
Chapter 58 Revelations (part 3)

Zoemi had a problem with the younger of the Victureo siblings – although Ehmi clearly said that Grazio wanted to apologize, but that simply had to be a misunderstanding on her part – but Zoemi came up with a rather petty but completely non-aggressive way to annoy the red-haired capture target.

|...what if I become good friends with his sister...? Wouldn't that piss Grazio off...? The only mention about her in the game, that I know about, was that Grazio was extremely protective of her... I wonder what kind of face will he make if he sees me talking with her with my face all healed up...!|

Inflicting mental damage on his most hated person was such a great prospect that he started smiling to himself and surprisingly enough, his eyes lost the light in them...


...but shockingly enough, that expression seemed to catch Ehmi's attention and really captivate her while she was at it...

"Hmph! Fine! I'm not a petty person!"


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