
Chapter 188: Glimpses into the Past (Part 2)

Eve again has the opportunity to entrust the task to the Young Man with the Original Power, she did it so many times and unfortunately it did not turn out as she wanted, the possibilities were very different, in many stories when the Young Man possessed the Original Power he could face Xerzene, but he always ended up losing, when that happened, when the boy or rather when the Original Power was in danger, the restart occurred.

Eve was the one in charge that when there was a failure, at the same time she had to make a restart and put the Original Power in protection again, she always transported them to a safe place, Eve gave it again in the hands of the only survivor of the Original 12, who was in charge of passing them to the next successors who were already ready for the ritual, those were the Gods of Dragon Ball Super.

Going back to where we left off in the previous chapter, Bills had already accepted that the job of a God was not simply to destroy and destroy the bad, but that it was something much more important and that he could not do it, he also wanted to do that mission, he wanted to meet the rest of the 6 Original Gods against whom he had to fight, he wanted to measure his power against them, since among his generation of Gods, he was considered the strongest, Maybe in that trip he would have known better his other companions, who with this time have been the only generation to be divided and not knowing anything about each other, the only thing he got is the annoyance of others, and that should not be so, they are a team after all and should not get along badly, Bills thought that if he had been more upright, in those times where he was still young and rebounded of being better and for that reason he got such power by himself, if he had kept that firmness of not being a lazy. ....el perhaps ..... would have felt that when he took this position it was time to relax .....

The purple cat gritted his teeth in frustration to see how he really is today, that he achieved such power, that he took the title of the strongest in his generation of Gods, all those praises made him relax, after all he got what he wanted, now it's time to rest, he became a lazy and did his tasks as an annoying obligation. At that time he remembered that guy with the hair standing on end, unlike him, that guy always wanted to be better, he never stopped, since he always knew that there is someone stronger than you, something that Bills stopped thinking a long time ago, but he was relieved a little of all this, since he is not the only one who was lazy in his work, besides being the earliest Generation of Gods to retire, so to speak, it was also the most lazy and useless by majority, the only ones who did their job well were few, he realized that by his change of being he harmed a lot to the universe that one day he swore to protect.

The portal appeared next to the boy, on the wall, it was a Rainbow portal that could make you dizzy if you look at it for more than minutes, inside was Bills made being of light, for everything before and thinking about it a lot, his temper began to boil and it was not the best time to talk to someone and less explain things.

Without further ado believing that the young man was going to jump he was surprised to find that he jumped the wrong way and was running straight out of the portal, shouting things like.

『I still have anime to watch!!!!!』ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)

Seeing that the boy was running away the Purple Cat couldn't stand it any longer so without further ado he went running after the boy, the young man was frightened to see that that portal was following him through the walls, he quickened his pace. While in the sky Eve was smiling and was leaving the place.

At that same moment Menhera was leaving her apartment that was next to her friend's apartment and was surprised to find that her friend had not waited for her, she was walking through the streets when she saw her friend running, Menhera raised her arm and was happy, never before her friend was running so fast towards her, but then she took a good look and her friend's face was of fear and confusion, this worried Menhera where she would run to go with her friend and find out what was happening.

When suddenly she saw something that would shock her, she saw how a truck passing by somehow ran over her friend, that was what she could see, she was shocked, her expression was of fear where without further ado she reacted and ran to see what happened, but her fear was still present.

The driver also went out to see, where they both met in the middle of the street and noticed that there was nothing, they both saw how the boy was run over, but ..... where is his body? From that day on Menhera knew something strange was going on.

The boy was waking up from a dream, he realized that he was inside a Rainbow portal traveling to yet unknown, in front he met that being of light that is Bills, the God of Destruction of Universe 7.

They had a very fast conversation, where there was grunting, shouting, annoyance, now that I think about it, my first contact with him was only scolding and shouting at me, I know he has little time left but please, it doesn't cost anything to be a little kind.

That thought the young man, but Bills after knowing the truth and seeing his truth, he could not calm down and relax after all, he told him that crossing the portal they will explain everything about what is going on, he looked him in the eyes and thought.

『(It seems that you are not like me)』.

