
Chapter 5: Tickling and New Adventure

B͇e͇g͇i͇n͇n͇i͇n͇g͇ ͇o͇f͇ ͇t͇h͇e͇ ͇A͇r͇c͇:͇ ͇T͇h͇e͇ ͇M͇y͇s͇t͇e͇r͇i͇o͇u͇s͇ ͇I͇s͇l͇a͇n͇d͇ ͇


The training was about to begin and you could tell that this was not really going to be as serious as it appeared, you could tell the difference just by looking at the combat poses. While Zeta's we could say that there was not even an opening, in M's he was completely defenseless, and the only thing there seemed to be was an excitement to be victorious in the confrontation.

『Prepare yourself Zeta, for you are about to meet the power of a God of Destruction!』-『And the one who loses in the end, will get his tail touched by the other!!!』

I guess I did end up getting a little too excited, as I was really looking forward to doing whatever comes to my mind, will it finally be my time to shine? Just imagining being able to do this and that, I was blushing my face just thinking about it, helping when someone is in danger, appearing at the most critical moment, showing a great power or even having an even fight where in the process those rivals end up forging a great friendship.

『(*happy* Aww...I'm getting excited just imagining it, I'll finally be able to do everything I imagined when I was little, even though I'm still little...be fast, throw burst of powers, no one will score goals for me in the goal anymore, help grannies, even finally have a better personality than I always imagined!!! flying!....flying?...I guess not that....but everything else yes! *blushing*)』

M was imagining everything he could do from now on, he was smiling with joy at how happy he was. Even his cheeks were red for the occasion, but of course, this was only for him, while Zeta who was waiting for the time to fight, could only see how that boy was blushing but at the same time happy, what he could deduce.

『I see that it made you happy to change the fact of seeing you touch my tail, that also excites me M, because that means that you are determined to win, come, show me what you are capable of』.

Zeta in the same way was now more excited because she will be able to see how she will perform now in front of this determined boy. Quickly M who was happy, this one responded with a big "Yes!" that even now he stood in a better position in the large training area.

I stretched out my arms and started to turn them as fast as I could, it really seemed that I was generating a helix with my arms, and as if I had nothing else in mind, I quickly ran towards Zeta to hit him.

Zeta passed to smiling calmly leaving his combat pose, and with a simple jump to the other side he ended up dodging my simple blow.

『I must not forget, although in that Form you become powerful, you are still a child』.

On the subject of appearance, from my Base Form when I was a child, to move to my God Form, I had in mind that I would get the appearance of Bills, but it seems that it is not so, this confirms it to me besides the hologram, it is an issue that I did not think about at that time, since both my voice and my mentality remain the same, surely the more I grow and become powerful will not change that fact.

Zeta was calm because of the fact that she was fighting with a child, she was preparing a shock to attack M, but when she looked at her target, there was no one in that location, and as if she had not expected it. Quickly M had appeared at his back.

『Don't underestimate the speed of a god, now I'm going all out』.

Quickly either by the desire to have had a tail, I proceed to roll it with the same. Not to mention that it feels a little weird to roll it up with my tail, it actually feels a little uncomfortable, I'm literally playing with the new toy I have....It sounds a little weird, plus I have it long and...!!!Ahh!!!!! Why can't I think of anything else outside of albur!!!!! 

『I'm going to start crushing you!!!』

At that moment I remembered something my friend Lys would say "If I had 2 penises, do you think I could roll them up?".... I don't know why I imagined that, I guess I tend to remember things from the past. To forget that moment, I tried to squeeze Zeta as much as possible with my tail to see how much I could resist. But when I looked up to look at her she was.

『Eh? Are you trying to crush me?』

Her not at all surprised face left me with a bitter sensation in my mouth, I really tried again to crush her a little harder that I even turned red from the effort, I thought this time I would be back if I succeeded, but quickly a comment took me out of the loop.

『Now that I remember, Rouge once told us that she would like to be attacked with an amount of ten....ah, you already set me free』.

『Please don't continue...』

Literally before I finish with your words, I didn't want deep inside me to be related to something like that, I think I'm still avoiding going so deep with the topic of growth.

『Why...why are we such assholes?』

『Did you say something?』

I whispered what I just thought, good thing no one here is able to read minds, if they were I think I would already be in prison for all the things inside me. I was quickly about to make my next attack, but Zeta was confident because of the last thing that happened.

『I didn't feel any pain, are you weak, or are you holding back because I became your mother figure?』( '∀`).

