P͇a͇s͇a͇t͇i͇e͇m͇p͇o͇ ͇3͇
We were able to get a part of the map from Kenzo, since the same Doge that we will call him, desisted in no longer continuing with the game, his desire to be closer to humans, play with them and pet them were much greater. And rather it was like that, after Kenzo told a little information about this breed, for sure we would not have been able to in our circumstances, now we are missing 7 dogs to recover parts of the map.
Kenzo and I walked through the neighborhood, where we thought where another dog might be, there the little boy remembered that there was a playground for infants nearby, we quickly went to that place and yes he was right, there was a dog waiting for us.
Maybe we were expecting a different kind of dog, one that would go along with the theme of a playground, one that would be happy, funny, charismatic, one that only thinks about playing, when I was thinking about all of the above, I remembered that we had already run into him. In the playground there was a circular sphere where children can enter while it spins, mostly an outside person spins the sphere taking from the same grids that are made, that dog, a Rottweiler was inside the sphere while it was spinning, he was lying down as if he had had enough of being made to wait for it.
This breed is slender and has a strong body, that is why it is also feared by many compared to others, besides having a serious temperament and leadership. When I saw the dog I wondered several things, actually only 2. One, that this dog does not fit at all with the playful environment that exists, and secondly, that I have heard on the internet and news that this dog has attacked people and left them seriously injured. They are not the most tolerant so to speak, so if you bother them and you are not the owner, for sure this one will eat you.
Before my concern of what can happen I commented to Kenzo about the danger of this dog, even in my mind I thought that we should leave this dog and go for a safer one, but his answer was immediate.
『No problem! No problem...he also just wants to have fun, otherwise...he wouldn't have participated in this game.....』
Between fear and being shaking because of how insecure he was, he was still walking slowly towards the road, Kenzo wasn't sure of himself and he knows it, rather he is sure that the dog won't do anything to him and they will have a good time.
『(I'm not afraid....I'm not afraid....dogs....dogs, even if they look bad and have a history....I know they are not bad...because I learned.....that they are what you need most when you feel lonely)』
He is relying fully on that man's best friend to make his insecurities go away. The game sphere stopped leaving both of them looking at each other closely, Kenzo again swallowed saliva of what could happen, he was stretching his arm towards the Rottweiler to show him security, where quickly growls were heard from the 4 legged one, to this quickly Kenzo stopped his movements and was making them back away slowly.
Kenzo was thinking of a way to get closer to him, or rather in a way to get him to like him, at that moment Kenzo remembered that he had a treat in his pocket, he slowly put his hand in his pocket to take it out, where again the Rottweiler noticed this and began to growl louder. What he had in his pocket was a cookie in its wrapper *ZACK* *TURK* *AZK* It was heard how the wrapper was touched and being taken out, but quickly the dog began to bark loudly, it went from being alert with growls to threatening with barks that this could get worse.
『(That sound again!!!! I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it, I don't want it again , no!!!!! Those guys just did bad things to me, I still don't understand why they did it, I just did the right thing.....that sound....of plastic, clubs.....cocks.....grates.....listening to machines pumping.....a terribly high-pitched sound.....) STOP DOING IT!!!!』
The Rottweiler was starting to bark loudly, it was barking louder and louder that it could get everyone's attention, its ears twitching wildly, as if picking up most of the noise around the place. But even with the threat of the loud barking, Kenzo was still true to his idea, and approached the dog slowly.
The Rottweiler was barking as he backed away, I could even tell he was full of saliva on the dog. I was staring at this, I was thinking that if something bad happens, like if the dog lunged to attack the boy, I would have to intervene.
『(It doesn't have a tail, it was cut off for sure when it was little, that means it has owners or once had them, but now..... doesn't seem to trust anyone, paws still have marks on them from being beaten) *smiles* Look, I have cookies, they won't hurt you, they don't have chocolate, sugar, salt, or anything that could hurt you, these are whole wheat apple flavored, but better are the kibbles, but even better is meat....debes back when I ate them together with my friend.....the kibbles of course not *smiles*』
Kenzo was trying to talk in order to get closer to the Rottweiler, where again he did not avoid remembering when he ate together with his big friend, but something strange felt at the moment, the loud barking of the canine, quickly eased, tired, slackened....era like he gradually lost his barking voice for a while. Until you could no longer hear the barking of the dog, you could only see how he opened his mouth, but nothing came out, there was no way to communicate, he had lost his bark and as he is <short> he could not speak through it either.
