
Chapter 367: Submerged Part 9

S͇u͇m͇e͇r͇g͇i͇d͇o͇ ͇P͇a͇r͇t͇e͇͇ ͇9͇

It seems that everything had been a success, they reached the end of the cave and everyone was happy with this fact, although of course only a few were not so happy that the expedition was over, to their own words or just a word, this was not what they expected, what they had in mind and imagined was something much bigger that would leave them with cold skin, something that would leave them in awe, something with which they have a memory that will last forever as something unimaginable that they lived, but everything seems to be the opposite, in the middle of their way they only found an ice wall that did not lead to anything else, this was the end, here it was over, now what they have to do is to finish with their work and start to leave as soon as possible from here, or that was the first intention that the one who was setting up his own experiment in the cave had. ...

Shinu has been beginning to be a little suspicious of the attitude that the Biologist is taking lately, as if he is leaving more free will in his way of thinking and expression, of course he was like that before, but there was always that feeling of companionship and that he had an appreciation of us being able to live or experience the same as him, until he didn't care what happened to him, he saw that the others were well and enjoyed, now the only thing he has is that feeling of wanting to lead all of us, Whether we listen to him or whether everything is already calculated according to him, he is trying to overpower his desires and wishes, without taking into account that all his other companions also have a purpose to fulfil with this expedition, the balance had him more than visualized, between the weight of his companions and the same price of him, no doubt the one who ended up being at the top and will be reborn as a new being, no doubt will be the one who is orchestrating all of this. 

The morning had arrived, as always Shinu was the first to wake up, he always checked his phone to see what time and day it was, but when he realised this time, when he tried to turn it on, simply that device no longer paid any attention, no matter how much he insisted, his mobile phone had no way to turn itself back on. He tried now with his pocket watch, but mysteriously... it was frozen, and not literally, its hands were really stiff, even if he tried to move it manually it would be useless, if it didn't move by itself, it was useless.

『(Strange...didn't this happen yesterday...yesterday? I feel like it was more days...I was always checking the time to keep track of the days, the mobile phone...what day did it say? I have to do the calculations myself.... counting from this day, we have 3 days to return to the surface, it will be a piece of cake, leave marks to guide us, besides when we get to the Second Layer, we will be safe...)』

Shinu feels that this is an opportunity, or rather a need for survival, from the bottom of his heart, his hunch tells him that everyone should leave this place as quickly as possible, he knows the reason, this may not be the last layer of the cave, but he does not want to endanger its other members and companions, plus this is also understood by the whispers and gossip that the Biologist told him while together they walked the 3rd layer, that he will give everyone a chance before everything gets worse... With that decision he marked the end of the journey, yesterday he shouted with joy the end of the journey, not because they really did it, but because he did not want anything bad to happen to any of the people he had taken into his companionship. Shinu would better prepare for the return as soon as possible, as long as they document and write down how they are going back it will be better, maybe what he said about staying one more day to explore the rest can't be fulfilled, they really have to leave here. ....

『AHHHHH!!!!!!!! 』

A loud scream could be heard throughout the base where they had settled, this alarmed Shinu who hurried to see, but the more he went to the place where he heard the scream, the more he could hear how that person seemed to be suffering like never before, repeating several times that he was in a lot of pain. When Shinu arrived at the tent of one of his companions, he quickly felt a really unpleasant smell as soon as he entered, it was a stench as if he were really dead. But it wasn't like that at all, not only Shinu was there, but also his companions were worried and trying to help the one who seems to be having a hard time.

『Have you heated up the water yet? I need it right now! 』

『"Yes!!! It's about to boil!!!" 』 

The Nurse was attending to the Pantheologian who was suffering excruciating pain, the one who was heating the water was the Typographer, who next to him appeared the Mechanic and added some herbal beads to take from the ones he had to help soothe the Pantheologian. Shinu was confused as to why his companion was sick? What had happened? But if yesterday everything was fine, he saw him and he was as usual, but now seeing him suffer like that, only made him want to do something, the Typographer who was going to take the thermos to take it to the Nurse, Shinu quickly appeared at his side, and with a please snatched it out of his hands and quickly went to the tent where he was being attended to. This left the Typographer with nothing to do, he just stood still in the same place where the Mechanic was encouraging him that he should also hurry, but...

