
Chapter 60: Nekomata Case 12

December 24, ****

Time: 21:00


These are festive dates for everyone, so the most common and what you want is to be able to celebrate these important events of the year, either with your family or with your partner, or just having a day off of pure leisure. But even though that is what you want, the world can not stop moving just because it is a holiday, there will always be situations where you continue to fulfill your day to day work, no matter holidays, no matter important personal days, if you do not fulfill what you have to fulfill your responsibilities, someone may be affected by this, everyone needs help at any time, not because it is your day off or because it is "the" day off you can get rid of it, if you decided or you have to do something very important that day, you must fulfill what you have to do, someone can thank you for continuing to do your thing even on those dates, people who really support others excluding their own welfare, if they are for some people, admirable. ...not many are willing to sacrifice something important for the welfare of others, people like that end up at the end of all, in the place where it will be more than accepted.

『So if you managed to reach an agreement with them? Tell me tell me!!! 』

『Wait for them to reply me...how is it possible...it's been an hour since I sent them the message and no one replies so far...』

『How can they still not reply!!!! I already had a long time waiting!!!! If it was a person asking for help then I would be dead by now!!!』

『Shhh...don't make such a fuss...』

2 young men who were doing their job even on holidays, were just now standing behind a desk, though rather it seems they were hiding in the bottom of a desk they have. They were looking at the phone of one of their colleagues, they looked attentive after having waited a long time, they were nervous and a little tired in patience. But quickly the notification that a new message had been received brought joy and illusion to their faces, and then the colleague on the phone opened the message and .....

『I'm sorry guys but I can't fulfill your agreement, today my group was assigned that this year would be our non-working day on holidays, I understand that you also want to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas, but I want to take this opportunity to tell you something that has been bothering me these last few years 』-『You guys want to act like you're alive!!!! I found out that it's not the first time you've asked for a change of shift from your other colleagues!!!! They spent all this year asking other colleagues and groups to change their shifts so that they could protect them on their days of service!!! That's wrong guys!!!! And I think that soon I will also find out with whom you accepted such agreements...None of us have said anything for now so as not to harm you, after all we are colleagues who support each other, but you guys are too shameless!!!! I will not say anything to our superior if you comply at least with this day of service!!!! And I hope that for next year you don't go around with those shenanigans of changing duty shifts, see you guys later and merry Christmas 』.

It was a voice message that ended up arriving on the phone of the person who asked for the change of shifts deal, we are just listening to what we heard, it is clear that these 2 are not working, of course they comply with what they have to comply with, but as if they were still small children, they want important dates and holidays to apply to them as well. At this point the phone was turned off, reflecting the faces of the two people involved in this. Y.....

『Ahhh!!!!! Don't you understand or what? !!!!! We put a lot of effort into our work all year long!!!! We put a lot of effort like the time we helped a granny cross the street or even more important cases like stopping a thief!!!!』

『Don't forget also when we helped that Species who was being physically abused in public 』

『Right! I remember that day, she was a Kobold, she was a very pretty girl, and that son of her terrible mom!!! I would be so ashamed if I had a son like that!!!! He was treating her like she was a dog!!!』

At that time they remember it easily, as they were civilians that duo and out of nowhere they were seeing how in public, a person who was a caretaker, was talking, shouting loudly to a Kobold Species to do what they were doing at home, was ricriminating him to do it at that time, and although the Kobold did not want to do it, he got on 4 legs while trying to mimic a dog, he got on 4 legs while trying to imitate a dog, at this the subject's expression changed to one of satisfaction of superiority, and as if he didn't care about anything, it didn't matter that it was in public, when he saw an alley near him, with a sick face he gave the order to go there to. ..

『And at that moment you didn't hesitate and grabbed him by the shoulder!!!! I was going to do it too but you beat me that time!!!!! You looked really very imposing!!!!! 』

『Haha didn't you? *proudly* Even the guy all nasty turned to me as if telling me to stay out of it, but when I showed him my ID that I'm a police officer, his expression changed to one that he wanted to piss himself!!!!! Ahh!!! what a good expression, all the bad guys must look that humiliating!!!!! 』

『The good thing is that we were able to arrest him because we were able to convince the Kobold to confess everything that this guy did to her and denounce him, the good thing is also that there were no signs of rape but there were signs of weird fetishes, right now after some time they managed to get her another caregiver, I hope she's doing well this time 』

『We were able to exchange contacts that time, I hadn't told you, but I've been in contact with her since that time, it seems she got a good caregiver, she's regaining trust in humans, that's fine with me, but if that caregiver decides to lay hands on her...no...if another one no matter who it is decides to lay hands on any other person or species...』-『I'm going to act like the officer I am again!!!!』

『Woooaaahh That's right, you're still as energetic as you were in High School Big Brother Koki 』

『And you're just as flattering as you were in Junior High School, Little Brother Koji』.

To this they seemed to be a duo of very close friends, where each one made it very clear what they are or at least a little bit of what they are. To this they were both shouting loudly under the desk where they were, which was a small police town hall that was in charge of the area to be taken care of where they were. It seems that they were so happy with remembering the past that they ended up forgetting what they really wanted at this moment.

『That's right!!! We have to convince other classmates to go and celebrate and!!!!!!-------』


At that moment they could hear how someone slapped the desk where Brothers Koki and Koji were, who, just by hearing it, could already imagine who it could be, they wanted to make as little noise as possible but in the end their enthusiasm ended up giving them away. They started to look at each other, as if to indicate that neither of them wanted to be the one to attend or to be called to attention for this time... They were silently looking at each other, telling each other with their eyes that either of them should go to attend to their companion. Then again there was another knock on the table.


At this they got more scared and started to look at each other more strongly that already one of the 2 is going to show their faces, at this they were so into what they were doing that they even seemed to be talking telepathically between brothers.

『(Go you Koki...I don't want to do it...)』

『You're crazy Koji!!!! I don't want you to call attention to me!!!! Not that he's yelling at us or anything, but just that it's awkward...』

『(You can't say it's awkward!!!! How would she feel if she knew you thought about it!!!! It's more!!! I think it's very innocent!!!)』

『(But what a liar!!!! Innocent is not what you meant, you must have said that it's easy to take advantage of her!!!! You always go around asking her for favors and she accepts them from you like it's nothing!!!) 』

『(Speak for yourself!!!! That you send me to tell her all her demands!!!!! Like we were your errand boys or something!!!)』

『(Don't say it demands that makes me feel bad Koji!!!....It's just that...how he accepts by insisting him a little...makes me want to take advantage of that...)』

『(I can't believe you're the oldest of us, you're such a bad example!!!! And I say that because I always see you as the best brother!!!!)』

『(Ehh?...Like the best brother? That's how you see me Koji?....)』

『*smile*(Yeah, that's how I see you Koki)』

At this the Koki and Koji Brothers were going from complaining to each other to getting along again, both of them were happy for the fact that they said they appreciate each other, but at that moment when they were having a brotherly moment, they didn't end up realizing that.

『I already found you guys, I was looking for you everywhere, Koki-san, Koji-san』. 

At this they ended up hearing a female voice next to their front, where both brothers by pure inertia what they did was to look at their front and...What they ended up seeing was a huge upside down eye that was staring at them, and the moment it called them by their names, they clearly saw how that huge pupil moved from one corner to another and....

『『AHHHHHHHH!!!!』 』 

They ended up hearing how they hit a loud scream both brothers, to this to the seconds that had passed from the scare they gave each other, they knew they have done something wrong because of their so natural reaction just now, so for this time, they tried to heal it as much as they could.

『It's not what you think!!! We didn't freak out or anything!!!! Well the scream before was by-------』 

『What my brother Koki means is that we were scared by you mate, we were playing hide and seek and we didn't expect you to find us like that hahahaha *nervous*』 

『That's right!!! It's all a game!!! It wasn't serious at all!!! You can't just show up out of nowhere with your !!!!-------with your....*worried* It's not that we have anything against the Species or even against you mate, it's just that....』 

『What my brother Koki means mate is that...we are not very familiar with all the Species...so we want to apologize to both of you for our reaction earlier...』 

At this they walked beside her or rather, her companion had stayed in one place still while the Koki Brothers and Koji did everything to make her not feel bad after what happened, they wanted to calm her down above all things, they even offered her lastly to sit for a while, some drinks they offered her as well, but her companion reacted as normal as possible.

『Don't worry, Koki-san, Koji-san, I understand you, so you can stop talking to me respectfully, I didn't feel offended at all, we are more than partners aren't we? *smiles*』 

To this the girl was still in her place to make it clear that she didn't feel bad or anything like that, she was fine, so she could calm down her classmates who were very worried because they feel that they disrespected her. To this they both remained silent until the Elder Brother said....

『We are very sorry Manako-san...let's strive to make sure that it doesn't happen again 』 

『Strive hard....』 

『!!!!!! No!!! That's not what I meant!!!....』 

『Easy, I will also try my best not to make you uncomfortable, rather I am very sorry for appearing like this in front of you, my intention was to take you by surprise and joke...sorry...』

『Surprise haha...*smiles* 』 

At this Koki felt bad again for having said something that was really sincere from him, seeing the reaction of his partner Manako at that moment, and how while he was talking he kept looking away to avoid making his partners uncomfortable again, this only made him feel helpless at that moment, while his Younger Brother Koji tried to lower the tension with a low laugh, but it seems that this didn't achieve anything.

