
Chapter 195: Maya

After a long time, I finally have a place to call home, although I think it will take me a while to like that word, to be able to sleep without any concern is what I mostly wanted, I no longer have to make plans of what to do, how to survive, how to live, what to do first or second, I no longer have to worry about continuing my journey, because it's over. Even if the dinner was not entirely to my liking, sleep and that sunny affection from my mother made me feel relieved. I already knew that when I would return everything would not be like before, although I would like it to be.

When I would return I would no longer be a child, when I returned my mother would have aged, when I returned my friends would have grown up, when I returned what I remembered would no longer be present. I had a little whim and my mother fulfilled it before the end of the day, and that is to feel a hint of those earlier years, thank you very much mother and Menhera for making me feel that time when I was still a naïve, and needed someone's affection and support, when I was treated as the smallest of the house, thank you very much indeed. Although I would not mind if you continue to do so.

I woke up early and all was silence, I think today is Sunday if I didn't see the calendar wrong, it's the rest day we were granted to be able to relax from these 6 exhausting days, the adults must be very tired and relaxed. I did not avoid thinking that when I was still going to school, my mother was the first to get up in the early hours of the day to prepare my breakfast, where she also did her best to wake me up, at that time I did not like to go to study, I woke up with my eyes squinting, my mother would turn on the TV in the small living room of that apartment to get information about the day, I still remember the typical sound of the news.

At that time I did not feel like anything, after what happened on the day of the Ceremonial Entrance to High School, that day because of her I finally achieved what she wanted all these years, I felt broken inside and out. If I was a dark and depressing, Menhera was the opposite, she was light and empathetic, always when I left the house I stayed a few minutes looking at the floor, where Menhera took my hand and we went to school together. When I realized that she was still there for me, it didn't bother me at all, I didn't mind having to depend on others, it was always like that, I was an ecpatic person and I still am today, the clear proof is M, of how that child Yashiro changed to be M, he took a little bit of each person he met and created his own personality based on that. Y....doesn't bother me at all that it was like that.

Going back to before, as I woke up early the first thing I did was to complain about why the adults are still sleeping, but I would take advantage of this to prepare breakfast, so I got ready and went straight to the kitchen, I was a little surprised by how clean it was, last night this was unparalleled. I think I exaggerated with the food, since I literally prepared too much as if it was a lunch, but I could not contain myself, my own body was telling me to cook more, I wanted to show my mother everything.

While I was cooking, someone was knocking loudly on the door and ringing the doorbell over and over again. Quickly this made me desperate, who doesn't despair when they are irritatingly knocking on the door, I was complaining about this, this is what people do to make you attend to them quickly and first to them, it is really irritating.

『These annoying people, to the mother, don't you have any patience? I see that you get irritated quickly, I'm coming』

I left the kitchen and quickly went to open the door, where first the morning sunlight ended up mowing me down for a few seconds, and the voice of that person made things clear to me.

『Brother .....』

¡¡!!..... When I heard the voice I got a big surprise, suddenly memories came to me when we lived together, those days were really fun, I could say that we were united brothers, but I was crying silently at the door, I could not say anything more than that, I only limited myself to cry and try to wipe my eyes, because for sure it is something that my sister would not accept, she since I was little wanted me to become someone independent and strong, who knows what right decision to take in every situation, if she sees me crying at this moment, for sure I will be disappointing her.

『Yashi!!!! Yashi!!....I missed you so much little brother....You don't know....you don't know how much I was worried.....I didn't think they could separate us even more than we already were....welcome back son...your big sister.....was always there for you』

Without further ado my sister took me in her arms, giving me a big hug, she was crying I felt her tears falling on my hair, I was in shock by this, the image I always had of my sister, was that she was someone strong and did not show weakness, that was how I had her since I was little, if she proposed something she would do it without further ado, if she had a difficulty she would look for a solution. But I also remembered those moments that were also present, my sister showed me affection, we played in the living room, she made me dance with her although it was not my thing, she made me jokes like losing my nose, also at night she made me scared, just as she had her strong side, she also had her kind and funny side. The contrast of that serious face and that smile was what I liked about my sister, she was my dear older sister, and just today, the second day I came back, I knew another side of my sister, that every person, strong and funny in different ways, also has her moments of weakness like any other. I don't know why I thought my sister was not like me.

『I missed you a lot too.....sister...thank you.....for preparing me and prompting me to go on by myself.....really thank you』.

I too hugged my sister and cried as I couldn't contain it, my sister too likewise, I frame a proud smile, her little brother was finally back.