『"I...I was warming it up...I was doing it for the Nurse...."』

Shinu reached over with the lid of the thermos to pour it out and give it to the Pantheologist, the Nurse was setting it up but as he just moved it, she could be heard telling him not to do it, that he would be too embarrassed to die for real...

『Please...don't force me to move...I don't want them to see me like this...』

Don't move it because if you don't.... You could see his gesture of suffering at that moment, from one moment to another, you could hear how he was throwing away and coming out fecal material from his backside, again the clean clothes they put on him were again stained with eses, it was not concrete, but it was liquid above all, the bad smell again flooded everyone, to this the Pantheologian had no more strength, but he that everyone had seen him this way, he wanted the earth to swallow him at that moment, he had to endure that feeling.... He didn't want to see the gesture of his other friends...the other members were wearing masks to endure the smell, but Shinu was just like that because he had just found out, but he didn't even flinch with this, his expression of worry and sorrow increased, he really didn't like that it was happening....

『Come on, take this pill...we brought you some herbal water to make you better (The best thing is an anti-diarrhoeal medicine but...it's the first time I've come across a case like this...maybe it's not the best...I'll give you an anti-parasitic too and a few relaxants...)』.

The Nurse gave him the necessary pills to take them, but as if he were a child, the Pantheologist did not want to take them at all, he refused, he covered his face so that they would not see his gesture or that of others, he was afraid and commented that they could hurt him, that no matter what happened, he did not want to show his face....

『Please...don't see me anymore...』

 Despite the Nurse holding him in her arms and trying to get him to take them, he simply refused by covering his mouth and forcefully closing his eyes at all times, no matter how hard he tried or insisted, it seems he wouldn't take the pills.

『This is no time for you to be complaining, you want to get well don't you brother?』

『Yes...but not right now...not when everyone is here...(what a gesture they'll be making, I'm sure right now I disgust them...)everything but the pills or syrups...they taste bad and...I'm more into taking home remedies...I don't trust the chemical stuff...I only consume what comes from the earth!!!! *pain* AHHH!!!! My stomach!!!.... 』 

The archaeologist was trying to make his companion see reason, who refused to take the pill, it seems that he was one of those people who, if he got sick, it was better that Mother Nature herself cure you, or at least that's what he wanted to imply, at this moment the electrician who was also there, commented that maybe if they crushed the pill he would take it.

『My children when they were little also didn't want to take the pill, they were too big and they couldn't pass them, so I crushed them into powder to make it easier to take them, it was strange, but they preferred that method even though they felt the bad taste of the pill』.

A little anecdote was told by the dwarf, who again his Archaeologist friend insisted that he take the beggarly pills, but the Pantheologist kept insisting that he didn't want to take them at all. At this point, the Nurse asked the Mechanic and the Electrician if they had any more remedies or products, materials such as honey or more herbal leaves, and they said yes, so she quickly asked them to give them to him. And in no time at all, they had brought her everything she needed to make a home remedy, but...the Nurse knew what properties each herb had, they were perfect for digestion and upset stomach, but the problem was that she didn't know how to prepare one.

『Leave it to me』.

The Mechanic appeared to be able to prepare a home remedy himself, to see how he used 2 lids to stir the water, to see him add the herbs and a little honey, he seemed to have some sap at the time, and in the end he stirred it all together and now at last the home remedy had been created.

This should do the trick for his discomfort, however little, so, with this remedy, the Nurse would say thanks and go on to give it to the sick person, but....

『I don't want to!!! Please don't!!! Don't try to see me like this...(I don't want to remember it...)』

『Easy Panteologist, it's no big deal, we all get sick at some point, just cover your eyes if you can't stand it anymore, please leave your mouth free』.

The Nurse could understand this, so she kindly asked the Pantheologist to listen to her, and when he realised that this was the only option, he left his mouth free while only covering his eyes. The Nurse congratulated him on being a good, strong boy and gave him a little at a time, but instead of taking it as he should, for some reason he coughed, causing some of the medicine to drip onto the floor. This worried the others and asked him if he was all right, but the Nurse had already drawn conclusions from this.

