
Chapter 147: Continuing

In the meadow, there is still a day to finish this day of the age change that Tohru and Kanna suffered because of Lucoa and also because of me apparently, thank goodness that this happened a day off, since Kanna as she is now could not go to school and would bring many problems, but well, while we were in that meadow, that trio of dragons and the human played and had fun with all the games they brought, before being able to retire from that meadow, the boy seems that if his words are going to be true.

『...Good! 』

Before they left the boy wrote on the ground, in a small way but that will always be remembered the following "Family and Friends" where on its sides he traced the faces of both the friends he made in this world, and the family of that other world.




There is still a lot left for this day, what better and I will finally give foot to my words, I was with Kanna walking around the city so we can have fun with whatever we find along the way, by the center of the city we were walking all quiet, I bought her small snacks like crepes ,etc, I do not know if Kanna was always this gluttonous or is it because now it fits her more now that she grew up. But well, I'm glad to be able to be moments like that with Kanna, but what I don't like are the looks of the guys who turn to look at Kanna, I could understand it if they are kind of curious, but you can tell by far how perverted the look of some of them is, look at them there even drooling, imagining many things with my hi.....!!!!!!!!!!٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶

I turned to look at a group of guys who had long been following us, by a demon! his face is up here! seeing a little girl like that provokes me many things (╬ಠ益ಠ) I stopped and moved to look at them with all the possible anger a father can give, a threatening blue aura came out of my body, quickly it was as if the guys could see my anger they got scared, with my lips I told them what I was thinking.

『 (╬⓪益⓪) If-if-you-keep mi-ran-do-do-ing-it-that way co-no-ce-ce-ran all my i-ra bad-assed per-ver-ti-double lu-ju-ju-ri-en-tos not per-mi-ti-re that you en-su-ci-en it in your men-tes pin-ches pe-da-zos de mi-er-das pu. ..』-All the rest was just bad words-『Mi hi-ja de-jen-la en paz!!!!!』(☢益☢t).

It seems they understood what I meant, slowly in fear they walked away from the place, I gave a sigh in order to calm down, it's also the first time something like that happens to me, normally I don't mind if they do that to other people, if they do that to my friends maybe it would annoy me a little, but in this case I really let out the demon I have inside, that you care a lot about a person if it makes you change in your way of acting in many cases.

『(Ah! Kanna, I stopped and I think she kept walking, I must find her before she gets lost, although I don't think that will be a problem, but even though she looks older she has the mentality of a little girl, if she runs into someone bad she might....ヾ( -́д-̀ ;)ノ)』-I started to imagine the worst-『(I must find her quickly! (ΩДΩ))』

As I turned away from the nerves and worry that came to my mind, quickly all that disappeared, how to say it was the moment....magical perhaps, beautiful or peaceful....01all I know is that it was one of the most beautiful experiences that could happen to me, even if they were short-lived. My hand was taken by Kanna's hands where she quickly held it tightly.

『Don't get lost M, it's a very big place』.

Her voice was still calm and soft, I was in a kind of shock but it was of the most tender shocks.

『Don't worry, I'll take care of you』.

We walked through the center while I was thinking how nice Kanna is, for sure she was worried about me and thought I was lost noticing that I was no longer by her side, but what is this, the father is supposed to take care of his daughter and not worry her, I was really glad I was able to meet Kanna. Looking at her I noticed that she was happier, like her eyes were shining and her cheeks were rosier.

"Is something wrong Kanna? Do you have a fever?』

"No, I just like it when we hold hands, it makes me feel safe』.

Her response was very innocent and tender to me, I was also happy to see that Kanna was happy. Those moments in the center and while we were walking in the park, I can say that I got more than I wanted. To not make it long and not to lengthen more than necessary I will pass to brag, but just a little bit, hehehe ヾ(*゜,ω゜*)ノ゚ We went to eat where I can say that really if she eats, I already knew that she eats a lot, the days I lived with her I would prepare large amounts of rice since I knew that if I give her the regular one it wouldn't be enough for her, seeing her eating so calm and bottomless, plus she is taller than me and her wardrobe is pink with white, I couldn't help but remember Syl for those moments, I don't know. ...but I feel that if Syl had a daughter she would be just like Kanna. We also went to some arcades where I could show her how good I am, and I could be Kanna's teacher and teach her many little tricks, in all the fights I won, what? you expected me to let me win? no dude, in the battlefield you have to give it all no matter the enemy!(。+・`ω・') Especially if it's something you're more related to. But in every match Kanna improved her playing tactics and in the last match she put me in a tight spot...(・・;) but in the end I was able to win by one pixel.