The three of them were the only ones in the town hall at that time, they are on duty today until after 3 o'clock in the morning, so as you may have seen, they will not be able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas as they had in mind. Although Manako does not mind this, of course it is an important and festive day, but if she has to do her job, she is gladly doing it, but after everything that happened, maybe she is not enjoying it at all. And as you may have guessed, Manako is a Monoeye.

『So!!! Let's go out somewhere!!!! The 3 of us together!!!! 』

Koki to this suggested all nervous, you could see in his expression that he was in a cold sweat, to this Koji and Manako didn't understand what he was referring to, how could he leave? Did he already find someone to cover for them for this shift? To this Koki answered that no one else of his colleagues who are free, are willing to cover for them for this day. So ....

『It's about to be Christmas!!! We can't spend it in this town hall!!!! We have been here for a long time already!!! Everyone is celebrating this day, we also as living beings of this planet, it is also an obligation to celebrate!!!! So let's go easy, we still have time, even go to a bar, have a drink and eat something, or we can even have a little party at home, I know it will be fun!!!! So yes? Let's go the 3 of us? Please? 』

Koki was nervous, he didn't seem confident in his words, it even seemed like his last card to be able to solve things with Manako, it was not the first time he acted that way with her, many times it happened with his partner, he avoided her look or looked away, or even like these times, he tried to hide his fear and uneasiness when he was taken unnoticed, he never disrespected her physically or verbally, but psychologically and personally? This was like the opportunity he saw to be able to apologize to Manako for all the times he was mean to her.

『But we have work to do, it's our turn to cover, no one else is going to do it 』

『Yes but!!! Ahh!!!! It's not like anything bad is going to happen either!!!! Much less around this area!!! It has always been quiet and rarely happens something bad or serious, the strongest thing that could happen would be another abuse to other species, but we have already made several rounds and we had to verify that all the caretakers in the area that properly fulfill their role!!!! So there is nothing to worry about on that issue!!!!.... So come on, I see it unnecessary to work if there is nothing to take care of, right?...』

To this Koki seems not to give up in wanting to go out the 3 together to enjoy this day, where Koji didn't even have to be his brother to understand this, it was obvious that he was doing his best to make this work and not remain with a bad anecdote, so as he always helped his older brother, this time he would do it too.

『My brother is right Manako-san, although the police don't mostly or deeply get into matters involving the species, anyway we support them in measure, I can assure you and even bring documents of our rounds and reviews to the species keepers in the area, they all comply perfectly, also the former keepers, mostly those people end up paired with the species they take care of, in all aspects are fine, there are many families, both human and species celebrating this day, the truth to me also gives me much envy the happiness of others, I want to celebrate it together with my brother and also together with you Manako-san, we are more than partners after all *smiles*』-『And it is also a chance to make up for everything we did to you Manako-san, so let's have fun together without discretions 』

To this Koji improved to what his older brother wanted to say, where Koki again insisted that it is better to have a good time the 3 of them, taking advantage of the fact that Christmas is approaching. After all that Manako heard, she got tired of hearing everything they were saying, so she decided to sit in an armchair that they had in the town hall, and started to stare at the two brothers, where they were smiling and kept firm at all costs. At this Manako was pleased but at that she looked down.

『Thank you very much for your understanding, Koki-san, Koji-san, that you want to improve especially with me, that makes me feel very happy personally, but I don't know if you remember what we learned together long ago, that the Species have somewhat unique abilities that humans don't possess, I don't reproach myself or anything, I like myself as I am, so always to be able to lose the fear and my shyness that I have, I always stare at others and when I notice that I make someone uncomfortable, I quickly do my best not to, you 2 Koki-san, Koji-san, I really like it when you are yourselves, it's funny and I understand why many classmates hold you in high esteem, but just as I know when I make others uncomfortable, you also know when you make others uncomfortable 』-『Be yourselves and don't force yourselves into anything guys *smiles* 』

At that moment Manako was being direct and sincere to his companions, who listened to him the more he kept talking, at that moment when the 2 brothers were smiling warmly, there were moments when it was noticeable that they were forcing him, especially Koki, he looked down sad about how he acted, he thought he was doing well, but it seems that he didn't even need to be a Species to know it, he was forcing it to happen.

『I can't leave my shift, but if you guys want, in one of the next days I'll have a day off, I think you guys also fall right on the same day, so if you want, we can spend the day together and get to know each other better *smiles*』

To this Manako of course rejected the suggestion that Koki gave, but she liked very much that they want to improve not only to be better with Manako, but to lose that restlessness, discomfort with other species. They do not hate them nor discriminate them, they just want to improve that aspect of still we could say small rejection that they feel but it is nothing serious, if any species were in danger, they would not hesitate to help them no matter what. Listening to the new suggestion of Manako, the gesture of Koki rose at that moment, where he looked at Manako at that moment, who was happy smiling at that moment, where Koki looking at her this....

『Yes!!!! Count me in Manako-san!!! No matter what day it is, I promise I'll be free so I can be with you!!!! And also thank you very much, for giving me a chance...』

『Opportunity? Just as partners we are, we want to get along better and well, no? 』

『Manako-san...Yes!!!! Let's get along better than before!!! I promise!!!』

『Ya say it Manako-san, you suggested this so you wouldn't make a bad person out of my Brother Koki, right? You must have felt sorry for him, I understand that, that's why I always go along with him 』

『What do you mean, you understand!!! Not that you admire me!!!!』

『When have I ever said that? I only said that you are the best brother and of course I will always support you, whether you are wrong or right 』

『You're still so tiny that you follow your big brother everywhere he goes, huh? wait? so you joined the police for me too? 』

『I joined the police so that you won't do anything foolish, I know very well that with me by your side, the punishments you receive and bad things that happen to you, will be to a lesser extent if I'm with you 』

『Have you been looking after me then? That's why you were following me? That's not admiration, that's concern!!!! Do I transmit so much insecurity to you? 』

『Oye Manako, the time Koki wanted to surprise a girl in elementary school, he trained very hard to run very fast and be the fastest in the class, I myself had to keep an eye on him, because of the thousands of training sessions he set out to do, only 2 or 3 of them were done, he was lazy at home, I had to force him to do at least the minimum, that if it worked out at least, he was in 3rd or 2nd place in a race, but when he played the Sports Festival that year, not even for what it served to train him, he was like 5 or 6 of the race hahahahaha you should see it, all confident at the time that he offered to participate, and then all dead at the end of the race and even all sweaty on the floor when he arrived he said: How did I do. ...that was a real joke 』

『Stop making fun!!!Koji!!!! 』

While Koji was telling Koki's little story, Koki quickly did his best to stop his younger brother from laughing, and even he wanted to tell many more things, where Koki tried to cover his mouth with his hand to keep him quiet. To this they were really fighting like brothers who were having a good time, that when Manako saw this, it really became much more fun and better to spend time in this way, Manako was much more shy, both in Secondary and Primary, she also did it while preparing to enter the police, but let's say that with the company of these brothers Koki and Koji every time they coincided, more and more she lost that shyness to show herself more not extroverted, if not being able to handle thousands of things, especially in this job she got into, and she hopes that in the future, she can help many more people in more serious matters.

『Enough fooling around!!!! Let's make the most of the time!!!! Let's celebrate this day, come on Manako, let's go for this day, you are very responsible, for sure the superior let you pass this offense *smile* 』

『No, I'd rather stay and do my shift, but I see that you guys want to go celebrate Christmas, besides you are family....uhmm...』-『I know! I can cover for you guys, I know we are the group to play to cover today, but anyway we would fulfill our job if one at least stays, I can stay and you guys would have this night off, I would feel bad if you guys couldn't celebrate this special day as you have repeated many times *smiles*』

『Ahh!!! Of course!!!! No one is watching us, between us we can cover for each other!!!! As long as the 3 of us say we do our job and there is proof of it,then we'll be fine!!!! 』

『And again you want to take advantage of the good person that Manako-san is, now even asking her to cover for you herself and lie, and I don't think it will work』- 『But saving what you said before Koki, that right here at the town hall, we can celebrate Christmas? *smile* 』 

At this moment, Koji felt like the smartest of the 3, that even Koki and Manako were very surprised by what Koji just thought, to this of course he was right, although it is forbidden to have celebrations at the town hall or any act that harms the police and in all respects, but if at least it is a small party that is the ultimate goal then. ..At this both Koki and Koji would turn to look at Manako as if waiting for her to have the final decision, they would stare at her with joy on their faces since....

『It wouldn't be bad after all, if we clean up our little mess, maybe no one will notice and we would fulfill our turn successfully, it's okay *smiles* let's have fun the 3 of us together 』.

Manako who is upright and always does what her superiors tell her to do, the one who does her job perfectly, is willing to do a little disrespect? At this Koki and Koji were so happy that they couldn't hide it, and at this they were clapping their hands together for getting away with it, at this Manako was also happy while still sitting on the couch, where at this both Koji and Koki were still with their palms up looking at Manako, and even moved it with a smile on their faces, to this Manako was confused where she also nervously and shyly raised her palms to be visible, and the moment they were free, both brothers with their respective palms.