『(He is so sick that he even refuses medicine...he can't even consume anything...his body is now against any material that comes in...)』

Viruses? Bacteria? A parasite? A sickness Which was exactly what that expedition companion had, a home remedy is going to calm him down, but he needs something that will really cure him, forcing him to take the drink by force, this will only generate a stronger rejection, spitting out all the medicine, and it also seems to be accompanied by an unpleasant memory or thought...it had to be accepted as something that is not seen with bad intentions mentally.... at this moment the Nurse saw the pills she had on her side, yes or yes she must consume them so that she could be better and recover...she knew what she had to do, so without hesitation she would take the pills herself and go on to crush them in her mouth. At that moment, the Typographer was also coming to the tent after bringing a couple of things that could be useful to cure the sick man, such as new clothes and an extra kit, this one with the joy of being useful to the Nurse, but he managed to see something that he didn't expect at all...


He found that, in the Pantheologist's tent, the Nurse was giving him a direct kiss with that subject, for him it was a moment of silence in which he could only remain as an observer at this moment, no matter how he saw it, it seems that this time she was not forced to do so, but it was of her own free will to give that kiss to the Pantheologist. The Nurse took the pills and crushed them in her mouth, then took the remedy and passively and calmly gave it to the Sick Man, while rubbing his head, the better to reassure him that, not noticing the evil intentions of the harm, he was able to successfully take both the remedy and the crushed pills at the same time. It was out of sheer will to help the one who was perishing, but for the Typographer, this saw him somewhat...the water that failed to be taken by the Pantheologian, fell from their 2 mouths where they received a kiss, he knows he should not get upset, he knows he should not get angry with this...but he still rejects the way he is helping him....

『("If I had known that this is how you treated your sick people...I wish I had been him instead...how envious...")』

The Pantheologist was calmer with this, again he fumed, but now he could no longer spit out the medicine, he managed to pass it successfully, again the Nurse laid him down while telling him it was time for him to be changed back into his clothes. She asked everyone present to please step away from the tent and leave. Everyone understood and gave him good vibes that he would recover and they could explore together again. Everyone was leaving, but the only one who did not look away was the Typographer who looked with a feeling of annoyance and concern in his being, where he repeated that it could have been another method or another would have done it, but... Nushi appeared, who also managed to see all this and commented.

『You did it again Nurse, you're a real pro...』

And with that he withdrew to leave them alone, the Typographer who heard this thought better of course...this is for pure professionalism, he had a sick person in front of him and the only thing he did was to help him with all his abilities and skills, that kiss, words and caress he gave him was to make him better, if you look for it more personal, there was no interest between the two of them. The Mechanic this time tapped him and patted the shoulder of the Typographer to withdraw, where a little doubtful, he listened and withdrew.

『("Professionalism...and how is that different from personal?...") 』 

The Nurse noticing everyone leaving, saw that to one side they had brought her extra first aid kit and a few more products, she didn't see this coming, she was going to go and get them, but it seems someone had already brought them, as she looked to the front she could see everyone, and as the Typographer turned to see what was going on, where again her gaze and the Nurse's collided, where he quickly became embarrassed and went back to the front as if nothing had happened. The Nurse understood, so she smiled and commented that she would thank him when she saw him again.

As soon as they left, everyone agreed that, for the time being, they should use this time to eat breakfast and regain strength to help their friend, everyone agreed. But Shinu was somewhat confused, he wanted to know how from one moment to the next it happened, at which point his answer would be found, as the Archaeologist would give the context of how it had all started.

The night before, where after the party and the souvenir photo, they had gone to their tents to rest for tomorrow, although of course there were tents that could be shared by two people because of the space available. So the Archaeologist and the Pantheologist became close friends, they shared the tent and spent the whole time talking and reminiscing about their student days, until sleep finally fell. But in the middle of the morning, the Panteologo felt like his stomach was churning for some reason, it was not now, but since long before, since the party began he felt this discomfort inside him, he quickly ignored it because it was not the first time it happened, he felt this sensation before, but after hours it stopped and he was like new. This was because his immune system was able to fight back against any bacteria or virus that came to him, he really had a great defence system, he thought that it would be the occasion again but ..... The more the night fell, the more he felt that the turmoil did not stop and this began to worry him, he would go to sleep thinking that tomorrow everything would be calmer and better, he had a lot of faith in his immune system but ..... He couldn't sleep, he had to resist the pain in his stomach that was getting sharper and sharper, first there were low moans of pain, this didn't wake up his partner who was still sleeping, besides he himself felt that he could see the worst if he could only get some relief but....