Seeing him up close she could finally remember small fragments of what once happened before, it's the same boy but smaller said in her mind, Bills was smiling for that moment when he really made him try hard when he was young too. He still remembers those fists that left him with a great feeling after so long.

Without further ado he melted into the boy inheriting everything he learned and his powers, accompanied also by the Original Power of Destruction. The young man touched his chest and felt warm, he did not know what awaits him but if it is what he touches then he must do it, since many times he asked for a life like this as a child, now he is having it, do not get cold feet little boy. Although Bills has been very capricious and selfish until the end, as he realized that he did not achieve anything for which he was conferred, he decided that he can transform into him to release all the power, so at least when the time comes he will be remembered in some way that he was able to fulfill his mission. Although of course, while he was sleeping the boy tried to somehow possess him xd.

World 1: Pinches Furros I don't know why I decided that this would be the first one xd, damn little boy of mi.....

The first world I got to is the fucking furros, humanoid beings with more animal than human characteristics, buagh.... I feel like throwing up just thinking about it...good thing I came here when I thought this was cool, my current self would surely resist to take my eyes out. Oh no!! a guy is weirdly watching a dog lick his balls!!!! Back Beastars fan!!!!

I woke up in a very normal forest, I couldn't complain, I'm practically alone and I don't know where I am, but a forest I always wanted to be, maybe because all this was new to me, I was so excited, I was talking so fast that I even felt I could rap. I heard some bushes moving where was the first one I met, the Hedgehog Amy had appeared, with a basket of fruits, she was just as she was in the games, then it was like a shower of new people known and not known, I could meet Rouge, a Succubus who ..... I don't understand how I blushed when I was with her. ...I met Blaze who is the one I like the most, it must be also because I like cats and she is much more reserved, Cream where it was a weird feeling, she was a loli furro and I really don't know how to define this, it's like I like her but it's wrong, ahhh!!!!! Let's move on to the last one!!!! I met Zeta who is not from any game....I think... I saw her only in fan arts created I guess by the community, who would think she would come true.

It was the group of girls that I met in the forest, I explained things to them that I really don't remember much, and going through the previous chaps makes me lazy xd. I only remember that I received a shock and they left me scorched. But a few minutes later the first enemy appeared, a giant plant from Mario Bross??.....PTM that I was thinking about when I decided to start this!!!!!∑(ΦдΦlll

UJUM!!!! Let's not get sidetracked and not fall into cringe, I too have some cringe to my first world and volume, but what can you do, at least I'm making my little Σ(TωT) self happy. Wait, did I say Mario Bross? NOOO no Nintendo, don't put the pe----- on me.

The girls fought against that plant where she got to know their abilities and what they are like, Amy used a hammer that is twice as big as her, Blaze used flames of different shapes, and Zeta being an android had qualities of those same, and Rouge being a succubus used magic, moon blades and her own wings to attack. Although they are very varied, the difference of who was better was obvious, Blaze with her eggs, if she has any, or rather with her conc---xd She alone decided to finish with the plant once and for all, I remember when I saw it for the first time I was very fascinated with her, but things could not be easy, the plant regenerated and put them all in a bind, trapping them in its branches and barbs while they could no longer more by the pressure and dripped blood.


And by my eggs!!! Because I do have an egg and I can say webos!!!! I unleashed the power I was recently granted and from a large sphere of energy that looked like a mini sun, I threw it at the plant and thus ended the threat, falling fainting to the ground. Come to think of it it was a generic beginning to this kind of story xd PTM!!!! My younger self didn't know how to start and fell into the cliché.

I woke up slightly tired, I was now at their base in the center of the forest island, after some chatter and thanks and silly comments on my part, I was with Zeta in the training room, let's unleash my power!!!!

At first I thought it would be easy, and well, yes it was easy xd. Although it still hurts to remember how much I loved my little pet, from here I still have you in my heart my friend. Those girls trained me and took care of me seeing that I have no home to return to, that's how I unlocked some of my power and could already master the transformation, the God Form, ah!!!! I also adopted a new name, making it clear that it's a new life and story.

『M! My name is M』

Where I think there was some laughter when I said it to the others, what are they complaining about.....Zeta is also an alphabet name (๑-ૅૄ-๑).

