
Chapter 9: Castle (Part 2)

I managed to defeat and finally have my first victory in a serious way, and the truth is that I am still excited and happy for that fact. As I advanced to the second floor, I could not contain my desire to finally beat Zeta for a while, I was with red cheeks and a silly smile that does not seem to go away until the end. All I could think about was how good it felt to win a fight on your own merits.

Now that I'm not in a fight, I can see the castle with more improvement, although there was not much to say about what I noticed before, only what I avoided and fixed the most was not to meet spider webs and much less spiders, just thinking about it made me shiver. I wondered if I could have a moment of rest, since the first fight left me a little tired, I can notice the ravages when I return to my Base Form, I guess because it is a mechanism that I do not adapt for the moment, what I fear most is that I just did a stupid thing right now, I should not have returned to my Base Form ....

『How to explain.... Since I started training I noticed something about this Form』-『First of all when I make effort in my Base Form, that is my Human Form, I get tired very quickly and my feats are not many, and with my base state tired when I switch to my God Form, this is also harmed by my physical condition, I mean, if I get tired running in my Human Form, when I switch to my God Form, even though it has more endurance, it will be exhausted and will be in trouble』-『That's why I only train in my God Form and not in my Base Form』-『So you might ask yourself, if you knew that, why did you go back to your punk kid form? Well how can I say it, it sounds like an excuse but, I wanted Zeta to see me as I am by beating him for the first time』-『And it works the other way around? if I take a lot of damage in my God Form and return to my Base Form, the damage should be deadly to a mere human, well no, all damage becomes moderate to the circumstances in which Form I find myself』.

A small example, if I am at 100% in any form and exchange between them, nothing will happen to me, I will recover the vitality I had. But let's say that in my Base Form I fight and I get seriously wounded and my arm is broken, then when I switch to my God Form it will be broken and with all the damage I had before. On the contrary, if I break my arm in my God Form and I pass to my Base Form, I will inherit the pain and fracture, even my clothes of my Base Form will be damaged.

I clarify this more than anything so that there are no mistakes, since it can be thought that if I am about to die in my Base Form and I pass to my God Form, all my wounds and pain for being me who received them and not the God Form, this will be completely healthy, which is not so. Even in the appearance seems to influence, since initially the figure of Light showed to be someone adult, but when I move to my God Form, the appearance is molded to what I am now, a child, even retains some of my features, the only difference is in the size, I become a little bigger when I move to my God Form. I guess the more I grow also that form will mature with me. It's something I've been thinking about all this time, I wonder what I'll be like when I grow up.

I even felt how the air filtered through the openings of the castle, through the walls, and just feeling it made me want to hug myself, at that moment I just thought that it would be nice if Blaze could warm us with his fire, or with his tail?

『Can the Kitty set fire from her tail? If so I would stick to it in times where it's cold 』-『Yes I do have a fetish for cat tails and ears...I remember when I was little I really liked Neko's, I wish I could meet one, my companions I knew more like....』

At that moment I remembered Carmis' comment referring to them as pets or animals, which I didn't know whether to accept the word or not, I mean technically they are modified animals? So they are some kind of humanoids? now that I think about it, what are they really... I started to analyze that topic seriously, it was still raining outside and I could hear the thunder, but it seems that the topic of animals is flooding my brain.

『Now that I think about it, since I was a kid, animals used to approach me, both cats and dogs that I found in the street, they wanted to get along with me and vice versa, my mother also liked animals according to what my sister told me but, did I inherit it from her? mmm..... wait, am I saying that they treat me well because they are attached to me like those dogs and cats? well yes, I like animals but...this conversation is getting weird bringing my friends into it.... I hope in the future these likes I have will really change.... please.... I don't want to be a fu------』 too.

At that moment I heard not a thunder that was what took me out of my mind, but I felt a rumble that made the whole castle tremble slightly, it sounded like a huge blow wanting to demolish something. This made me alert that from the thoughts I had, I ran to where I heard the rumble, which seems to be exactly where I was headed, but seriously...I hope this taste that I have does not affect my future, it would be too weird that when I grow up I get to attract people who have animal traits....no seriously, I need to go to a psychologist.

『Damn it, if when I grow up I have those damn tastes, I'll definitely blame all my classmates here, don't make me more of a sicko than I already am...』

I was hurrying to go to where I heard the rumbling, this time I would not make the mistake so to make sure I passed my God Form in a fast way, and when I managed to get to the second floor, the first thing I realized is that....