They also clapped Manako's hands to show that the 3 of them are in this together. After finishing what they just did, they quickly seem to coordinate how they will do their party.

『First we'll need food and drinks!!! But where can we get that? I don't think there's enough to order and bring it to us...』

『We also want to keep it as inconspicuous as possible, they might find out we call delivery guys and all, they might get suspicious, the safest thing to do is to go to eating establishments or even the trusty Konbinis out there, the closest one is a few blocks away from city hall...』

『Of course!!! The Konbinis!!! Good thinking Koji, though they cater too? I'd be to see it direct, well!!!! Got me in the mood for pizza and fried chicken though!!!! That's inside the city but if it's far away...ahhh!!!! Since it's been snowing lately, all the streets and houses have snow on top of them, does that hurt at all?』

『Well, the more the snow is gathered the heavier it is and the more it is solid』.

『Solid? Well I feel it as soft 』 

『But there's a reason you can build small bases out of snow, it retains heat and I think it also retains sound, whuaaaa...we should have brought some coats...it's starting to get really cold....』

『You're right...I'm shivering all over my body...Stay at the town hall Manako-san, we'll go bring everything we need for the party, and you'd better stay warm, it's really cold in here 』

『It's better that you take care of yourself, we would feel very bad if you get sick on our watch, so keep everything closed, yes? We'll be back in a few minutes Manako-san! 』

To this the brothers Koki and Koji were going to buy everything necessary for the party, where to this Koji as concern suggested him to have everything closed, and even with his hand next to his face he made the sign that everything should be closed, this Manako understood perfectly, since the cold can affect him, especially for his eye, since it is practically what occupies more size in his face, and therefore it is more prone to ills than the other species in that aspect. To this Manako called his attention that he had noticed this, where he said goodbye to his friends Koki and Koji waving his hand, he was going back into the town hall, of course he can not close the place, that would be wrong, but remembering how they are and how attentive they have been, maybe....

From the minutes that have been passing, to this Manako came out of the town hall, and it really was getting cold, although no of course there were no blizzards or anything, he could stand it, but if it gets to be longer than expected in this quiet cold of Winter, of course it would end up affecting him. A policeman should always be attentive to everything and ready to go to a call for help, but seeing the quiet area, the quiet streets, his breath was also quiet as a form of steam as soon as he went out, the surrounding houses were also all lit up because they were celebrating these days. At this, Manako put a smile on her face and said...

『What a peaceful day...』

With his cheeks red from the cold, he looked up and looked down at his eyes where...he quickly placed his hand over his eye, as he knew that the snow would fall if he didn't do so and it might become not dangerous, but uncomfortable as time went by. At this he smiled in joy, so maybe if he ended up doing what Brother Koji told him, he would go on to take the door of the Town Hall and was going to close it....


At this Manako quickly turned around worried about what she ended up hearing, at this she stopped wanting to close the door of the town hall in order to attend to the one who had heard her, at this she could see clearly, how a girl was tired from running all the way here for help, she was touching her bent knees while catching her breath, and it doesn't seem to be just her having come, a Lizardman was by her side who upon seeing the policeman, he became nervous that all the while he was with a sweat on his forehead.

『Please wait...My friend...Ron...』

The girl was Jun who after all that Lain told her, thought of nothing else but to ask for help to the nearest police, who Jun was able to catch her breath, this did not take away how worried and nervous she was about what might be happening right now if it was true or not, but she trusted that Lain would not joke with something like that. To this they didn't even enter the Town Hall, but directly Jun told the police what might be happening, and with the snow still falling quietly in this night sky. Manako looked determined in something like this, after all someone is always going to need someone else's help, no matter what, her duty is always to go to those in need.


December 24, ****

Time: 22:00

Just as everyone has their time off, not everyone can afford that luxury that many consider, either because they have to keep working to support themselves, because they have a duty to perform or simply because they felt like continuing with their own, with their work, is something that at the end of the day you take a responsibility more than the account, especially when you feel you have not done anything productive lately, we are living beings, and therefore if we do not do something that satisfies us that need to feel useful or to have done something even, an advance in any kind, a small growth of: I have done this on this day, if you don't have that need to be productive, in the end you are just a selfish person that what you think and do, is not the best to what you could really do.

The night before Christmas does not spare even those who have their role to play, the world is not going to stop just because it is a holiday, there are many cases, and in all of them we are now near the huge ocean that surrounds our country. As it is winter, it is colder than usual, you can feel the icy salty wind as soon as you take a small breath, you have to be warm or you could get sick, you can hear the machinery stacking huge rectangular boxes one on top of the other, as if they were a set of claws or tongs, They were taking these containers and loading them one after the other in the cargo ships that were going to leave today, you could notice that it was not completely full if we want to say it, it seems that only people who have to fulfill their work today came to work, you can see that they were well sheltered doing their job well. There was everything although few are, the group that maneuvered the machines needed to move the containers, such as cranes, forklifts and the most common options there are to move containers, would come to be the displacement equipment, that these same use bearings or special rollers depending on what use and purpose you want to have.

There was also the supervisor to always have everything in order what the containers contain, so that there is no error and always be able to send the right thing, necessary and everything meets the quality standards that they must handle. It seems that everything that is being moved right now is only for a cargo ship, you can notice that all the containers present are for that purpose, and every time they placed a container on the cargo ship, you could notice although he is always careful, as he made the ship move a little, to be able to fix them and that they do not fall, they use the twistlocks, that would come to be rotating closures to hold the containers fixedly, they can be done manually or semiautomatic, but you can notice that in the same way to be sure they always make human intervention so that everything is correct. 

At this point it was easy to realize where we were, it was a port of the country, of the more than 100 that has all Japan, this would not come to highlight much for now, only fulfills a role of the most important of the country that would be the export of their products. This port in the northern direction of the country, is called: Kaizo Port.

In all this the Supervisor, since he was the one who was documenting everything in his file so that it was in order, besides being the one who was seeing and giving the approval of each container that had to be transported tonight, he looked a bit like to say, thoughtful and even sad, he had his face covered with a balaclava, he was not the only one, workers who also wanted to protect themselves from the cold also used it, in addition to wool gloves and the coat that we said before. You couldn't see his eyes either, as he was also wearing special glasses that come with the balaclava, now that I see him, more than a piece of equipment they have at work, it looks more like it is for personal use, as if it was to protect himself from the snow, ah! Like what a ski expert would use. He looks calm and innocent at first glance. He looked up as he noticed that the container loads he had to check for the moment have already stopped, he is waiting for his time to come again and for more products to come from those who count on his support. He looked at his side of the port, and it is amazing how quiet it is, when everything stops working for a small moment, even a noisy place can become the quietest. He watched as some colleagues gathered to take a break, where the same Supervisor...

『And how are you doing these days, is there any good news? 』

『Lately I see that things are getting better, that's the good thing, when you make an effort life itself makes up for it, but...You know the problem I'm facing with my family, it's a difficult situation, I just hope my ex-wife keeps her word this time』.

『The thing about spending important dates together as a family, with your daughter, uhm...although I don't understand you, why are you still trying to reconcile with your former wife after all the bad things you lived with her, she is no longer the woman you married, sorry for what I'm about to say, but she became quite a witch』.

『Hahaha...I think so too, but please don't call her that, I...I'm trying my best so that my daughter who is still a little girl will still have what she loves so much...』

『A united family, you know that's already impossible my friend』


At this a duo of colleagues were in a rest area that was in the same port, they have come today to fulfill their work role, they are not going to stay until late at night, it is only a small easy job to do, they will have time to get home to celebrate Christmas, to this the one who was calm and without problems could be seen normal, because he has no mishap, but the one who if he has problems, hopes and prays to be able to spend this time a Christmas as it should be. His worried face said it all.

『I say that -------』

『You don't have to harm yourself for something that you know is bad for you, in that kind of situations the best thing is to move away from everything and start from zero, when you see that everything that follows in front of you in just suffering, the best thing is to take a step back and think things better, it is something at least that I think 』

As the friend was about to give his opinion on the matter, another voice appeared at the same moment, it was one that you wouldn't take seriously when you hear it, if it catches you at a moment when you don't see it coming, you might even be amused by the way his voice sounds. They happened to look at the duo and realized who it was, the Supervisor couldn't help but overhear their conversation so he could also be part of it.

『...I understand what you mean Chief, that everyone has the opportunity to make the best decision for themselves, I know it doesn't seem to be the best for me, with all that I suffered because of my ex-wife, she even takes a large percentage of what I earn working here at the port...it would be better not to try anymore but...everything I'm going through, I know it will be the best for my daughter *decided*』.

At this we could see the conviction of the father of the family, who despite the fact that many of his colleagues were already advising him to stop doing all this and start again, of course he is aware of them, but he does not intend to give up what he knows is the best way for his daughter.