Arc 1: Mysterious Island.

Maybe let's just say I wanted to play it safe and made this arc very easy to digest and understand. As we saw something strange happening on an island we decided to go and see what's going on, we said goodbye to Cream and we were on our way, on the trip I think Rouge was annoying me, why does she like to make fun of people weaker than her? Since she's a Succubus and I'm a virgin boy who doesn't know anything.....ohhh!!!! That would make sense of why she seemed to be in the mood for me, from here my congratulations M chiquito, always first the tender and sweet than before the bold and sexy!!!!

A big storm was flooding the island, it was raining cats and dogs and it seemed that it was not going to stop, with an invention of Zeta that showed it very happy, but they were only raincoats we entered to the island. Lightning and thunder were heard every second, we came across a village where it was looted and destroyed, POMM !!!! We were ambushed by some little devils that appeared out of nowhere, surely they are the ones who caused this. We all fought against them to stop them, it was my first mission so to speak and I was excited, I felt that with this power I could do anything I wanted, we made a plan and we were able to catch all the devils in one place, it was my turn to give them the final blow.

『...Eh?.....Why did I..... come back.....? 』

Without further ado I returned to my Human Form without realizing it, even though I tried I couldn't return to my God Form, the fiends escaped and were after us, where I was taken and we escaped from the village to the center of the island where a Castle was located, we thought we would be safe but rather we met the real guy who was behind all this.

『Much pleasure to my home, I am the Demon Carmis』.

He was a guy with manners apparently, he dressed like royalty, looks like he owns this, well, he just said so xd. He's the one we have to finish, without hesitation Blaze jumped in to fight him, just as everyone followed after her. I only dodged Carmis and didn't show any fight, but from one moment to another the Demon started to control like hypnotizing my teammates.

In the end it was only me and Rouge, who escaped since I still could not pass to my God Form, here is where the Succubus saw that they tore my raincoat and my clothes, that the rain was wetting my naked back, could this mean something?

Without further ado they managed to find us, Rouge tried to flirt with Carmis to let us free, but this only made the Demon angry, not to make it long the story of this Demon who is from another world, a world of only Demons, who was in love with Rita and wanted to be with her, one thing led to another that he ended up stealing the Magic Book of his world in order to have control of everyone and Rita, since he was in love, but it was not mutual. Without further ado without him realizing it they put him a pill where he got a diarrhea of the strong ones that released the book and let everyone free, for his acts of control he was exiled from his World and brought to this one, fortunately he could take the Magic Book with him and can return to his world with it, he needs to kill thousands to create a portal that sends him directly to his world, since if he uses the traditional method, he knows when he can return.

『Let's play!!!!』

I shouted without further ado, I was challenging Carmis to a game, where if I win then I win and he loses!!!! Without further ado the demon was surprised and thought it was fun, the game consented to pit me against my friends, and as I go up the floor I would have to face Carmis and beat him. He liked the idea since he hadn't had fun in a while.

I was able to take my God Form again and be ready for the game, I faced each of my friends where I did not think they would give me many problems, there I understood that the power I have now, is not very far from them, but certainly the one that brought me more problems is Blaze and his state of fire xd, I forget the name.

If it wasn't because I got scared and also because I'm the main character I wouldn't have won, well, it seems that I used the clichés like never before in the first arc. I got to the last floor where I not only had to face Carmis, but also Sonic in full groso asteroid hot wolf mode. It was a very weird fight now that I think about it, I think Carmis wasn't an expert in melee fighting and that's why he left that job to Sonic, I used childish moves like twisting my arms and running like never before. I felt that Carmis was holding back because he was a child, where at the end when he saw that I left Sonic finished, he used his greatest card, the Magic Book, but I also realized something, Carmis was inexperienced with magic and the book, since he made the spell affect him too. But what is this, I already hear the author's clown shoes xd.

We were going to die without more where I heard the last words of Carmis and I realized that he was simply an ordinary inhabitant of his world who only wanted the girl he likes to correspond to him, he took hasty measures and for that very reason he was condemned to be expelled from his world, I wonder if one day I will fall to the world from where he was expelled.....