『Congratulations M!!! You made it through the first level of the game! Your efforts deserve to be rewarded!!! The way you freed yourself from your albino friend's clutches and how you used her ability against her is incredible! Although of course I would have done better and finished it in a second , but for a kid peeing his pants from fear it's not bad *grin*』.

There was Carmis in the middle of the second floor, for sure waiting to be able to give me his words of support, I thought at once that I saw this coming, I think every time I understand the personality of this Demon, but he also becomes too much like an open book, he was on his back trying to keep up with his personality, as he was shaking his legs and his arms also kept moving, plus he seems to be dying of fear.

『Thanks but, are you okay Carmis? You seem to be scared of something !!!!! Don't tell me you're scared of spiders too?』 

Before what I thought we would also have something else in common, Carmis would stop shaking with her legs to look at me as I am, this what she found is a small cat, M was worried about that demon but quickly Carmis as if she didn't know anything said.

『A fluffy cat has appeared』.

...I didn't know how to take that comment of Carmis, didn't he realize that this form is also me? It seems that Carmis when he saw me in this form didn't know who I was, even before not knowing who I was, he slowly took steps back to take distance, but...I'm not going to do anything to him, not at least now, I tried to explain him that it was me, but when I extended my hand quickly a ball of wool ended up hitting me and I had him on the floor in front of me. But...does he think I'm a real cat? I took the ball of wool and as I had no interest in it, I gave it back to Carmis, when he had it back in his hands, as if he was worried, a happy smile appeared on his face, and as if he wanted to play with me, he placed himself on the floor and called out to me.

『Come kitty kitty *smiles* The cats in this world are really weird, they should be normal like in mine, these are kind of ugly hahaha but I don't care about that, the important thing is the inside and the treatment they give, if you give me respect, I will give you respect, come kitty *smiles* I would invite you milk but in this castle I know whose it is there is none *smiles*』 

She was even patting me and calling me with her hand, I know I said I shouldn't go back to my Base Form so I wouldn't suffer from exhaustion but...seeing that I'm really being treated like an animal seems to be killing me, at that moment I could only think that this is how Blaze must have felt all the times I treated her the same way.

『No wonder I seem to irritate her...now I understand her anger, I think I'm going to stop treating her that way....』 

From what I was joyful waiting to play with the cat, he even threw the ball of wool at me again, but before it fell I returned to my Base Form showing him that I was that kid he made a deal with about the game. At this Carmis quickly realized, silence filled the second floor, he knew he committed a huge fault to his guest, even his face said it clearly, for someone of nobility like him, to disrespect his servant, although it was not but well, I can imagine it just by seeing his face.

『*cough* You are a skilled magician M, you fooled me, great magic act, you managed to fool me completely, the way I behaved before is because of your wit and skill, yeah.... you fooled me completely! And I don't say that to just anyone....』

He kept talking or rather making excuses for his behavior towards me, I'm going to let it go this time since it seems that Carmis is a little silly. But what most caught my attention on the second floor, was that a wall seems to have suffered a rumble, or rather it seems that someone hit hard and that caused the rumble that I heard and felt a little while ago. 

『It looks like a big fist....』 

『Big fist?....Ahhhh!!! That, don't look at the details, that was just me doing that to show how strong I am, do you want me to do it again? 』

Carmis was with his clenched fist ready to deliver another blow according to him, but it was obvious that the size difference was huge and that another one caused such damage to the castle. It seems that Carmis managed to overcome the embarrassment he was having and we quickly returned to where we were, this time with all the encouragement and charisma of Carmis, he was making me the drum roll that for every time I win a fight, I will receive a prize for my achievements.

『Besides the same award of surpassing yourself, that you don't forget, that's so much very important, all the effort and sacrifice you made, when you realize that you did everything by your own merit, there's nothing better than that, not like the flaky one that all idiot that prefers to take advantage of others and doesn't accomplish anything in her life *tsch* I don't understand how is it that my beloved Medusa is still her friend 』.

I think it's a very Carmis thing that every time he remembers something, he will always take the opportunity to trash whoever he is referring to, I don't know her but from how Carmis describes it she seems to be a horrible person according to him. 

『I would give him everything she can't give him, land, luxuries, a huge home, he will belong to our royal family, plus amenities like food, your own pool, your bodyguards, your maid, maids, blablablablabla』.