『The best for your daughter *smiles* You are a great father, my dad too when he was still alive, he was the best of all for me. So as you may have already realized, you can't run out of options, there's always a way to correct inconveniences, I still strongly think you should stay away from that woman, have you already thought about keeping custody of your daughter? Starting from scratch with your daughter is the best thing to do, and I'm sure you know it yourself 』

『Yes, it was the first idea that came to my mind, but I didn't do it, unlike my Wife who didn't even hesitate to ask for custody of my daughter, now the case is still in process, since what she accused me of being a bad father, he has no way to support it nor does he have proof, but every time I hear her talk about me, I can tell she hates me a lot. ...』-『It's not like she's a bad person either, she just hates me, but she loves our daughter very much, and I know that if she stayed with her she would lead a happy and peaceful life, but I also...I want to be with my daughter...she loves us very much and if we are separated for good, I know it would hurt her very much...』

To this the father of the family was devastated, every time he remembered his case with his family, his voice would break as he continued to recall how he ended what would become one big happy family. To this his partner patted him in order to reassure him, even offering him to forget about it and better go to the end to drink together, but of course, the father of the family would not want that and would rather be with his family, although he knows he will have a hard time....

『*Smile* I remembered, your name is Atsu, and yours is Kota, as I come here every time I have to work I might forget some names, but I'm glad I remembered them. So to be clear Atsu, your situation is that you are fighting with your wife and she hates you a lot, I will not go into deeper issues, she is mean to you and takes your earnings, but put up with all those abuses so that your daughter is happy and continue to have the appearance of being a United Family. I can imagine, I guess when you and your wife are together in front of your daughter, you act like a united family, but when that time is over, she sure looks at you as the worst thing in the world. 』-『I can think of many ways to solve this, you know, there's always a way to fix everything *smiles* So I want you to tell me something straight Atsu, do you really love your wife?』

To this the Supervisor quickly deduced it and believed he had the reason for this, when he said he can solve this, he said it very confidently as if he had the power to do it, it's funny the way he became serious at the last looking fixedly at Atsu, the Family Father in front of the question he knew it was decisive, since he knows perfectly well what this "Supervisor" could do his answer was....

『Yes, I still love her *smiles*』.

At this the Supervisor despite having glasses to protect himself from the cold, he stared at Atsu who seems to show confidence and truth his answer, where the Boss....

『I understand, then it is said, I will support you in every possible way then, I promise you that at the end of it all, you will have a happy ending Atsu together with your daughter, while your ex-wife, let's say it will be somewhat different 』

『Eh? No! That's not what I said, why----』

『Atsu, for important decisions that mark your happiness from here on out, I don't want you to deceive yourself again, if you wanted to say that you don't love her you should have just said it, if you wanted to say that you wanted to keep custody of your daughter, you should have just said it, I want you to trust me as I trust you, that's how a true friendship is formed and how we really are, don't be a fake, is that clear, Atsu, Kota? 』

To this the Supervisor clearly told Atsu and Kota about what he thinks about this situation, where both workers were nervous and doubtful about this, the funny voice that was a moment ago at the beginning, right now if gave to impose a lot. To this Atsu seems to disagree with this, so there seems to be a complaint to his boss's decision.

『Boss...I just want to know one thing...first thank you for realizing my mistake, I promise you that I will be more reliable from now on, much more than before!...But...what exactly is going to happen to my ex-wife?...』

『You know perfectly well what happens when someone gets in our way, you know perfectly well when one gets in the way of personal matters, I see you as a partner and friend Atsu, and who hurts my friends...I'm willing to do anything...』

To this what he said before leaving, with his eyes turned around looking at his companions, even by pure human instinct of the Boss, he changed his voice to an intimidating and serious one to make an impact at the right time. When he finished with his words, he decided to leave seeing that he is going to do something good for a friend in these times, where Atsu to this only sat back down because of how shocking it was to hear him, where to this Kota was nervous, his hand was shaking and he was even about to say.

『Hey Atsu, we'd better tell the cops---』

『No Kota, don't be silly, it's just like the Boss said, he trusts us so we should trust him, that's the friendship he made with all the workers in that port, you will also understand as time goes by Kota, that the Boss...is just a child...』

『A child? what?...you're telling me he's my junior?...ehh...I can't even imagine him being your friend...』

To this the Supervisor walked calmly towards the infirmary area that they have in the Port, where from what happened to walk slowly he quickly increased the speed little by little, until he started to run to reach his destination, when he arrived to the infirmary he could find what he was afraid to see with his own eyes, as the Chief said, he appreciates friendship very much and in personal matters he is capable of doing anything for those he cares about, so when he saw Lynn to pick him up. ...he still remembers...how he had his mouth covered with blood stained cloth, his whole chest and body with sharp claws that hit him. Right now he has been treated by the nurse who has the Port of Kaizo, but of course, he has not helped him at all, only applied first aid to make him stable, but not to cure him.

『For now all I could do was to treat him with tranquilizers and painkillers to reduce the pain and stop the bleeding from his jaw...I never thought I would see something like this...I'm sorry for not meeting your expectations, but now that I see it...it scares me a lot that there are cases like this...』

『Don't worry, you did a good job, rather thank you for treating my friend and avoiding a worse ending, already when we board the other ship they will treat him as they should, there are specialized doctors and experts in these extreme issues 』

To this they quickly took Lynn who could not speak in all the journey they made to get to Port Kaizo, he looked quiet, with his eyes mostly closed and very weakened, at that moment the Chief was really afraid, he knew that his friend was not going to die, but if he did...if he did...At that moment he happened to look at Ron who was also in the car with them, as she was asleep and....

『I didn't realize you were here Towa, and...why are you holding Lynn's hand? 』

『Because this is how I transfer my strength to him, right now Lynn lost a lot of life force in his being, I have plenty of it in my body, so what I do right now, is transfer my life force to him so he can recover fast and so he can spend fun days with him again!!!! He's my friend, I don't know many other things besides being an assassin, so this is the only thing I can do to support him...』

『More than life force, he needs blood transfusion, as he's an Elf he's not going to use just any blood we bring him, he's going to need someone of his own species to do it, again I'm sorry I can't do more for Lynn...』

『Don't worry, I already said that when we board the other ship we will take care of him properly, I will not allow Lynn to die (I hope my workers who are going to meet will have an elf at their disposal...)』

At this a scene was happening in the middle of the Kaizo Port Infirmary Post, where the Overseer hadn't noticed, but Towa, the Oni was on his knees shaking Lynn's hand with all his might, it even looks like he's going to crush her hand, and what's that about life energy?

『O was it magic? Mana? Something like that I heard Lynn said that there is something that runs through our body and then makes us stronger with great abilities , I don't remember very well 』

『Magic? Mana? Those things don't exist and never existed, all the abilities of the Species is by natural own merits, all have logic, that of magic or mana, what things do you 2 mostly talk about? 』

『*smile*Friend stuff shhh』

『*annoyed* I'm his friend too, I want to know too!!!』

At that time when the Chief and Towa were talking, they quickly noticed how Lynn started to move, to this they all quickly became attentive to this, to see how Lynn reacted, since before she could not even move, from the stretcher where she was and they even injected her through a vein with tranquilizers, she lifted her upper body where she looked around, where she heard Towa and her Chief worried about her condition, when she noticed that Towa was touching her hand, she looked at her friend and....

『Eh? what's he saying? Why is he looking at you, is he saying something to you? I don't know...mentally...』

『Eh?...To hold you tighter? I knew it! He's recovering because I'm giving him my energy!!!!! Good Lynn!!! Get as much as you want!!!』

Towa commented thinking he was right, but what was happening was that Lynn was kind of tapping him with her hand, and since Towa was bigger and his hands covered Lynn's whole hand, he misunderstood everything and...


He ended up getting a blow on the head from his boss when he noticed that Towa squeezed Lynn's hand more tightly, and even he made a gesture of suffering that he could not stand it anymore. What Lynn wanted to say from the beginning was to stop squeezing his hand because it was hurting him. At that moment they heard that more vehicular transports were arriving at Kaizo Port, and they needed the Chief to supervise everything.

『It seems that the last cargo has arrived, it won't take us long to load the containers, in 20 min we are also going to leave with the ship, I will attend to this last job in the meantime, Towa can you carefully take Lynn to board the Cargo Ship? 』

『Are we leaving already? Perfect, I already want to get on the other ship and start warming up, come on Lynn, you too will soon feel better friend *smiles*』

At this the Chief was going to attend to the last shipments that arrived at the Port, where he looked back worried about how they were going to carry Lynn, where he could only observe how Towa was carrying Lynn in his arms as a princess, although he told her carefully, as if he was carrying a doll...

『Okay! Let's do this last job to end the day!』

To which he was running and reaching the cargo carts that came with the products to be loaded to the containers, this one was ready to continue doing tonight's work, but quickly one of his colleagues commented that before that, it seems that there are some matters before that he must attend to, to that the Supervisor looked to the side and was confused with this, since....

『My name is Manako and I am a Police Officer from the region! I would like to be able to make a general check of the Port, since...it has been accused of attempted kidnapping of Species and minors...*decided*』

Manako appeared in the Kaizo Port in front of the Supervisor, who Manako was not the only one in the place, but there were also more companions behind her, a young man who called himself Nai, he looked very scared to be in the Port, and also what disturbed the Supervisor, is that there were also 4 minors. This made him very curious...why are there 3 humans and one Species...3?.....

『Attentive to Kidnapping? what?』

To this was very confused the Supervisor who did not understand why he was being accused in this way, where Manako to this was showing him his police ID and that thanks to this he was allowed direct passage to the Port, to this quickly the Supervisor would pass to look at the workers who guided him here, where these better went on to do their work.

