
Chapter 259: Word Direction

D͇i͇r͇e͇c͇c͇i͇ó͇n͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇s͇͇ ͇P͇a͇l͇a͇b͇r͇a͇s͇

Hiroto was a boy that we didn't know much about him, despite previously saying that he was in elementary school, in the same school as our friends, he didn't get much noticed, until he made himself known at the 3rd grade Sports Festival. He was a boy whose most characteristic feature was that he had orange hair, besides having a personality that he acquired by hanging out with his friends, whether it was the angry Ishi, or the chubby giant Fuji, I think that was his name. He was always next to them, I guess that Ishi's feisty personality and even his quarrelsome personality, ended up overshadowing the rest of his friends.

But Hiroto was always talked about when he acted like he was talking to nothing, since it was as if he had a friend, or friends to whom he was addressing, he was always turning his eyes as if a camera was recording him and commenting to them. We would always see him act that way, that was the only weird thing about him, everything else was normal.

『I guess you don't remember me so much from being in different classrooms, that makes a big change, so I hope we'll be in the same room in high school, our Brother told us and encouraged us to enter the same high school as yours, cool, I guess it's a little bit if』d(・∀・○).

By Brother they mean Jersey, with that also their group call that sister Nanase that way. Cliston was inside the room of Hiroto's little brother, thanks to Hiroto's intervention, he was able to stop his brother's crying and to close the window. But hearing earlier that Hiroto had eaten from his ice cream that he had saved, the little brother came out crying from his room.

『Ah, I messed up, I have a bad habit of commenting what I do for others, it's a joke what I said before Jiro, well, it's not a joke since that would be lying, but in a while he bought you another ice cream』.

The little brother, Chiba Jiro was coming out of his own room in tears because of all the indignation he was getting, we could easily say it's the worst day of his life. The image and admiration he had towards the heroes, could have been destroyed with Cliston's simple words, besides that the favorite candy, his ice cream that he had saved to eat it just this day while they were going to broadcast the last episode of his favorite series, was gone. Chiba Hiroto tried to catch up with his little brother, for being the biggest, it was not going to be long before he managed to catch up and make the passes, but as if the boy had powers, he stopped to face his brother, while shouting loudly.

『Take my attack!!!! Heroic Laser Beam!!!!』

This was purely imagination on Jiro's part, in reality the little guy didn't have any power, but already used to the game with his brother, Hiroto pretended to be hit by the attack, falling slightly to the ground, while rubbing his face saying not to save his little brother from this one.

『To me what, heroes always win!!!』

Jiro had already thought of where to get into so he wouldn't get caught, if his room was now invaded, then he should just look for another one to lean on, quickly he entered Hiroto's room, locking it to make his new trench. Hiroto went back to his brother's room, where Cliston was, sitting there, you know, that moment when something happens between unrelated family members, that you don't know what to do, you just drown in the thought of wanting to leave.

『I see you interrupting, anyway I was just leaving, yep, it was nice to see you again Hiroto-san, until next time 』

『One moment!!! Don't leave yet, you can't leave yet because....』

Cliston was already opening the window to fly away, but it seems Hiroto doesn't want him to leave, he may have his reasons, I guess he will say it in a while, but at this Hiroto was thinking what to say, at first he was looking for an excuse for him to stay a while longer, he was looking at the ground, until suddenly, he looked to the side, like at the camera.

『My neighbors went out to walk their dogs』.

Hiroto commented without further ado, to Cliston, what was the use of this information, the truth for nothing, he had already decided to continue with his flight, but then he heard the barking of dogs that met by chance, a few streets away from the house, there were a couple of ladies who had gone to walk their dogs, and when they met, the canines did not hesitate to bark at each other.

『Oh sure, it's normal that at this hour they go out to take the air and walk around the neighborhood, I had forgotten, then, thank you very much for reminding me, the truth is I don't know what this information is for, but I appreciate it』.

Again he turned to look at the camera and thanked it without further ado, Cliston hesitated a bit to continue with his flight, what if the people who were following him had arrived here, but he was sure that he had lost them long ago. But to stay and wait for a moment to be sure, would not be bad at all, besides that.

『There's some cake left for my little brother's birthday, can I invite you before it spoils, what do you say』.

