
Part 1 Chapter 2: A Walk Through the Forest

A young, frail girl walks through the forest in the dead of night. Her skin is bare, hair wild in the breeze, a dazed look upon her face. 'Who am I?' she thought. 'Why was I brought into this strange world?' As she ponders her existence, she stares up at the moon, a sense of longing filling her heart.

Letting out a sigh, she continues through the forest. She doesn't know how long she walked for, but just as her legs were shaking with exhaustion, she happened upon a small clearing with a creak running through it. Awed by the sight of the low moonlight shining upon the water, she stops.

She stands, captivated for a moment. 'What is this feeling?' She slowly approaches the creak and crouches at its bank. Staring at her reflection in the water, she thinks once more, 'Just who am I? Do I have a name? A purpose? Anything?'

A twig snaps behind her. Her head shoots up, the dark glow returning to her eyes as she looks to where the sound came from.

Scanning her surroundings, she waits for whatever made the noise. A few moments pass. Just as she begins to let her guard down, a rustle comes from nearby.

Quickly standing, she demands, "Who goes there? Show yourself!"

Another rustle and a man steps into the clearing. Assessing for a threat, the girl takes note that he's of strong build, a firmly set jaw, and a short blade at his hip. She also notes that his eyes are pointedly looking towards the ground.

"What business do you have sneaking up on me?" she asks.

He replies, "what business does a young lady have wandering around the woods, bare to the breeze?"

She stares at him in confusion. "What does that mean?"

His face flushes bright red, eyes still pointed away from her. "Are you daft, miss? You aren't wearing any clothing."

The girl looks down at herself, then looks at him and notices that he has cloth covering his body. "Oh, is that what those are? I haven't got any. This is how I woke up."

"Heavens that be, lass! What's wrong with you? You can't just go wandering about with no clothes!" He reached into a sack slung over his shoulder and withdrew a bundle of cloth. He tossed it to her and it fell to the ground at her feet.

She crouched down and examined the bundle. "What is this?" she said, gingerly poking at it.

After a moment of hesitation, he replies. "It's a cloak. you put it over your shoulders and it covers your body."

"Why do I need this? Is there something wrong with my body?"

The look of genuine confusion on her face flabbergasts the man, his face turning even brighter red. "Its indecent to go walking around with no clothes. What if someone who's not so nice sees you?"

"Hmm." She didn't quite understand what he was trying to say, but she could tell it was bothering the man. Picking up the bundle, she stands and shaked it out. As she looks at it, she grows even more confuses. "How am I supposed to put it on?"

"Damn the hells" he mutters. Stepping forward, trying to look anywhere but at this strange girl, he holds out his hand. "Hand it over, I'll help, if only to get you covered up."

She hands over the fabric and he turns it around so that the lump of excess fabric is at the top. "What is that?" she asks.

"I'm starting to believe you're actually daft." He steps behind her, and drapes it over her shoulders. Coming back around, he says "it's a hood. You put it over your head and it keeps your ears warm." He adjusts the cloak and pins it closed. " When you're ready to take it off, just undo this clip." He steps back and away from her.

The girl looks down at the cloak. It's a dark brown in color, and is rough on her skin. "Do people actually wear these?"

The man puts his face in his palm and mutters something incomprehensible. Then he speaks up, "yes, people wear them. Get used to it. I have a feeling that'll be all you have for a while."

She's still confused, but shrugs her shoulders and decides to let it go. Turning back around, she sits back on the riverbank, this time tilting her head up to the sky.

The man clears his throat and says, "What, no thank you? That's my only cloak you know." His voice is gruff, but he seems more at ease now that she's covered.

Turning her head slightly to look at him, "What does thank you mean?"

Bewildered, the man says "It's a term of gratitude. It means you appreciate what I did."

She takes a minute to mull over his words. Then, in a quiet voice, "Thank you." She resumes gazing at the sky.

The man pauses for a few moments, staring at her back in silence. Then, with a heavy sigh, he slowly approaches her and sits on the riverbank by her side. A few more moments of silence pass before he speaks. "My name is Ciaran. What's yours?"

Its a while before the girl answers. "I don't know. I was just thinking that myself. I don't think I have a name."

"Well that won't do. Lets see if we can think of something suitable." He turns to fully look at her, taking in the ivory pale skin, bright blue eyes, and flowing black hair. Thinking for a moment, he speaks, "How about Hesperia? A suitable name for one who shines with starlight."

She mulls it over for a moment, before a thought strikes her. "If you name me, does that make me yours?" She looks over at him with bright, innocent eyes.

"Whoa now, lass! I'm just being friendly. I prefer to be on my own, and I'm not looking for no tag-alongs."

"What's a tag-along?"

"Never you mind. Do you like the name or not," he grumbles.

"Yes, I like it. It feels... appropriate."

"Good," Ciaran says. "Hesperia it is then. Now, where are you heading, being so deep in the woods?"

"Hmm..." Hesperia looks up to the stars again. "I don't know. Am I supposed to be going anywhere? Is there a purpose to going somewhere?"

"About as much purpose as there is in anything, I suppose. It all depends on what you want to do." Ciaran looks at her from the corner of his eye, silently studying her.

She takes a while to think about this. 'What do I want to do? Is there anything for me to do? After all, I'm not of this world...' Then, with a whisper in the back of her mind, she says, " I want to live a happy life. I want to be free to make my own choices."

Ciaran lets out a quiet sigh of relief, then says, "Well if that's what you want, you need to find a village. There's one about a two days walk south from here. I'm heading that way myself. Perhaps you can follow me, just until we get there. Then we part ways when we reach town. Sound fair, little lass?"

"Will I be free there?" Hesperia asks in a small voice.

Gently, he replies, "As free as anyone, I suppose."

She takes a moment to think. "Okay, I'll join you to this village."

Standing abruptly, Ciaran says, "Great, then. Lets set up a camp and get some rest. We'll leave at first light." He starts rummaging in his bag as he walks away from the creak.

Hesperia looks after him, quietly replying, "At first light then."

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