
Chapter 12 - Rank-D Mission and Jigokucho

'it's been a month since i became a genin and formed team 17 and now after two dozen of D-rank missions I have indeed meet this rite of passage'

Ren was lost in thought while he was chasing down his objective on the various alleyways of Konoha, today target was one of the worst enemy new genins meet, he had a lot of experience of fleeting from ninja, he knew all the escape route of the village, he knew where and how to hide from of the sensor technique.

Even the Sharingan and the Byakugan had problem finding this menace and to only way to catch it is to reduce its breathing space little by little with almost surgical precision.

Ren with his spiritual sense noticed that is target was finally trapped and was running in one of his teammate direction 'After an hour we are almost done with this shit' and warned Jiro "Jiro it is coming in your direction, Taro go on the left, I'll go to the right".

In the end like a well oiled machine with their teamwork they were finally able to capture their target, a cat with a red ribbon on her right ear and a brown fur, with a line running down her forehead with two lines going across it, and amber-coloured eyes.

Yes that was Tora, the poor cat of the wife of the Fire Damiyo Madam Shijimi. As soon as they caught the cat Hayate appeared in front of them saying "*cought*cought Good work, let's go and report the mission completion to the Hokage office"

On their way to the Hokage office Ren was unusually silent something that the twins soon noticed and so Jiro asked "What's wrong with you Ren? ,usually after a mission you tell some joke or say some funny stories on your sister's team to pass time"

Now also Hayate was interested in the conversation, and discreetly start to pay attention while still leading his team, Ren came to himself and told his team "Sorry guys, it's just that a week ago my sister and his team went to their first C-rank mission in the land of waves, so I'm worried for her,"

And continue to explain "when i heard about the mission i had a bad feeling so I left her a means to contact me as soon as possible if they meet troubles that their team can't handle"

"So it's just Ren begin a sis-con?" said Taro with a grin, and so they started jokingly throwing insult at each other till the reached the hokage office where they reported the succesful mission a waited to receive another one after consigning the poor Taro to its owner.

While the 3rd Hokage was about to assign another a d-rank mission about pulling weed to the team he suddenly put is guard up as he saw a small circular gate in the form of a shoji(the classic japanese door that slide) open near Ren and from it a small black butterfly with a scroll in his legs come out.

That was a Jigokucho ,black butterflies used by Shinigami to serve a variety of purposes but principally as a guide and messenger. The bodies of Jigokuchō are completely black, while the wings are purple with a black outline.

Ren thanks to Senbonzakura found out that the Jigokucho exists also in the Pure Lands and that he could tame and summon them throught the Senkaimon, even if he can't traverse it as he has a body , so he put one in some sealing scrolls and gave them to his family member telling how to use them to contact him in case of emergencies.

Before the Hokage and the nearby ninja could attack the butterfly Ren said "Wait, this is my summon" and without waiting took the scroll from the jigokucho read the scroll frowned and the gave it to Hayate-sensei,

who after reading took a serious expression and gave it to the Hokage who in turns frown while reading the content of the scroll then thought for a while and said "Hayate here are your team new orders ,as you have read Kakashi team meet with some trouble in the land of wave and their mission has already reached rank A as they meet with the missing-nin from the Mist, now as soon as possible you and your team go and reinforce team 7 do you understand?"

Before Hayate could say anything Iruka scream "Wait a moment Hokage-sama this mission is to dangerous for them we should send a more experienced team...." but the 3rd Hokage counter "while I understand your concern, they are good enough for this mission" said Hiruzen while sending a glance at Ren " and they are the only available team" at that Iruka did not say anything else and the hokage asked again" So do you take this mission?"

And Hayate replies"Yes,sir" and then the got out of the office then Hayate turn to his team saying "*cought*cought Now go and prepare yourself but remember to bring only the necessities a we will travel fast and light, meet at East Konoha Gate in an hour, you are dismissed"

Saying "Yes" Ren than run to his home to take the necessities for the journey once ready he headed to the east Konoha gate and with his sensei that was already there waited for the rest of the team while waiting Hayate asked "So what's up with your summon?"

"They are a special kind of support summon, they have no fighting power but are incredible useful as a messenger as they travel between this world and the world of the dead and as such cannot be intercepted and can reach me from anywhere in an instant more or less, and as they are not really living entities they can be put in a scroll and then used to tell me something"

Hayate Gekko tought for a while and asked "Can I form a *cought*cought contract with them too?" and Ren embarrassed replies "Ehm ... sensei they are not under contract they just found me and listen to my orders while I fed them some chakra maybe if you found some wild ones you can try befriending it"

After that the twins came and then they rushed in the direction of the land of waves.

Pick Up of the Day

Are you an Uchiha? Because you are the last of your kind.

Have a nice DAY cya

Odyincreators' thoughts
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