『This girl really is a monster (^▽^;) a very tender one』.

In the park we jumped in the field to be able to see the clouds and tell if they are shaped like something, we spent a good time with them after how agitated we were, a ball crashed into Kanna where some children quickly came, Kanna stood up taking the ball in hands, where she weakly threw it to a boy.

『Incredible! You are very strong Onee-san!』-That boy was surprised with the strength she threw it to him-⤴︎ ε=ε=(ง ˃̶͈̀ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶ ⤴︎


Kanna seems to be pleased that she was called Onee-san and treated as someone older. In that park we also play ball with the kids, as much as hide and seek and etc, and of course, you'll know with what I said a little while ago.

『I don't care that they are children! I won't hold back and give it my all!』 o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(^ ਊ ^)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡

I was also glad to be able to play with that group of kids that day, Kanna was also having fun with the new friends she made. By the end of the day the sun was already setting , we were heading to that little playground , where a news took us by surprise.

"Ah, I told Saikawa that we would meet at that place today』.

『Then let's play the....NO no no no noヾ( -́д-̀ ;)ノ we can't let him see you like this, he might start to suspect you Kanna, and I don't think he'll buy the idea that you're his big sister either..... (●ノ'・Д・`)ノ』-『I'm sorry but I don't think you can meet for today』

『But, I want to be with her, I want the 3 of us to play』-Kanna without hesitation answered me-.

I knew that refusing this would be endless and we would get nowhere, Kanna wants to spend time with her friend, but in this situation it could bring her serious problems in the future.

The sun was setting and dyed the whole neighborhood orange, I was walking straight to that courtyard where I could see Saikawa sitting in one of the games.


The girl was confused that I had appeared, while I was calmly waving my hand. What I came to with Kanna is to spend time with Saikawa at least so that she doesn't feel that coming all the way here was a waste, I will practically replace Kanna, although I don't think she will ever accept it but it's the only thing we can do.

『Sorry for being late, Kanna sent me in her place, she's busy doing....homework, yes, you see her all smart and wise, but she leaves her homework to the last minute』(^~^).


Saikawa was not responding and was starting to doubt this, she kept looking at me as if judging me, in the background of this, Kanna was watching while hiding in the walls, before she could say anything to Saikawa because of how uncomfortable the atmosphere was becoming, she decides to speak.

"You should have come much earlier! The meeting time was supposed to be at 16:00 and now it's .... 18:00!!!』

Saikawa relieved herself with the recent, the wind started blowing where she was wrapping her arms around herself as she shivered from the cold.

『(18:00 hours?!∑(゚ロ゚〃) You've been waiting for 2 hours?!!!, you're to be admired Saikawa, I would have already left after 10 min....But anyway now if Kanna is to blame, I'm glad but at the same time it's wrong....)』('・艸・`)

Saikawa kept covering herself with her arms as the cold and wind of the night gradually took over. Seeing her shivering the first thing I did was to approach her and give her all my scarf, she from one moment to the next found herself slowly getting warmer, she passed to look at me confused.

『Be calm, I'm fine, for now, besides since you're small and my big scarf covers more than just your neck』-『And tell me, do you want to leave or at least spend a little time with me, if you tell me, I'd rather it be the latter』.

『All right, after all I came for a reason, even if Kanna didn't come I'll settle for you 』ヾ(・ω・。)シ-Saikawa I accept anyway-.

『I'm glad at least I can serve you, good! get ready little one, you're going to experience what it feels like to play with me!』✩⃛∗-⁽⁽◞(˃◟̵◞̵˂⁎=͟͟͞͞ ⁎˃◟̵◞̵˂)◟⁾⁾-∗✩⃛

Even if it's a short time I want Saikawa to have fun on this day he had to spend it with Kanna, if it wasn't for Lucoa's spell now we could be the 3 of us playing. We climbed on all the games that were in that courtyard, either the slide, the seesaw that I still remember that Kanna saw it as a thing to fly hahahaha. The wheel, I don't know what it turns, it has a sphere shape, and also my biggest enemy of this yard, the swing, yes, of all the games this is the only one that could defeat me, it is not very complex and much less has Artificial Intelligence, an inanimate object I don't know from the ancient world, it beat me, the truth is I don't know when the swings were created, wait I'm going to check it out. ...THE MOTHER!!!! the swing was created by Hippocrates! he says it was for a religious sense and all that.....so if it was created by Hippocrates....then the swing was created between 480-380 BC!!!! The mother is re old the swing, wow, you learn something new and me too, although maybe you already know it and you're all brainy, but for me it was a surprise, HA!!!! This is better than school, internet 1 school 0.

