
A Family of Stones

Confusion. That's what the crowd of well-insulted, posh members of society felt when those demons descended from the sky. Perhaps they thought this was all one, big show set up for their entertainment. An exotic intermission to satisfy them in between their dull conversations, wine and song. But, the moment razor sharp claws went through an older gentlemen, ripping out his still beating heart, they finally understood what kind of situation they were in; this was a matter of life or death.

One of the women in the throng shrieked at the top of her lungs. She picked up her layered skirts and raced for the door, appearances be damned. Her reaction started a tidal wave of bodies flooding toward the exit. That didn't stop the carnage from continuing, however, as the vampires killed as many people as they could reach in a variety of nightmare inducing ways; no one was exempt.

Which was, of course, how the king, Lord Bennett the Third, found himself staring down his own death. Standing before the panicking monarch was three, blood-thirsty vampires that had him surrounded. They had already dismembered the guards and were slowly, but surely, backing him into a corner, savoring his fear with every step.

"Look what we've got here, everyone! A king!"

"Mm, a nice, tasty looking king, indeed!"

"Now, now, Charvelle. We already discussed this. You can't eat this one. We need his head for our leader."

"His head, you say?" came a deep voice from behind, "Perhaps we can replace it with one of your own."

Just as the trio whipped around to see who had said something so ominous, a powerful hand clamped over one of their necks. Like some kind of dark magic, the owner of it gave a lightning-fast twist, popping his opponent's head right off. Blood erupted from the severed neck like a geyser, before the body fell limp and lifeless to the floor. The remaining two stared at their attacker as if they had seen a ghost.

"L-Lord Jasper!?"

King Bennett stared up at the imposing figure of his savior. Ebony hair with streaks of gray swept in silky waves down his back, matching the tone of his modest, facial hair. Sharp eyebrows knit together as he observed the other vampires. In that crimson gaze was the same sense of displeasure that a lordship would cast upon a batch of pathetic, writhing worms. But, what really sold the intimidation more so than anything else was the disgusted snarl he gave, showing off those murderous, glittering fangs.

"Indeed. It is I, Jasper Stone. And I was sent here to negotiate peace with King Bennett or haven't you heard? You were foolish for coming here."

"B-But, Lord Jasper!" one of them exclaimed, obviously pleading for mercy, "We're your brethren!"

"Brethren or not, I must dispatch you," replied the cold-hearted man, "I will do so in the name of the Emperor."

The two leeches took a shuddering step back, only to collide with a broad chest.

"Going somewhere, gentlemen?"

Once again, they found themselves looking up at another of their own kind. But, it was not just ANY vampire, that much was certain. If Lord Jasper was systematically cruel, than his son was that much colder. And what could have possibly showcased that fact better than the dispassionate, crossed arms and the disapproving glare from the man going to kill them?! Yes, it was unmistakable! This was none other than Malakai Stone.

A scream ripped out of them as they fled for their very lives! Golden eyes flashed, before they were captured and snatched up like mere cats by their cloaks. Malakai banged their heads together before they could even register what was happening until they hung from the strips of fabric, senseless and dazed.

"What do you want me to do with them?"

"Kill them," Jasper ordered predictably, "Kill all the rogues that you can get your hands on. Meanwhile, I will escort Lord Bennett to safety."

"Of course, father. I-"

Just when everything seemed under control, the younger man glanced around before asking a question that shattered all sense of security and sent them both on high alert.

"Where's Alabaster?!"

Once the monsters dropped to the floor and started their killing spree, the blue-eyed vampire knew that he and his companion didn't have a lot of time. He had never participated in such savagery, but Alabaster had witnessed it up close and personal a few times in his past lives; and it was never pretty.


His eyes fell upon the tailor, before they widened in shock. Those envy-green eyes, usually filled to the brim with defiance and pride, were now staring in helpless horror. Anyone could see that he wasn't all there. Almost as if some tormented ghoul had descended upon him and sucked out his very soul.

"Simon!" he tried again, shaking his shoulder, "Snap out of it! We need to-"

A banshee-like scream alerted Alabaster to the incoming attack. A set of claws came a fraction of an inch from piercing through Simon, who was obviously the weaker target. But, they never so much as scratched his skin. The creature grunted as he found his fingers captured and squeezed, threateningly.

"How.. How did you?-"

That's when their eyes connected. Something seemed off about this human. So, the leech finally deigned to use his other senses. The moment the noble's scent filled his nose, the man's eyes dilated, before he gave an easy smile, along with a somewhat forced laugh.

"Ah, so sorry, friend! I didn't realize that this was YOUR prey. Would you let me go now, please?"

Sky blue eyes grew cold, giving the cur fair warning, before turning him loose. But, Alabaster's forgiving nature was a mistake in the making. One feign later and Simon had been spirited out of his reach! He took a step forward to intervene, only for the trickster to hold his sharpened nails up to his victim's throat in warning.

"Ha! You really thought that I was deceived just because you're a fellow vampire!? I can smell more than just your scent, you know! I can smell YOU all over HIM! You've claimed this mortal, haven't you?! Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but my orders were to kill ALL humans I came across! Yes, even this one shall fall in the name of our grand leader-!"

A scream ripped out of the assailant's mouth. The human in his arms disappeared, leaving only a set of silver needles in his place. Alabaster's eyes blossomed with hope and admiration as the tailor rushed into his open arms. The human swiftly turned around just enough to glare daggers at the opposing vampire; it seemed that Simon had finally awakened.

Hello, my reader dears! (^^) Thanks for supporting Crystal Stitches! If you liked the story, please leave a comment, tell your friends, add it to your collections and vote for it to help this fic reach new heights!

Also, I am trying something new. I know this chapter was a bit short, BUT I have a second one coming out sometime today! I hope you will look forward to it! Anyways, have a great day! =D

YUKANOcreators' thoughts
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