
98. Kevin 11'000



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July 19, 2030

I woke up abruptly because of the alarm clock on my phone, I looked around the unfamiliar room, after which I remembered what happened yesterday.

Turning my head to the left, I saw a pleased Ashley, who was now sleeping, leaning on my arm. Looks like yesterday it really ended for our first time. Not that I was against it. And I must say, despite the lack of any experience, Ashley is very good in bed.

Fully awake, I carefully removed my hand, putting a pillow in its place, which Ashley immediately hugged, and got out of bed, trying not to disturb my girlfriend's sleep. Fortunately, I succeeded, and quietly putting on my clothes, I left the room.

We didn't fall asleep until 5:00 in the morning, so Ashley will sleep for a long time, but she has put in a lot of energy. While there is time, I can work on my ideas, and when the girl wakes up, I will meet her with breakfast in bed.

Using my x-ray vision, I made sure that there was still no one in the building, and with a calm soul I went to the basement, to the Null Void Projector. Ever since I learned the fate of the local Kevin, I have been thinking about meeting him and helping with his situation. Actually, Kevin is a nice guy and I'm really sorry that he has such bad luck all the time.

It's rather cruel that every time he ends up turning into an ugly mutant. And even if I had already prevented such an outcome once, it did not change his future.

And so, he mutated again and is now locked in loneliness in Null Void, suffering from the madness inspired by his abilities. It's not that hard for me to help him, so I decided to do it anyway. Plus, it's perfect for testing my second strongest alien.

And, to be completely frank, I wonder what will happen if I absorb all of Kevin's power, as I once did with the Aggregor. Still, this Kevin seems to have devoured 11'000 thousand aliens and I'm wondering how this power will affect my Osmosian. So, it turns out that this one is not exactly selfless help, but who cares if I bring Kevin back to normal and return him to a normal life.

With similar thoughts, I finally reached the basement and, turning into an Echo-Echo, created one clone, to which I immediately gave the order: - Watch the Projector and do not let anyone use it, neither from this side, nor from that. You will open the passage in 3 hours. If I don't show up, try again in two. And so on, until I return.

- There is. - saluting, the clone turned into an Upgrade and absorbed into the computer to freely control the Projector.

Unfortunately, in this world, my Null Void Ring does not work, so I can only use this Stationary Projector. Most likely, this is due to the fact that in this time, Null Void is much more tightly controlled, and according to Gwendolyn, only through such a Large Projector can one get into and out of the Void. And there are only about a hundred such projectors, and they are all very strictly controlled, mainly by the Plumbers' and Galvans.

- Opening the gate. - I heard the clone's voice, and in confirmation, the gates to Null Void began to slowly open.

As soon as a small gap appeared, an unknown creature from the other side began to try to break into this world. Quickly transforming into a Chromastone, I concentrated the energy in my crystal horn and started shooting the alien's tentacles.

Having lost several limbs, the creature let out a painful roar and quickly moved away, opening the entrance, through which I immediately flew.

After a second of disorientation, I found myself in a purple dimension that was no different from the one I was used to. All the same asteroids and almost no gravity.

After making sure that the portal through which I had just passed was closed, I flew to the nearest asteroid, on which I immediately landed.

In this chaotic world, where it is not even clear where the top is and where the bottom is, I will never be able to properly orient myself and return to the same place in order to find the portal back. I'm sure that without the label, I'll definitely get lost. Unfortunately, the Infinity Tattoo won't be able to help me in this space.

Without hesitation, I took out my scout drone and connected it to the phone so that I could find its signal. Then, I left the drone on this asteroid, covering it a bit with rocks.

Unfortunately, I was also left without my indispensable assistant, so I have to fight as hard as I can to find my way back. After all, Morgana's main server is still in the basement of my house, in another world and in another time.

My bracelet is not powerful enough to receive a signal from the server at such an unthinkable distance. When I was in the world of Gwen 10, Professor Paradox helped correct this misunderstanding, but not now.

I have been planning for a long time to move Morgana's main consciousness closer to me so that she is always there, but for this I will need more time and preparation. So, I have to do without it in this kind of adventure.

To be honest, I'm so used to the fact that she is always there, and now I'm without her, as without hands. I couldn't even remotely hack into Ben's computer and Fort DNA to get interesting information, and that's the most annoying thing.

But now it's not so important. And what's important is to find Kevin, wherever he is right now. Luckily, I won't have to scour this huge expanse, half the size of a galaxy, on my own. Just in case, I have a spell from my new grimoire given to Hope.

When I have a free minute, I try to spend this time studying this magical book. After spending a couple of days learning the Legerdomain language, I slowly began to dive into the book and have already read several hundred pages.

However, apparently, this is just a drop in the ocean. As Hope said, there are thousands and thousands of pages in this book, each with information about different spells and rituals.