<Translator: The word Cuto in several places in Latam is to refer to any animal, but being more used for dogs, cuto means that it has no tail, that is wrong, it is not that it has a tail, if not it is to refer to an animal that had a tail but it was cut off and it remained as a small part of this>.
It seems that the one who was more afraid was the Rottweiler than Kenzo himself, since in the way he was approaching, the sound and everything else product of his head, made him remember his moments when he was in a kennel where they did bad things to him.
『(Eh? Why are there 3 kids?....why am I barking at you....the men in suits....are supposed to be gone.....)』
Pom, the Rottweiler felt dizzy in his head from being inside the sphere for such a long time that he quickly lost his posture and fell down on the floor in a faint. Within seconds of falling completely asleep, he could hear how Kenzo was worried about him and asked for help from M. The last thing he saw was a worried face that brought back memories of his previous life.
Kenzo and M sat on some benches that were in the place, quickly Kenzo put the canine that lay on his legs, the boy really was worried about the dog, I am more surprised by Kenzo than anything, thinking that I would have already liked to be like that at his age.
『He couldn't take it anymore, this dog shows signs of having been mistreated before, either by his owners or someone else, he lost the trust he had for others who are not his own』.
Kenzo was talking as he was about to touch the canine, to pet it, but at the last second it stopped and decided better not to. I was also looking at the dog as he was sleeping and how calm he looks, but then his gesture changes to one of fright, for sure remembering bad things, even his ears still moving wildly, up, down, sides, curling up, sinking down. Even in his sleep it was as if he could not get away from what had marked him.
Meanwhile, the Rottweiler was dreaming of his old family, his old owners, of how he was a simple puppy in a veterinarian's office with his other siblings, few were interested in taking them away, especially because of the breed they were, since they may look cute now, but when they grow up all the tenderness will disappear. It also depends on what people want, many prefer small dogs so that they don't make a mess, compared to a big dog that is much more difficult to take care of.
But even so, there were people who took these dogs for the simple fact that they liked them, whether they were puppies or big ones, they liked them, little by little the Rottweiler's brothers were being adopted, for a long time the puppy was watching from the counter the world outside. When there was someone interested in the Rottweiler was discouraged to see him, because compared to his brothers, this one always seemed to have a gesture of being upset, although he looked tender to be a puppy, but when he grew up he would surely impose a lot and people did not like that, what does a person mostly look for when adopting a dog? When they saw the Rottweiler and its gesture of seriousness, they thought that if they took it with them, it would weigh more the environment, since the one who seeks to play is mostly the canine who makes the first step.
In short, nobody would take the Rottweiler, but in their thinking that nobody would take him and that he would spend the whole day there, finally what was supposed to happen happened, a little girl saw the dog and did not hesitate to take him, for the simple fact that she liked him, she did not care about his serious face or how big he was. Nothing like that, he just wanted a friend to play and hang out with. Since he was adopted by that girl, the Rottweiler's life improved a lot.
Small barking was heard but out of tune, like deflated, Kenzo quickly said that the dog would be about to wake up, and he was also worried about the dog's voice, so he asked a favor to M that if he can bring a bottle with water and even Kenzo gave him the money.
『You do care a lot about the dogs, Kenzo』.
『They changed my life a lot and I thank you, I also want to return the favor as much as I can』.
Hearing Kenzo's reply, I quickly became cheerful and let out a smile while naughtily stroking Kenzo's head. Hearing his complaints about me leaving him was kind of fun.
『Yes you are a very good brat, I wish there are more like you, though not literally, you know, can you imagine meeting another brat just like you? AHH!!! I'm scared shitless! Who are you? You know, oh! An impostor maybe? You have to be careful with your double selves, they can fuck you up』o(*^▽^*)o
『Onii-san blue, why are you suddenly talking gibberish?』
Listening to Kenzo and seeing my sudden way of acting, I remembered again that I am in the real world and not in a fictional place where it is acceptable and normal, quickly after finishing listening to the boy, I hurriedly went to get the drink he told me. Kenzo was puzzled by M's weird acting, but then he heard panting from the canine where he was passing by to wake up.
