The auras that these 2 were giving off, it really was incredible, I couldn't believe it at this moment, but I was seeing at this moment and I was going to witness the 2 strongest beings that I have met at this moment in my life, and I even thought that I would never be able to reach that level.

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