
The Mysterious Alabaster Stone

'I fear that I am no more than one of your lovely hat pins at this point, dear tailor; just along for the ride.'

Simon turned the words end over end in his mind, as if they were an interesting trinket he wanted to get a better look at. A few moments ticked by, before the tailor glanced over his shoulder. The other man, to his credit, was waiting patiently for him to make a move; for Simon to either excuse himself or take the bait.

Yes, bait. Because that's what it was, wasn't it? A juicy tidbit to chum the waters. A little taste to make him willing to bite down on the painfully obvious hook that the vampire was hoping to reel him in with. It was a battle of wills. One that the human was bound to lose.

'Damn this vampire!' he thought, shaking his head with tightly shut eyes as he felt the will to fight slowly slipping away, 'Even my own sense of curiosity has been turned against me! He's cunning, I'll give him that.'

Simon Hart slowly turned around to face Alabaster Stone once again. The vampire raised an eyebrow in bemused challenge, before motioning toward the couch in front that the human had previously abandoned. Against the tailor's better judgement, his steps brought him forward. He really couldn't believe he was doing this. It stressed every thread of his morale fiber. He shouldn't be fraternizing with the enemy!

Yet, this vampire seemed so inherently different from the others. Not to mention the way he was being excluded from what was obviously a very important meeting. Was he an outcast? A liability? Either way, Simon wouldn't know until he heard it from the source. The vampire had something he wanted; the truth. And he was Hell bent on sussing it out.

"..What in the devil do you mean by that?"

"It's just as I said," the pale man said with a non-committal shrug, "I am nothing more than a pin in the Emperor's cap. I wouldn't be here, otherwise. I'm a tool for him to use. A mere pawn on his chessboard."

Alabaster picked up his porcelain tea cup, taking a delicate, thoughtful sip. The human thought it was awfully rude of the noble vampire; not a sign of good breeding, at all. Alabaster had practically bribed him into sticking around so that he wouldn't be so alone. Why then, did his eyes look so far away? As if he wasn't even here at all. Simon sighed, before reaching for a cup of tea that was quickly growing cold.

"We're all pawns in some way. At least, you're a royal one."

He stirred in a sugar cube, before giving it a taste. He did have to admit, that the tea of the prestigious was of a much better quality than the stock reserved for a working class gentleman such as himself. Still, even this now sugary, high grade tea wasn't enough to sweeten Simon's disposition. Not when it seemed to him that the man who had everything was taking it all for granted over petty grievances.

"Also, need I remind you that you are a vampire? I'm sure that someone like you has very little to fear."

"Ah, I suppose you would see it that way; from the outside looking in."

"MANY would see it that way!"

Silence came between them for a moment, as Simon sought to collect himself. He abandoned his barely touched teacup on the table in front of him as he fidgeted with the end of his coat. He had just lost his temper. On royalty, no less!

"Forgive me. But, there are so many people who would give anything to have what you have right now. You are in a good position, politically and financially. You have powers beyond a human's belief and you-"

Alabaster was offering up a bit of truth. So, not why spill some of his own? Green eyes met blue, as color prominently settled on the tops of Simon's cheekbones.

"And you're beautiful. I feel that you've taken your good fortune for granted."

Alabaster blinked in surprise, before fitting the human with a look that had never been cast in his direction before.

"Yes, perhaps you're right about me taking things for granted. This path may have been my least desirable. But, at least it lead me to you."

That softened gaze and that ghost of a smile was such unfamiliar territory to the human. What was this spell that the vampire had cast over him? What was this nameless feeling? All he knew was that it made him uncomfortable.

"..W-What?" he heard himself answer in an undignified squeak.

His mind raced a million miles a second. None of this was making any sense! Suddenly, it hit Simon like a ton of bricks. He had been lured in by the promise of answers, only now to have more questions! Yes, Alabaster was a masterful fishermen. The vampire had reeled him in beautifully; hook, line and sinker!

Simon's cheeks burned as he felt a deep sense of shame settle over him. He had been played for a fool. He was merely someone from the lower class who had been taken advantage of by someone of much higher breeding. It happened everyday. It was nothing new.

The vampire royal HAD stated that he was in need of company, had he not? Like a good little puppet on strings, Simon had done what was requested of him and fulfilled that need. This was all just an elaborate game to the vampire. Empty entertainment to fill his hours of idle luxury with. There was no other logical explanation.

"Well, I do believe that I've entertained you enough for one day, Lord Stone," the tailor said coldly, as he put emotional distance between them.

He rose swiftly from the couch to do the same with his body. He refused to sit there and allow his dignity to take another hit. That would be the same as sitting still and allowing a rabid dog to bite him over and over again.