Where Cliston didn't hesitate any longer in order to stay, I guess it's because he didn't eat cake for a long time, how long? more than 100 years, right? then I think it's more than justified for him to stay. But before receiving him, Hiroto asked him for a little time, he quickly took out a white sheet of paper that was in the room and with a pen he began to write, it was his apology to his brother. He handed it to him throwing the paper through the lower part of the door of his room.

But quickly he received an answer in the same way, a sheet of paper was thrown back to him, he picked it up and what he read, left him more than sad.

『Can we share the cake I was going to offer you, there is only one piece left, my little brother just put that he ate my candy garnish I left in my room out of revenge. I'm sorry for asking this, but that piece of cake has the strawberry on top....』

『Ah...sure, no problem』

It was a very weird and even depressing moment, Hiroto came back with the piece of cake, as he said, with the strawberry on the top of it. He also brought 2 plates so he could hand it out, but the moment he wanted to cut the cake, it stopped just millimeters away from touching the strawberry. You could see how his gesture was of not wanting to do it, it was as if he was fighting with himself to cut it or not to cut it. It even already looked like he was going to put exaggerated gestures like Ishi does.

『You can keep the strawberry, no problem for me』.

Hiroto finally stopped struggling and forcing his arm, this without saying any words he put the knife aside, maybe he feels bad for offering him the cake but in the end he didn't give him the whole cake, is that he already felt satisfied with all the saved candy he had in his room, but with what happened, instead of feeling bad, he just said.

『I knew you were an understanding fellow, the next time you come back, if I let you eat the strawberry』.

And as if he had not felt bad for his bad deed, without hesitation so that no one would take it away, he ate the strawberry of one. We already know one thing about these almenos brothers, it's that he doesn't feel too sorry for doing something that satisfies them a lot. After a few minutes, it seems that Jiro is not going to come out of his room, it seems that this happens many times, listening to Hiroto as he commented that he will only come out when his father comes.

『And does your arm still hurt? It doesn't look like it's going to heal any time soon』.

『You can touch it if you want, it doesn't hurt at all, but it should still be at rest if I want it to heal completely, I just shouldn't make movement with it』.

They moved on to talk so as not to make this a quiet place again, but here at last Hiroto would make known the real reason why he wanted Cliston to stay now that he could find him.

『And how are you taking all this? the trouble you've gotten yourself into, you didn't think it would escalate this much』.

Cliston had been staring at Jiro's room, looking at the toys he had of different Super Heroes, some he could recognize, but there were others he didn't even know of their existence, listening to Hiroto's words, Cliston didn't know what Hiroto was talking about, this surprised Hiroto a lot, it was an answer he didn't expect.

『You really don't know? I always thought you were one of those people who were attentive to everything, or so you implied, to know someone well you must spend a lot of time with that person, I see, anyway, then just watch this for the moment』.

Hiroto turned on the TV, the first channel that was broadcasting, it was one of cartoons and anime, at that he switched channels, but it was all pure children's entertainment, commenting that it's in the children's section.

『Ah! It can't be!!! I just finished the chapter! I really wanted to watch this one』.

He cursed himself as he was flipping through the channels and realized that a series he was following had already aired one of its episodes, seeing how frustrated this one was, at least it made Fatty laugh a little. He finally found the news sections, where he told Cliston to pay attention to these channels. It is always good to be informed about what is happening in your country and in the world, so Cliston did not see it any other way, but to his surprise, he did not expect that they would talk about him again, but with even more force.

Journalists and commentators, said and put on again and again, the testimony that Cliston had said days before, you could clearly hear the voice of the Fatty to answer many questions that the public was more interested in what he would do now that he had the good fortune to suffer this, people, the people, and even the world, was outraged to hear that this has no intention of changing anything, accompanied by that was very relaxed, to the point of laughing, before this many took it worse, it was worse than a relaxed. All over the world began to give their opinion to this, countries such as the most powerful gave their comment.

