
Chapter 227: Pastime 5

P͇a͇s͇a͇t͇i͇e͇m͇p͇o͇ ͇5͇

When we left the grandmother's house, soon after, her family came, in total 2 parents came with 2 little ones and one not so little one that we had seen before. The joy of these quickly flooded the house that previously was also full of life, the 2 small children went to hug their grandmother, Grandma Yamada, these children were unruly, if before M could avoid making a mess here and harming the elderly, these children did not even think twice, they did not even made a change of shoes to enter and ended up creating a mess, plus it was very noticeable this, the 2 children were blond compared to the other son. But to this Grandma Yamada didn't seem to mind, she let it pass with a nice homey smile marked.

『(But what's wrong with these little humans? Every time they come around they cause more disasters than before)』

The hairless dog did not avoid being annoyed by the attitude of these elementary school children, just by listening to their noises, it made the dog's ears curl up, quickly the children seeing the dog decided to go and pet it, but quickly the hairless dog would back away and growl at them to keep them away, it was obvious that it did not want guys like this to touch it.

『Come on, don't be like that, at least let them pet you just this once *smiles* 』.

Granny Yamada turned to her non-pet pet, previously the hairless dog was around when these children came, and they always tried to pet it because it was strange, seeing a dog of this breed around these places that are not their native place is rare, plus as Granny Yamada told them that you get warm if you touch them, more it made these children's desire to be stoked.

The hairless dog turned to look at the grandmother, he looked at her with discouragement and then he stopped growling and simply stood still waiting for these children to do theirs, with a look of contempt the dog implied that they can touch him.

The 2 children quickly went to touch the dog, and he did not receive a caress, but rather they squeezed him because according to them, this way they might feel warmer, where they also did not know how to control themselves and pulled out the few hairs that he had. The dog did not do anything, he let them do things to him, but his tail was very waggy, that even the children were surprised by this.

『(Devil human offspring, who raised them to be like this? Don't they know how to be careful or treat others kindly? Chetumare mongol, idiots whores, chibolos chupa pingas, better rip my hairs out of my webos saco conchetumare)』

It was what the dog was saying through its tail, bringing out also where this dog comes from, the kids didn't understand anything, just a tail wagging, thank God these kids are dumb and don't understand beyond what their 2 neurons can. Where the ear that had him hunched over, perked up as he heard a whisper of sorry from Grandma Yamada, the hairless dog just ducked his head waiting for this to end.

『Good morning mother, we finally arrived after a.....ja? Nice day?』

The adult arrived, Grandma Yamada's son, Yamada Isamu, he was a normal adult, he was not to stand out, he might even go unnoticed if he doesn't do something, although that too is very normal. Grandma Yamada quickly smiled at her son for something she knows already happened, she's been hearing about it from her son and from her side for a long time now, that things would change maybe for....

『Nice day? What's so nice about it? Ah, sorry, you're withdrawn despite being an adult, which makes me think you're an idiot many times, but yes, today is a nice day for my family』

A blonde western woman appeared, everything hinted that she was Isamu's wife, or she was Isamu's wife, she looked much more refined and wealthy, compared to how Isamu and his son looked, who is much more humble in every aspect. Quickly the blonde woman looking to the side, saw her sons "petting" the hairless dog, where this one quickly made a disgusted gesture.

『Buag, you're still with this deformed dog? What dog besides is it? It has no hair and you can see its.....children don't touch that....can you even call it an animal? You prepared the bath as we told you, didn't you? Quick children, go and clean yourselves, don't get a disease, who knows where it's been』

Quickly the only thing that was heard for seconds was the voice of the adult woman complaining about the animal, where these discouraged for wanting to play more, they listened to their mother and entered the bathroom, now the gaze of the canine was towards the blonde, who looked at him with contempt, while the hairless dog commented that since the first time he saw this woman he hated her for the way she was.

『(Damn humans, it must always be like that, as long as there's someone good there will always be someone bad, what a shitty logic)』

The dog stressed while remembering everything that happened to him until he was able to reach these Japanese lands. But the dog was not the only annoying one, but also the grandmother, she doesn't mind if they do bad things to her, but if they mess with what she loves the most or her family, she might get a big surprise.....

Granny's look was still with a smile, where the blonde turned to see her and asked her what was wrong, Isamu realized this, that soon that nice smile of his mother, would turn to transform to one where she is really annoyed and would no longer be the nice old lady.

『What if we go to pick up your things that you left here? And also the children's, I know that it will be difficult for both of us these new ways but, I know that you are strong and you are capable of everything』.