Unfortunately, not all of these spells and rituals are useful. For the most part, there are a lot of spells that are useless to me, as well as rituals that I never intend to perform in my life, because it is such an abomination. It seems that Hope's ancestors were far from light wizards. At least in the past.

But, as in any barrel of tar, I was able to find a few spoons of honey, in the form of interesting spells, one of which is now useful to me.

Taking out the grimoire, I filled it with my magic and opened it to the page I needed. When he hovered in the air on his own, at the level of my chest, I began to read a spell.

Although the word 'read' is not very suitable, because I did not need to utter any words, but only to perform a few hand gestures, in strict sequence, just like it is written and drawn in the book.

This is the first time I've used a spell that requires the use of gestures, instead of the verbal formula I'm used to. Apparently, this spell came from somewhere in the east, where such spells are quite common, according to what is written in the grimoire. I don't think it's the right way to fight, but thankfully my spell is a search spell, not a combat spell.

I performed all the gestures rather slowly, constantly consulting the book so as not to be mistaken, and after a minute, I put both hands on my chest, crossing them, while naming the target: - Kevin Ethan Levin.

As a sign that the spell had worked, a beam of energy escaped from my hands, crashed into the book, and then from the book itself, a thin magical thread appeared, leading into the depths of the dimension.

Since I need to check all this is not a small dimension, I decided to use the grimoire as a hub to enhance the search efficiency. A useful feature of my book.

Transforming into my fastest flying alien, Jetray, I followed the search string at top speed, dodging between asteroids. After twenty minutes of flight, a large asteroid appeared before my eyes, on which a large abandoned building was located. If I'm not mistaken, this used to be the Plumbers' prison.

And it was in this prison that Kevin was imprisoned for several years, where he met a man who helped him reform and helped him take control of his abilities. And who died protecting Kevin. It seems that this is the reason why Kevin 11'000 decided to set up his base here.

On the approach, I used x-ray vision and through the walls, I saw the 30-year-old Kevin himself in human form, who was sitting on a throne, right on the site of the former dining room. It seems that he was finally swallowed up by the dark side and now he cannot do without pathos.

Seeing that Kevin looked in my direction, I realized that he had already felt my arrival, so without hesitation, I accelerated and flew straight into the ceiling, which immediately broke through with my body and entered the room. Once all the dust and smoke that had risen from my arrival settled, Kevin was able to see me in my human form.

- Lex. - rather indifferently, said a 30-year-old lean man dressed in black proto-armour, with overly long black hair and black eyes, and a cross-shaped scar on his chin.

- Kevin. - I said with a smile, examining Kevin's appearance.

- Are you still here? - Kevin asked calmly, looking into my eyes.

- You expected me? - I asked curiously.

- Last time we met, you promised to come to me when I mutate again to save me again. Although, you are something for a long time, almost three years have passed. - Kevin said calmly, pushing back his long hair a little.

- Is that how? Well, sorry for the delay. Although, you are already an adult man, you could cope with your problems yourself. What is your mutation? Fourth? - I said with a smirk to stir up Kevin, otherwise he is too calm.

- Fifth. - Kevin said calmly, although in his eyes, I could see a flash of anger that instantly disappeared.

- Here you go. You turned into a mutant five times and all you have learned in all this time is to return to your human form. It's high time you learned to control your power and not let it control you. How much can you lose your mind, because of the same problem? - Shaking my head in disappointment, I said, still smiling.

- You may be right, but there is one problem. - Kevin said imposingly lounging on his throne.

- Yes? And what is it? - I asked curiously.

But, instead of an answer, I received only a bloodthirsty smile and a blow from Kevin, who was sharply approaching me, which, at the last moment, I managed to block with a magic shield.

- I like being a mutant. Ha ha ha… - Kevin shouted madly laughing as he sent another punch at me which I blocked in the same way.

- I like this power. *BOOM* I like this might. *BOOM* And I'm happy to use it to kill you and then Ben. Still, I'm the strongest, and this time, there's no way you can defeat me. *BOOM* - Kevin shouted with madness on his face as he shattered my shields one by one.

Before I could answer, Kevin turned into a monster and unleashed a barrage of fire at me. Kevin's appearance was an ugly mixture of a right fire tentacle, Heatblast's upper body and head, Four Arms' left arm and lower body, Stinkfly wings, one of which consisted of molten stone, a Wildmutt's lower pair of paws, a Ghostfreak's face, another tentacles from the XLR8 and Upgrade parts, and several tails similar to the Null Guardian's tentacles. In general, he is still a freak, although he has the abilities of several aliens at once.

- HA HA HA HA HA… In all the years that I have been here, I have consumed 11'000 aliens and now I have all of their POWER. - Kevin screamed as the lunatic laughed as he continued to send jets of fire at me from his tentacle.