『It is unbelievable that having such power, he does not even try to improve the quality, even in his country, without a doubt, a total waste』『A normal life he wants? We are not in a world where one can have it just as he says, with the responsibility he carries on his shoulders, he should only be thinking about helping and that alone』『NOT DISCRIMINATE US JUST WITH HIS WORDS!!!! MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING, HAVING A BAD TIME, IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CAN NOT EVEN DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES AND THIS GUY COMES TO SAY THAT HE WILL LIVE AS HE PLEASES, WITHOUT HELPING ANYONE!!!! HE IS INSENSITIVE!!! 』『I think his words are not wrong, I mean, you decide what you want to do with your life, but now he has powers, normally in a normal situation, either there are 2 ways, you become a villain or a hero, but what we all think is to abuse or make use of your abilities, having that in mind, I don't know what he does, he only uses his powers as a means of transportation, so far he hasn't done any feat, which is, depressing 』『We don't recognize that kid, we don't support any party, we don't give a damn about his opinion, but if one day he dares to act in this world, rest assured, we will rise up against you, stay as you are, a fool』『It's amazing that he hasn't given an answer to all these days of hustle and bustle all over the place, is he really indifferent? It's like he doesn't know what's going on around him, if he's ignorant, then I'm fine with all the hate he's getting』.

They were all opinions, comments, from people, high authorities of the world, people who have privileges and people who have nothing, he had already passed the subject of Cliston when he came back, but now he himself provoked that all that hate and criticism towards his person, came back with more strength and without holding anything back. Hiroto turned off the TV, Cliston was silent for a few seconds, with a low and even sad look, because he realized what was really going on.

『Yes I am clueless』-『Now I understand all those people who were chasing me, and me thinking they wanted to play, it didn't cross my mind for a moment, that I was the reason for the hatred』.

It's like they brought back to reality who was only seeing the positive to all this, Cliston went through a lot being possessed with the parasite, every day it was either watching people die and destroy their cities, or to just stay in a desolate place waiting to be called for lunch time. A lot of things could have happened in that time, maybe he became insensitive, but we easily dismissed that, it always hurt him to see how everything was taken away, until the last day. When he was finally released and returned to his world, the only thing he wanted was to be able to forget the past, or not forget is the right word, he simply wanted to turn over a new page and write a different one, the one of himself, to do what he always wanted and recover that lost time, many people lost a lot because of him, maybe he feels responsible to at least live a peaceful life for them, that's what he wants too. Notice that his simple actions, his simple sincere words and his simple way of being, has brought a big trouble like this, now he could be said to be the most hated living being on earth, the most hated in the world.

『And I thought that when my arm heals, I would resume my studies and prepare all this year to enter high school the following year, with everyone hating me now』.

『And it's not just you, the hatred of people who know you has also intensified』.

Hiroto seems that he didn't hold anything back, he went on to comment that just as we knew before, that before there was already a little rejection of Cliston, this because of his first appearance and the words he said when he introduced himself, it wasn't that big of a deal, at first people could even say that we could say that they took it with pity and tolerance, Since the news of the return of a boy who had disappeared and nothing was known, it was good news, they were concerned that he was well, but now that time has passed and they see him as someone contrary, because of how he showed what he really is, the mercy they had for him disappeared in an instant. As he was in the hospital for many days, and it was difficult to talk to him, the attacks and harassment, everything that Cliston had to suffer in the beginning, was paid for by his friends and friendships.

At school it was not so much, his classmates understood him because they had spoken well of him and many knew him, but people from outside the school came to protest against him and anyone who defended him or was on his side. Students from other schools came, besides looking for a fight, to tarnish Cliston even more. Brayan, Potter, Rojito, among others, could not resist saying all that to their friend, in response to their friendship, they received harassment that escalated to the extreme, the mistreatment of people, in this type of acts always filter gang members or people of bad living, who take advantage to do their evil deeds, in addition to graffiti the houses of these, surrounded alone to one, to take a percentage of what Cliston will receive when he leaves.

『This you earn this for being friends with an indifferent one, if you want us to stop doing this, such just join us』-『We'll continue another day, I hope the next one you give us a better answer』.

That was partly on the student issue, physical abuse was present, while on the adult side, the thing was even more horrible, especially for Cliston's family, Mother Nimura was an accountant in a clothing company, she did her job well plus in these years she never stopped looking for her son, it was of merit to promote her and that she receives the best of the best, But since the news of her son became public, she noticed a big change in her work environment, her colleagues who were previously good to her and saw her as a leader, now avoided talking to her or making any contact of any kind, something difficult and rare because with the current position she has, it is normal and common to be questioned by many people.