We sat in the living room, we still had tears and snot on our faces, so we wiped it with toilet paper, 4 years passed since I left, I remember that when I entered the first year of high school, my sister had decided to enter the police and prepare herself, in all this time she must have been interned and I see that she came out as a full-fledged officer, and the truth is that I don't think she is doing badly. He always showed a strong attitude towards others, his character showed wherever he was. Although it also makes me a little sad, because I remember when she was in the third year of high school, she told me that she wanted to continue studying, go to college and become a doctor. That was what she wanted to accomplish no matter what, at that moment I didn't understand much, since my sister told me that, but from one moment to the next I saw her working in a grocery store, I felt confused with this, it was also at that time when there were signs that my family would soon be separated.

There she was, with her police uniform, her long hair that she had before was gone, she had it short but at least she put her feminine style that she has. Unlike me, that my hair is black and my eyes are light blue, my sister's was the opposite, she had black hair but with blue breasts, and black eyes.

『And tell me, I want to know everything that happened to you, I'm kind of excited to see how much you've grown besides the size』.

My sister was addressing me, in regards to size, I ended up surpassing my sister, something that at the time I didn't think would happen, since my father and mother aren't that big, although I'm not that big either but I stand out a little now that I've grown up if I'm with them. I am also surprised how young she looks, even though she is 10 years older than me, that would explain why I also looked the same when I was that age.

As I was about to tell her all excited, I quickly smelled a burning smell, when we both turned around, we saw smoke coming out of the kitchen, we quickly became alarmed and went to put it out. With all this I forgot that I was preparing breakfast, when I had it more under control, we saw that I ended up burning the food I was preparing, before this I gave a sigh and I was sorry for this.

At this my sister laughed, I did not understand why, I lamented and saw how everything was burned, black and to clean it I will have to do a lot of force.

『Since you were little you were always interested in cooking, when mom was cooking, you would go to the kitchen to watch her and ask her to let you help her, my mother would teach you every step of the way what dish she was cooking』.

『Seriously? I think so, but I would instantly end up forgetting what she told me, I really liked the simple reason of stirring it with the spoon, I felt like a chef』.

When the smell of burning was gone, another smell flooded the house, my sister was the first to feel it, she went to the dining room and saw that there was a lot of food already ready on the table. She was surprised by this, since she did not expect to find this, she quickly asked who was the one who prepared all this, and I answered that it was me.

『Seriously? Since when do you cook so well? I see that in our family, the blood of rich cooking is among us』.

At her joke and comment, I scratched my head, she seeing that I had prepared breakfast, decided not to stay behind, quickly as if it was an order from an officer, she called my attention to clean up what I had messed up, where I unconsciously replied with a firm hand on my head.

『I can't lag behind either, there's still time so make an effort!!!』

Rolling up her sleeve and showing her fist, I would be again for witnessing what my sister was capable of doing, she on several occasions when my mother couldn't prepare my obento, my sister would take the time to prepare it. At the beginning she did not know anything about cooking, she simply followed the recipes we had, but this was not enough for her, to those recipes she added her personal touch, she selected what would go well with the dish and added it, that was her secret, she does not follow the instructions of others, she modifies it to have a result she is proud of, that was always the way it was.

Watching her cooking pleased me a lot, it was like hypnotizing to see someone cooking in her way, my sister always had that defiant smile on her face. It must be because today is a special day, since mostly when she does something, she doesn't want to be interrupted and even less that someone is near her, since she feels that they only interrupt her, that's how it was always when she did her things.

She finished cooking and we were witnessing how the dining room was glowing like never before, my eyes were screwing with my eyes. I was praising my sister for her cooking which fascinated me, she where just rubbing her nose accepting that yes it's great.

『That's right little brother, when I set my mind to something, I do it』ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ).

I was remembering those times again where we cooked something together, this feeling of nostalgia really is an embrace to my past self and my heart. When I thought we were already going to eat quickly my sister let out a whisper....

『I can't stand it anymore....』-『This place is so dirty』.

Quickly my sister went to get a broom and a rag, she was with that serious face I said before. In a quick way she gave me the order to sweep the whole house, while she was in charge of cleaning the kitchen, the living room, the dining room and any corner that doesn't look clean to her. I had forgotten that little detail of my sister, and is that she is too hygienic, I think it's her only hobby that stayed with her and I do not know if it's a good or a bad thing, because if it is possible, she would die as long as everything would be clean. But I would have preferred her to have continued with her vegan phase..... but between being vegan or hygienic.... I think I prefer the second one, although it really irritates sometimes.