- You know, Kevin, I don't think it's worth bragging about. - my calm voice sounded, straight from the center of the flame.

- What? - Kevin asked incredulously as he stopped using his fire attack.

- From what I see and what you said, I can deduce that most of the aliens you have consumed are the Null Guardians and other inhabitants of this place, such as Havok Beasts and Wigsilian Org Beasts. And these aliens, to put it mildly, are not impressive. Also, don't forget that you can only absorb 1/10th of an alien's full strength, so that means you only have the strength of 1'100 aliens, which isn't that much. Especially for this hero. - I said calmly, gradually emerging from the fire, in the form of Andromed.

Seeing my appearance, I, despite the look of Kevin, saw fear in his eyes, which instantly turned into rage, and he shouted: - This form has only half the strength of the Aggregor, I have long surpassed this level. It doesn't change anything, I can still kill you.

- Is that how? Well then, let's check it out. - I said with a bright smile, kicking Kevin's hand to the side, simultaneously hitting him in the stomach with a fist filled with Ra'ad's electricity.

The impact was strong enough to knock Kevin back ten meters. But despite this, Kevin laughed and said: - It's useless. I have Buzzshock power, so your electricity won't do anything to me. It only feeds me.

- Maybe. But that doesn't mean you don't feel pain. - instantly behind Kevin, I said, sending him nuclear energy from my chest.

The power of my serum, plus, the power, of the Keystone, plus, the Andromed power, plus, the power of magical infusion, it's scary. Perhaps even too much.

- Ghaa… - Kevin yelled as he tried to defend himself against the energy blast, but instead, he received a leg kick filled with Andreas' knockback power. This is straight Hasshoken, some.

- Well, Kevin, don't disappoint me. Haven't you learned how to use alien power properly? - I said with a sneer in my voice as I caught up with my opponent again and shot him with high-pressure water, not forgetting to add some more electricity.

My last words and blow made the guy very angry and he screamed furiously, activating the sound wave of the Blitzwolfer, which did not have time to reach me, as I blew it away with a powerful gust of wind from my chest. Still, the sound is only the vibration of air particles, which I easily stopped with the help of the air itself. Nothing complicated.

- Kevin, why are you so angry? - I asked sincerely, quickly running up to him and hitting him on the head using Andreas's vibrations, Ra'ad's electricity, and P'andor's radiation. This blow had the greatest effect on Kevin and he let out a very painful scream, while spitting out blood.

- Are you having a bad day? - I asked again, walking up to Kevin.

- SHUT UP!!! - Kevin shouted and sent Petrosapien crystals, Pyronite fire and Nosidian electricity at me, which I simply brushed aside as they couldn't hurt me.

But, to my surprise, it was not an attack, but a distraction. Taking advantage of the flame curtain, Kevin flew into the air, and now flew as far away from me as possible.

- You ran away? - I asked in shock, and then added: - How dare you?

Indignant at such an ugly act, I quickly turned into Pym and, having drunk my own blue poison, increased to 20 meters. Using my strong legs, I jumped after Kevin, while destroying the entire asteroid, and with it Kevin's shelter, I quickly caught up with my opponent and tried to catch him with my hand. But, Kevin finally turned on his brain and became intangible. So he eluded me.

Covering my giant arm with Armament Mana, I jumped again, this time pushing off my own magic construct, I caught up with Kevin again, but this time, I managed to grab him with my hand without any problems. It's good that Ectonurites can't pass through magic.

- LET ME GO!!! - Kevin yelled, trying to get out of my grip with Tetramand's power. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work out.

- As you say. Let's play a little baseball. - I said, after which, having found a new support, I stood up and swung, shouted: - Fastball. - and then, I threw Levin with all my power, right into the asteroid, which he pierced with his carcass.

- AAAAAAAA… - was all Kevin replied to my kind offer. What, he is still impolite, it is necessary to take care of his upbringing.

- Hey Kevin, where are you going? Wait for me. We just started playing. Ha ha ha… - I shouted out loud laughing, after which I turned into my new alien received from Ben 10,000 and chased Kevin.

'Something, I'm getting too violent, lately.' - I thought, looking into the eyes of Kevin, who again flew away from me in fear.

'Though, it's just a process of education.' - I thought as I hit the clone of Kevin he had created while I wasn't looking. It turns out he has the power of Ditto.

- Don't worry, Kevin. I will save you from your madness. You will return home and everything will be fine. - I said with a wide smile, hitting the already real Kevin with my wing.

'Who else is insane here.' - thought Kevin, flying away from the new batch of beatings.

'Still, I'm a very good person. Helping a friend when he's having a hard time.' - I thought, chasing Kevin again to give him another helping of 'help'.

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