『You woke up already, how nice *smiles*』.
While the dog was opening his eyes, he was still not at 100 percent of himself, in addition to the dream he had, he saw in Kenzo his former owner, this surprised the dog so much, that without thinking he started to lick Kenzo's hair, the boy was confused but then he started to laugh, when the Rottweiler realized that it was not his owner but the boy, he quickly moved away from him, taking distance. The Rottweiler didn't know what to do, as he was still unsure of this, again he was going to bark but quickly Kenzo stopped him.
『You'd better not bark, you might make your throat and voice worse』.
Hearing the boy, the canine stopped, he stared at Kenzo and noticed that he was worried about him and his health. That concern he noticed again in someone other than his owner, so he took heed and did not move on. After this, Kenzo went on to show the dog that he had the part of the map that he had.
The Rottweiler saw this and looked everywhere, perhaps with the faith that it is not true, this one was sad, since he decided to participate in order to have fun as he used to do with humans, but his traumas made him to not trust as before.
『(I'm an idiot, this was a good opportunity to get close to humans again and I ruined it.....I still don't get over the mistreatment I received, if I had a bad face, they had demon faces, enjoying mistreating others, I still don't understand why they did it.....is it because of my gesture? What I had, in a moment they took it away from me....)』
The Rottweiler had a downcast gesture looking down, everything at that moment he didn't like how things happened and even now, he missed his chance to be close to them again. But without him noticing because of his distraction, Kenzo had approached and was literally very much in front of him.
『Take it, I'd feel bad to take it this way』-『Eat these cookies, you look like you need strength』.
Kenzo happened to leave the part of the map next to the Rottweiler, an action that left the canine confused, where the cookie was also already open ready to eat, seeing how Kenzo acted, again the dog remembered its owner. With his eyes downcast, the dog began to eat the cookies silently, where Kenzo could not help smiling.
While M was buying the waters, ready to return, he came across a commotion coming this way, again he made rice eyes to see and noticed that the same cat was again being chased by another dog that was not from the pack, this dog seemed to be really furious with the desire to scorch the feline, with a dirty appearance, the hairs wild, and a nuisance that seems to linger in the stray dog.
『The cat again? If it ran away from trouble it seems to have another』.
I commented as I looked, I quickly decided on doing something, the cat in a fearful manner with tears in its eyes passed from me, where I would quickly get in the way to stop the dog, without further ado I gave a loud stomp on the ground to intimidate, and with my hand I pretended to grab a stone, that's right, I will use the invisible stone technique.
『Fucking dog! Stop bullying our Gods!!!!! 』
I quickly made a whole theater to look like I was throwing a stone with all my might, it even made the scene epic, but when I looked to the front, I noticed that the dog wasn't scared at all and I was really left with a poker face expression.
『 Fuck it! I'll stop it with my body!!!』 (ノ・д・)ノ『That doggy, come here, pretty doggy, pretty doggy, milanesa』 (^~^)
POMMM!!!! From what I stood in front and with my arms outstretched so I could grab the dog, I hadn't expected it, it's like being hit by a train at high speed, that's right, the dog in its trajectory took me with everything in its path.
『You want to play, don't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have participated and even come all the way to this playground, come on buddy, I'm ready for your game』.
Kenzo was still with the canine, where it seems they were already getting along well, as the Rottweiler was no longer barking or growling, neither did he show any signs of wanting to get away from Kenzo, as he finished taking the cookies, Kenzo was wondering that when will M. At that the orange cat appears across the field, crossing through the middle of Kenzo and the dog and continuing to run away, even the Rottweiler was confused as to why the cat was still here. Quickly, my screams were heard being carried away by the stray dog, where I finally fell to the ground and warned to watch out for this dog.