『Well swing, now I have my revenge』-I was climbing on the swing-.

While Saikawa was also going to play with the other swing on the side, he noticed that someone was watching them, white horns could be seen sticking out from the wall, Saikawa thought a little bit but quickly knew whose it was.

『Kanna?...Is it you Kanna? Kanna!』

Saikawa was happily going to where she saw the horns, where I was already swinging where I could hear Saikawa saying Kanna's name, as I looked to where Saikawa was going I could see white horns sticking out, I quickly got upset and the hands of the swing fell back down, where I fell face first to the ground, I wanted to get up to stop Saikawa.POM!!!!! The seat of the swing ended up hitting me again in the head where I fell again defeated.

Saikawa was already about to leave the courtyard where he stopped when he saw the horns moving and the person came into view. What Saikawa saw was a person just like Kanna but bigger.

『Ahh....sorry, I thought you were my friend, but you really look alike.... won't be you.....』-Saikawa was getting suspicious-.

『Kanna, it's Kanna』

Where Kanna without further ado said and affirmed that it was her, I found myself waking up and was surprised that she said so. Saikawa without hesitation rushed to hug her friend, she was happy, very happy.

"I'm Kanna, Kanna's older sister』-Kanna affirmed shortly afterwards.

『Of course, that makes sense, Kanna is always going to be a little girl』 ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ-Saikawa was still hugging Kanna anyway-.

『(You would have said it right away...('`;) I almost had a heart attack...and besides....Did the sister's really buy it!!!! )』(屮゜Д゜)屮

At the end Kanna didn't hide her desire to also be able to play with Saikawa who revealed himself just like that, Kanna's wish to be able to play the 3 of us this day came true, we played until it became completely dark where we were already saying goodbye.

『Well, goodbye and thank you very much, I had a lot of fun this day, I hope I can continue playing with you another day Onee-san』-Saikawa was saying goodbye-.

『Onee-san.....』-Kanna again found herself glad that someone called her sister-.

Saikawa was happily walking back to her home when I stopped her by holding her scarf.

『Hey, aren't you forgetting something?』 | ͠° ▃ °͠ |-I was shaking the scarf to make her understand more clearly- 『Solo.

『I was only joking, I was about to give it back to you』 -Saikawa took off his scarf.

『Ja! Bullshit ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ once you give your sweatshirt to a girl she never gives it back to you anymore, so I better claim it back before it happens to me』-I was receiving the scarf in my hand-.

"That's a bit extreme, don't you think? Saikawa answered me.

『I can tell you still don't know the world my little girl ( ̄^ ̄)well, until the next time we meet』 \( ● ⌒ ∇ ⌒ ● )/

We were saying goodbye to Saikawa and found ourselves going straight to Kobayashi's apartment. It was a very fun day for me, and I can say for Kanna too, when we were heading to the house Kanna took my hand and was jumping up and down little, I could see how her eyes were shining and her warmth I could feel it too.

When we rang the doorbell we were greeted by Tohru, Tohru was still petite and if she could, I would like her to stay like this forever.

『We're here, Imouto』 ( ̄ω ̄)-Last tease to the Tohru chiquita.

『Kyaaaa!!!! I told you not to treat me like a girl!!!』 (๑-̆૩-̆)

『Look Kanna, when little girls get like that, all you have to do to calm them down, is pet their heads and look, it's already calmed down(๑^ں^๑).....Eh?....It really calmed down...』 (・・;)

I could see Tohru let herself be petted as she kept her gaze down, trying to hide her blushes and nerves.

"Yes, I already knew that』 (^^)b -Kanna without further ado replied with a thumbs-up.

『Tohru.....? (・・;) Is it me or have you become softer to me?....where was the Tohru who always hated me and wanted to kill me?』-I asked because of the doubts I had to see my friend behave herself-?