It seems that Carmis never lacked anything in her home, I find it kind of idiotic what she says since practically everything she has is because she was born in a family that already had power and status in the world. And the only thing he does, according to me, is to brag about achievements that he clearly didn't do, but...what's the point? What's the point of telling all those lies? you wanted to look good in front of us? you wanted to look good in front of Medusa or other people you are related to? 

『You're a fool Carmis....』

I let out that comment of what I was thinking in my mind, this was heard by Carmis, even his pointed ear moved indicating even more that he is always attentive to what people say, especially about him. He was silent of what he was talking so much about, now that I remember this seems to be the person that as long as he gets respect he will give you respect, I just did him an offense with those words, right? then....I was quickly on alert to see if Carmis was going to make a move, but it seems that I over exaggerated since in his expression I could see a decay in his face.

『Even in another world, it seems like I'll still be called a fool....』

I was confused because I didn't understand what he was referring to, but of course it was easy to guess that it was because of what Carmis was going through, it seems that he has no intention of doing anything and seeing him depressed after knowing him that he is someone who doesn't shut up, this made me want to help him. I gave him back the ball of wool who hit his head and fell to the ground, from my place I was proposing something to him.

『Do you want to talk a little? Carmis?』-『And I'm sorry for calling you a fool』.

I still kept my distance from what I said, I didn't know how I would react and I'm not as direct as my elementary school friends would be. I would do it my way as they did with me. At this Carmis looked at me and asked me if I wanted to listen to him, my answer was direct and my face was accentuated and I said yes. I sat down next to him on the floor because I wanted to rest a little, who upon seeing what I did, first told me to get up for a second, I did not understand why, but I saw how he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and placed it where I had sat.

『Well, this way you won't get dirty 』.

I really didn't expect such treatment, quickly for being too childish the first thing that came to my mind is that he treated me like a girl where clearly I am not, but seeing him sitting on the floor too but already without any other handkerchief because he didn't have another one, he gave me to understand that for the treatment he gives to others, it seems that there is no difference.

『And what do you want me to tell you about? This feels weird to me....』

『Well, whatever you want, tell me about your stories, tell me about your childhood, tell me who that flaky girl is, why you like Medusa, I don't know, I just want to hear you about what makes you happy, tell me what you want me to know about you 』

Even myself I am surprised by what I am saying, I am not behaving like a child .... rather I am taking this position because maybe I feel familiar with Carmis, seeing such an expression I feel I saw him many times, either in me or in my classmates, where in those moments where I should have supported them, I literally could not, I could not talk to my friend from 3rd grade...They did it so many times to me that I think I am finally made to be the one who now is who helps.

Upon hearing my proposal, Carmis would go on to talk first about his exploits, like the time he managed to get out of a labyrinth first, or when he managed to defeat a monster that appeared to him while he was returning home. The stories were varied, of course one was more exaggerated than the other, like the time he defeated the Demon King of his world in one blow, no one would believe that but...even among what he said there seemed to be truth in it.

『Once I tried to cook in the real kitchen, but I always made a mess of everything, the good thing is that our cook taught me at least one dish, that of hell flakes with merquiria sauce! the truth I made it terrible but he wouldn't give up to me to prepare it well one day, until one day of so much effort I finally managed to do it, I finished a dish that he would make it in half an hour, but knowing that I made that dish, the truth made me feel happy...』-『Also when I saved a girl from a monster! It was a 3 headed dog, it was going to hurt her but I appeared to save her, she ran away and when I realized, I was not going to be able to handle that monster...』-『Or the time I made a homemade gift to my father and mother! They raised me the noble way I am...we always followed the motto, respect who deserves respect! I tried hard in homework, I tried hard in classes...sure I was not good at anything, rather I flunked hahaha but, I wanted to get achievements for myself...I wanted to be worthy of something unique and great....』

Those few stories or words that Carmis was saying I managed to rescue them from the many lies he was saying, since I doubt very much that these are, and I could realize something, it seems that this demon does make an effort in what he does even though he is sure that he will do it wrong all the time. I saw him with a better face, so I asked him who Medusa was, the one he loved and wanted so much, it seems that I hit the target because his face changed to a more smiling one.