The rabid dog quickly just like me, didn't care about anything, and lunged at Kenzo for being in his way, he was going to ram him with all his might. POMMMM!!!!!! Quickly the Rottweiler rammed the dog before so Kenzo is safe, the other rabid dog was getting fit and between barking he asked what was going on, but the Rottweiler couldn't answer as his voice would get worse and he had no tail either.
『You are not going to say anything!!!! Say something!!! Don't be quiet!!!! Why did you attack me!!!! Because of you he ran away from me, maybe your owner is that boy and you defended him? lap dog, fixed life, you don't know what we stray dogs get!!!!! We have no food or water! We don't get affection! On the contrary, we are mistreated and insulted. !!!! Like the human idiot before! Fucking dog! Fucking human!!!! I'm not going to stay with the desire!!!! I already gave that skinny guy his comeuppance, now it's that kid's turn!!!!!』 -『(I think I saw this dog before....it looks familiar somewhere...but where....where!!!! where!!!!)』
The dog that was rabid was saying all kinds of things to the Rottweiler, we only heard barking from him, we did not understand anything, it was a dog fight so to speak, where quickly the Rottweiler remembered that it is not as that dog says, that he also suffered or even worse. Quickly the dog went on to throw himself against Kenzo when he saw that he was free. POMMM!!!!! The Rottweiler rammed hard but crashed into the wall there.
『Idiot! I won't fall twice!!!』
The rabid dog was throwing himself with force against Kenzo where he could not save himself, quickly the fangs of the dog could not reach Kenzo, the rabid dog screamed in pain quickly. The Rottweiler had quickly recovered and with blood on its forehead bit the other dog from the tip of its tail to stop it.
Without saying a word or barking this time, he pulled it from the tail and made it rumble against the wall, you could hear the cries of the rabid dog for the attack, where quickly wanting to continue, he saw the Rottweiler in all its splendor, the seriousness, the leadership, or in this case how intimidating it can be. Quickly the rabid dog got scared and his instincts told him he had to escape, and so he did, he ran away as fast as he could.
Both Kenzo and I were shocked, I could not believe what had happened, I expected a dog fight with biting, kicking, barking, not this kind of fight. When Kenzo was going to help the Rottweiler from his wound on his forehead, the Rottweiler quickly grabbed the part of the map with his mouth, and ran away too.
『(I'm still not ready.....no after showing what I am)』
He was leaving without further ado the Rottweiler to an unknown whereabouts, while the humans were left in that playground, it seemed that a big fun challenge would happen here, but it was the opposite, there was nothing. I went to check if Kenzo was okay, but more he was worried about me.
『I'm fine, rather you blue Onii-san, you were dragged by that rabid dog, your clothes are full of marks and dirt, you sure have bruises』.
『Nah! This is nothing, I suffered worse blows and I'm talking about the groin, there are stronger blows in life, I don't knowヾ(・ω・。)シ or I think it was like that, in the end I'm safe and sound, and if I have a wound a healthy frog tail fixes it』 ☆ヾ(*'▽`)ノ
Kenzo was doubting my words that without further ado he went on to touch my arm, I quickly let out a cry of pain where he quickly covered my mouth, but it was too late, he had already discovered me.
『Let me show off even if it's just a little please』 ヽ(;▽;)ノ
『I think showing off to someone small is worse, depending of course』.
When I heard Kenzo's words again, it made me think if what I'm doing is right, which obviously we know it's not, in the end if I admitted that I was in pain, where Kenzo was offering to give me band-aids for the wounds, but in there I remembered that Kenzo is also hurt, where I was telling him to use the band-aids on him.
『Eh? Me? no, what are you talking about, I'm not hurt』
Kenzo was denying that he was bad and boasted that he was healthy, a small discussion started about who would use the band-aids, in the end we came in that no one would use them, but in the middle of the way Kenzo saw that it hurt me more so with a few simple words he told me to take them, I just gave a sigh and accepted them.
『Yes you are a brat in many things, anyway, now you won't be able to pull it』.
"Pulling? Pulling what? Losing your arm? I don't think so』
『But it's weird, isn't it? How the sphere the Rottweiler was on was spinning if there was no one to spin it, or did he spin it himself?
『Why do you change your conversation so quickly, you really say strange things, although it's true, how did he do it』.