It seems that this was what happened, he relaxed when he noticed that the pain stopped from one moment to another and... he ended up hearing how he was shitting right there in his sleeping bag, the sound, the bad smell ended up waking up his partner, who woke up commenting on why he smells as if someone had been killed, and in that he managed to see the Pantheologist writhing touching his stomach, compressing it as if it were a little ball to contain the pain. He wanted to help him first, but the Pantheologian was shouting at him that....

『Don't come near!!! Please...don't come closer...』

 When he saw what was happening, he alarmed the other members, especially the Nurse, who was going to attend to him because of what was happening.

『*sigh* It must have been the scraping he ate yesterday...you all saw it, didn't you? How he happily ate it even though he himself knew the consequences』.

Nushi would be the first to speak and everyone thought the same thing, that scrape he made with the ice in the cave was easily the culprit. Instead of saying something to him, Nushi preferred not to say it, having a hunch that the Archaeologist is a professional person, Shinu also felt bad at that moment, she should have stopped him but...seeing him so happy and determined that nothing would happen to him, at that moment she should have overridden her ideal in her partner even if it took away her joy.

『My Brother didn't share the scraping with me because he knew it would hurt? He ate it because he was going to resist the disease? But how foolish of him...』

『I am also to blame...I made him that syrup so he could eat his scraping, if I hadn't done it maybe he wouldn't have eaten it, I am also an equal accomplice for his suffering...to see him happy and that he is so young, reminded me of my children...』

The Archaeologist and the Electrician felt bad about this, they could have avoided this, but their eagerness to also want to feel good about themselves played a trick on them. Nushi and Shinu felt similarly somewhat guilty about this, the 4 of them really felt that they could have avoided it, the atmosphere would turn to sadness at breakfast time, this could be noticed by the others, who were also going to catch this, but. 

『To blame yourself for something that already happened is something silly, because you simply can't do anything anymore 』.

Meilin to this was the first to speak to cheer up the spirits, everyone present happened to look at her to hear what she was going to say, she was looking at her plate of food while having present again that smile, she was doing it to also spread her positivity that she has.

『The only thing we can do something is to help him as much as we can, if you 4, no, if you all feel guilty for not being able to help him, then make up for it with the future, I don't mean to cure him yourselves or anything like that, for that we have the Nurse who is an expert in her subject, but with a simple help, just caring, having the intention to help, praying for him to get better, wanting to do something thinking about someone else, that's more than enough, Panteologo-chan is more of a smiler, I'm sure he wouldn't like us all to be with our long faces when we see him again ,he didn't want to look at us at that moment, come on, at least don't look more dead than him *smiles*』

Meilin was trying to encourage her team, who were all worried about their partner's health, they all quickly sympathized with the topic of how you have to look on the bright side to this, not everything is over, nor will they let it end like this, he is their partner and friend after all, and as long as they are all together and support each other, they are not going to let anything else happen to him.

『He's suffering now, but let's do everything we can to make sure he doesn't go on to something worse *smiles*』

Listening to her really made everyone feel like she was right, whether it was because she was a mother she had a concern and compassion to everyone, they let this fact go unnoticed, but the next time they will no longer allow it, everyone agreed with the opinion, and told each other that you have to make an effort to be able to help your partner. Shinu to this was impressed by Meilin's ability and encouraging not to lower the team's spirits, it is a great ability that she has, she is not like a leader, if not like that important person who will support every person....

『Let's stay here until he gets a little better, forget about exploring the 3rd Layer more, we have to return to the surface as soon as possible, I don't want our friend Panteologo』 

Before finally Shinu's new chord and plans, everyone agreed with this, they all clearly had which one weighed more in all this, their friend being better off was worth more than everyone's own well being. Nushi who had been attentive, thought about things better, this was something new for him, he had not thought about it but yes, you can do and make up for your failures in the future, you just have to do better and not have that negative thought that everything now will go downhill, because maybe he had that thought, losing his friends the more he was growing, he got to have that thought to abandon that idea and that he only needs him, when in reality ... "I trust you".