『Haber haber, I want to understand well what is going on here, you are a policeman of the coastal area where we are, right? 』

『No, we are not from this area, we are from the district below this one, it took us more than an hour to get here because a citizen has a suspicion that here...there is Species trafficking...*decided*』

To this Manako although she was determined, she was insecure in her words, she had never done this type of intervention before and you can tell that everything she says is not entirely clear, even not being so frank or changing words that should not, to this the Supervisor realized that she is inexperienced in this subject, but at least she realized what happens, the police can not find out things just like that, someone should have said it, and she knows perfectly well that one of the police escorts was who made this accusation.

『I understand that she is doing her job, but for such an important role as a police officer, even if she is just a rookie, she should be well aware that her words carry a lot of weight, first she says I am accused, then she says I am under suspicion, I don't think she is referring personally to me, but to everyone involved in Kaizo Port, or am I wrong? 』

『Eh?..Ahh...no! That's not what I mean!!! I'm not accusing you directly Sir!!! just that...(ahh...I'm getting nervous...) Yes! There are suspicions that in Kaizo Port there is movement and it's involved in the kidnapping of Species!!!! *nervous*』

At this Manako was nervous, and tried to order her words well, at this she tried to look at the Supervisor who seems to be the highest rank in the Port now, where he was staring at her, where Manako doesn't know why, but she prefers to avoid the gaze of this guy.

『Uhm...first I want to know who of all those behind you was the one who accused us with the police, I hope it's just a bad Christmas joke』.

『Nobody!!! No one was!!!』


『None was!!! (I forgot that when minors are involved, the one who filed the complaint should not be disclosed...ahhh...)』

To this Manako was nervous that she happened to close her eye and tremble because of what she just did, where to this the Supervisor was no fool, he happened to look especially at Nai who this still hadn't realized who this supervisor was, rather he was nervous of why he hasn't taken his eyes off her for a while now.

『I was the one who raised the complaint!!! 』

To this Jun raised his hand straight and determined at that moment, where Nai and his other friends did not understand what was happening, but they were worried, the only one who was surprised of the bad job he did, was Manako who turned her eye opened again showing her insecurity.

『You better stay back Jun-san, I'll -----』

『I was the one who raised the complaint with you, so I'm only going to ask one thing, give me back my friend Ron right now』.

At this Jun went on to face the Supervisor who was serious at all times, and noticing that Jun walked to be in front of him, and show him very well what he feels, to this the Supervisor even though he was covered his face, if you could tell he must be taking it seriously.

『Your friend Ron? I don't know who you are talking about, this is a Port, where we transport by sea various products, that is what we do here, it is not a base that operates kidnapping people just like that, surely that came out of your imagination little girl』

『AHA!!! You just confessed it!!! You just said that this is a base that kidnaps people!!!! Gotcha!!!』


To this Jun pointed her finger at the Supervisor who did not understand what she was referring to, because she looked determined and above all annoyed with him, to this she told Manako to stop him once and for all and to tell him where her friend Ron is, but Manako knows that it is not that simple, not simply by accusing of a very serious crime such as kidnapping people, and dictates sentence for the person involved, as in any case, you must have clear evidence and especially that these acts are being done, if only remains empty words. ..

『Jun-san, I'm afraid it's not as you think...』

『Eh? But he already confessed, why don't you stop him officer?

『That thing that I said we are a base that kidnaps people, I brought it up because of everything they are accusing us of, coming from the imagination of a little girl it's not hard to think that you would say something like that, and I see that I was right 』

『Don't call me a little girl!!! 』


To this Jun without thinking about it, ended up giving a strong blow to the Supervisor in the whole face, who ended up falling to the ground by the blow that was given to him, even fell down on the ground because of the strong blow that was given to him. To this Jun wanted to continue hitting him since it is clear to her, but to this Manako would go on to stop Jun from continuing, if it can't get worse, also Nai was helping so that it would not be this way.

『Stop Jun-san!!! What you are doing can end badly for you!!』

『The one doing bad things is this guy and all these people!!!! We must give him what he deserves!!!!』

『Jun-san!!! I think you should stop a little too!!』

At this the Supervisor was lying on his back on the ground, when he opened his eyes he could only notice how the snow was falling, but it wasn't the only thing he managed to look at, since next to him he managed to see another girl, who was Ema and...with a gesture of annoyance, he lifted his foot and....


He ended up stomping hard all over the Supervisor's stomach, who like a cartoon ended up raising his legs and upper body to show pain.

『Well done Ema!!! You guys don't lag behind either!!! We'll take care of this guy, you guys take down the other workers and look for Ron!!!! We have to infiltrate and rescue our friend 』

Jun to this was that being held by Nai and Manako but as if he was holding her thousands and living the moment, like a gladiator he was telling his other friends to continue with the plan they already talked about before, it seems that the one of infiltrating the enemy's secret base to rescue Ron, which they were talking about while they were coming here, was not just a joke.

At this Giji and Kyto happened to look at the other workers who were unloading the cargo from the trucks and these themselves also happened to look at them, as if indicating that this is not the best thing to do, nor do they want to do it, they just stood still without further ado in their places, where Jun.

『But what are you idiots doing!!! Not that they want to rescue Ron!!! Don't just stand still and do something!!!』-『Learn Ema's good example!!! She's giving that rat her comeuppance!!!! That's my Ema! Hit her harder!!!』

Giji and Kyto as they turned to see how Ema was doing, to this the Supervisor was standing, he was moving as if he was dizzy, where quickly there was no one in front of him, and from one moment to another, Ema appeared in his back taking him by the hands and turning his wrists to stand still, she put her foot in and with her own weight she knocked him to the ground and was crushing his back, all this while the Supervisor was making noises of pain, while Ema.

『They are bad people, they will pay dearly, I swear by my parents!』

『Stop hitting me girl! That hurts! !!!! AHhh!!!』 What's going on here!!!』

To this Ema was applying a headlock where the Supervisor could only succumb to the superiority on display here. Where after all the abuse that was going on, where Ema was going to keep hitting the Overseer, Kyto better came to be able to stop her friend and stop this superiority of force once and for all, Jun was also stopped at that moment, as Giji was telling her that we better calm things down.

『Jun, stop it...stop making a fool of yourself...』

Giji told him as it was at that moment, where neither Manako nor Nai who were stopping him managed to calm Jun down, but when Giji intervened, it kind of influenced his acting more, he calmed down at this moment and said....

『Yeah...I think it's better...first find out what they're doing is true...and then we'll keep on beating that guy up...』

That when everyone took a step back and Manako wanted to continue with the simple review to remove the doubts about the accusation of kidnapping Species, they found the Supervisor lying face down on the floor, who could not move at all, Manako began to be afraid, because if what these children said, especially Jun is a false accusation, now that they applied and physically abused this guy, they easily have more to lose ...

『(Ahh!! Let this end well...)』

After a few minutes where the Overseer could finally recover, he took his time to take a few breaths to calm down, he also wanted to stretch his body, but when he heard a creaking sound, he decided not to continue with it.

『Well...now I'm really annoyed!!! I'm going to recap it for you, first you come with accusations that we kidnapped people here!!! Which you yourselves can check it out, you have the whole Kaizo Port to do your review you have to do, you can search every corner and prove to me that the accusation is true!!!! Although that we can't do either, especially the containers, since-----』

『In the containers!!! That's where they are holding people hostage!!! Hey!!! Scream or hit if you're being kidnapped!!!』

Jun to this again interrupted the Supervisor in the middle of his words, where he quickly implied that they had the people and species sequestered there, he went to the nearest container on the ground and would go to hit to imply that he was right, but the more he hit and shouted, nothing happened.

『Since they are already marked and ready to load to the cargo ship, having to open them even if it is the cargoes we already have ready, that would only hurt us, either in time and we would put several products in danger of spoiling』-『Secondly, the products we mostly transport are ----』

『Ron!!! You are here!!! Ron!!! Meow if you hear me!!! Ron!!!』

『Oh!!! What an annoying girl!!!』

At this Jun didn't hesitate and went straight away just as they finished unloading all the products from the trucks they saw, where the workers at this were confused and didn't know what to do with the girl, at this Jun was shocked by what she was seeing, as she could only see....

『What is this...it's worse than I imagined...they don't just kidnap people...they also mutilate them!!!』

『It's beef!!!! Watch your words I don't want bad rumors from Port Kaizo!!!』

To this Jun was impressed because he mistook the pieces of meat they were transporting for mutilated bodies, to this the Supervisor would go on to comment and report that mostly the products they export to the rest of the world, are high quality meat products, which have a variety of meats and cuts that already have even buyers who paid for it, and not only stays in meats, but they are also responsible for transporting various food products of the country, such as snacks, sweets, soups, among others. This is mostly what Kaizo Port is dedicated to exporting.