『Are you talking like that again? Stop praising me all the time, saying nice things about me, I can't believe I fell for that.....I don't need your help, I can handle myself, after all even if you don't tell me, I'm strong』

Quickly there was an exchange of words between the adults, it was noticeable the difference between these from the beginning, it becomes more and more noticeable and clear, the blonde went to the second floor to take out her things and that of her children who were left here. The children are taking a bath while splashing everything and using up all the shampoo and soap, emphasizing again that they are unruly.

In the living room there are only the Yamada family, yes, only the Yamada family, from the grandmother's friendly smile, she has a serious face looking at her son, telling him to tell her how this day has been.

And as you may have noticed, today this couple of adults are legally divorced, today they did the paperwork to be free from each other, for a long time it was seen as this was wrong, very wrong, if they had not been rushed by Isamu, he would have realized the woman she is before marrying for the second time. Grandma on hearing that she will never see that woman and those unruly children again, breathed a sigh of relief, as she won't have to act gentle with them again. She was already many times about to explode, but if it hadn't been for the action of her son Isamu and of course, also her grandson, Joshua, Yamada Joshua.

『What a joy to see her again Granny, always being so good to others even though you are not so fond of them, what an envy indeed, yes you are very good』.

『Look who's talking, you turned out just like your father, you're a great boy from a good family that life didn't know how to take care of, while I'm here, I'll raise you so you won't be like certain people hahahaha *smiles* 』 』

Joshua was having a conversation with his grandma, he is now in 2nd grade of High School at 17 years old, already a young man about to enter adulthood, but still looks like a little elementary school kid, always there, trying to do his best for others, being supportive and being good people, trying....simply trying to see what he can do. Joshua let out an awkward laugh at that hint his grandmother was making to his former family, where this one would blurt out more words.

"『Don't be like that grandma, I know that they are good people deep down, I just didn't know how to bring out that side of them, I didn't know how to win their friendship....e_300F↩-『And you're wrong grandma, I'm not like you, going back to the words I said before. ...I....will always be nice to people, no matter if they think otherwise, I....have no need to pretend kindness, because you didn't raise me that way 』

Without further ado Joshua threw those words to his family, both the grandmother and the father were impressed by the teenager's words, where the father let out a smile of joy and likewise the grandmother, for having raised someone as innocent as him.

『You're still clueless, I said you look like your father, not that you look like me *smiles* Although I don't know if we did right or wrong for you to end up thinking that way about everyone, maybe that's the reason why you're not as present as others, they ignore you again at school right? I just hope you don't keep trying with that girl anymore』.

Hearing the last words of his grandmother, Joshua became very embarrassed, his cheeks turned red, but then he smiled, and as always he answered his father's mother with certainty.

『I'm sorry if I don't understand, but, as long as there is no clear answer, I will try several times, as many times as it takes, since I saw her in elementary school, little by little something began to grow in me for her, Grandma, you said that grandfather made you change something in you and that's why you fell in love with him, for me it was the same, Konomi...did a lot for me and she doesn't know it.... is the first time I felt something different, I just want her to consider me someone *smiles*』.

Since elementary school, Joshua seems that he felt a special feeling to one of the TriGoddesses, one of the Nanase Sisters, and it was not something sudden, but it was an affection that has been growing with the passing of time, as Joshua said, because of the actions that Konomi did without realizing it, Joshua increasingly felt and attachment to her, in his sad thoughts, Konomi was who with her way of being, made him get back on his feet. Until now, Joshua never said I love you or I love you to Konomi, never but never, not even a direct one of a clear feeling, he is just there, trying to support Konomi as much as he can, mostly Joshua encourages her, comforts her, tries to help her and says nice things to her. But for Konomi, this is more of a nuisance than anything else, even she doesn't know how this torture started according to her. We all know that Konomi is very cold, but she resents Joshua for always being with her, Joshua is the one who receives the worst treatment.

Alm Joshua, in itself Konomi is not very nice to everyone, but you reached a level of hatred with her, yes you are tremendous in different ways xd. This will not end well in the end, let's hope not.

The grandmother and father hearing more things from their son and reading him like an open book, they only thought one thing both.

『『Our boy is a Simp』』』.

I think we all felt the same way, Joshua fits everything in that word, for someone who wants to do his own thing like Konomi is for the most part, having a simp must be the worst thing that could happen to him.