In the middle of our conversation, we heard some barking, it wasn't from several but from one, quickly as he did before, Kenzo to get out of the situation, happened to notice something else, we both ran to where the next dog was, that looks like it is howling??¿¿¿¿ yes...those are not barking, they are more like howling, in short it is telling us to go with it.
The howling led us to a small part of the mountain that was near the neighborhood, you know, just trees and minimal things, we went into the mountain and the howling was getting louder and louder, and up on a hill we could see who was the next canine. It was easier to tell though.
『(Oh! If they really came, if I took it away from another fellow, I'm sorry, but I don't want to wait anymore)』.
The dog was a Siberian Husky that we will call it Husky more easily, we have seen this dog most of the times and for many, it is one of the most beautiful dogs, although beautiful is not the word, but one of the finest...just look at it! It looks very cute, it looks like a little wolf. (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧It's a medium-sized, light-weight dog.
We were going up the hill to go with the dog, but it quickly with its tail indicated us to stop, and pointed to its jaw, when we stared we understood that it wanted to tell us that it didn't have the part of the map with it.
『The piece of paper you are looking for, I hid it somewhere in this little piece of forest there, although it looks much prettier when it snows, what you have to do is simple, have to find it and you will win, and I well, I already did my job of hiding it, but I don't want to stay without doing anything else, so you can ask me questions and I will answer hot or cold, I will be with you every so often and then I will look for the other guy, got it? Though of course, all of this can be a lie, even from the beginning』
Kenzo was translating what the Husky was telling us, where I found it very interesting on his part this dog, what we did to find the part of the map easier was to split up, even the Husky wanted to give us to understand that this way we will find him faster. We each searched through the trees, bushes, and even being a dog, maybe he buried it somewhere.
『Where could this dog have hidden it, no, I don't plan to use my ways to make it easier on myself, I guess I'll look for the obvious, but I wonder what I'll call the dog』.
I was walking on my side of the forest, where upon wondering what to call the canine, it without further ado was already in front of me.
『Salaverga, but what a punctual dog you are, well, then how do I ask the questions? The map is buried under the ground?
Husky quickly with his tail was telling me it was cold, so all at once I ruled out that possibility, then I thought for a while and asked if the map is under trees, where Husky told me warm, but rather than a clear answer it left me with doubts.
『Hey, a little while ago you said it's not buried underground and now you tell me it's under a tree.... sure you know what you're doing? ahhh...wow?』
Out of nowhere M said wow as if to familiarize himself with the Husky, where the canine quickly went to look for Kenzo, where this one already went to the most extreme of one, he had made in the short time several holes in the ground, he also thought that it could have been buried the map. And so we spent a large part of the time, in asking questions to a dog where this one answered us.
『Is it in the middle of the bushes?』『Near a river』『In the yard of a house?』『In a cave!!!』『The top of a tree? 』 『There are dry trees with openings...is it there?』 『Left or right?』『I'm near the map?』『Dale Husky!!!! Did you eat it?』 『In a burrow』 『With the bugs?』『And how about someone came by and took it away?』 『Up or down?』 『You're very fast, you know?』
We asked him a lot of questions, and in our minds we could hear the canine's immediate answer.
『Frío』 『Frío』 『Tibio』 『Hot』 『Frío』 『Hot』『Tibio』 『Tibio』 『Caliente』『Caliente』『Frío』『Frío』『Tibio』『Frío』 『Caliente』『Caliente』『Frío』 『Tibio』 『Tibio』 『Tibio』 『Tibio』 『Frío』 『Frío』 『Frío』 『Tibio』『Cold』
I was already starting to get tired for asking the questions and not being able to find the beggar where is the little paper, that without us noticing, Kenzo and I ended up finding each other, Kenzo was fine or at least that's what he wanted to pretend, while I did show my tiredness. At that Kenzo proposed that we tell each other what we asked the Husky and what were his answers.
『Okay, but I'm not a recorder either so I don't think I remember everything』.
We spent a few minutes chatting while the Husky looked at us intently with those peculiar eyes of his, we quickly seemed to come up with the answer.