『It is a small port as you can see, is not prepared to export vehicles and other heavy products as are the main ports of the country, we only handle mostly edible products to bring to the rest of the world, we are dedicated to this for years, if you want you can check our credentials, even the government has us registered and under review every season, we comply with all regulations, we are even gaining credibility for being a Port on the rise in recent years by the effectiveness and efficiency that we manage, that is why even before our good reputation, we are accused of nothing that people are kidnapped here? species? After all the disrespect we have received, I will not allow them to continue to stain the lives of humble workers who strive every day to move forward. I'm very upset but!!!Ahhh...*sigh* You can check if you want the containers that are still open, but do it quickly!!! That's where we are going to load our products to be transported!!! I'm also going to give you the freedom to explore as I said every corner of the Port, you can ask who you want to see, we are close to celebrate Christmas, so let's finish this in the best way, do you think? 』

The Supervisor's anger was understandable, his way of reacting was understandable after everything that had been going on, he was even tolerant until the end, since he could have easily thrown them out of the port so that they would not continue to bother him, but he gave them the opportunity to look for him themselves.

『With the truth you speak and with the truth you make decisions, if you really trust that here is your friend, then prove it 』.

To this the Supervisor finished speaking and had his arms folded and showing that he was being very tolerant for this lack of offense, to this Jun did not like the attitude of the Supervisor, who walked in front of him and looked at him in a bad way and telling him that she is right. To this the others also followed Jun in order to look for Ron where he is. Where Manako to this had to do one of 2 things, stay with the Supervisor to calm things down or continue with the children because...To this Manako was trying to make a decision, but at that Nai happened to look at the Supervisor, since the last words of trusting....

『Can I have a word with you for a moment, please』.

『Yes, I feel a little better now, what can I do for you?』

While they were about to have a conversation that seems to escalate further, the children, Jun, Ema, Giji and Kyto, were searching and had the freedom to go wherever they wanted to go all over the Port, first of all even though they said it was a small Port, actually when you are already inside, it feels like a very huge one, To this Jun was worried and taking a breath, she was shouting her friend's name.


She was screaming her friend's name to every area where she went, she was not the only one, also Ema was searching for her part for better efficiency, Ema was looking at the huge containers, cranes and other machinery, where she was also screaming her friend's name to be able to look for her. To this she didn't see much chance of locating her, so she thought of climbing into one of the containers there but....

『CAT!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! CAT!!! I HAVE SOME DELICIOUS INSECTS FOR YOU!!! COME!!! CAT!!!....(where could she be...what's more...I went to Jun because he told me that Ron was being kidnapped, but with everything we saw...) CAT!!!! PLEASE COME!!!』

Kyto to this was also looking for his side, screaming and shouting, to this how they met is simple, since Jun quickly to learn what was happening, while going to the nearest town hall, happened to call all his friends, since for them it is also important to them her friend. They also did not tell their relatives or anything about the reason why they were leaving, they only said that they were going for a while, or as in the case of Giji: I have to help a friend.

That was the last thing his family heard before he left the house in a hurry, who's parents were happy about this, as they surely thought he was going to spend Christmas with that Neko Species their son loves so much.

『RON!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! PLEASE SHOW UP!!! RON!(But...Ron has really been kidnapped?...I listened to Jun without hesitation since I trust her a lot, I wouldn't joke with something as serious as a friend being kidnapped...But with everything we've seen since we've arrived...everything indicates that nothing strange is going on...but...Why is Lain with us? And above all, what tells me that I should trust Jun, is that guy who welcomed us...my instinct tells me...that I should be careful with him...)』

At this Giji was screaming her friend's name too, she was walking with her Harpy paws around the area, screaming and screaming, and even the containers that were on the ground, some that were open, she was looking at them and...not even with the heightened senses that she has, as they said, she can only smell meat and other products that she ate herself. To this he would pass to look at the sky, Ron is very naughty, for sure if he was with them, he would be jumping from container to container while showing off proud of his antics. 

『How easy it would be to call Ron, but he never answers our calls...wait!!!I can call Ron's parents, Fuu and Yume, who better than parents can tell us if Ron is ok!!!! After all if they had kidnapped their daughter, they would be the first to move sea and land to find her』.

At this Giji remembered something, he moved to leave the area where he was while he took out his phone and dialed Ron's parents, with his wing he held his phone and placed it to his ear, where it was ringing, that seemed normal to him but....

『Uhm? They usually don't take too long to answer』

『AHHH!!! EMA!!! 』

At this a scream was heard, it was Kyto who screamed at the moment, quickly Giji approached to know what was going on, who upon seeing him could not believe it, Kyto was scared and worried about his friend, since somehow or another, Ema was on top of the containers.

『How did you get all the way up Ema!!! It's very dangerous!!! I'll help you down right now!!!』

『It looks much better from up here isn't it? Don't worry Kyto, this is nothing *smiles*』.

『What do you mean, it's nothing!!! Sometimes you do a lot of things that one wouldn't imagine you would do !!!』

『RON!!! RON!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! i'm going to make you some caricatures!!! RON!!!』

At this Kyto was worried and quickly tried to climb up the containers however he could to get his friend down, where Giji to this he thought it would be very good that he could fly to search from the heights but...At that the last twitch of answering the call was over, this was very weird Giji felt it, maybe they are already partying with family and they don't have time to answer calls, maybe if it is a joke or misunderstanding after all. 

『The one who told Jun that Ron has been kidnapped is Lain, but why did she call herself Nai at the beginning when we arrived? 』

When Kyto was trying to climb the containers, he did not understand how Ema could climb one on top of another container, they are too big and there is no way to hold on besides the end, to this Ema who was watching everything, managed to see Kyto's concern, who smiled at him and as if he was playing, he moved back and went out of reach of Kyto's sight instead of trying to climb down his front. At this Kyto was worried and confused, how does he plan to go down from there, maybe...At that he was going to go to the other area where Ema went up, quickly turning around, he ended up running into Ema, even gave her a scare.

『Ema!!! How!!.how did you come down so fast? 』

Where to Ema to this she simply continued on her way looking for Ron, where Kyto knew he wasn't going to give her an answer, like he is realizing that Ema also likes to hide many things, he doesn't know if it's because they amuse her or she likes to have that mysticism created around her. To this she had no choice but to keep searching but this time she prefers to do it near Ema so that she doesn't do something crazy again, who her friend noticing Kyto walking beside her as if protecting her in what she can get involved in, this made her smile of joy at the moment.

『¿? Is something wrong Giji? You look lost 』

『No, just...I just called Ron's parents, but they didn't answer the call, which is weird since they always answer fast』.

『I'm sure they are celebrating Christmas properly, they don't want anyone to disturb them to have family time, my mother also does the same, she even often makes me put my phone aside to spend time together, I had it on silent, but the mania of checking again and again helped me to be here *smiles*』-『I just left before she got upset and took my phone away, I didn't tell her anything, I'll call her now so she can be calm』.

『Yes, it must be that very thing (although it's weird to me anyway...)』

『Alo! Mommy!!! I'm out with some friends and now we're -------』

At that moment when Kyto dialed his mother to let her know more in detail why he left home late at night, how quiet he looked, quickly a loud cry of scolding was heard from his mother, even Kyto scared away as much as he can his phone from his ear, to this Giji could hear how she was calling his attention and demanding him to come back at once to spend Christmas with family.

『Yes mommy, I'll be back before midnight, don't worry, right now ------』

When he wanted to explain again, his mother commented and shouted to him that he better go back right now, that his uncles and other relatives were coming to the house, Kyto was worried and his expression knew that this was going to take time, so he waved to Ema and Giji that they should look for their part, and as a help he indicated them the place that needed to be checked, which was the medical apartment that the port had.

Where Ema and Giji went to go to that place, where Giji looked confused in his face, he feels that what they are doing is somewhat wrong, he does not feel any indication that his friend could be here, moreover... knowing Ron she can not be caught easily if they want to kidnap her, she should be like them with her family, and Giji knows that even if they are in danger, that Species, Nekomata Yume would not allow something like that...

『I'm glad you have doubts Giji, I can see in your face that despite everything we are doing, you think Ron is safe and sound at home 』-『I'm also coming to think that Ron is fine with his parents, but I'm also worried, I've known Jun since she was little and I know that when it comes to serious things she's not one to joke around, you saw her recently, she's incapable of reasoning when it comes to helping a friend, she just does it and that's it, she also has many doubts in her mind and wants to clear them by seeing it for herself』-『Jun also wants to check that it's just a bad joke that was played on her』

They continued walking towards the medical area, where looking back they could see how the huge machinery was already loading all the containers to the cargo ship, to this Giji thought that maybe it is also just a joke, but why did Lain say it in the first instant, if she just wanted everyone to spend it together this Christmas she should have said it and not resorted to something like this. 

『Something that says we got carried away by our concern for our friend and didn't think things through. After we leave the port, we can go to the Nekomata Family house to clear our doubts, I feel that when we arrive, we will feel relieved』.

At this Ema happened to look at Giji who was walking beside her, and now that she says it she is agreeing with him, they were so carried away by their feelings towards Ron that they didn't think of anything else but to accept him and go to help her, but now that they are calmer and their minds are clearer.

『You're right, we got carried away by our affection for our friend, surely Ron is very happy along with his parents that ...This smell...』

At that Ema as she got closer to the Medical area of the Port, a characteristic smell invaded her at that moment, she could recognize it, so she quickly told Giji to get closer as fast as possible to check it, where to this Giji didn't understand, but seeing that her friend started to run, he did too.