She remembered the words of what the Pantheologist said to her yesterday and that...it made Nushi smile because that is something a friend would say to you, mutual trust was also something she was starting to forget. Meilin saw her son how he was smiling slightly at this fact, where was she going to let her son enjoy it all to himself...no, who are we lying to, his mother quickly pointed to him and made her son stand out.

『That's the way to go Nushi!!! Mark a bigger smile for your friend the Pantheologo-chan!!!!! 』

『!!!! Mother!!!! Again you want to make a fuss!!!! Is it that I'm just your target or what??!!!!!! 』

『*laughs* But you care about your friend, don't you? Let's make an effort together *smiles*』

『My friend...my friend...I only care about those who care about me...*blushes*』

That exchange of words, really made Meilin smile and laugh heartily, who all being present and seeing how again the Li family was on the target of the moment, seeing Nushi as he blushed for that fact, made everyone also cheer and laugh with joy, as everyone could equally understand that Nushi did care about his friend the Pantheologist. 

『I have enough medicinal herbs still, if he gets sick, I'll prepare it for him again myself *smiles*』.

『You can use my fermented fruits that I brought, I don't know but, I guess alcohol can also help a lot, or at least it does cure me of everything *laughs*』-『I want the boy to get better』.

『He's sensitive, isn't he? In that case it would be best to treat him with affection, I can carry him on my back, believe it or not, I'm really comfortable』.

『I'll try my best to help as much as possible! Although the only thing I'm good at is drawing pictures... *smiles*』.

The dwarf duos were happy with helping their friend, the Cartographer wasn't going to be left behind in helping either, while the Geologist was going to carry him on his back in order to get him out of the cave. Shinu also commented that they will leave in 1 or 2 hours, he calculates that by then the Pantheologist should be better, having everything marked and with guides, it will be easy to get out, and if the Geologist gets tired, please do not be afraid to ask for help to ask him to carry him. Meilin also added that she can carry the Pantheologist, which Shinu refused saying that it is not necessary, that he can, a comment that does not seem to please Nushi's mother, who commented that she is capable of lifting even a block of ice.

『I don't like to be underestimated, let them know that I carried my son on my shoulders until I was 12 years old, right Nushi? *smiles*』

『What? Don't talk nonsense mother, yes you carried me on your shoulders, but ....ahhh!!! what are you doing woman!!!! 』

Meilin peeked too close and now she was carrying her son on her shoulders, she really could carry Nushi who is already a full grown 22 years old, who the latter was swaying from fear thinking that at any moment he was going to fall, she really was too tall for him, where his mother commented that she didn't know that her son was afraid of heights, but Nushi replied.

『I'm afraid, because at any moment you can drop me for your amusement!!!! 』

『That's too bad, I wouldn't do that *pout* But you're right *smiles*.

『(This woman...) Let me down already!!!! 』

Meilin was carrying back and forth with her son on her shoulders, this really reminded him of when he was an elementary school kid and despite looking serious, he was enjoying it to no end. Nushi had no choice but to trust his mother to never leave him in the ugliest of times. While those who saw this, smiling, could be heard as the Electrician commented that he might try that with his adult children, while the Mechanic commented that he would like to carry his nephew like that.

『(Everyone does their best to be supportive) *smiles* Although I would have liked to have gotten sick instead of my brother』.

『"Are you really saying that?"』

The Archaeologist only said it as a saying, where the Typographer who was next to him and managed to hear, commented on it in a way even cold and doubtful his words, he was really going to question him at this moment.

『Yes, I'm serious *smiles*』

『"You're really serious? If you love someone very much, you must be willing to do everything, and everything that comes out of you you must fulfill it, would you really be able to resist what the Pantheologian is going through?"』

Again the Typographer was questioning him about his decision, it seems this is not a game for that person, for him at this moment everything you do for another person, no, from long before, if you are really determined with that person, there is no excuse for not fulfilling what you say and promise. This was felt by the Archaeologist, the seriousness of his companion, perhaps because he says it cheerful does not believe him, but....