At lunch time no one wanted to join her for lunch, she only listened as her coworkers whispered among themselves while talking behind Mother Nimura's back, this had been going on for days, the same when she returned home in the evenings, people recognized it because she went on television many times to ask for help in looking for her son, which once was a means to find what she loves the most, now made her known to everyone, but with bad intentions.

At night she did not feel safe, it was like all eyes were fixed on her, although they did not do any physical harm, the uneasiness that they are watching you, that they do not tell you to your face, that at any moment you could stop repressing yourself and go on the attack, feeling that you are alone against a total strangers with the same cause, to Mother Nimura, this was worse than any sin.

Arriving home, she tearfully looked for her mother, Mama Lucha, who granny hugged her as if she was still her little girl, telling her that everything will be all right and comforting her.

『If you want I'll pick you up from the office, it makes me sad and helpless to see that these days, you come back with that expression of fear in your eyes』.

She was indeed worried about her daughter, but Mother Nimura commented that no, it is dangerous to be outside and even if she were strong, she does not feel that they can protect themselves from the world's rejection. The grandmother while hugging her daughter, noticed something wet or even slimy on the back of her daughter's garment, it was an egg, they have crashed it with extreme force.

Mother Nimura who was returning home in fear, just as she thought, someone acted, a guy who was following her threw an egg behind her back, while shouting only one thing at her.


Those were the words of that guy who could no longer bear to hold back, Mother Nimura still remembers this, her whole body trembling with fear, while she did not want to stop hugging her mother. The following days were like that, also the adults who knew Cliston, as could be those who helped in the search for Cliston years ago, Yashiro's mother, Nyoka, Menhera-chan's mother, Kyoko, and among others, such as Brayan's mother, Potter's mother, Rojito, Kanon's parents, those who helped a good cause at the time, now paid for it in a way they did not believe in, they received a small part of the harassment and abuse, but only from little people that others did not recognize them anywhere, since they were never publicly known. So the denial towards them was short-lived.

『(Relax, this is only momentary, people forget the problems, but...to think that this is our reward for seeing our son again...makes me crumble....NO! I have to stay strong just as I have these past few years, my son came back and as his mother, I know her perfectly well!!!! I know he didn't do it with the intention to provoke people's anger, he just, he wants a common life like everyone, my son, my Cliston is overcoming his fracture in the hospital, he is struggling, I must also do the same, and give him a good welcome when he is discharged, I will try my best!!!!! let's!!!!)』

『You're fired』

...The impact was so horrible, she went from being at home, to wanting to overcome all the problems she was going through, to with the blink of an eye, being in her boss's office to give him the news that she was fired. Mother Nimura could not believe it, she asked her boss why he was doing it, if she had always been a good worker for the company all these years, why did he just fire her without giving her an explanation. Faced with the mother's complaint, the boss had no other answer than.

『You want the real reason? I could tell you, in addition to the fact that the productivity and work environment declined a lot after the news, and that many other companies and people who used to hire us no longer want to work with us, that they canceled million-dollar projects? I will tell you the real personal reason for all this』-『Your family, it is a lie』.

From one moment to the next, Mother Nimura was already outside the building, her gesture was....I wouldn't know how to tell, but it was like seeing how a person, her whole being had been destroyed to only live suffering. He fell to his knees while he was overcome by the impotence of everything that was happening and happening, if a random person did the same thing, crying in the street, surely many people would ignore him and continue with his day without caring about what was happening. But here it was the opposite, quickly Mother Nimura could feel how she was surrounded by people and how their hateful gaze was fixed only on her, it was like being in front of demons who only want your destruction.

『They fired her, finally some justice』『She deserved it for lying』『"My son is a saint", pure nonsense she was saying on TV』『This relieves me a little, that he suffers what we suffer』『I bet you that his son doesn't even know what is happening to his family, what can you expect from a family like this, they are just trash』.

I was only asking for one thing Mother Nimura, please disappear from here, since she no longer has her job, at least she was able to get a car with which, she plans to be a cab driver in the future, why in the future? because she doesn't feel safe on the streets, unless all this happens or people change their minds, she doesn't want to leave her house for any reason. The car she got was, let's say, what she received for all these years of service in the company, a car, it's not the best in the world, but it's not the worst either, it's the most normal thing you would find if you went out on the street, it was a gift from the boss out of consideration for all this, but anyway it's still an asshole.