『Remember I told you that I saved a girl from a monster? Well, that was Medusa *smiles* We were in elementary school, and I also take the opportunity to tell you how my childhood was, literally my classmates treated me like the donkey of the classroom, since they saw that I was something silly and easy to fool, many of them approached me with incredible stories and achievements that I would like to be true, for wanting to be friends with such incredible people, I abided by their words and for a long time, let's say I let myself be fooled at that time, I said let's say because I didn't realize at that time, I gave them respect and I believed that what they gave me back was respect, but now that I realize, they didn't notice me at all. ...until....』

The same girl that I saved before, Medusa approached her so she could thank her properly, this Carmis at first didn't understand clearly, why was she thanking her? That was days ago and the fact that at that moment he ran away, he thought that it was already too much respect for him. Carmis didn't really expect anything, he was at his locker putting on his shoes to enter the school, he didn't even really notice if Medusa was looking at him until she did.

『I always see you, or at least I notice you, you try to be accomplished with homework and exams even though you always do badly in it, besides it's too obvious that the friends you have take advantage of you just for their own benefit, I don't want you to think of me as wanting something from you too, some gift or appreciation, or that you owe me a favor, no.... I've only realized that you are an easy guy to fool and that has made you an easy target all this time, you know it yourself so you should stop doing it, to me the truth is that I think you make a great effort in everything you do and that deserves a merit, you are amazing Carmis, thanks for saving me the other day, this is the first time we talk and the next time, how about if I listen to what you want to say? *smiles* See you later Carmis』

Carmis on having her first interaction with Medusa, who still remembers her as it was the first time she saw her. She had short purple hair and always dressed according to her mythology, she was innocent too, she was cute to him, she didn't consider him a demon rather she saw him as an angel. From that moment to know that this was the true merit and recognition that a person can give you, the one who notices you and thanks you. From that day....

『You fell in love with Medusa?』

『That's right! And since that day I was always looking out for her, even on the day I left our world, I was standing next to her finally having a date! The date I wanted so much was finally having it! But I didn't count that her flaky friend was watching out for us and it was her fault.....Ahhhhhhh!!!! It makes me mad just thinking that she was always there for us to never be together!!!!! Let me be happy with Medusa!!!! Damn Evil God!!!!』

『Evil God? (Jashin right? Ah, I think I know who you're referring to, with you coming from there, no wonder you're all idiotic Carmis)』

Carmis was again with the furious gesture but at least I already know the context of his story, at least a part of it, but....At that moment I asked Carmis if since that day he has been looking at Medusa all the time, the demon told me that it is so, since with the love he felt he knew that she was the one for his life, every time he could he always took advantage of his free time to say, be next to Medusa, Carmis was happy believing he had done the right thing, but clearly this was.

『(Literally stalking her until they become adults...I'm sure Medusa also perceived it as something bad and there must have been times when she avoided him, and the scaly one for being fond of her friend it's normal to defend her....) Carmis, you're such an idiot』

I took him by the shoulder and told him clearly what it was, it seems that he was not wrong with it, where Carmis answered that this was the phrase that he heard the most even after becoming an adult, since he really committed every idiots every time he appeared. We talked for quite a while where I was satisfied with this, I didn't expect it but it was nice to talk to Carmis, at that I remembered that he was going to give me my prize, but at the moment of asking for it he said.

『You already received it』

『What? When did you get it?』

『At what time?』


『You deserve an award worthy of your achievements , I told you that right? Then what better award than to be able to chat with me every time you win a match !!!! You were able to discover a bit of my extroverted and exciting life, that will be the next time we meet, what I will talk to you about, ah!!! But for that you have to win this match so M, I will be waiting for you on the 3rd floor』.

I really couldn't believe that the prize I got was to be able to talk to Carmis, you better not give me anything, nah lie, thanks to this it served me as a rest and I feel better. But it seems that Carmis is more eager to talk, and it even seems that she wants to see me win every meeting to continue talking, I had no other choice, I got up and gave her back the handkerchief she gave me and told her that.

『I won't be long, although I'm going to be thirsty by the time I win again, you waiting for me with water wouldn't be bad, no no no no milk! I want milk!

If he was going to give me a better prize I'd better propose my prizes. Carmis hearing this was with a smile and a thumbs up assuring me that fresh water would be waiting for me on the 3rd layer. With that promise in front Carmis was retreating invoking his portal under his feet, and at that moment I told him when the second fight would start, where he with a smile told me that it already started.

『¿? But there's no one here------...』

At that moment I could perceive it late, I felt like my body twisted from head to toe, everything was completely dark and I could not see anything, but I myself already knew where I had gotten myself or rather they put me, as soon as I turned my face I could feel something soft in them and quickly. 