『He is my partner, he is my friend, he is my brother, of course if there was the opportunity, I would like to suffer instead of him, I would do it for everyone here *smiles*』.

It was said with the same joy and positivity by the Archaeologist, who the Typographer seeing the decision of his companion, this would happen to rejoice and with a smile gave his companion a thumbs up, even patted his head taking advantage of the fact that the Archaeologist was sitting. 

『"That's how you say, trusting with all your heart and why you love that person *smiles* And not seeing them as the person they are not..."』

At this last, the Typographer looked at Nushi as if telling him that, where this for obvious reasons for being with his mother, he couldn't pay attention to this, indeed, he surely wouldn't have cared, since now his worries were not to fall for his mother, who Nushi noticing that his cheeks were red, could tell that again his mother was starting the day having a few beers. Nushi could only sigh at this and was getting tired of repeating that her mother should behave herself. Everyone after breakfast, they were determined to get ready to leave here, but in all this, someone was watching them in a calm and even silent way. Shinu knew who it was, the Biologist didn't say anything about it, he didn't have to say anything, he just looked at it with a calm and warm smile saying.

『This is companionship friends...this is the kind of happiness I like so much...please let them go...Friends! Let's all get out of here...together *smiles*』.

The Biologist commented on the latter, he again seemed to be shouting and talking nonsense, but no...it turned out just the opposite, he also wanted all his friends to be safe and sound from here, that we should get out of here. Everyone was thankful and agreed with this, where Shinu seeing this, that little moment of tranquility from the Biologist, was like seeing the real one from the early days, he still doesn't know what's going on with him .

Inside the Tent where the Pantheologist and the Nurse are. In all this he was attending to his client, who seems that the pain was going down due to the medicines he was given, he could move a little better, but the strong movements still seem to be too heavy and painful for him. He wanted to pull down his pants to change, but... The Nurse said that she will do it, where the shy Panteologist answered that he leaves it in her hands, he looked shy, embarrassed, with a red face and above all humiliating, it was obvious, it was the most horrible moment of his life, and this pretty girl is treating him with great care.

『It's not the first time I've done this, I don't feel disgust or rejection for you if that's what you're worried about, no one felt rejection for you, not at all I would hate who I'm helping *smiles*』.

The Nurse knew it, otherwise what would be the point of having this job where you have to help all kinds of people, if you really feel disgust and rejection either for just one person, then you are not qualified to help others, there would be no trust. The Nurse told how, in helping nursing homes, she touched many grandparents whose butts she was already wiping, she didn't dislike it at all, since it was for a good deed and hearing the thanks from the elderly who she helps, or just knowing that she did something good, it really made her happy.

『Although the first time I did feel a little bit, but to withdraw from that place or even just to put a face of rejection for a moment, people observe you very well, they know when you do it out of obligation to when you do it from your heart, that's why I neither smile nor put a cold expression, I just give my confidence to that person that I will be there for him at all times, tell me Pantheologian, would you like me to act more like that? Or will I act simply out of obligation with a gesture of putting up with the ugly smell and wanting to leave quickly? 』

『No...not at all, if you acted so curtly like that, if you acted with rejection...it would hurt me a lot...but you are different, what do you call it? Professional? No...in a compulsory way, you would give me to understand that you don't care about me and...that would hurt me just as much...』

『Don't worry, I will stay with you or whoever needs me until the end until they are well, I like to act in a professional way, but to that professionalism, I like to add personal things, that's the difference of all of us and our way of working, I hope you like the affection and gentleness with which I work *smiles*』

The Pantheologist upon hearing this, really felt that he was in good hands, he felt that nothing was going to happen to him, he felt confident, it was something that this girl and companion transmitted to him, this way of working and treating people, it really was something even unique, he liked her, but not to the extent of falling in love with her, he simply considered her as a great person with whom he will be able to count on until the last, even in embarrassing moments like this. He was going to thank her, but at that moment, the Nurse took something out of her extra kit, which was a diaper.

『In order not to have any more inconvenience, you'd better wear this, I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, even if you don't agree, I'm going to force you to wear it』.