While Manako was with the Supervisor who wanted to ask him some questions about it, because although everything suggests that it is an ordinary Port that nothing bad can happen, because just think about it, it is a Port that is registered with the Government of the country, it is legitimately legal and simply by being a Port, it has strict monitoring of what is done here, of the products that are exported and imported, it has a strict monitoring of what is done here, of the products they export and import, literally it is also in the public eye and in the sight of great important figures of the country, that nothing has happened since its creation and operation, only indicates that it is just that, no crime is committed here.

『Additionally if we assume that we kidnap people here, this would be like a secret base, a secret base in the middle of everyone's view? Please, who could be so stupid to do that, besides thousands of people work here, both human and species, do you think they would all be involved in something as serious and inhumane as human trafficking? They are all humble people with heart, that if they realized that such acts are performed, only one of the thousands, let's say what is the probability that they do not make voice? a complaint perhaps? But nothing, nobody has said anything and nothing bad happens and do you know why? Because we all here are simple workers who are looking for a quiet life, if there is no trust among all, you can not reach a complete stability』.

As if repeating it over and over again to Manako, that nothing is happening here, he is giving him thousands of reasons that are accurate and have justification, you can tell that he is still upset about the treatment he has been given, and he is even in the pose of a defender, after all as someone in a high position of any trade, company, his duty is to protect the welfare of all.

『You are right Sir, I am sorry for all the inconvenience we are causing you tonight, just faced with news this big, we just wanted to check if what I was told was true 』.

『I'm not an expert or anything in this kind of operation, but instead of a policeman coming alone in a case like human trafficking, isn't more preparation needed...like a specialized team? I would have gone in by force to check everything instead of coming formally to ask me if we are doing something wrong or not, it's not like the person is going to say: yes, we kidnap people here *sigh* If you are a police officer and you want to aspire to be better, you should be more direct in your own judgment, that's how they do it in the United States, there if it is more dangerous even for civilians 』

To this Manako before her apology, she bowed to show that she was sorry, it was noticeable that she was a novice in this, from the beginning, to this Nai was watching and it was noticeable worry in her face, and every time he hears him talking to this Supervisor, he is not sure at all who it could be about.

『We should keep working, look at what time it is, call the children and have them go back to their families before it's late, and I hope they don't keep getting into more trouble』-『By the way don't worry, I feel calmer now, I won't say anything nor will I show complaints to the police, I can tell very well that you'll get more nervous if I do』-『It'll all remain a childish prank *smiles*』

『I thank you for your understanding but...I can't shake off the doubt either...that although it may be a heavy childish prank, they have some truth in their words 』.

At this Manako turned to face the Overseer, who as if tired of what to come up with now, again turned to look at Nai who every time he did so, was confused with a bead of sweat on his face.

『It is the first time that a child says that her friend is kidnapped, she did not say it with the intention of joking or that she was lying, she said it with all the truth and security in the world. I did not hesitate to help her and I did not have time to process the news well that without thinking the first thing I did was to come here to check it with my own eye, that's what a policeman does, help who needs it, also when he said that the place of operation was the Kaizo Port, I got confused because it is a Port as you said, on the rise and is gaining popularity, the cargo trucks, the products they carry. ...the thousands of people who work and operate here for many years...they are all normal and humble civilians as you said...everything indicates that there is nothing wrong here...but I can't shake the feeling that...those children are telling the truth or at least something bad might have happened to their friend Ron. And I want to take away that fear they have had since the first time I saw them!』

To this Manako was determined even though everything indicated that it was an ordinary port, it is impossible to think that here they do all kinds of things, as she said, anyone can tell the authorities that bad things happen here, if it had happened long ago they would have received reports or complaints from that port, but nothing, it is clean in all its history. But... Manako could see them, especially the girl Jun, who is afraid that it is true that something bad could have happened to her friend Ron. At the same time Giji and Ema had arrived at the medical department of the Post, where the only one who was there was a nurse who was getting ready to leave the Port, upon arrival he did not look confused or anything, as if he already knew that they were going to check the Port, rather naturally he asked them if they had come because they were in pain or if they had any discomfort. To this Ema commented that if she could enter the room that has the medical apartment, where the nurse calmly told her that she could come in to clarify her doubts.

At this Ema passed to enter where Giji followed behind her, the smell she felt when she came in was getting stronger... but since she arrived at the medical apartment, it started to diminish little by little to a more normal and calm tone. And when he finally reached the area of the individual stretchers and room, he noticed that....

It was mostly clean, but he could tell that there were small traces of blood and that someone had been treated here, to this Ema could tell that it was the same smell that was coming from and guided him there, to this he asked if anyone was treated here on this day, The nurse was surprised and said yes, that someone had been treated here today, that a colleague had tripped and mishandled a box where the products were placed, not the containers, but these same boxes that contain the products and are then placed inside the containers. To this I commented that it fell on his head and that he suffered a small opening, nothing serious since he was wearing a helmet, but it was incredible to think that something like this could happen. He has been treated and for his safety he is going to have days off until he recovers.

『His life is not in danger, it was more of a mild scare, he is still wearing the bandages on his head that were placed this morning.』

To this Ema looked at the traces of blood and if...although it is minimal, she can detect that it can come from a human, to this there was nothing else, it was the only smell that she could be attentive to. Without more her face showed that she was dissatisfied with her deduction she had, but everything indicated that she is telling the truth, it usually happens when the truth does not agree with your thinking, Ema knew it so she thanked the Nurse for letting her pass, but before she commented if she knows if something bad happens inside the Port, where the Nurse said:

『Well I wish nothing bad would happen, but as you see there is a medical apartment in the Port for a reason, there are few cases, but there are always going to be people who have an accident happen to them, so my job is to be able to help them as much as I can 』

『I see, you're right, you just want to help others 』

『Yes, I want to save whoever I can save *smiles*』

Ema may have wanted to doubt it, but when she saw and noticed that everything the nurse said was true, her doubts increased more and more, since she did not find what she wanted, which would be bad, since she was looking for a way to prove that bad things happen here. Both Ema and Giji were leaving, where upon giving up with this, Ema could only take a breath and commented.

『Let's do what you said Giji, let's go to Ron's house and get rid of our doubts, it's better than fretting about everything 』.

『Yes (I don't have my sense of smell as developed as I would like, but...I see that Ema is having a hard time, she is getting very restless as she said herself and that is only stressing her out more)』

At this they were returning to be able to meet with the others and go to the Nekomata's house, where Manako was still following who was facing the Supervisor that even though she told him everything, she is still hardened that if or if she wants to be right that bad things happen here, you could not see at that moment because his whole face was covered, but he was upset because they were trying to see beyond what he showed confidence at that moment, and that they do....

『(How I hate this kind of people who trust more in their silly perception not of their own judgment, nor sense of justice for others, but the people who have that hunch and put all their hope in a silly speculation that goes against everything established *I am telling you that there is nothing wrong here, I have shown you that everything is in order, but you even though you know it yourself, you are still hardened to believe in that small non-existent possibility of humanity that goes more to the side of empathy more than anything else. ...that nonsense of believing until the end in a small possibility like !!!! ....tu you go against everything, because you trust those children more, you want to take away the fear you said, you want to support them...that's why you don't take a step back...I see, that's the difference between humanity and what we are)...』

To this of what the Supervisor was getting more and more angry, he could realize at that moment, the difference that there was with him and Manako, the trust that he was repeating and does so much, is very different from what he sees with this one-eyed species... To this he seemed to want to answer him but at that moment all the children had just arrived back to where they were, and seeing them as they came back exhausted because they did not manage to find anything, they were trusting in their hearts in that small possibility and seeing that they did not succeed, they just had to accept that they were not right at all....

『Are you done with the review? How did it go, did you find anything? 』

Nai commented asking everyone, where depressed and sad, with their heads down they all said that they didn't manage to find anything, that just as they were suspecting from the beginning, there was nothing wrong here. Especially Jun was affected by this, as she could feel reluctant that here may be Ron, she even happened to look at Nai as a last hope and said.

『Really...really here is Ron?...』

『No...I don't know...』

Nai was answering without even knowing the truth of all this, she was also falling into the absolute truth of the moment, where Jun hearing from his same friend that he didn't know exactly, she herself clenched her fists, and as all this time she had been worrying and stressing about it, she decided to change her mind.

『Don't joke with that again, it really was a bad joke, I was really worried, but it's better this way, that nothing was true, we better go to Ron's house to celebrate Christmas all together, and when I see that cat all happy and silly like she always was...I'm going to give her a big hug *smiles*』

At this Nai seeing that Jun had better accept the conclusions in a better way, she could not help it, that he was giving her the reason and that everything had been a joke that he himself had planned, at this Jun gave her a strong blow for having given her a bad time, a blow that even though it was serious, Nai did not feel it at all. They told her that they were going to leave and told Manako, who, noticing that the children were leaving, was confused and did not know whether to continue with this case or leave it all over as a misunderstanding. To this also the Supervisor was confused not knowing what to do when noticing that the children were leaving, but in the end he decided and was going to make a call but....