『What? No! I tried to crush you with all my might! You'll see when I catch you again』

『I see that this kid needs a correction』.

I quickly watched as Zeta got into position that he would throw himself into combat, I quickly tried to stand my ground...huh...hold on stand your ground...how do I have to stand to be able to defend myself against someone? I quickly panicked and the first thing I did was to stretch out both arms and start spinning in place, creating a human spinning top.

『You really like to spin M』

Zeta didn't know what to do in front of such a technique I did, he would quickly jump and take a better look at his opponent from the heights, it was clear to him, he had planned to fall on M's head to give him another small shock. But quickly when I wanted to fall on top of M, the boy's body collapsed to the ground turning 0 Zeta's plan.

Looking back at the boy lying there, his eyes were dizzy and he looked like he had fallen down in defeat. Zeta was laughing at this as the boy himself could not stand with his own technique. Quickly M would get up staggering saying that he wasn't done yet.

『This is not...only...huh?...why are there many you?...and now where are you?...』

I really couldn't see anything at that moment, my head is spinning and even standing up was costing me a lot. From what I saw Zeta, I processed to see 2, then 3, and finally when I thought it would multiply even more, she was nowhere to be seen, I was confused, I tried to look for her but the just the little spinning, made me fall down sitting on the ground.

『I got you *smiles*』

Zeta was holding my tail that because of the dizziness I couldn't get it off me, I tried to move it first but Zeta's grip was simply stronger, I tried to hit him with my fists, but they didn't hit the target either. Zeta was having fun and even laughing, he would move in a circle, we really looked like that dog that wants to bite its own tail but doesn't succeed.

This annoyed me because I couldn't reach her, so I quickly remembered what I had just done, being able to throw bursts of power, quickly from what Zeta was laughing, I would look at my palm that was pointing at her, she became a little serious because she thought that I would attack from far away.

『Let go of my tail!』

!!!!!!! I demanded that he leave me alone, but when I imagined a big scene by launching a powerful attack, literally nothing ended up happening, he just looked like a fool with a weird pose. I looked down at my hand and the only thing I wondered was.

『So how do you do it?』

It's not just placing your hand and just wanting to throw something, isn't that all it is? I really didn't understand how to control the power I have, in fact, if I had power it would have ended when I wrapped Zeta around my tail, but I see that I'm so weak that I didn't even feel any pain with the effort I made.

『What should I.... !!!!!! 』

I felt a shock in my body, but it wasn't because Zeta happened to attack me, but because I got better from the dizziness and I could feel how that girl was rubbing my tail for some reason. Again she proceeded to do it, making all that discharge run through my body again. 

As if I wanted her to get away from me, I quickly stood up and tried to leave the place, but when I did, I literally couldn't either, it was like something was holding me back, and when I turned back, it was Zeta who wouldn't leave my tail alone, and with a Machiavellian face she said to me.

『Let's get rid of that sensitivity you have *smiles*』.

Again with a simple touch of fingers running over my tail, I again hit a shock throughout my body that even made my ears twitch. Zeta would go on to laugh while seeming not to leave my poor tail alone, as if I was her new toy, she was that touching me non-stop discovering all the nooks and crannies of my tail. 

This obviously could not go on like this, I had to get rid of it or something else would also be removed. Quickly from how happy Zeta was, I would pass again in taking advantage to rewind it with the tail, already having him trapped I would put myself in position of....

『Oh, do you want to poop? do you want me to clean you up?』

『I know it looks like that but it's not like that!』

M was in a fecal position literally turning red even more, but quickly M would go on to see the ceiling and if it was one with a lot of height. My mind was made up, I would go on to make a powerful jump that even to my surprise, I also managed to finally take Zeta with me. What to do next? I was literally improvising where I quickly came up with an idea.

『(We'll fall with more weight and at the right time I'll drop her but at the same time slam her to the ground, good! That's what I'll do)』

In my mind I imagined it all going well and me as the winner. But quickly I think I overdid it with the jump, as I couldn't realize that we were meters off the ground. You could see how my face was expanding for the same reason and quickly because of the fear I had, my tail released Zeta in the process, and as if not wasting any opportunity, quickly the android would jump with my tail to the ceiling, and with the same ceiling again was propelled towards me holding my tail.