His death was not pretty, as we were saved by my companions, but Blaze seeing Carmis still alive burst his head with his fist in fire burning and leaving him in ashes, it was a very weird feeling of how my first mission was.

Arc 2: Parasite.

OHH!!! But look at that, my good friend and recurring parasite, with you being the second arc, how time flies. For sure, as I said, you will be the most recurrent and the most seen for the whole story, your first appearance in this world was possessing a huge and fat cat, I don't remember its name xd. We were on our way back home in a jet after a picnic we had, without further ado the parasite jumped destroying the jet both up and down, we fell and were unharmed by Rouge's help who used her magic of the Magic Book, between flames on the beach I could see how that being approached and pointed his finger at me with that devilish smile.

『I found you』

It was a sudden fight, that parasitic cat had a big advantage, it knocked out many of us in just minutes, if it hadn't been for Blaze and me and the others where still able to fight, we wouldn't have been able to beat it. But when the fight was over the cat was asleep, we didn't kill it since it is supposed to be good, I heard something enter the water where I turned around, but there was nothing, we were going back to our home after that.

The fat cat as we thought, I didn't know what happened, if you are not mentally strong or something xd. There are a lot of things I forgot...the thing is he can't remember that he was controlled by a parasite. He returned home with his friend the little frog who was very worried about him, we thought that all this ended where only began the real suffering, the parasite was separated in more to control my companions, which luckily Blaze managed to confuse him and not be possessed.

It was night and I went to the kitchen looking for them, where they ambushed me and managed to hit me in my Human Form leaving me without strength, I went to my God Form but it was useless, I could not defend myself, Rouge with her blades left scar marks on my hands. That's when I realized that even if I am in my God Form, if I receive a blow, scratch or cut as in this case, my Human Form will also be affected. My God Form at that time was so weak that I could receive scars from blades.

The last one I saw that night was Blaze, where he knocked me out with a blow, when I woke up I noticed that I was lying on a metal base with water so I wouldn't transform. There a real hell awaited me, I met the parasites, who serve their Father and who wait for them to pick me up, in all that time I was trapped, I think it was years, I received punishments, mistreatment, cuts, abuse, everything you can imagine, I suffered daily, only the last day of the week, I was healed to start the other week in full.

I still think how weak I was at the beginning, I had the power of a God and I have a scar on my fist.... As a child I thought I was a big deal.

It was night and finally after a long time, after gaining her trust and not being suspected, Blaze, the only one who was not possessed came to save me, I still remember it, I had already lost hope, I felt that I was no longer like before, when I saw her I embraced her and started to cry, I was really, really happy to see her.

Without further ado we escaped with my speed from the place, but it would be a matter of time before they found us, that's where I would use for the first time the most recurrent technique of the story, the light, which I learned while watching the magic book, now that I think about it, why the parasite did not use the book?

Without further ado, to give me time to learn the technique and perform the light, Blaze decided to fight against his companions as much as possible, he gave a great fight at the beginning, he never let his guard down and in a one on one he had the advantage, but it was enough, the others arrived and the advantage he had was quickly snatched away, he could no longer, but I was ready to fight.

Without further ado I first used the light technique against Rouge, I wanted to familiarize myself with it, so one by one the parasites were falling and I destroyed them as soon as they came out of the bodies, I was still a beginner so I did not know well the handling of light, compared to now that I can do it in a matter of minutes or seconds. The final blow, without further ado I freed Zeta from the parasite and managed to destroy the parasite, or so I thought. Everything seemed to end well, but I realized that I had just started.

Tatsumaki appeared in this world where without further request of Blaze, to help me return to my world, it seems that the Heroine Number 2 reached such a point with her power that can travel between worlds, here I entered a doubt, if I want to move forward or just stay, I still remember how long ago because I was not sure what decision to make, if it were not for the words of Blaze to continue moving forward, I would have stayed in that place.

After a good hug from me to Tatsumaki, we got involved on our way to World 2, now at least they are not so furros and there are humans xd.

