
Chapter 88 - Tenchi Bridge Meeting

Two days later, somewhere in Kusagakure, spanning a deep ravine, there is a basic arch bridge of medium size, that is the Tenchi Bridge, the meeting point that Ren chose.

Now in the middle of the forest near the bridge, four figures can be seen, three males and one female, the female has pink hair, green eyes, she is Sakura, one of the males has blonde spiky hair and blue eyes with characteristic three whisker markings on his cheeks, he is Naruto.

Another is a tall young man with short brown hair and black, almond-shaped eyes, he is wearing the standard attire of a Konoha-nin, with a flak jacket, he is Yamato, the Wood Release user and former test subject of Orochimaru.

And the last one has short, straight black hair, and dark eyes which contrast with his translucent-looking pale skin, he is carrying a small backpack with his brush, scrolls, and ninja ink in it, he wears a short black-and-grey jacket with red straps, he also carries a tip-less tantō on his back, the rest of his outfit consisted of a high-collared midriff shirt, black pants, shinobi sandals and gloves with his index and thumb fingers exposed.

He is Sai, the most recent victim of Naruto's Talk no Jutsu, that was able to undo years of mental conditioning, and make so that Sai regains some of his emotions.

As they were waiting for the time for the "spy" Naruto asks something he was curious about for awhile "Yamato-taicho, what do we know about this group...Ba...Bakaraka?" and Yamato with a calm face replies "The name is Baransa, and what we were able to find out is that this group, mainly targets, missing-nins and criminal organization, from what we were able to gather, they attacked 15 criminal organization that deals with human traffics, drugs, slavery, kidnapping ect., and some of the worst kind of missing-nin out there, but they also attacked one of Kiri elders who was said to kidnapping childs all over the Land of Water and raise them as his own personal army, that then he used the weakest as suicide bomber to deal with rivals and so gain more influence, but before doing so they gave proof of his crimes to the Mizukage, and with her help, they were easily able to kill the elder and rescue the victim".

Then Naruto says "So they are good guys huh...." then Yamato checks the time and says "It's about the time for the meeting, now I'll disguise myself as Sasori, you guys stay here and do not move unless necessary".

Then Yamato disguised himself as Sasori and waited in the middle of the bridge for the "spy" to come, meanwhile Sakura, Naruto and Sai moved closer to the bridge.

Right at that moment a strong flash of light appeared on the other side of the bridge where four figures could be vaguely seen, then they heard a voice that said "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light)" then six thin, wide beams of light that slam into the hidden Sai's midsection and hold him in place.

Naruto was confused by the sudden attack and said "Wha..", while Yamato on instinct was about to react and counterattack, but Zabuza appeared behind him broke his disguise and held him in place using the Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique), this technique traps Yamato in a sphere of water expelled from the Zabuza's mouth.

The water that the sphere is made from is noticeably heavy,which restricts the target's movements, but different from the usual, Zabuza lets Yamato's head out of the water.

Just as Sakura and Naruto were about to move, they heard a familiar voice "Sorry for the rather rash greeting, but right now we can't trust a ROOT agent..." then Sakura and Naruto notice the figure in front of every one and yell "REN!!".

Then Sakura asks "Weren't you outside doing a mission? What are you doing here? What is the meaning of this?" and Ren calmly replies "Simple sister...I'm not working for the village, but with the village, I didn't truly join back to the ranks of Konoha ninja, the Baransa is the group that I created and I'm quite happy with them, for your other question, me and Tsunade-san planned all of this to deal with a tumor still growing inside the village...".

And Yamato who was able to remain calm, put all the pieces of the puzzle together and said "ROOT...you guy are planning of dealing with Danzo and his organization..." and Ren said "Pin Pon! Tenzo-san you got it right!".

And Yamato shocked by the fact that Ren knew his name but still calm said "But Danzo is one of the people that worked the hardest for the village while he is a ruthless individual, he isn't the kind of guy that your group is after..." and Ren without waiting for him to finish says "On contrair...if we made a statistic of all the worst things that happens in the whole world, you can say that Danzo is responsable of more then 30% of them...hell even your own kidnapping and experimentation was his fault...that guy is almost pure evil...".

And at this moment Naruto "But what this has to do with this meeting?" then Ren moved closer to the still bound Sai and searched his backpack, and soon found a scroll with Danzo message of cooperation with Orochimaru.

Then he showed the scroll to Naruto, Sakura and Yamato who is still thinking about the fact that Danzo is the one responsible for what happened to him, and said "As you can see, Danzo has no problem collaborating with Konoha's enemies, and this isn't even the first time they worked together...the Chunin Exam...Yamato's experiment...".

Sakura was shocked to find out that an elder of Konoha fell so low...while Naruto remembering the Chunin Exam and the death of the Third Hokage, got so angry that the Kyubi's Chakra started influencing him, his eyes became red, and his features more bestial, he was about to enter in Chakra Cloak Mode when Ren chopped hard on his head, looked in Naruto's red eyes and said "Kurama stop trying to infuence Naruto so much for Hagoromo's sake!"

And like magic the Red Chakra receded and Naruto's eyes were once again blue but full of confusion "What happened? How did you do it? Who is Kurama?".

But Ren looked at Naruto and said "I'll tell you later, now more important, come with me, I'm sure you both want to meet with a certain emo-boy" then Ren teleported everyone, Sai included to the HQ of the Baransa.

Pick Up of the Day

Are you Titan serum? Because you turned me into a mindless Pure Titan that just want to devour you.


Have a Nice Day Cya

Odyincreators' thoughts
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