
BAB 62

"Odin, your throwing is amazing!

lore three points!!

I don't expect your child to do that! "

Team boss Shaq pulls Michael Udin

Fans also stood up to applaud the hero of lore who stood up!

"You're amazing too mate!"

Michael Udin deliberately praised the Team Boss.

O'Neill, the great shark, burst out laughing!

Shaquille O'Neal hugs Michael Udin. This was his best compliment to his little brother as the team boss!

After hugging O'Neill, Michael Udin would of course hug Kobe.

"When are we going to see that ass kiss?"

Kobe, it should be reported, has been secretly calculating the score for Michael Udin.

"Shit! My three-pointer was exactly 20 points!"

Michael Udin, always focused on team wins and losses, realized he had won the bet and scored 20 points in one game!

"You don't have to worry about this, Odin!

Barkley insisting on making trouble by kissing someone's ass, that's none of your business! "

Shaquille O'Neal finished speaking and all three laughed together!

After chatting with his teammate Michael Udin most worried about Caterine, he looked over to Jack Nicholson's exclusive seat.

The three of them didn't leave, and Jack Nicholson still gave Michael Udin a thumbs up!

Michael Udin approached, and Jack Nicholson hugged Michael Udin who was sweating!

"Odin, you are the hero of Los Angeles tonight!

The last time I saw a rookie Lakers do something crazy like that, Back then Irvine had not received the nickname Magic!

You have to keep working hard, and I want to see the purple and gold troops return to the ranks of the champion competitors as soon as possible!"

Jack Nicholson kept slapping Michael Udin on the shoulder, and his affection was self-evident.

"Amazing! Only giants like the Lakers deserve such great fans as you!

It is my greatest honor to be able to wear the Lakers jersey! "

Michael Udin really appreciates Jack's dedication to the Lakers

"Odin, you look great.

You are an amazing man. "

Michael Udin's knowledge did make Caterine dance with enthusiasm, but when the two looked at each other, she became cold again.

"It is an honor for me to be recognized by a beautiful woman like you."

Michael Udin, smiled When he said that to the girl.

Caterine, who came to see Michael Udin's game firsthand, was overjoyed. She cheers for him and cheers him on. To be honest, Caterine's presence in this match made Michael Udin more excited.

"My three-point knowledge and my dunk just now, which one do you prefer?"

Knowing that he was speaking in the wrong direction, Michael Udin quickly turned to a more shameless topic.

"I love everything about you!

But the three-point lore you scored last time made me cheer really loud. "

At this point, Caterine hesitates to speak more considering she's just a fan and doesn't really understand Basketball.

Michael Udin's mind raced, and he guessed what Caterine wanted to say in an instant.

"Even if you're not a basketball expert, I'm sure you'll enjoy basketball", Michael Udin said with a smile

Seeing Caterine smile naturally when facing her for the first time, Michael Udin knew that his guess was right!

Michael Udin's super performance today was enough to conquer all the live audience,

After Michael Udin and Caterine said goodbye, they walked in front of Magic Johnson.

"Good job, young man!"

Magic Johnson grabs Michael Udin, and the two have a hug.

"Thank you! I'm a little excited today!"

Michael Udin knew he was capable of any compliment tonight.

"I found that you were very calm during the last three-pointer. You knew there was enough time to back off.

What makes you able to stay calm enough at a time like that? "

Magic Johnson praised Michael Udin's composure in his comments, of course he had to ask himself how this young man did it.

"It was the rebound that Shaq did, and I'm still there asking for the ball. If the ball doesn't turn into his assist, Shaq will definitely send Kobe for the score!"

Michael Udin said earnestly.

"Charles Barkley of the Rockets seems to be saying that if you score 20 points in one game, he's going to kiss his ass. Is there a way like that? stuff?"

Magic Johnson smirked at the back of his head, but he still asked Michael Udin the wrong way.

"There seems to be such a thing, I can't remember clearly.

If Barkley has to kiss someone's ass, then I'll have to reluctantly give up!"

Michael Udin's talent for acting was definitely better than Magic Johnson's, and then Magic Johnson almost brought tears to his eyes.

"Charles Barkley made a bet during an interview with TNT earlier As TNT special correspondent tonight, I have to take someone's ass to the Rockets locker room in a bit.", Magic Johnson told Michael Udin

Even though Magic Johnson still had a lot to ask Michael Udin, what he most wanted to do now was send the donkey to the door of the Rockets locker room.

