
How I became king

" Father "

Dio said, panting as he threw punches at Shu's hands, bobbing his head from left to right whilst jumping up and down; the boy was sweating, as well as shirtless, wearing nothing but sweat pants, suggesting that they were at this for a long time.

" Yes? "

Shu replied as he moved his left hand aside, in turn dodging one of his son's punches only to slap him right on his face, aggravating the boy a bit who then would start to thrust his fists faster.

Three weeks had passed since Dio's vision, Shu had informed everyone about the three years time they given before the enemy demon would declare war against the world.

" How did you become king? "

Dio questioned, as he frowned a bit seeing as his father now started to move his hands around avoiding the boy's punches

" How I became king? "

Shu replied, tilting his head a bit only to grab onto Dio's fist and then his face, slamming him against the ground seconds later

" Uh, well at that time no one was willing to become king so I had no choice but to— "

" Liar "

Ayami said as she walked into the room, which seemed to be a dojo, located at the right end of the castle, right below the large kitchen the maids use to cook.

She had a box on her hand, wrapped around in a blue blanket; steam seemed to be coming out off the box so Shu simply assumed it was food

" Why are you spreading lies to our son? "

Ayami questioned, as she grabbed onto the door, attempting to close it but Asami and Raven stopped her, quickly running into the room through Ayami's legs

" I'm not spreading lies "

Shu replied, letting go off Dio's face only to turn toward his other kids who ran toward him, jumping at his face, only to be caught and pinned against the ground

" Why are you tackling your father eh? "

Shu whispered as he started tickling the two kids's stomachs, making them laugh out loud, making Ayami smile as she sat down, opening her eyes wide the moment she did because Dio ran toward Shu, tackling him to the ground and getting on top of him, allowing the other two to do the same

" Tickle him! "

Asami yelled as her two brothers would proceed to do exactly that, pulling Shu's black shirt off and starting to tickle his well built abdomen, of course Shu wasn't ticklish, not in the slightest, but he pretended to laugh for them, only to push them off seconds later, starting to tickle them in return

" Alright that's enough, it's time for your father to eat "

Ayami said, as Shu would then take a step back, sitting on the floor as Ayami would then remove the blue blanket from the box she brought in, placing it on the floor, and the box on top of it, proceeding to open it, revealing a well cooked meal.

Inside the box there was white rise, with well cooked chicken and fish, along with a few pickle pieces; she would then grab the top of the box, pulling it up, revealing there was another part to the box, which was filled with broccoli splashed in a brown liquid.

She would then grab the top of that box, and reveal yet another one underneath, which was filled purely with stake

" Food!! "

The kids yelled as they would try to reach for the boxes, but Ayami would slap each and everyone one of their hands, making them pull them back Immediately

" this is for your father, if you want your own, then go make it or ask the maids to make for you "

Ayami said with a firm tone of voice, making the three kids sit down on the floor with their arms crossed and a frown; the three were wearing black, all except for Dio who had only sweat pants

" It's okay, they can have one stake each "

Shu said, making Ayami sigh, she seemed to notice a pattern with Shu, he was cruel, and serious, sometimes kind, but around his children he was very weak and didn't quite set his authority role as their father, they treated him more like a child

" Yay!! "

The three kids would immediately grab one stake with their bare hands, starting to chew on them and making a mess on the ground, making Ayami sigh yet again

" At least use your hands "

Ayami said, only for Shu to chuckle, seeing as his wife offered him a bottle filled with what seemed to be hot tea, which he took it along with chop sticks to eat the food inside the boxes

" Thank you my love "

Shu whispered, as he would then place a kiss on her cheek

" so father how did you become a king! "

Dio yelled, which intrigued the other two siblings, making them turn over to their father, looking for an answer

" Uh, well it's a long story I don't think i— "

" It isn't long at all, if you kids want I could share the story "

Ayami said, interrupting Shu who simply looked at her with a pleading look, as if not to tell them, after all, he became king in a rather odd way

" Yes please!! "

The three yelled as they moved closer to Ayami who smiled at them, glancing over at Shu for a second before starting

" So a year after the Great War, everything was going great, every country started to flourish again and every continent started to grow without the old king in charge, but then, everyone in the Elsian kingdom realized that they needed a new king.. "

Ayami whispered, catching the three's attention, making them focus as Shu simply watched with a bit of embarrassment

" Then everyone gathered at this very castle, everyone was arguing and yelling at each other, some people even suggested that they would be perfect as kings or queens; the arguing went on and on for half an hour, but then… "

Ayami stopped, building up tension as the children became more intrigued only for Ayami to turn and look at Shu who was covering his face with his right hand

" Then what!?! "

The three yelled simultaneously

" Then your father stepped forward, shutting the crowed as they watched him walk up the stairs to the throne, grabbing the crown, everyone was shocked and surprised, but no one said anything, because your father was one of the warriors who helped end the Great War, and then he put on the crown and said—- "

" Why is everyone arguing over something so stupid? If all of you want a king so bad, then I declare myself the king of Elsia "

Shu said, interrupting his wife, who was about to say the exact same sentence, causing the kids to open their mouths in surprise

" Really!? "

Asami questioned, as Shu simply looked at his children with a bit of embarrassment

" I declare my self the king of Elsia!! "

Raven and Dio said, as they would then run around the dojo, repeating themselves, as Shu simply ate, trying to hide away his embarrassment, but then Asami also joined in, making Ayami chuckle, watching them replicate the moment.

Raven would even bow his head down, pretending to receive a crown from Dio who said

" I declare you king of Elsia! "

This went on for a while, making Shu feel more and more embarrassed but in the end, he had no choice but to accept it.

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