<Translator: Lata in many Spanish-speaking vernaculars (Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico) would come to mean: "annoyance, displeasure, annoyance" Example: Que lata ir a trabajar>.

While I cleaned moderately and slowly, my sister cleaned quickly, I was surprised by the speed at which she did it, and she didn't leave it dirty or half clean, she left it very, very, very, very clean for my fucking sake!!!! I could even see my reflection in every place I went, where fast as complaining, she told me if I had finished sweeping, I got scared and answered no, I quickly got alarmed and started sweeping like a son of a bitch not to see that bad side of my sister when she gets upset. Remember I told you before that there are always people you are afraid of? Well in my case there are only 2, my mother and my sister, I prefer to avoid at all costs to see annoying the 2.

『Are you done yet?』-『Let her find just one hair and you'll see』(ノ`Д')ノ『Look! That corner is still dirty!』-『There's a stain here!』-『If you're at least going to help, do it at least with dignity!』ヾ(。`Д'。)ノ彡☆『Ya have me from their girl.... ...If this is how you have your room, I can't imagine when you live alone』-『Between your <poto> and this TV, which one do you think is cleaner, EH?!!!』 (╬-᷅д-᷄╬)

<Translator: Poto in many Spanish-speaking verbs (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru) would come to mean: Buttocks, Example: Se cayo de poto>.

My sister complained like never before, listening to her discomfort made my body shudder and I wanted to pee myself, the only thing I could do was to stay like a good boy and listen to everything she said, now I also remember that this was one of the ways she overexploited me, fear is really scary༼☯﹏☯༽.

In the end I ended up cleaning the whole house from head to toe, it must have taken us with the help of both of us an hour and a half, and that's because we went fast and there were 2 of us who did it, normally my sister takes 2 to 3 hours to clean a whole house, of course, depending on how big it is, but that was the time it took when we lived all together. What am I saying! She is very meticulous about cleaning, it could take her up to 4 or 5 hours just to do that!!! And it's not that we force her or ask her to do it, she does it by herself!!!! And the worst thing is that she complains afterwards!!!! Pero que wea?!!!

『Ah!!!! I can't stand to see the house like this!!!! I'm going to give me something!!!! And it's because of you guys that makes me take so long, if only you would take care of the house and clean up the minimum I wouldn't have to spend hours and hours cleaning up your mess』

She always said the same thing, but it's not like it's dirty dirty either!!!! She exaggerates, she sees a stain in the kitchen and she's already cleaning someone else's closet!!!! What does the kitchen have to do with a closet!!!! Nothing at all!!!! I think he has a disease that forces him to clean anything he sees, and that is very annoying, also because of this is that I ended up arguing with my parents, he only told me to be more careful, but for me as a child I was a threat.

(╬ಠ益ಠ)『Look, if you dirty even one corner of the house, I will send you to clean everything but everything, to clean the yard, to bathe the dog, to clean your clothes by hand and no washing machine, I will take away the internet and the play, you understand? So be more careful, son』 (・◡ु' )

That's also what I meant by her change of attitude, how she goes from annoying to treating me nicely, nothing is scarier and leaves you with your head in smoke when you see that contrast, my sister looks more like Latin American than Japanese....

When everything had finally improved and we were finally going to eat because we were getting hungry, we heard a squeak at the end of the corridor, finally the adults had woken up, we could hear the huge yawning of Gen.

『(/0 ̄)But what a fucking good sleep, now it's time to eat and go out with friends!』

He quickly went to the bathroom, he didn't even close the door, he poured a large amount of water on his face in order to wake up completely. My mother made her annoyance known, complaining not to say bad words now that her son was back, where Gen, she accepted and agreed, who knows if she really will. My mother was going to wake me up in my room, but noticed that I had already woken up, both adults when taking to the living room, noticed a smell of food, walked to the dining room and noticed that breakfast had already been prepared, it was a lot, maybe too much, and in them my sister and I were already eating. My mother seeing my sister got a surprise.

『Mayita..... are you here, at least let us know you are going to visit us』.

My mother was touching her chest from the surprise of seeing my sister here in the house, my gaze from me was going for every person, it was now on my mother's, where now my sight would shift to my sister's, she was eating with her back to my mother and Gen.

『Good morning mother, of course I was going to come after the news you said, why are you surprised? There was no need to warn them either, besides you were surely sleeping』.