『A diaper? Well, it's not like I dislike the idea so much either, something worse can't happen to me anymore, knowing it's the best thing for me, it would feel bad for me not to accept it, but unbelievable, I didn't think I would wear a diaper again since I was 10 years old』

『Everyone has their own way and time to grow up, I understood that very well too』.

At the time when I was going to put on his diaper, there was no embarrassment at all, he had already long before seen his private parts by the Nurse, and it seems that that humiliating feeling of the Pantheologist disappeared, otherwise how else was he going to clean his partner? Besides, the Nurse had already put herself so much in the role of an excellent caregiver that she couldn't see her partner any other way, she literally related it to when she was taking care of the old people in the nursing home, so out of habit, she was telling him to put on a diaper herself, since the Pantheologist didn't know how to do it. But just at that moment, the guy remembered what happened before, the way the Nurse gave him to take the medicine, the kiss she gave him, this made him very embarrassed, not because he was ashamed, but because now it was another stimulus. And when the Nurse saw this, there was simply no reaction on his part, she finished putting the diaper on him in the same way.

『Ready, how do you feel? 』

『(Acting normal? Didn't the pilin see me?) It's comfortable, I had forgotten this feeling, it feels warm 』-『Hey, by the way, Nurse...the kiss you gave me earlier, I'm sorry you had to resort to that...』

The Pantheologist knew, he knows how important a kiss means to the Nurse, just remembering what happened that night and how that really made her sad, the least he also wanted was to make her suffer more like everyone else, the Nurse to this while putting away her materials in her kit, this one herself replied.

『There's nothing to be sorry about, I did it because I had to, it was so I could help you, and if you can have a better tomorrow with that, I will do what is necessary and I would do it again *smiles*』

『...Yes you are quite the pro, in my case, yes I would think long and hard before giving someone a kiss for help, even in this humiliating situation...』

『It's not humiliating, it's understandable, knowing the truth, there's no reason to make fun, besides...I know I said I would do the necessary, but...*blushes* I think the kiss is something very important and reserved for someone you love very much...I'm not saying I don't love you, if I love you, as a friend and who I treat, I would do it a thousand times to help people, but the kiss...ah...you know...*shudder*』

At the end of the day, if it was something difficult for the Nurse and very important for her the personal and sentimental issue. Where this when listening to the Pantheologist that in this moment that he could chat with her, he could know her more and yes, she was like a whole girl made and right with the most humble job that perhaps and few can take, that of doing everything possible in your hands to be able to help who needs it, with her there was no need to hide all the bad.

『I understand, really thank you very much *smiles* and then, who would you give a kiss to? The Kiss *smiles*』

『*smiles* You're welcome, kiss? The Kiss?...kiss...*blushes* I don't know...there's someone who has me confused...he's not interested in those things but...I would like one day to come to understand true affection, love and to express it openly』

The Nurse couldn't take it anymore with this feeling she feels inside her, she feels he is close, but what if she is wrong? She has it so much on her mind that when she thinks about it, she always has this doubt that pushes him further and further away from the path. As soon as she came out after treating him, the Nurse found that the whole group was already putting away and undoing the settlement they had made. To this with joy they all asked her if the Pantheologist was feeling better, where the Nurse answered that he was more stable, to this everyone was happy, since they knew that with the Nurse everything can be fixed in terms of health.

『"How are you doing?"』

『Well, I said that the Pantheologist was more stable.』

『"No!...no...the how...the how are you Nurse...are you okay? Nothing happened to you?"』 

『Well I'm fine, the one you should be more worried about is the Pantheologist』.

『"There was something else..didn't it disgust you?...."』 

『Something else? What do you mean?』 

『" Nothing!..nothing!!! It's nothing!!! I'm going to keep packing up your tent!!!...』 

The Typographer was retreating completely embarrassed by this, leaving the Nurse with doubts that he would have liked to tell her, but he was smiling anyway, and shouting he was calling the Typographer, who this could not ignore his call and embarrassed would turn to see what was happening, what he saw is how the Nurse was taking off her mask and with a smile she was telling him.