『That's in the past, I'm not the same as before, although I wouldn't have any problem if you want me to keep hating you』(๑ÒωÓ๑).

『Ah well, AHH!!!! Kobayashi is flirting with someone!』 ((((╹д╹;)))-I was quickly surprised-.

『What!!! Where is he to kill him!!!』-(Ò 皿 Ó ╬)-.

『I see, what with you not being your old self anymore, eh my little friend? (。-`へ'-。) hahahaha I'm glad to be your friend』 ('꒳`∗)

Quickly she came into the house saying that dinner was ready and that I could also stay and eat if I wanted to. At her offer of course I accepted, I had breakfast, lunch and now dinner with Kanna! What better time to end the day!٩(๑òωó๑)۶

At the table we were all there, the trio of dragons and 2 simple humans who are used to weird things happening in their lives. Lunch for some strange reason I noticed it much richer than before, it could be because of the atmosphere, because I find myself happy, I don't know, but I really like being with all the friends I made in this world, especially the first ones I met and gave me a hand.

Looking around the house I found that I had left the laptop that Makoto and Kuro-san gave me, I brought it with me to have more use for it, but when I went to live with Elma I had forgotten to bring it with me. I sat in the dining room already clean where I would take advantage to give it another use, it is daily to feel the touch of the keyboard, it reminds me of the days when I was at home and I locked myself to do my things, until Menhera and Rino arrived to take me out but well. Kanna who was browsing came to my side.

『I can play a song, even if it's a laptop, it's also a piano』.

『Seriously? You're amazing M, I want to be able to listen to you』.

At Kanna's acceptance, I placed my fingers on the keyboard and each button so that I could once again test this talent that I gradually acquired when I was young, I decided to play a soft, powerful, quiet but at the same time beautiful song for the moment, I will play that song that I liked very much since the first time I saw and heard it, it was a beautiful story and I will always remember it even if time goes by, the theme is Hoshikuzu no Interlude by the interpreter Fhána, from the anime Sora no Method, the first ed.

Without further ado I started to play the song I decided, although I did not remember it completely my fingers and when I played it little by little it was as if it came back to my mind, I liked when I felt that synchronization and become one with the music, the notes enveloped the place, where each one could listen to it attentively, I wanted to convey what I feel every time I heard it and I think I'm doing it. At the end I heard some applause from Kobayashi , Tohru and Iruru, where I simply said thank you.

『So, what did you think of Kanna? If I had a real piano it would sound better』.

『It's beautiful, I could feel your affection towards what I heard, you are very good M』.

Kanna made me feel better with her words, where again I felt happy.

『Right, aren't you going to ask me something for what I lost? You know, at the end of the burnout I ended up losing, don't hold back! It can be anything whatsoever! Never mind having to go around the world, I'll do it to make you happy!...that sounded very.....』(*'_ゝ`)

『You already gave me what I wanted from the beginning, but if you're insistent, you said I could ask for anything』.

『That's right! Anything! v(・∀・*) (....Goodbye wallet....)』(*'-`*)

Without further ado Kanna went on to hug me, while sinking her face into my chest, I was confused, Kanna went on to hug me much tighter, but I was still confused, I thought she would ask me to buy her something, but what a fool I was, but to if I like her, little by little I am getting to know and understand you.

"Caress my head, please』

Kanna said in a soft voice where I could perfectly hear her, well, I couldn't refuse ,after all she won, but if you want something like that just tell me, I'll be there to calm you down.


Kanna whispered while being stroked on the head by M, this was what she was really asking the human for, to go back to spend other days like this and experience other things.


I was already at home, Elma seemed to try to cook but in the end she left the kitchen a mess, I see that I bought some food, but I brought some of what was left over from Kobayashi's house, Elma was happy and joyfully ate. I was exhausted, but it was a happy exhaustion because of the happy day I had. The phone rang where I went to receive it.

『Hello? Sorry for interrupting』

『Shouta, is that you? Why the call so late.....』

I was sleepy while it seems that the boy was agitated, surprised and cheerful....

『I complete it....improve the spell of traveling between worlds』 -He was happy Shouta, I could feel it in his words.

The first thing that came to my mind when I heard it, is that I will again have to say goodbye or even goodbye to another world where I could make good friends, a family , and that I will no longer be able to spend time with them again.

『You can now....continue with your journey!』

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