Tatsumaki sent me here thinking it was my original world, but it wasn't, before I told her that it was a mistake, the heroine had already left and I was stuck in this world. But at least it was normal and I felt not far from home, it is a world like any other, but I also came with the surprise that it is not as normal as I thought. Where after saving a girl from almost being run over I ran into Agent Smith and Kimihito Kurusu aka my brother, I was in the World of Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, when the agent said that I would stay to live with him, I knew that things would not be the same.

And without further ado I went to live in his home with all the non-humans he knew in his life so far, the Lamia Mia who is the one my brother loves the most, and who I think in the end ends up seeing me as his son. The Centaur Centorea, who is brave but always ends up ashamed when it comes to the issues that are handled here. The Mermaid Mero, who seems calm but beware dear brother, that girl rapes xd. The Aracne Rachnee who is the first one to be horny and always had a lot of desire to my brother and me in the same way, I will not forget those times when he tried to rape me, but what happens to him!!!! He was a minor!!!! The Dullahan Lala who is the one who spent the most time watching anime and reading manga with her, also her cold and direct attitude, accompanied by her Chuunibyou syndrome, for me at that age, made me feel comfortable. The Slime Suu, of course I will not forget you, it was very entertaining to spend time with you, it was really easy to talk to you, and finally the Harpy Daddy, what can I say about her, she is the girl I fell in love with, at once I say it all, funny, silly, childish, strong, she had everything I liked.

Living with them and with my brother became something very everyday for me in those days, everything went smoothly, I related well with all of them, my brother taught me to cook and do the housework, I really learned a lot with him, he is definitely my brother! But one day Smith's group, MON, arrived home, where I could also meet Zombina, Manako, Doppel and Tionisia, also with this the truth of my powers was unveiled with their arrival, I was hiding it but it was useless, when I passed to my Forma Dios all were curious, I think I had never been so touched as that time, also I think that same day I faced them 4, or 3, because Doppel left xd. Again I could prove that I'm not someone normal, that I'm stronger than them and for sure than this world, but that doesn't mean that I stopped training, on the contrary, I started training in a nearby forest, where sometimes I went with Suu.

Right there I could also meet Kii, a Dryad in charge of protecting the forest, our first meeting was exciting we could say, I confronted her because she thought she had kidnapped Suu. In the end she almost killed me but everything could be fixed, but yes a lot of fun things happened back then, like the Red Moon night, autumn, Christmas, the beach, I think we even went to a Festival once only I didn't show it in the story, but without a doubt I had a great time with them, but again not everything can be peaceful.

Arc 3: M Parasite

The parasite that I thought I had destroyed, was still alive, Rouge who was using the Magic Book, to use the spell to travel between worlds since he was interested in that and was practicing it, where after much effort he achieved it, but what he did not know that when you open the portal, you are left without much strength, where he just fell to the ground, the parasite took advantage and this time if he took the book with him. Because of the connection of the previous trip, the parasite ended up falling in the same world where I was.

It was the end of December, about to be Christmas, the snow covered the whole city, we were all preparing for the party we were going to have, meanwhile the parasite possessed a dog, and with the help of the book managed to locate me, Lala who was passing by the place saw the dog without knowing that he was being possessed by the parasite and brought him home.

It was already night, I was nervous and very flushed, I was very shy, since I decided that tonight I would propose to Papi, I really felt a great affection for her, without further ado I got up the courage, but the parasite also came home and without hesitation, since it is its main mission, it went straight to me, in the middle of my confession to Papi, the parasite managed to possess me.


He passed to my God Form while expelling power, he was laughing and threatening death to everyone, no one knew what was going on, where he was about to attack, but if it wasn't for Papi who was able to confront the parasite with his words, it was as if something changed in him, and without further ado he smacked his lips and left home, everyone was confused and thought that the worst might be coming.

The parasite managed to possess me, he had already accomplished his mission, now he can do what he wants, and that is how he wanted, he decided for the time remaining, to live quietly, until they come for him, he realized that he has no reason to destroy, before he did it to reach his goal, but now, he no longer has to do it, he became the landlord of a ramen stand on the street, he really liked the food, before he ate like anyone else, but did not give it much importance, little by little he learned and knew how the world really was.

He went to live in a nearby forest, he created a cave by launching an energy attack, there he would bring, or rather, he stole food and money to live peacefully, he just did it, he did not know that this would bring him problems.