『Oh, my phone is ringing, wait a minute, I still have some unfinished business here...Alo?』

『Manako-san!!! Where did you go!!! We came back and didn't find you at the town hall!!!』

『Koki-san? What's wrong? Why do I hear you agitated and worried...』

『Ahh!!!! You're not going to believe it!!!! But our superior is going to come to our town hall to verify that we are complying with our shift!!!! 』


『A colleague who I wanted to ask for shift change, if I commented to our superior that just in case he goes to our city hall, he commented to me that he said it without further ado, that he gave us a chance to look good with the superior!!!! But you know how he is, if we are not all the group doing our duty on site, we will all pay the same punishment!!! I've heard that he even punished a lot of comrades and left them with 2 weeks of total shift!!! Please come quickly Manako-san!!!! I have a day off on New Year's Day! And I want to spend it with Koji and you!!! Come quickly or we will be punished!!!』

Koki was at the town hall with all the purchases they made, but when he saw the message they received from his colleague who told his superior that he was going to see if they were doing their job, they quickly got scared and even more when they saw that Manako was not there. They kept begging her to return as soon as possible, where Manako of course did not want to be punished, much less that her colleagues also pay for her fault. To this she did not know what to do, if she had to stay and continue with her confidence and small chance of saving someone, or instead go with her companions and avoid a greater danger. To this Manako was nervous and shy not knowing what to do, she kept turning to look at the children and then at the Supervisor.

『Manako-san!!! Please come quickly! Or are you on something more important?!

『No...I...I'm on my way back to the town hall, I'll try to get there in less than an hour』.

『Manako-san...the superior will arrive in half an hour, you will be my hero if you arrive in less time』.

『Half an hour?! Ahh!!! I!!!』

To this she was checking the situation, to continue with her little confidence where she is clearly sure that she is not right, that this Port is legal, or better to go to help her companions to avoid a danger that is real. To this the Supervisor and all who listened were clear, as sympathizing with Manako, they commented to her that she better leave and help who is really in danger.

『You were out for a long time with this winter, you better go back, get better and help your colleagues, they trust you to save them *smiles*』.

At this the Overseer commented to Manako as if giving her a little push, where Manako to this she had decided, she would stop by to thank and apologize again for all the inconvenience, she would quickly run away from the port, also the children and Nai were going to follow her, but at that moment the Overseer would make a call.

『Wait a moment, I don't want you to leave for now, rather I want you to see something 』.

To this the Supervisor was calm and serene, while the children were confused, that when they heard that, they were not going to lie to themselves again, that little hope that they might be right, was illuminated again for a moment. To this they had a small talk commenting on the reason why he wants them to stay for a moment, he indicated that they have permission to board the cargo ship that is about to depart, not to be afraid, that nothing bad will happen to them, while the children was not that they were afraid or not, now that they think about it is the only place they could not check in the whole port, and to be safe they were going into the only ship that would depart tonight.

『While you, I want to have a little chat with you, Lain』.

At this it made Nai who just as he suspected and was nervous from the beginning, and now he could finally clear his doubts, the moment he said his name with which he calls himself, he quickly entered a huge fear, he happened to stutter at that moment, but it was clear who was always in front of him.


Where he quickly went on to show inferiority as well, kneeling down until his head touched the ground, he was impressed and surprised, that even though he had been mostly in his human form at least in the visible parts, his Boss could still recognize him, his human face and his Lizardman face, they were practically the same person....

『Eh? No no no no, why are you kneeling down? I'm no one for you to do that kind of thing, I might even say that it bothers me to be seen as someone superior when in reality I don't see like that at all, come on, stand up Lain 』


『I notice you just as stiff, worried, nervous and serious as the first time we met, with that look you only hint that I'm a horrible person, I think it hurts more that someone sees you with fear rather than anger, you are the only one who had that reaction with me, since many the first time seeing me underestimate me either by my appearance and physique, they made fun of me or think they are better than me, I also think the same, there will always be someone superior to you in the world, but that someone has that thought of me. ..it makes me very uncomfortable 』


『So let's become friends Lain, it's the only way for you to stop seeing me as your superior and start seeing me as your friend, I won't do anything bad to you and we'll treat each other as equals, that's what friends do, right? Show trust in each other *smiles*』


『Yes, friends *smiles* You talk little...I don't think so, you must be very talkative, ah!!! I heard that you can change your appearance to one of a human! That's awesome! That's a great skill! You have a great potential for this, it's also a feature that I know as time goes by it will expand more and more, and it will continue to be something unique!!! What a thrill to be the friend of someone as special as you Lain *smiles*』

『Eh?...ahh!!.yes yes yes! I've made a lot of effort in my metamorphosis to look like a human, it's something that if you are very compatible you can do it, besides I'm also inspired and of course I'm envious that the new species that appear in the world, it's very normal for them to do something as difficult and complicated as changing yourself』-『I...I want to change and be someone special...』

『I like that attitude Lain, but instead of changing, it is called improving *smiles* You will improve a lot Lain, I can see it, depending on the path you take, I know you will be very happy』.

At this they were having a quiet conversation Lain and the Boss, where they were sympathizing a lot, and just as Lynn had told him, the boss is not the image you created yourself, he is just someone with whom you can chat quietly and form a friendship like anyone else. Lain was more confident and supported this idea. Where he would go on to comment on what he wanted from the beginning, suggesting that he let Nekomata Ron go free and that it would only be a scare, he was going to comment on it with confidence, but...

『Tell me something Lain, you were the one who warned the police about what's going on here? 』

『Sorry Boss, in the end the guilt ended up invading me and...yes...I warned a friend I made that her friend may be possibly kidnapped here, I didn't talk to her in detail, I just told her that her friend Ron may be here...』

『I see, I'm not going to berate you or anything, I understand when you sympathize with someone and make a better decision in the home stretch, it happens a lot in the world, it's a very common thing Lain, I'm rather glad you decided for what you thought was right *smiles*』

『So!!! I could...-----』

『I also found out a few hours ago that the plan to abduct the Nekomata Interspecies Ron, was no longer going to be you and Lynn's job, but Lynn had to do the job alone, of course he can handle much more difficult missions, this should have been a piece of cake for him, but you also being involved in this mission, was key for you to see that what we do is not a game Lain』-『Lynn had to do it alone, he doped the whole Family as he knows well how to do it from a distance, he entered the said house, he was going to take Ron, but as he always repeats. ..not everything goes as one expects』-『The mother, Nekomata Yume, a Neko Species could withstand the relaxant they gave him and managed to give Lynn a little fight, it was also his fault and he shouldn't have bragged to his victims, he should have put her back to sleep and nothing else, but things got complicated, Lynn was overcome from one moment to the next and...』-『This night my friend could have died』.

At that moment that he was telling what happened, it was noticeable that every time he advanced with the story, it was more and more noticeable his anger of just remembering it, and at the moment he finished his little sentence that his friend almost died, it could be noticed that with just his presence, he returned to give the image of someone intimidating and superior.

『They pierced his jaw and almost pierced his whole head too...he was lucky he survived, he didn't hesitate and shot Ron's parents to death, this wasn't supposed to happen...they didn't have to die today...but you know Lain, if they make an attempt on your life, you are free to kill them. Lynn lost a lot of blood and managed to stay alive until we came for him, right now we have treated him in the Port medical apartment, he will receive better care when we board the other ship, he needs a blood transfusion of his own kind, I hope one of the dealers that will be present has brought an elf with him. ..if not...*annoying*』-『...But I trust that Lynn will not die today, she will continue to work for me and we will remain friends, because after all, she is someone I put all my trust in 』.

To this even though he didn't want to, the Boss couldn't hide his annoyance just from remembering it and recapitulating everything he has in mind, while Lain to this was in fear again since....

『You won't receive any penalty or anything, so don't be afraid, even though it was your fault for not warning in time, you will be fine and free, you will work for me again, I just want to ask you something Lain, don't let this happen again, don't put a friend in danger to die because of a decision you made at the last minute, we, we are all friends!!!』

At this the Boss raised his voice shouting loudly, where at this it seems that the fear he transmitted to Lain was so much, that when he realized, parts of his body were returning to those of a Lizardman, he couldn't control what he felt at that moment.

『I...I'm sorry...it won't happen again....』

『I hope so, I'll take you at your word Lain』-『That's one of the 2 issues that came to bother me, now let's go with the second one, and that's the one of...Trying to see through me at all costs...』


『In the end I understood but...*annoyed* It really annoyed me that that Monoeye tried to see through me that last moment!!!! I told her and showed her that we are what we are without hiding anything!!! I wanted to show her how I really am, what we all are! What we do here! But with what he said to me at the last...I throw away all my trust!!! all our trust!!! I throw away our truth that we are now to say that he doubts about us?! That the children are afraid? That he wants to help them? His trust was so much more genuine and real than all of us and especially mine!!!! When I realized...I knew the difference there was between someone who has a heart and who!!!!-----------』

At that moment when the Boss was most upset without even hiding it, he really looked like he was going to burst from just yelling, he was going to continue, he was kicking the ground, he was complaining like a little kid at that moment, where noticing before he finished with his words, he saw that this only made Lain scared, who even noticed how he took a step back, so he decided to calm down a bit and....

『*sigh*Yes I was really annoyed to see that difference between me and the others...but at least thanks to that it made me make a decision at the last moment too, that Manako achieved what she wanted in the end, she's going to be someone better as time goes by. But if I meet her again...if she stares at me again with that huge eye of hers...and she has that ridiculous confidence in others again...I...I.... her go!!!!』

『No!!!!...no...please...don't do it...』


Note:Very long chapter, sorry and continue reading.

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