It was obvious what I wanted to do, my plan of slamming her to the ground would now be using it with me, I could feel how we were coming hard to the ground while I didn't leave my tail at any time. Zeta was enjoying this, but the moment she saw M, she realized something, it was no longer her God Form she was fighting against, she saw how she was back to being the little boy she always was. Even the tail he was holding disappeared at the moment and he could only see how the boy tried to protect himself using his arms.

... At the moment of opening them I realized many things, one was back on the floor, which calmed me down a little, and secondly, Zeta was taking me with his arms and with a smile to reassure me he said.

『Looks like I win *smiles*』.

Yes, he was carrying me with his arms and one of his hands was touching my rear which I guess is people's tails. But this mattered little to me, showing the little boy that I am, because of the fear I quickly went to sink my face into Zeta's body, what could it have been, but I also went to hug her because it was the only thing there was with which I could feel better. Yes... I did the same thing when my friend was by my side, I did it many times...

A few minutes passed and even more of Zeta's classmates had come to the training area. Surely they were looking for the young man to either find out more about him or just to have fun with M.

『So, is my little friend here? Although I want to find out alone if he really is a great friend』.

Rouge had appeared with many symbols of danger to me. But she wasn't the only one who had appeared, to my happiness she was also being accompanied by little Cream who seemed to be looking for me all over the base.

『There they are! And why is the child sad?』

What both friends found was Zeta who was comforting M for the little scare she experienced. She was hugging her while she couldn't stop shaking or remembering the fact that I was upstairs. Zeta was happy about this and was even going to greet her companions again, but quickly Rouge was.

『That's not fair! You took it all to yourself! Look at her quietly but how well she knows how to bring out her claws when it's time』.

Rouge would approach to claim Zeta, but what she found would leave her even more marked, she could see how it wasn't Zea who was only hugging M, but even more how the little boy didn't seem to detach himself from the one who would now take care of her.

『It's over, your mom will now take care of you』.


When she heard Zeta say that word, it left Rouge even more surprised, where Cream added that she remembered Zeta once commented that she would like to have a child. The android heard this and quickly told Cream to come closer, and the moment she did, she also proceeded to embrace her with affection and love, accompanied with words of.

『Now if I have both the daughter and son I always wanted, thank you Cream, M *smiles*』.

『Hey...but what's going on here, why is a family atmosphere being generated?....』

Rouge was confused by this, it's as if history itself wanted or would be preventing her from stepping in to do her own thing. All this while Cream was also joyfully hugging Zeta, while still the boy seemed to be still afraid and with no intention of letting go.

It seemed that Rouge was getting annoyed by this, especially because Zeta was getting all the attention, so quickly doing her own thing, she would take M to herself and put her in her body. And with a voice that would make many a being fall, she would say to M.

『How's that? Much more comfortable and softer than that tin? *smiles*』

She even tightened her embrace a little more to make M feel his body better, the small young man was between her breasts and the Succubus thought that this for sure would already get him out of his mind and embarrass him. But M would lift her face and what Rouge saw was....

『(Eh?....did I traumatize him?)』

M was with a face too traumatized and even between the hug she was giving him, M kind of got a little bit disgusted by this, covering his mouth as if he wanted to vomit at any moment. She quickly managed to free herself and ran quickly into Zeta's arms. All the while leaving Rouge even more scarred by what happened.

『(It's the first time a man has had such a reaction to me....)』

It seems that without meaning to, M unintentionally dealt a strong blow to Rouge's self-esteem, the Succubus quickly became agitated and decided to think things over. Coming to the conclusion that M was still a little kid, for sure when he grows up he will be a completely different person.

『(We should just let hormones and time do their job, when I'm a young boy I'm sure I'll get what I want)』.

Rouge had that thought so that she wouldn't fall any lower after the blow. But while she was recovering, M was being comforted by being stroked on the head by Zeta, Cream was just being hugged, but at that she noticed that M was staring at her and couldn't figure out what was going on. But at that again M took out a candy from her pocket and offered it to Cream without saying anything, as if she had forgotten to speak she offered it to her, while Cream.

『Thank you, you're very kind kid *smiles*』.

Cream would pass by to eat and even blushed because of the candy, when he saw it, it was as if something was beating inside him. Cream also noticed this and when she saw him again, the little boy's eyes were excited and even shining. It looked like he had witnessed a miracle. From what Zeta was doing and being hugged by M., he quickly managed to take off at last. And in the end, neither Zeta nor Rouge was the winner, but the one who ended up getting the child's affection was.