Meanwhile, the other non-humans could not leave it like this, they had to recover their friend at all costs, they already knew what was going on, they knew the boy's story from before and they know for sure that he is possessed by a parasite, but to face him as they are now, it is impossible, Lala had the answer, in her room when she left the dog she found the Magic Book, with it in short they could face M, they made a ritual where they got a power comparable to that of M, they began to train where without any prior notice and very hastily they fought against M Parasite.

The result was more than unfortunate, they had very little time to train, they were not used to their new power, M Parasite danced so tasty to all of them that they even had a great casualty, Suu being a living being made of a mucus and that its source of life is water, would be the one that would bring more problems to the parasite, where he decided to finish with her in one go. Defeated they returned to the base to continue improving.

M was quiet in his cave home, came the military, officers and the army, with their tanks and armored cars, but they could do nothing against the God Form, when he thought he could finally rest he ran into a surprise, he did not think that surprise would mean much to a being as it is a parasite.

A non-human cat loli was in the Parasite's cave, at first she wanted to escape, but the barrier that the parasite put up ended up electrocuting her and leaving him out of combat, now that she was passed out he looked at her more closely, she really looked cute, and he talked about M, he could witness everything that the parasite does, he was mad to know that there are cat girls in this world and to meet her, quickly the non-human cat woke up and became alert and walked away saying

『Back Monogatari fan!!!!』

Well, it didn't say that, but it would be cool, it looked like it was on guard, always alert, it didn't trust anyone, and didn't want anyone's help, what I missed the most was what it was wearing a red t-shirt, but it was big, bigger than its body, the sleeves were hanging down, the non-human's stomach rang, where she more stepped back alert, the parasite saw the watch and came out, The non-human also tried to leave but the barrier did not allow it, a few hours passed and the parasite returned, bringing bowls of ramen, and without saying anything, left one in front of the non-human, and in silence the parasite began to eat, the non-human hesitated, as if it were a real cat, tore or tapped the plate, where after a shy lick it ate everything without leaving anything.

That was how the non-human cat Ron and the parasite met, after that she opened up more with him, since it was like she was taking care of him, the parasite also felt strange, this was more than just learning, he was getting humanity, in the end their relationship advanced so much that they had an appreciation for each other.

Again there was a rematch, this time it was not like the first one, the girls had improved and could fight hand to hand and match the parasite. The fight was closer and with the effort and help of everyone, they managed to immobilize the parasite and take it to their agency. Ron worried about all this came out of the cave because there was no barrier, with the smell he knew what was happening and went to rescue his friend, here we also know the story of Ron, that before he had a previous owner and was the one who taught him everything and adapt to society, as one day his friend was taken away, he does not want that to happen again.

The girls were supposed to do the light technique, but the fight left them so tired that they had no strength, they had to wait a little more time, time that Ron could use, he went through the vents taking advantage of his small stature, but the parasite also had already made moves, and somehow, they both found themselves in the vents. BOOMM!!! There was an explosion, Ron Parasite was taking M with him, everyone went on alert, quickly the girls went after M, but it was late, M Parasite returned, there was a third encounter where they could not win, it was for both of them, M Parasite found out that if he kills Kurusu, the power they got will disappear and they will finally stop being a nuisance.

Without further ado, the chase began, Kurusu escaped through the city aboard an armored car, while being chased by the parasite that destroyed everything, but the others would take advantage of this time to make the greatest light technique ever seen so far, M Parasite was about to kill Kurusu where Papi intervened for being the fastest giving more time and achieving the goal, the parasite trembled, he had no more strength and the pressure he felt was enormous, when he looked at the sky he saw a huge light technique in the shape of a heart that was launched towards him.

He knew he had no salvation, yet he threw himself against the light, in his last seconds he asked M to take care of his friend Ron, and that is how it would be, and at night, M went to the cave to pick up his friend where he would now live with him and the others.

With a new member, things got even livelier, M seemed to get another girl that he really liked, but he didn't feel right that he ended up telling her about who was really his friend all this time. The time came and M was to continue his journey, the world he would treasure the most for a great person.

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