『Get off you old asshole!!!!!!!!!』

I passed to my God Form and without any qualms I gave a strong blow against Rouge who had wrapped me with his wings, but as soon as I hit him, he quickly took out 2 blades from his wings and threw them against me, I was able to dodge him where this time the fight had started. 

My second opponent would be Rouge who also seems to say nothing or at least I thought so, since she seems to recognize me and as if her appetite was much more capable than the possession she said.

『Touch--me--Touch--.....Touch me!!!』

『But what the fuck!!!! 』

It literally lunged at me in order to attack me with its blades, I don't know why but I got so scared that I ended up dodging and running away through the 3rd floor room. I wanted to counterattack by throwing energy blasts at it, but it seems that this same possession made it stronger than when at the slightest movement, I could feel that it was at my back. I thought it would attack me fiercely with its blades, but I felt something much worse.

I felt his finger as it moved from my neck to the part where my tail starts, the truth felt very strange, it was as if he had stuck his finger up my ass, which was not like that but....

『Ahh!!!! That's how animals feel when you touch their tails』.

I don't know why, but my biggest weapon which would be my tail, right now I didn't want to use it, I even wrapped it or twisted it from fear. Really, fighting against her is always the same, when I was training together with her she always used every excuse to annoy me or bother her, I don't know why she likes to touch my body or me touching her, I don't want to touch you!!!! To keep her distance she would throw energy blasts where as if she didn't care, she covered herself with her wings that blocked my attacks and approached me. While I could only hear him repeating.

『Touch me!』

『Let me touch you but your mom!!!! Get away from me!!!』

I thought the hardest fight was going to be against Blaze, but I didn't take into account that Rouge would be a much bigger danger. And why is she powered up with a desire to procreate so to speak? Rouge is a Succubus and who possessed her is Carmis, an Incumbo, both demons related to love and sex, so being under the influence of an Incumbo, this being a Succubus made her desire to want to be touched even stronger. It is not that she became stronger, but rather that she is excited by wanting to receive affection.

『Touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me, TOUCH ME!!!!』

『Ahhhh!!! Mom!!!! Help!!!!! 』

M was running away all over Rouge's 3rd floor, who she seeing that M is walking away, decides without thinking to go more serious, destroying and causing havoc with her wings. M saw how Rouge's wings were capable of destroying the same floor or wall, even when the tips were painted, they could easily pierce the body. To this Zeta who was on the second floor still recovering and not moving, the only thing she could hear was how M was escaping from her friend.

『I'm not going to run away all the time! I have to fight back!!!』

Remembering that I only have my wits to help me in fights, I quickly saw how Rouge was coming towards me with her blades, when she saw that I stopped she quickly threw her blades to hurt me, she wanted to weaken me to do whatever she wanted. So taking advantage of my speed I managed to dodge her and as I was afraid to use my tail, I had no choice but to use my blows. I quickly appeared in front of her to give her a rain of blows with all my strength, but Rouge ended up covering herself with her wings and the truth was that they were really hard. At that moment I saw how the blades that I threw before were coming back as if it were a boomerang. 

So I quickly placed myself behind Rouge to defend myself from her attack, where as she just detached her wings, I felt a strong breeze hit me, now that I remember Rouge's wings are so strong that they can cause huge gusts of wind. I didn't manage to stabilize myself and the current I think was carrying me away, at that moment I saw Rouge took her blades and was heading towards me, she was going to hurt me with those weapons, it was clear to her, she wanted to cut off part of my tail, especially the tip.

『I want... the tip!!!! Give it to me!!!!』

『What do you want the tip for!!!! Fucking pervert!!!!』

Before I cut and slice my tail, I would switch to my Base Form back to being a child, Rouge did not see this coming as I was able to dodge his blow, the wind was going to carry me with more force, so I returned to my God Form, taking advantage of the momentum of the wind I started to spin to make counter force with the current and finishing the attack with a spinning kick against Rouge that I hit him squarely in the back.

POMMM!!!!! I heard a roar and I thought that with that attack I should have finished it, but also my leg was hurting, at the last moment Rouge covered himself with his wings cushioning the blow. Rouge was getting up eager to keep fighting, where she was repeating again that I touched her.