『Up a tree!!!』
Was what Kenzo said, but I quickly discouraged him that this is not possible, since I asked him if he is at the top of a tree and he said cold, at that Kenzo happened to think of something else, while I had taken a branch that was there and seeing that Husky was watching us, I tried to play with him, I threw the branch with all my strength, I did not throw it so far so I hope that at least it takes a few seconds to return, but I quickly felt a second later that Husky touched me with his nose, and I saw that he brought the branch.!!!!! I was quickly puzzled by how fast it was, so I slowly grabbed the branch and threw it back, I saw how the dog got lost before the trees, this time he didn't seem to come back, so I guessed he grabbed a branch near here and brought it back, but when I turned around I got such a scare that I fell to the ground.
『To the mother, you must be the flash』
The Husky was next to me with the branch I threw, in there Kenzo who was watching happened to tell me characteristics of this breed.
『The Siberian Husky is a working dog breed originating from northeastern Siberia , hence the name, although the original name of their breed is Chukchi, this dog was created by the Chukchi tribe as a working dog to pull sleds over long distances during their hunting parties, serving, as well as a fast transport vehicle for prey back to the village, this breed has a double coat of fur and only has this, it can modify it if there are high temperatures as well as low』.
I was literally flashing at how much this kid knows about dogs(゜.゜) also commenting that since their main function was to pull sleds, they possess great speed and endurance, maybe that is the reason why this dog is very fast, again saying that in his environment he would be much more capable. I liked the information Kenzo says, but I don't think that's simply why this dog is fast, it really is very fast.
『It's so fast that it looks like it can do anything, how about it climbed a tree nest and left the map there, seriously very silly, isn't it?』 (๑-ૅૄ-๑)
I said a comment since we are with weird things and all this, but quickly Kenzo stare at me, where I became uneasy about this, quickly the little boy shouted that I may be right, so in a hurry and animated way he was telling me to look for trees that have nests, we found one that was nearby, it seems that it is just the nest and there is no bird or eggs around there.
『Well, and who is going up?』 (。・ω・。)?
I asked because I really didn't know, at that Kenzo happened to turn to look at me as if it was the most obvious thing, I quickly got scared and nervous, I think I had never climbed a tree before in my base state, when I saw the tree it became big for me.
『*sigh* *sigh* *fingers snap* Leave it to me! Your Blue Onii-san will make it, if I fell off the branch please tell my family not to check my record』 (;'д`)ゞ
I didn't know how to climb a tree, I never tried it even as a kid, although I think I have vague memories of having done it before.... before climbing I was thinking that Kenzo must be the one climbing and not me, since in this short time he proved to know more than me, I did some little warm-ups to get warm, but the truth is that I was doing time where Kenzo even stressed me to do it.
Against my will I was climbing the tree, which the truth is very difficult, I was already even getting tired and I felt that I was close, that I was even telling Kenzo, but he made it clear to me just by approaching the tree and telling me a few words, as if we already had confidence, he took my foot and put it on his head.
『Onii-san blue.... you didn't even pass my size』.
In the face of this I just wanted it to end at once, with all my strength I finally managed to climb up to the tree branch, when I got there I ran into the nest full of excrement, ie small balls of poop, I tried to look for where the piece of map was, but there was nowhere, I climbed for nothing, but when I looked down to the ground I learned something.
『Oh! It's not as high as I thought 』
And to go down was much easier than to climb up, we had given up on getting this part of the treasure and this is where the Husky barked again on top of the hill, it caught our attention as it is a very beautiful wolf-like bark and this breed of dog is the most similar. And this time the dog instead of telling us to stop, told us to come closer, when we arrived together with Husky this way to the side and we looked like fools, it was to laugh.
The piece of the map was always here, visible to everyone.
『Although of course, this could all be a lie, even from the beginning』
He repeated Kenzo and it was the last thing Husky said, he didn't look for a super hiding place where to hide the paper, but went to the most simple but at the same time effective, when we were going to approach but he stopped us, from there we should have already suspected, then he told us to look in the forest and ask him questions, of course, this part of the hill is also a forest, and being a dog we thought he would think the same, it didn't cross our minds that he would make such a move on us. Now we are down to 6 dogs to search for.
-------------------------------------------→ Continuara