

Hey guys, thank you all for sharing your opinions! It's definitely been of a huge help!

Now, in accordance to the vote, the 'Kuroobi forgiven' route will be kept, while the 'Kuroobi killed' route will be discarded. Although not everyone will be satisfied with this choice, please do understand.

Additionally, the power level.

(Yay, it's coming up over and over again, eh... this one, Ver. 3, will be the final. After all, I don't want to tire y'all out with this matter. Again, this version is the final. If it doesn't seem exactly accurate as the canon, so be it.)

Imu > Kaidou >= Shanks = Mihawk >= Big Mom > Dragon = Garp = Sengoku >= Rowan > Bullet = Sakazuki = Ryokugyu > Borsalino = Kuzan = Issho = Rayleigh > Marco = Beckman >= Katakuri = King (Alber) = Shiki = Gaban > Zephyr > Ace = Teach > Carina = Dan = Sabo.

- You may see more OCs in the future, however, none of them will be stronger than Crocodile. Only the weaker ones will be made to fill in the gaps and make the story seem more alive.

- I didn't include ones like Jozu, Vista, Queen, Smoothie, Cracker, etc. Think they lie somewhere between Teach and Carina though. Jack? He's equal to or below Sabo.

- You may wonder why Mihawk is placed so high. But I do believe that there have been many hints that suggest just how strong he is: his title as the 'Strongest Swordsman in the World,' him being Shank's rival, and his eyes... which resembles that of Imu's (and how did MIhawk end up joining the Seven Warlords?)

And I think the next chapter is going to be on Sunday.

With that said, I hope that y'all enjoy a wonderful weekend!


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