Joshua would go on to help his grandmother fix the things that his siblings did, where his father would also do the same, it has always been like that since he married that blonde, he was the one who fixed the bad things about her. But while Joshua was arranging the living room, this one quickly his eyes were spinning thinking about what he said before.

『(I can't believe I said her name just like that....I always call her Nanase-san call her Ko...Ko....Kon...I can't, but one day....I will tell her..... how I feel about her, I know it will be the best day)』

Joshua was in his mind that he didn't see that he misplaced an ornament and it was going to fall, quickly Joshua realized this and lunged to grab it, he wasn't going to reach it, this again he stretched closing his eyes. POM!!! Joshua fell to the ground where the father and grandmother went to help, when Joshua opened his eyes, he saw that he had the ornament in his hand and that he was able to save it. The boy smiled at being able to correct his mistake.

But the hairless dog saw it all, the truth was that the ornament was going to fall, but something just out of nowhere moved it a few inches for Joshua's hand to reach. The young man was going to fix more things, but it seems that a spiritual formless energy was following him, it seems that the young man can't see it, nor normal humans.

『(There it is again, the ghost following the young man, you are also weird, sometimes you help or annoy the boy, but still, we can't do anything)』.

It is said that animals, like dogs and cats, are able to see things that humans don't, and here it is confirmed, the hairless dog saw a sphere of formless energy, that is called a ghost, the truth is that there are various levels of ghosts, but that that topic will be touched on later. I just wanted to imply that we are not alone, but that there are others with us without doing anything to us, but there they are.

A few minutes passed, where finally the blonde managed to pack everything in suitcases, the things of her family, as well as the children finished bathing, leaving everything a mess. It was time to say goodbye, but more this was a nuisance and unnecessary.

『Well, I hope we won't meet again, now I will get a good man, goodbye』.

The blonde adult was leaving with her children, where the little ones as a farewell, they stuck their tongues out at Joshua, there was a car in front of the house, but Joshua commented something before they left,

『Have a nice day, and I hope, we will meet again *smiles*』.

The blonde was confused by Joshua's words, it always seemed to her that this young man said weird things and always in a good way, that was what made her detest this boy, that he is so good and innocent. And a few seconds later, Isamu was addressing his ex-wife.

『I will pray that you get a good husband, and that he will take care of you *smiles*』.

Isamu smiled and wished all the best for that woman with her children, the children already getting into the car were making a fuss, they were going to open the suitcases to see what was there, but a shout from their mother telling them to stop, made them stop, after turning to her children, she turned to the Yamada family.

『You guys are all the same, you idiots good people!!!! The Yamada Family Idiot!!!! That suits you better, that's why I've been taking advantage of you for the past few months』.

The children had already opened the suitcase, and as they searched through their mischief, they found that there was money in the corner of the suitcase, the blonde finally got into the car never to return. The Yamada family turned to see how the car was leaving, the blonde in these months took advantage of Isamu's money to spend it on whatever she wants, and coming here she took the opportunity to steal the money saved from the grandmother, she took advantage from the beginning and wanted to do it until the end, but....

『But what a bitch, she took my suitcases, but at least let's laugh at our last move 』

The grandmother commented with a gesture of genius, when the blonde happened to check the money she stole from the grandmother, she realized that they were fake, and that the grandmother already knew that she would try something like that. Isamu and Joshua upon learning this, commented at the same time that grandma does have her teasing mannerisms, it's really bad when grandma gives you the little surprise.

『Maybe I should have stuck him with a gun that our canine gave me to get him arrested at the airport, yeah, that's what I should have done *smiles*』.

Now that one would have been a great surprise xd. As the hairless dog brings her some things as a favor to take care of him you must from time to time, he brings her little gifts, and among them once he brought her a gun, maybe he still has it at home or he told the canine to take it to him, I won't know. At this the grandmother tried to stretch that finally the mob left, but quickly Joshua was taking care of his grandmother not to get hurt by a wrong move, but it seems that Isamu is still in shock from this that he happened to look at the sky.

『Again, for the 3rd time, we are starting over *smiles*』.

It will be another restart for the Yamada family, he just hopes that this time things will turn out well, he is already a grown up adult, so he doesn't expect much either, he will try hard to get ahead together with his only son. And of course, also that ghost without a transparent form that follows Joshua, will continue with her own thing.

By the way, Joshua's name is not his original name, his original name was a Japanese name given by his birth mother, may she rest in peace, when Isamu married the blonde, he wanted everything to be in his power, he wanted to swallow the culture of this one, so he forced him to be called Joshua, a western name, or else not to treat him as part of his family, and so it remained for a long time that Joshua decided to opt for this name even if it is not his, and why not refuse or now that he no longer has a relationship with that family, continue to have that name.