My sister was still eating in a fast way, she went from eating slowly to a much more hurried way, she was watching TV, she wanted to distract herself, or rather, she looked for a way to not have to chat with them. I also greeted my mother, she responded kindly as always, but quickly said the following.

『You still don't greet Otoo-san, let's go! We have to get along now that our children are reunited』.

I could hear a very loud snap, my sister hearing my mother, she put a lot of force on her chopsticks that she almost broke them, and obliged she had to greet Gen where he was responding in a rough and energetic way, I was also in the same way responding but with a little more kindness, I think I'm forcing myself to what my mother wants to make us do. My mother went to the kitchen but I noticed that everything was already clean, it was cleaner than she leaves it, I also noticed that the hallway, M's room, the bathroom, the living room and the dining room were cleaner than usual. With nothing else to do but just eat breakfast, both adults came by to sit with us.

『Thanks daughter and sorry for the interruptions 』

『No problem mother, but next time take better care of your house』.

And with that exchange of words, what is considered a family moved on to having breakfast all together. My sister and I were concentrating on watching TV they were showing an animal documentary, we both like animals a lot so we liked the program. While my mother somehow or other was trying to start a conversation between everyone, although no one was up for that at the moment.

『What if you tell us how your work has been going lately Mayita?』-『The past month has really flown by, who would believe it, right? 』-『Currently even though I'm not working, I'm getting into this cryptocurrency thing, if we invest and make it work, we'll have a lot of money than before, maybe you'd be interested in talking about it』-『How has your pa been.....』-『You already talked to your brother? how great that he finally showed up, don't you think?』

I tried in a thousand ways to have a conversation with everyone, but my sister answered every question my mother asked her in a direct and quick way, with no way for the conversation to continue, as a last resort, my mother used me literally, she proposed that I tell how my life was since I disappeared, I found myself at a crossroads, since my sister reacted, she wanted to know what had happened to me, and my mother wanted a topic of conversation, so I had no choice but to tell the story.

While I was telling in even a dynamic way, my sister was the one who asked the most questions about my story, my mother on the other hand also asked questions, but they were the same as the ones she asked when I first told her my story, and Gen, Gen simply pretended to listen, but I could notice how she withdrew her gaze and moved it from one place to another, I also did the same, when I wanted to ignore something I had in front of me, I pretended to look at it, but in reality I was looking at something else.

『Did you hear that Otoo-san? My son is a savior, that's something to be proud of, right?

『Yes yes, but I still can't believe that in your trip you have stopped more with women than with men, it seems those stories, those of black and white papers, nengas, mangras, that thing, nigg.....jajajaja of course I'm not going to say it, I hope that with so many women you didn't get queer, how come you spent all your life with a woman, Syl, the big one, right? And nothing happened? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you're so holy Yashiro』

He was laughing and even making fun, I don't know if it was me or the story, the thing is that I kept on telling and he was making the same comments, I could notice my sister's annoyance soon after Gen was talking, while my sister was praising me for what I had done, and while Gen commented that he would have done things better if he had been in my place, the only thing he complimented me on was that time when I went into my Ghost Form and unexpectedly spied on my friends while they were taking a bath, the truth is something I'm not proud of.

『Oe!!! But how cool, I wish I had that ability, can't you transfer your powers to others? It would be cool to fly and be a ghost, can you imagine what you could do? I don't understand why you don't exploit such an incredible ability like that, literally all doors are open to you!

At that moment I was just thinking what bad things I would do if Gen had these powers, where I answered that I had not tried it before, that maybe it is difficult and even impossible to transfer my powers to another or abilities. Obviously I was lying, since I believe that if it is possible for me to pass a percentage of my power to another, how it is done, no idea, but I believe that if I try or train it, I would be able to do it, but obviously, you would not be one of the people to whom I would give my abilities. My sister was watching animal TV, where I kept telling, the rest to Maya and Gen, I think they got tired of the way I was telling it or the things that were happening, I think they are right, since mostly my story is about furros, pinches furros, at least I'm saying goodbye to them, although I think it's temporary..... Again I was a little thankful to see my mother's face when I told her that I had died a few times already, that's too bad, since her worst dreams had become real. My sister would take out her phone to check the time and I could feel her taking little footsteps over and over again, she was going into despair, and she still hadn't finished her portion.

『(It's a while longer until the train I'm going to take..... I think if I can stand it a little longer)』

When I was about to reach the end, my mother quickly took me by the hand to stop me, told me to go to the living room and there she could tell me even more things. I did not see anything wrong with this, I see that I am still ignorant.