"Now, if you will excuse me, it's as you said; I am a busy man. I have matters to attend to of great urgency, so I will take my leave."

"Those matters of great urgency wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a wayward cuff link, would they?"

Simon gaped in surprise, before shaking his head rapidly; had he heard that right?!

"How.. How could you possibly know about that?!"

Unless, this man was a mind reader?! Considering all of the strange abilities that he had seen this creature exhibit before, he wouldn't put it past him. The feeling of violation caused him to tightly clench his fists in growing rage.

"Sir, I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my head."

"Stayed out of your head?!" Alabaster exclaimed, before giving a soft laugh at his companion's assumptions, "My dear tailor! Do you really think that I possess so little honor? I didn't take your thoughts."

Simon felt his heart leap up into his throat as the vampire suddenly appeared behind him. The human's eyes widened as the taller man leaned down to whisper into his ear with his hot, sweet smelling breath,

"Why would I need to steal them, when you gave them to me, freely?"

Just then, his hands grasped Simon's hat.

"May I?"

Without much ceremony, the hat was plucked off the top of his head, causing something glittering to come tumbling out; the Lapis Lazuli cuff link! Alabaster caught it, before looking it over in much the same way he had Simon's hat pin.

"Another beautiful piece. You have good taste, dear tailor."

He carefully stepped around the other man, before placing the bobble in his hand. His fingers brushed against Simon's, somewhat lingering there. The tailor's eyes widened, before he swallowed hard.

"I-I'm glad that it pleases you," Simon confessed, as he shifted his eyes away, "This is actually one of the accessories I selected for the suit I'm creating for you."

"Oh? Then I'm sure I will enjoy it very much. Come to think of it, I suppose I should let you get back to it. You're a busy man, after all."

With that, Alabaster began striding toward the door. Simon let go of a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. He vaguely remembered the vampire wishing him farewell with a fond smile. He must have been escorted out of the castle by that stuffy servant who lead him to Alabaster in the first place, though he didn't remember. He didn't even remember walking home. It was like he was in a daze.

What snapped him out of it was when he heard someone making an obnoxious racket in his pantry. Simon rose from his favorite kitchen chair, before opening the door to see who was robbing him. A short woman with strawberry, pink hair yelped and almost dropped the cheese she was holding.

"Mira? Why on Earth are you rummaging around in my larder?"

"Jeez, Simon! You almost scared the crap out of me! Sorry about going shopping in your pantry. Vilo blew the food budget on wining and dining pretty girls, leaving your old pal Mira without supper! Do you mind?"

The tailor sighed, squeezing the cuff link in his hand to prove to himself that it was still there.

"No, help yourself. I will go shopping again on Monday."

Mira poked her head out of the storage room to watch Simon saunter over to the chair once again, where he collapsed as if he had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. The elf knew that her human friend got like this sometimes. It wasn't that he was dramatic, per say. Just that he felt things much more deeply than the people around him, even if he would never admit it. She came to stand in front of him, still carrying the enormous wheel of cheese in her arms.

"Well, I know what I'M eating," she said, waving it around a little, "But, the real question is, what's eating you?"

Simon lifted his eyes.

"You told me once that you and Vilo were in line for the elvish throne."

"Wow, you remember that? Yeah, kind of. I'm thirty-eighth in line and Vilo's thirty-ninth. No chance either of us would actually get the chance to be rulers! Too many people are already in line trying to get the job, ha! Not that I'd want it anyways. Too much responsibility!"

Yes, that did fit Mira and Vilo's character perfectly, didn't it? Mira was too adventurous to be tied down and Vilo was too flighty. Neither one of them would have made a good king or queen. But, an in depth discussion about elvish politics wasn't what Simon was looking for. Instead, he realized that the one who might have the answers to all of his questions could possibly be standing right in front of him.

"I heard in passing that the elvish royal family has their fingers on the pulse of vampire society. It would only make sense, considering how close they are as allies."

"Well, sure, but I'm not sure how that matters-"

Simon took Mira by her shoulders, looking her right in the eye, as he practically begged her to divulge what she knew.

"Mira, please. I fear that I'm losing my mind! Tell me what you know about the vampire royal family! In particular.. Alabaster Stone."

My goodness, things are heating up! Simon is so confused by the way Alabaster makes him feel, bless his heart! Also, there are a ton of mysteries to be solved! Like who is Alabaster Stone, really? And what does Mira know about this? Please tune in next time to find out! ^^

Also, thank you everyone for your support! Please share this story with your friends! I would greatly appreciate if you left comments, as well! I would love to know your thoughts, my dear readers! Thank you so much for supporting Crystal Stitches and I hope you have a great day! =D

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