
Chapter 11

Natasha's POV

I am waiting in the enormous conference room while Bucky is casually sitting at a café next to this building, T'Challa enters the room and finds me standing next to the enormous window where I can watch Bucky.

'Good morning, Miss Romanoff.'

'Good morning, Prince T'Challa.' I say with a smirk, T'Challa chuckles quietly.

'You know you don't have to call me "Prince" T'Challa.'

'And you know you don't have to call me "Miss Romanoff".' I say, somehow this makes T'Challa smile, he looks out the window for a second before looking back at me.

'Why are you really here, Natasha?' I sigh in defeat.

'The Avengers have been chasing an assassin for over a month and we still haven't caught them, but we believe that's she's going to do something to King T'Chaka.'

'You believe that my father is her target?' I nod. 'Personally, I hope your wrong.'

'You know I am never wrong, T'Challa.'

'That's what concerns me.' The room falls silent as King T'Chaka enters the room and strolls to the podium, he places his sheets of paper down and clears his throat.

'Good morning,' he says in English. 'I am King T'Chaka of Wakanda and I am here today to discuss how Wakanda will-' That's when the bomb exploded.


Bucky's POV

I hear something explode, I look towards the building where the conference was at, shit!

I see someone sprinting away, I leap up and begin running after them. That's her! I hear footsteps pounding behind me, a man in a black cat suit? What is the world coming to these days?

'Who are you?' I yell over to the person in black.

'I am the Black Panther, who are you?'

'Bucky, or more commonly known as the Winter Solider.'

'Captain's friend?'


'Well, really I am T'Challa of Wakanda.'

'The King's son?'


We sprint past people and cars, dodging them and leaping on them, trying to catch up to Ember faster. We run into a tunnel, I continued running past cars as T'Challa leapt on top of them, still. We made it out the other side of the tunnel when T'Challa leapt onto Ember, pinning her to the ground. T'Challa saw Ember's metal arm and narrowed his eyes at Ember even though you couldn't see it.

'Are you apart of Hydra?' He hisses, Emberly growls in response. She kicks T'Challa in the stomach and jumps up, Black Panther stands up and lets his claws come out. I run over to Ember and punch her in the jaw.

'Why does everyone punch me in the jaw? Seriously, it takes too long to heal.' She curses in Russian. T'Challa charges at Ember and pins her to a concrete pole but she grabs his neck with her metal hand and holds him above the ground.

'Ember! Stop!' I yell, she doesn't, instead she tightens her grip. I hear T'Challa gasping for air.

'You are my mission.' She growls to T'Challa, she knows English now?! I dive at Ember and she lets go of T'Challa, I pin her to the concrete pole and she hisses in fury.

'Ember! Stop!' I try again, she narrows her eyes at me. 'I know the Dark Solider is in control but this doesn't change – oof!' She kicks my jaw and I stumble backwards, letting go of her. Black Panther kicks her in the stomach and she lands on the road, he strolls threateningly towards her with his claws out.

'This is revenge for my father.' He picks her up by the neck and starts choking her.

'I was trying to kill you!' She sneers. A whole bunch of vehicles arrive, S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles to be exact. All of the agents rush out of their cars and point their guns at us.

'Put your hands in the air!' One of them yells, T'Challa drops Ember and follows orders like I did, Ember sighed and did the same thing. The agents rush over and put handcuffs on T'Challa and I, I watch them knock out Ember and put us in their cars, we drive off to an unknown place.

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