『(This is wrong, it has a good defense and it doesn't stop attacking...if I want to do something to it it will protect itself with its wings which is even capable of withstanding explosions...the only way to hurt it is from the inside...but....)』

Any external attack was useless, if I want her to take damage that will finish her completely it has to be from the inside...from the inside?....why do I get red at the thought that I have to be inside her!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! At that moment I remembered when she first appeared, that was the only moment where I managed to do considerable damage to her, then ....Quickly instead of escaping I moved to approach her with intentions of fighting melee, Rouge was already preparing her wings and blades as a countermeasure, but at that moment she could only find something, a little boy who with all the denial in the world said.

『Let me be inside you....*smile*.....』

Yes...I could tell he was saying it forcefully, at that Rouge let go of his blades and would go on to be happy about this, I saw how he spread his wings and they were bigger than normal, and as if he had swallowed me he was closing it like a lot of strength and above all affection. Already inside again I couldn't see anything, only how someone was hugging me and I was very attached to Rouge, I guess the soft thing in front of me is....better not say it to be too obvious....

『(And now...I have to give her a blow that will end her completely...but...---...EY!!!! BUT WHAT -----...!!!!!)』

She was touching my ass Rouge, I was extremely flushed by this, when we were outside I remember her spanking me, now that she has me all to herself she is literally taking advantage of this boy....I had to be strong so I had to put up with her touching my ass with affection and love....

『(One punch that knocks her out...no...better many! .....entonces....eh?...eh?...wait what...what is this I feel....)』

I was preparing my final blow to finish the fight, but in that being so close to Rouge and literally also having the possibility to touch her, it seems that it was not a lie what we said before about the fights, that Rouge....In that of what Rouge was touching M, she with her hand felt that she was touching something pointy and that little by little it was growing.

She blushed and with perversion she touched the pointy thing as if it were a toy. I still didn't seem to notice my change, so I was collecting everything for my final attack but .... Rouge is touching me in a way I never thought I would feel, can anyone really stand this? I was blushing but I had to resist anyway.

『(1 of 2, either I finish first, or Rouge finishes me off....I'm just asking you to resist my little ass....)』

Rouge perversely kept touching the tip and even as she saw it getting bigger and longer, it looked like she was going to do the up and down motion. But before she did something that was improper for the whole family. From the darkness there was and could only be guided from what he touched, as something began to illuminate the said enclosed place. 

『I won't hold back for what you did to me!』

Quickly M appeared in his God Form and as he was already ready with his fists to hit Rouge with everything, who being unprepared for such a move, quickly M proceeded to give her a series of strong blows in his God Form, he hit and hit without stopping, and even managed to knock her to the ground as Rouge was receiving the blows without holding back. She opened her wings and everyone could see how M was doing her best to make her friend fall down defeated, but easily Rouge could hit M with her wings and get him off her back, but....


Rouge was more focused on wagging M's tail up and down, that M is on top of her, that she is let's say groping her like she always wanted in her darkest dreams, she feels she won't get another chance like this. She is finally accomplishing her goals with the minor!!!!!!

M was hitting like never before without stopping, the harder M was hitting, the more skillfully and quickly Rouge was waving M's tail, this fight will literally decide who finishes first !!!!! Y.....

『I win...but....I feel I lost something else.....』

It was an endurance fight, M finally ended up winning and Rouge couldn't handle the junior's non-stop, impending blows. But there was something strange here, for M this didn't seem like he won, rather it seemed like he lost something, just remembering the last thing he did with this succubus, made him twist his whole body and hug himself with fear. While Rouge was defeated but with a smile on her face, was she satisfied? At that Rouge raised her face to look at M who's frightened look, but only used her last strength to tell him.

『Not bad kid, profit whoever gets that huge thing *wink*』.

『It's my tail.... what you touched....』

『Do you want another round? but this time without a tail』

『Ya shut up...don't give me a weird fetish please....』

『Then we're doing good』

Rouge fell asleep and without strength after that last sentence, now that I think about it, couldn't it be that Rouge, being the same race so to speak, was conscious all the time? So that way of fighting and the fact that he preferred that last move before continuing to fight is .... I silently left the place as quickly as possible, but while I was heading to the next floor, I still remembered what I talked about before and now with the last thing ....

『I don't like it...right?.....you know.....the non-humans? or how could you define what my companions are, humans or animals....*sigh*hopefully this won't have consequences later on...』

With a weird feeling in my person, I was heading and I just wanted to think that the next one will be a real fight.... I want to fight the cat...I want to see the cat.... I need to hear what she would say.....

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