Michael Udin knows that he is the new favorite of today's media, after receiving an on-site interview, he has to attend a press conference.

Sure enough, after Johnson's magic, Michael Udin was stopped by reporters again.

"You are so manly tonight, Odin!

Your toughness has made many girls blush, and I have seen many girls wearing No. 10.

Your boyfriend also came to the scene wearing your jersey today, he can work harder than others while cheering!

Don't you see it? "

Reporter asked Michael Udin

"Since you've been asking me so many times, I had to make a clarification on camera. Caterine and I are just friends at least at the moment it's like that.

Thank you"

After answering Michael Udin left immediately

The statement ended the interview logically, Larry Drew also gave Michael Udin an intimate hug after seeing him.

"Thank you Odin!

You gave me very fond memories of my first career as a head coach even if it was only temporary "

If it weren't for Michael Udin's final three-pointer, his final tactical setup would have been criticized.

"If you don't put me on the field, I won't have a chance to shoot the ball like that!"

This is absolutely not wrong, nothing important on the pitch.

"The coach arranged for Shaq and you to attend the press conference. Coach Harris is still angry. Today's penalty was too bad!

In the end, you scared me half to death when you made the three-pointer. I'm not afraid you won't make it. I was really scared the referee was going to blow you up! "

Thinking of the referee's actions against Michael Udin and Shaq, Larry Drew was terrified.

When Larry Drew mentions the referee again, Michael Udin hates this man too, but Michael Udin can't say that this man was later arrested for a foul, can he?

After taking a shower and changing clothes and walking to the press conference room together,

"You look in a good mood, Charles!

Today, after Michael Udin attained knowledge, he scored 20 points In a live interview with TNT, you once said that if Michael Udin scores 20 points in one game, then you will be someone else's Ass!

Now, here he comes, he comes, he comes with his tail wagging! "

Reporters are rude in persecuting people

Dozens of onlookers burst out laughing, and Charles Barkley was able to let go, but he was so angry that he laughed too.

"come over here and I'll kiss your ass!", Charles Barkley was practically open, and this time he didn't forget to tease the reporter who asked.

"Charles, I advise you to fulfill your promise as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the taste here will be cold!"

Reporter raised showing the sparkle of a beautiful ass.

Charles Barkley acted boldly, lowering his head and his lips touching the cold skin. This shot made everyone present extremely satisfied.

Shaquille O'Neal leaned back and forth laughing, and she lay on Michael Udin's body!

"Odin, you are so capable!

Where did you get this? "

Shaquille O'Neal continued to walk towards the press conference room with Michael Udin and Larry Drew while talking.

At the press conference, Michael Udin became the media's new sweetheart, and he said a lot of things fans wanted to hear.

Michael Udin, who participated in the press conference for the first time, also encountered many pitfalls, of course, he was also able to understand and avoid the most important.

But there is a trap that he does not hesitate to jump, namely a reporter asking his opinion about coach Delma Harris being sent off?

Regarding the enforcement of the Referee law, Michael Udin faced his long gun and short muzzle with a sweet smell. No matter how Larry Drew winked at Michael Udin, Michael Udin didn't stop his fiery speech.

The result is also very simple. Tomorrow, a fine of at least $10,000 will definitely be issued to Michael Udin.

At the end of the press conference, the three Lakers returned to the locker room to get their things.

"Odin, do you know what you just said?"

Larry Drew looked at Michael Udin confusedly, he always felt that a smart person like Michael Udin should not make such mistakes.

"The feeling of spending money cursing people is really nice!"

Michael Udin is feeling very refreshed now.

"Don't worry about money, I will pay the fine this time!"

As the team boss, the younger brother dared to speak for the team, Shaq naturally had to show the truth.

"I accept Shaq for your kindness but I have to pay for it myself.

After all, this is the first ticket in my NBA career, and I think it means a lot to me! "

Michael Udin politely declined Shaquille O'Neal's kindness, he's not one to be in debt.

The pleasure of spending money on people really made Michael Udin happy, only then did he realize the magic of money and also feel the joy of life.

Back in the dressing room, Kobe was still waiting for Michael Udin to return, and the brothers embraced again.

"Barkley's Ass Kiss was also broadcast on TNT nationwide just now!"

Kobe pointed at the TV in the dressing room which was still showing the spotlight earlier and laughed, Kobe wouldn't get tired of watching this scene over and over again.

"Damn, how do I feel that my limelight has been robbed"

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