『Changing my name at this point, it would be weird for me, besides that's what I was mostly, Joshua, I didn't...spend much time with my original name』-『Also that's how mostly everyone knows me, they know me.....so....mother, I promise you, one day I will say that name again.....when it's time』.

Joshua must try much harder to get people to notice him other than his family, with the people he wants to relate to, they always ignore him or treat him badly, but he will always, always be there to help, always.




The mad rabid dog was finally able to go to our whereabouts thanks to the smell, it led him back to the playground where he was before, maybe they were still there too thought this one, but then he felt another presence, when he turned around he realized that the Rottweiler also just arrived at the same place. Again both dogs are facing each other, neither of them knows what will happen now.

But maybe the sniff of the crazy dog is not bad at all, because Kenzo and M were in a playground, a mini playground we could say, they are running as much as they can all over the area, where there was a small maze on the ground, where the children can enter and find out what is there through the different shortcuts. The dog that we were chasing all this time, because of his size he had a big advantage, the breed was a Chihuahua, this one in his little snout had the piece of paper and he was running through the little subway maze in the park.

M stood at the end of an opening waiting for the Chihuahua to come out of there, but it had already noticed in the distance, and ears, but it decided to play along with the human anyway.

M was waiting confidently ready to catch, GUAUUU!!!! A bark was heard from the small canine, M could feel someone on four legs approaching, POMM!!! the animal that came out was a cat.

『You again?』( -᷄ὤ-᷅)?

I was getting the orange and white cat out of my face, when I realized, the chihuahua took the opportunity to enter another opening of the maze because of my distraction, I quickly released the cat but it was impossible, again it escaped me.

What happened with this cat is that after running away from the crazy dog, he found this place and hid, until the chihuahua came and barked and told him to wake up, because of the scare of having a canine out of nowhere when he opened his eyes, he got scared and escaped again.

『Chihuahuas or Chihuahueños are a breed of dog originally from Mexico. It is one of the oldest dog breeds in the Americas, besides being the smallest dog in the world, they even have pottery and art on the walls. Chihuahuas are prized for their devotion, big eyes and personality. Their alertness, intelligence and size make them adaptable to a variety of environments, they may at first glance seem, weak and fragile, if they are well cared for, they can become very good companions, they are also very jealous in human relationships, if you do not have a good connection with them, they can be very aggressive』.

How much Kenzo commented while we were running up the labyrinth, that reminded me of when we saw him sitting there as if waiting for us, he looked calm with those big eyes, but when I tried to take the paper from his mouth, he just bit me, and he may be small, but if he bites you it's like being bitten by a big dog.

『Don't worry Onii-san blue, I have more band-aids』

『What do I say use them for you!』

Without further ado because of the shapes of the maze we were running through, there was an unevenness that Kenzo didn't see and he ended up falling, and to top it off his knee that already had a scrape on it, suffered a big damage again.!!!!! Quickly Kenzo was going to scream in pain, but quickly this one stopped, when I went to see how he was, this one kept himself from letting out tears.

『It's nothing....It doesn't hurt』

『Yes you get to be very stubborn brat, enough of acting macho, I'm going to !!!!Eh!!!! Where are you going?』

When I realized, Kenzo decided to enter the small subway labyrinth of the park, again he was running away from me, from my concern for him. I quickly jumped in with everything, it was obvious that I couldn't get in, but I barely managed to grab Kenzo's shoes while he was forcing his way out, he was stretching but then he just became too weak.

『You won't escape from my brat, when I get serious I am able to know the 8ヾ(・ω・*)ノ....Eh table? I feel weak here....』

When I pulled my arm, I noticed that I only had Kenzo's footwear, the boy was chasing the chihuahua from inside the maze, maybe here we do have an advantage, we should have done this from the start,¡!!!!! I already remembered why we didn't, because if Kenzo went in, his wounds that he has on his body would suffer more.

M who was above running to see where they were going, quickly came up with an idea to make this end easily, taking advantage of Kenzo being inside with the chihuahua.

The chihuahua was running with the piece of paper in his mouth, running while looking behind as Kenzo was chasing him. The chihuahua saw light at the end of the road and would escape from there, he ran with his strength, but quickly, before leaving, the road was blocked, the chihuahua did not understand, he charged but only rebounded due to his strength.

『Well, this will do』.