『Thank you very much Typographer *smiles*』

Seeing that for him alone, he was thanking him, but he didn't care, he received a thank you just for him, he received one of the nicest smiles in the world just for him, this made him feel really happy and with much more energy, He went on to dismantle the Nurse's tent and put it away, and not only did he stay there, because of the energy he had, he went on to help all the other members by putting away their tents and materials that were there, and much less than expected, everyone had already put away except the tent where the Pantheologian was. The Typographer went to the Nurse again, as if waiting for her to congratulate him again.

『Incredible, you helped everyone, you really care about your fellows, good job Typographer』.

『("As long as I get your attention, I'm capable of anything.")』

The Typographer was with the silliest but happy gesture possible, this Nushi saw and could only comment that they looked too uneven, only because of the size of each one, he compared it as if a good child was waiting for his mother's congratulations. Nushi looked at this to her mother Meilin and commented.

『...It's not that big of a deal either...』

The idea was to take a little while to see if the Pantheologian could improve, but due to the action of the Typographer, this ended up taking too long, even though he knew what the plan was. But well, it's not like they were going to complain to him, they already had everything ready to leave, and when they counted the members, they were calling everyone present.

『Hey! He was going to leave without me!!! 』

『Head of South Korea, where were you? Don't go disappearing』

『I don't disappear! You ignore me! I was present all the time with you! Even when the Pantheologian was wrong!!!! 』

I don't really understand why Shinu is more suspicious of the Biologist than the South 

Korean Chief, he simply confirmed that he was with them, his peace of mind that everyone was fine returned. At that moment, the South Korea Chief turned to look at the Biologist, he was afraid remembering what he saw yesterday, yesterday? Or what he saw days ago? and for some reason, he feels that he is different now, he can no longer feel all that weight from last night. The Biologist noticed this and turned his gaze to him and asked.

『Who is it? 』

『It's me...』

『That voice...the Chief of South Korea! Where are you walking, I haven't 

seen you for days, it's bad to walk around here alone, you should be very 

careful, sorry, I didn't recognize you, I kind of have a hard time seeing 

a little』.

The Biologist came closer to get a better look at the South Korean Chief, who was looking doubtful and fearful about this, and what do you mean he can't see well now? Couldn't he see perfectly even if his glasses were broken? At that moment the Biologist approached his ear to tell him.

『I rely on you from now on, please help our team...』

『Eh? Sure, I will always watch over my team that everyone is safe and 


『*smile*I really appreciate it because I...one question, do you know how 

many days have passed? I don't have it clear 』

『Ehh...What are you two gossiping about? 』

Shinu approached seeing these very suspicious, especially of how the Biologist was talking to the Head of South Korea, so he better decided to interrupt for this, and as he came he heard the Biologist's question, where here there were 2 different answers depending on the person, and as always, he is going to see one right and one wrong.

『Well, 2 days passed』.

『Five days passed...』

Shinu answered sure of his words, while the Chief of South Korea, doubtful of his answer, answered differently, and upon hearing this, Shinu asked him why he thought that 5 days had passed? To this, the South Korean Chief only answered that this was the time that had passed.

『Or how did you perceive the time? Why do you say I disappear? 』

『...Do you disappear? (And if the reason why we don't perceive it is 

because...we see time differently...)』

During the conversation, the Biologist was listening to all this, he saw how the members were going to the Pantheologist's Tent to tell him that they were about to leave, but... at that moment Shinu realized that if 5 days had already passed, then that means that...

『The Night Season...is on....』

And as if everything was coordinated, Shinu quickly realized that something strange was happening, he felt a sensation that the darkness would soon be his new home, from the 1st layer, the darkness spread bathing him with the little light that was there, as if it were a black sea, it expanded more and more, it reached the 2nd layer that was also quickly flooded with a great darkness. Shinu quickly shouted to take out the lanterns and turn it on quickly. This was not understood by anyone, but the first to notice was the South Korean Chief.

『Don't delay!!! Get the lanterns out now!!!! 』

His presence was felt, upon hearing the orders of the Chief of South Korea, everyone was going to take out their flashlights they had as quickly as possible, where it seems that they were too late, the darkness ended up coming here who as if it had also swallowed the sound, only nothing could be heard, only a silence that flooded everyone, but ... something else was present that they could not see, a humanoid figure already made in the body of the Biologist ... which gave to understand that it has returned to take possession ...

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