Father Nimura also suffered the same, ending with the same end, the total dismissal of the company where he worked, but luckily for the family, he was able to cope better with the problem, or rather, he was able to resist the problems better, having his wife traumatized by the events, Mom Lucha who was already retired long ago, and his son who needs time to get better, it was now or never where the role of the Man of the house, the Father of the Family, took on more importance than ever, with a hug to the 2 women, he told them that he would manage so that they could live in this world, that he would fight alone yes, but with their moral support and that knowing that he was doing it for his family, they could take it for granted, that he would do it.

Returning to the house of the Chiba Family, Hiroto told him everything, without holding back anything to whom he considered his friend, Cliston to this clenched his fists, while finally, it is the first time we see him cry, of helplessness, of frustration, even of anger, but more of indignation on his part for not knowing what was going on outside all these days, Cliston in tears now understood the way he spoke in his mother's call, to think again that this same thing was suffered by many people he knows, it made him see the person as he thought as he was, he was not as good as he thought.

『Is there a way to change this....』

Cliston was saying in a sincere way, even also depressed and not knowing what to do, at that came the all too obvious, everything was here, just is to look at this room again, all decorated and decorated, the theme was.

『So why don't you just do it? This all came about because of your very words, then I think other words that surpass the previous ones will be the solution』-『And there's also being a hero as a secondary, and become a tertiary, of course』.

Hiroto was just talking, he was giving a suggestion that may be the solution, Cliston's words caught his attention, who without saying anything, turned to look at his friend, who as he said this one, comments on everything that happens.

『Oh, if I turn to look at me』-『What caught your attention? the words above another or what to be a hero, although I do not see it right to be, I feel it would be a waste of time and a kind of life very subject to the world, you live for you or your life is for others? no, I do not like at all, although I think I came to have that rejection of heroes because of my father, he is very fond of these, I mean, just look at me!!!! My name is Hiroto!!!! Hi-ro-to! Hi-ro-to! He-ro!!! Hero!!!! Literally my mother told me that my name was going to be Hiro, but you know her tricks, she managed to call me Hiroto, ufff, I saved myself from that, although it wouldn't have been bad to be called Hiro, but knowing that it's because of my father's hobby.... well.... Like I don't like it』-『Less my brother has a more common name, but he still has dyes of hero, Jiro, *sigh* because we capture his tastes and passions to his children, imagine that there are Gokus and Vegetas around the world, Ainzs, Yugis, Messis, Christians, Mbappes ,even objects, Cars, Pcs, Controllers, titles of games, ahhhh. ... what a world we are living in by my mother』-『But anyway, you have the answer to all this in the end, what do you decide』.

Cliston at Hiroto's words, he started to think about the situation, the truth never crossed his mind to consider being a hero, the truth prefers and for sure there are much simpler methods to be able to change all this, but at the moment he doesn't know and this is the only one he has in mind.

『If with what you say I can stop harming others, maybe.... I'll try』

『(I told him that he will decide for himself, in the end it's like he accepted because it's the first thing he heard) Think it through, you are not obliged to do something you don't like---....』


A different voice was heard, it was Jiro's who was able to return to his room, he was with a big smile, he already left behind the all teary version from earlier, now he only radiated joy and even confidence, Hiroto quickly passed by to greet his brother for seeing him again, but at the same time this one was wondering one thing.

『Hello Little Brother, wait....If you are here, then it means my father came back』.

『Exactly Hiroto』

A grown man just entered the room, this one was making his presence in a friendly way, the one responsible for the hobby of being a hero and liking them, who was able to embody it in one of his children, in the youngest one, he is also who Hiroto considers him a good father as he always there for them. When the Father was about to greet Cliston, Cliston quickly recognized him, as that huge mustache he has, it was hard to ignore it.

『It's nice to see you again, Chiba Tomeo』.

Cliston stopped by to greet him from friends, where Bigoton didn't expect that at home the young man was waiting for him, seeing how even his distinguished mustache twitched in surprise, made him look funny, but if the younger son, Jiro was a Super Hero fan, the father right now would show that he surpasses him in everything.

『Have you heard of the avengers initiative?』

What, what, what, what, what, what, the first thing he said, no doubt it was nonsense that surely no one will pay attention to, as many characters that were not very relevant are returning, Cliston just hopes that the decision he makes at the end of all this, is the best for everyone.

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