『*laughs* And now how can I get him off my back?』

Cream was getting a lot of affection from M, and don't misunderstand, it was just hugs and a little bit of head stroking, that boy would never get intimate with anyone, and that was certainly a law he would respect until he died. Although let's hope he doesn't die.

『Now if I can tell you, you don't know what I was resisting when I first saw you, but Aww!!!! you are so tender Cream! I could hug you all day long and I wouldn't get tired!!!』

Truly M was hugging her and even sticking her cheeks a lot with Cream's, while the little bunny seemed to be just letting herself go, feeling that she can't get along badly with the person who at the end of the day saved those she loved the most. Cream, while laughing, also wanted to return M's affection, and took the opportunity to caress his head when he was discovered.

『Zeta was doing it to you, I wonder if it calms you down *smiles*』.

Cream was stroking M's head where M stood still for a few seconds, it's like he was processing what was happening. Where quickly with utter joy in his person he said.

『M, my name is M *smiles*』.

Everyone in the room heard it, Zeta was proud to see her son more liberal than before, Rouge could only deduce that for sure that's not his real name, while Cream hearing this only returned the same smile telling him.

『You don't have anywhere to go, so let's all get along *smiles*』

Hearing that from that little rabbit, you could even say it made me even happier, although truthfully if someone else had told me, even that perverted Rouge, I'd still be just as grateful to all those who decided to raise me.

『Yes, Cream, Zeta, Rouge, please take good care of me』.

I had to say it if or if and not have to keep it to myself, the time had come when I had to keep it all to myself, since at the end of the day not speaking what I felt ended up causing a lot of trouble. Zeta was happy saying that I can always count on mom, while Rouge already calmer and being sincere said.

『Don't worry kid, we'll all take good care of you, we'll get along so well that even me you'll hug me the same way』.

『Nah I don't think so 』

『I will have to try even harder *smiles*』.

The truth I feel that from now on I will be able to get along with everyone who lives here, I feel that with each one it will be a different experience, especially let's say I have interest in Blaze, if I wanted to improve a friendship it would be with her, I want to show her how I am leaving being a simple fearful child.

Things went normally, now that I had more confidence and what Zeta found out about me, I switched to my God Form to show them that I can access that form with peace of mind. They were both surprised to have seen me in this way, but what I will remember the most is the phrase.

『It's a big hairy dog』

『Or is it more like a purple and furry cat?』

.....I didn't know how to react to it, the truth is that if I am what they said but I'm not either, wait...what animal or what is inspired by what I am now? I'm a cato right? or I'm some kind of jackal? But this was really funny to Cream that to joke with me or out of affection she would call me.

『Hairy Dog *laughs*』

『Hairy Dog.... (ノ﹏ヽ) Hairy dog is Cliston or Uncle Potter but...I see that if you find it very funny *smiles*』

In the end I ended up accepting it and it would even become normal for me to call myself Hairy Dog, but I only allow it to Cream, if I hear someone else say such a thing to me it would certainly make me angry, I don't get very angry but I would make her behave. And you can't imagine how it was when Blaze when he recovered he found out that Cream called me that way, in the end that cat also ended up referring to me with that nickname instead of my name.

『What's up Hairy Dog, you woke up with your hair done today *laughs*』

It really did annoy me when he teased me, when that happened either because we talked about touching each other's tails a lot that day. Since Blaze has one too, so whenever he teases me, I try to return the annoyance by wanting to touch his tail, where in the end we end up doing like a game of catch, and to this day which I'm sure you don't know but I do, I've never been able to catch his tail....

『You'll see Kitty!!! One day I'm going to catch your tail and you'll see the thousands of things I'll do to you!!!』

『Don't call me Kitten!!! That's why I call you Hairy Dog because you started it!!!』-『But I myself agreed, when you grab my tail, which is impossible for you, then I'll do anything you tell me to do, no restrictions 』

I could tell Blaze was in a mocking tone as she repeated it to me when she could, she really is very confident that I will never be able to do it. But you'll see, one day I'll catch her off guard and she'll keep her word to do what I say, when that happens I know exactly what to ask of her. Deep down I was laughing at the malice in me.

It has been a total of 5 months since I arrived to this world and the truth is that I seem to get along well with each and every one of the companions I made, of course as always I get along better with one than another, I have my favorites and without a doubt Cream has been my favorite in everything I have done, I really think I would even be able to bring her the moon. Unlike Blaze that we literally look like dog and cat, although I am also a cat but .... has also been difficult to have to endure these 5 months of flirtations that Rouge has done with me, really wants to defile a child of only 13 years old? My bottom thingy won't even be developed, I remember telling her that one day, but what she replied was.