My sister had soon realized that she had stayed alone with Gen in the dining room watching TV, this quickly annoyed her a lot, but she decided to restrain herself rather than burst out in anger.

『(That woman.....I already told her a thousand times that it won't work....stop being so stubborn.....don't force a relationship by force, especially with this guy, but I brought it on myself by coming over, I have to resist so he doesn't think I'm uncomfortable)』

My sister suppressed her annoyance and continued to stare at the TV in the dining room, still her tapping her feet on the floor was getting bigger. And you mean why doesn't Maya just back away from there? And it's because before when I visit this home, my mother wants Maya to get along with Gen, she wants me to accept him, but my sister refuses to do this, I don't want to chat with him, this is not the first time this has happened, many times my mother has left Maya and Gen alone so they can talk and start a friendship, but every time this happened my sister's blood boiled. Maybe you think that my sister hates my mother, maybe she does, but I rather say that she has a grudge against her, what grudge? I don't know, but even so she doesn't leave my mother aside and wants to please her in her own way, if she resists a little longer it will be considered a victory for Maya.

Just as we were at that, someone rang the doorbell of the house, I was about to open where my mother stopped me, she came out to see who it was, Menhera appeared to keep us company, before she gave us her greeting with her smile of her, we heard a sharp sound in the dining room.

『YA NO RESISTANCE!!!! Mother!!! Come along with me』

My sister stood up abruptly from her chair and in a direct way as an order, she called my mother, Nyoka was quiet, maybe this hiding her worry, when both of them were going down the corridor, Maya noticed Menhera and asked her for a favor.

『Menhera-chan? Perfect, could you take Yashi to your house』.

She simply asked her that, Menhera agreed and took my hand, slowly we prepared to leave, now that she noticed it, I start to hear sounds like a soccer match, when I looked out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the TV in the dining room, changed from an animal program to a soccer match, and I also noticed how Gen was looking attentively without looking away, without any more ready I closed the door.

Maya closed the door of my room where they went to talk, quickly the complaints were heard.

『Why are you doing that again!!!! I told you a thousand times I don't want to talk to that guy!!!!! Why don't you understand mother!!!』

『Calm down daughter, it's just that I know that if you can get along, just talk and you'll see that we can all get along』.

My sister was lashing out at my mother, although of course she was restraining herself so that she wouldn't be heard by Gen, but that doesn't matter, as the volume of her party was at full blast and her screams were again flooding the house. They were arguing where my sister happened to tell what happened.

『I was watching TV so I wouldn't have to have a conversation with him, but the son of a...*sigh* he just took control without further ado and switched it to his party!!!! WHAT!!! He was seeing that I was watching but the asshole didn't care about this and changed it without further ado』.

My sister told all this to my mother with force and annoyance, she no longer held back on whether she could be heard or not, this was a great offense to her, since she did not respect her own space and put her selfishness on top of her selfishness, even if it was well Gen. My mother at this looked helpless, she touched her hands and looked my sister in the eyes, maybe she was going to be on Maya's side, because that was spoiled in Maya's eyes.

『....He pays for the cable so he has the right to do what he wants *smiles* You know how he is, he likes soccer』.

Those words really hurt my sister who was speechless for a few minutes, it was like being stabbed in the back and more so coming from the person who raised you when you were little.

『But you're mean too, try to talk to him and get along, how are you going to say you don't like him if you don't try』.

『Try!!!? Try?!!!!! Have you already forgotten what happened that day?!!!!! At that pizza place?!!!!! I see that man scrambled your brain, you weren't like that mother, you weren't like that.....for me you were an example to follow』.

Still holding firm, my sister would go on to tell how was the first meeting we had with this man, that's right, I was there too although I remember little, it was a quiet night, my mother was going to introduce us to a very special person according to her, she invited my sister and me to accompany them and thus get to know each other. I all normal, the only thing I thought is that I am going to eat for free and very rich, while my sister was with doubts those times, but after thinking about it well, I smile to my mother and congratulated her, told her that she had all her support, I hold her hand with strength and love.

『It's okay mother, everyone has the right to rebuild their life, if that's what you decided, it's fine by me, you have my support so you can get ahead Mother *smiles*』-『Well! Let's get ready! You have to be very punctual on a date!』

Back then my sister loved my mother very much and saw her with different eyes compared to now that she wants little to know, my sister drew strength from nothing to be able to cope with the breakup of our parents, she was positive and very supportive of my mother having a new love.

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