
Kilgon King Slayer

Meanwhile on the battlefields outside of the kingdom of Tarm, Kilgon and the others had been clearing the hordes of demons and turning the tide of battle. In the two weeks they had been there they had created a reputation for always coming out victorious no matter how many foes they faced.

Their efforts earned them a meeting with the leader of Tarm. They were now entering the throne room to meet him.

"Introducing to the chamber Master Kilgon, champion of the dwarves. Lady Samantha Princess of Kermonth, Lady Kaitlyn of the Forbidden Forest, and Lady Isabel of parts unknown." The advisor to the king shouted as the four entered.

All four of them entered and kneeled before the king as a sign of respect.

"You all have done well." The king said. "You have pushed back the demons and saved my kingdom from destruction. You did it as nonhumans as well, impressive accomplishments for the lesser races to be sure."


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