『Don't worry, I'll help you become an adult』.

I don't know why every time she does something lewd like that I feel like throwing up, I didn't know I had a dislike for these things, also when I see her breasts somewhat, I kind of always avert my eyes and look away. Like Cream or Blaze, with them I don't feel disgust or anything, I end up liking to be next to them.

In the end I did not end up telling them the reason why I came, let's just say that I did not see it necessary and that would confuse them even more. I was only left with those words that being of light told me, was it true what he told me? But well, that's water under the bridge now and I am concentrating on my new life as an M.

There is also another doubt I have, where are the other characters? you know Sonic, Tails and others? I don't think they are in another world traveling around because that would be crazy and weird, although if I could do it...why not someone who is extremely powerful like Sonic couldn't do it?...uhm....There are many questions that as well as I don't know, my companions don't know either, I guess that also comes included in the package of having friendships.

I've been training too and seeing if I can become strong, since remembering the first training I really did the stupid thing, do I really start out weak? Not that I inherited the powers of a God of Destruction? Although that being of light said he wasn't going to make it easy for me because of his pride so it's easy to assume that I have to work myself to unlock so to speak all his power.

『With this 5 months training, I guess I have become a little stronger?』

The good thing is that I already learned to throw energy and some combat techniques, but I think I still can't get rid of how childish I sometimes become. But what I am proud of is my speed, it has been noticed that sometimes I can surprise with it, being fast, I would like to be as fast as Sonic is, even to cross the sound barrier, yes? no? well....

Now we are about to go to a new island that has just appeared in the surroundings. Since it could be detected that in recent days there seems to be activity on the island that is supposed to be uninhabited, just thinking that this would finally be my first mission, really makes me very excited and finally explode or approve that I have grown so much in this time.

They were preparing the ship where we would get on and go to that island which we ended up calling. The Mysterious Island.

Zeta was in charge of making the final touches and maintenance to the ship before leaving, all this while I was already more ready than ever seeing how to get off this ship could live a new experience away from everything I knew.

『You look excited, Hairy Dog』

『How could I not be, Kitten, I'm about to live something that was only dreams』.

While I was talking to Blaze, I could see how if alone it was fluttering, I tried again to take it to see if I could, and as I guessed again it was a failure. 

『Yes, I'm kind of excited too, I hope this time I can show how strong I am, even being able to use that』. 

『Ya let's hope so because all the time you keep saying that, you already sound like a broken record Kitten 』 ( ̄∀ ̄ ).

I think my comment if annoyed her a little and even more determined she boarded the ship while she told me in the face without mincing words that I'm just waiting to see him in person, I'll be in the front row when I see her exploit all her power, I really want to see him to finally stop making her a surprise.

『I hope to meet some man, a demon would be perfect, I'll try to flirt with him and see if I haven't lost my touch yet, because these months...』 

Rouge would pass to look at me where I quickly replied that I was was was a special case and I'm immune to dirty things. Rouge would climb sadly but hopefully onto the ship that she could regain confidence in her sensuality that seemed to end up destroying her. I'm sorry but what I like most of all are the.

『Are they going already? I want to go too!!!』

Yes, the lolicon thing seems like no one will ever take it away from me. Cream had appeared just where we were getting ready to go to the Mysterious Island. Zeta, who had not yet come up, answered that she could not go with us, since they did not know the danger, they could not take a child with them, but the rabbit quickly answered.

『But Hairy Dog is going with you! He is only 13 years old!』 

『I'll be 14 soon, so I'm not a kid anymore, Cream』 

I would go on to stroke her head to see if this would cheer her up, while promising her that when I come back I will prepare the sweets she loves so much. Cream seems to obligingly accept my words that she even looked down to the ground, her doing that pout on her face certainly reminded me of someone, I replied to Cream that.

『When we get back let's have a party, how about? I'll bake a cake for everyone and we'll enjoy together *smiles* But you also have an important mission which is to protect our home, you know, don't listen to strangers, or that I'm your dad or anything, pure fucking bullshit *laughs* Yes Cream?』 

『You talk funny sometimes M *smiles* Alright, leave the housekeeping to me』

I finished caressing his head leaving with that promise that when we return we will end up having a good time. They were all aboard the ship, only I was left to simply go to my first mission where I really could not hide the excitement I had. With a confidence that I rarely had, we all left for the Mysterious Island.

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