M saw that there were tires that they recycled for this park, so what he did was to bring these tires, and one on top of the other block the path of the openings, the chihuahua noticed this, and quickly this one would look for a place where it is not closed. Again it was a race of who was the fastest, M would do everything he could in his base form to block the entrances and exits, while the chihuahua would run with his little paws to not get caught, while Kenzo at some point would catch him, in the end he was caught on his own advantage.

『(I see, blue Onii-san, I knew you were smart)』

Thought Kenzo as he realized what the young man was doing, every exit was covered by the tires, the lights there were also gradually making this place dark, but M was giving one effort too many, by now we were dying from the effort, only one was missing, M was rolling the tire to block the pass.

The chihuahua saw that there was still an exit, where he took the opportunity to run away with all his strength.

『I'm dying.....and I'm also sweating like never before....only one more to go.....this day was really busy (;'д`)』

Kenzo saw the chihuahua running towards the exit, so he accelerated more so he wouldn't escape, quickly M to block the entrance, he had no better idea, than to give a push to make the tire roll, so he did it, the tire started to turn towards the entrance to cover it, but at that very moment the chihuahua came out, he turned to his side and realized that he would be crushed by the tire.

POOMMM!!!Luckily Kenzo was able to reach the chihuahua by putting himself as a shield for it, the tire crashed against it again in a wound already made, the tire fell to the ground, where I reacted of what I just did.

『It hurts.....*smile*Are you okay?』

Kenzo said as he hid his pain to the dog, I quickly walked over to check on them, where Kenzo turned to see me like a mother furious with her son for his wrongdoing, I <agüite> a lot for this.

<Translator: In several Latam countries, not to say only in Mexico, agüite means that he is sad or depressed>.

The chihuahua seeing how Kenzo saved him from the tire, this one happened to lick only his nose, letting him take the piece of the map. And that's how we recovered another piece of the map, we have 4 pieces of the map, we are missing another 4.

We felt a very cold air passing by us when we looked at the sky, we realized that it was cloudy out of nowhere, something strange since we are in spring, but I guess that this kind of things can happen, Kenzo quickly felt cold, since his clothes are not warm, I was rather happy for the cold, I took off my scarf and it gave me air around my neck, but how cool it feels.

But there was someone shivering between us, it was the chihuahua who could not stand the cold and as he is small, his whole body was shivering. Since I took off my scarf, Kenzo commented that if I could lend him, I gave him without any problem, this quickly with the scarf, he made a kind of nest with this where he put the chihuahua, and for some reason we were taking him with us now.

『I hope you don't mind, since you look like you're enjoying the cold 』

Kenzo commented as he watched me sweat away, to this he didn't have to say anything, as it's very convenient for the situation all this. With the Chihuahua in Kenzo's arms and my scarf, we have to continue with the map search, it looks like the weather may get worse if we take longer.


While in the previous field, the crazy dog and the Rottweiler had an argument, where the latter asked the dog to better stop having that temper, that way no one will love him.

"Of course nobody loves me, I had to find someone to love me, but in the end, that girl threw me away like it was nothing』.

The crazy dog was venting all this time, saying and commenting what happened to him, the Rottweiler just kept quiet, listening to the other dog his problems, maybe to get to understand him and tell him what he thinks.

『Did you have an owner too? Being thrown away must be terrible, I was thrown away because of a misunderstanding, I was sent to a kennel where they did bad things to me, that's where they cut off my tail to...』

The Rottweiler was giving him things to remember especially what these humans did to his tail, the place was sleazy, he doesn't even know why he is alive or how he managed to get out, but what they did to his tail those guys.....

『(Tail? So they cut off his tail when it was big, besides you look like that dog....little by little I get it, I'm going to take advantage of this)Hey you, I think we had the same owner, let me tell you, the truth about that girl』

The mad dog again going to use his cunning to get his way, this time taking advantage of the past and what one cherishes the most to come up with what he is looking for, the mad dog slowly approached where the Rottweiler was confused, he wondered how the same owner, quickly these exchanged words.

『Sure, she was a little girl with braids and bows in them, brown eyes, mostly stopped in an orange dress, stroked your belly, a squeaky but pleasant voice, always hugging a doll, I think she called him Mr.Chochi』.

With the words and information that the crazy dog gave him, the Rottweiler remembered what his owner was like, and yes, everything the dog said was true, but what made him believe the most was the stuffed animal, since it was for that reason why he ended up in what he catalogs the worst thing he lived through.

『I'll show you, how horrible it was to live with her』.

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