
Chapter 7

•Celestial Realm ~ Nym

•Hall of Dreams

•The Year of the Rose

Sol placed his arms on the wide elaborate table distractedly, mind elsewhere, very far away actually.

If Jade, his personal attendant could see him now, the poor Angel would probably pass out or break down in tears.

"Prince Sol?" Araval called to the ditzy angel, he didn't see the need of dragging the child to the serious meetings but the King had made a decision and the King's word was law.

"Prince Sol?" He called again to the angel who was busy staring into the distance with his face balanced on his palms which he rested, elbows up on the table.

A Lord beside him had to tap him to rouse him and this made an unaware Sol flinch and startle.

"Welcome back, your Highness." Archangel Myril said coldly, making Sol wince.

This was bad for his plans, if word got back to the King, he might not get his wish granted.

He mumbled a thanks under his breath anyway, a Lord sitting opposite him snickered and Sol knew that he was playing with fire.

"The affairs of the kingdom doesn't seem to be important enough to hold your attention." Myril continued in his condescending tone.

Sol tried to look contrite, he really did but he doubt his face did what he needed it to because the archangel reddened and more snickers arose around the table.

"Back to what we were discussing." Archangel Araval quickly interrupted before the scene escalated and Sol heaved a sigh of relief. "The Ceremony of the Warrior Maidens is upcoming and preparations have to be made in earnest."

Sol perked up at this piece of new news, he would have perked up at anything at this point, as long as it didn't involve the demons.

They were the reason there was the Warrior Maiden Ceremony anyway, he wasn't born yet while the war was still raging but according to records, the demons had wiped out the Angel warriors which were the female High-Borns, it was the price the Angels had to pay for winning the 4th Holy War.

"Have you brought this up before his Majesty?" A Lord inquired of the archangels.

"But of course." Braegen, a dour archangel who only spoke when it had to do with the King replied. "The ceremonial rituals have already been approved." He concluded importantly.

Sol swallowed a sigh and remained careful not to place his elbows on the table or lose concentration, the ceremonies might have been fun if he was allowed to attend but instead, he was only allowed to view it through a high tower in the castle.

It was held once every year without fail to celebrate the female High-Borns for their valor and sacrifice during the 4th Holy War, the details of the war was particularly sketchy to Sol but Angels and Demons were natural enemies and would always be at war no matter what.

"The date has been fixed for the first moon of the Month of the Bee." Braegen continued, once he had gotten started it was hard to get him to slow down.

Sol took this newest development with a sour mood if he thought it would be hard enough getting the King's attention on an average day then it would be next to impossible to do so now that there was an upcoming festival, it also meant that his brothers would be coming back which was even worse news.

Finis and Calas treated him even worse, they got mini heart attacks whenever he even left his bedroom.

Sol closed his ears to the enthusiastic sounds of Braegen filling in the entire court on the necessary information and a lot of unnecessary ones too,he wasn't going to get to see the dances or the carnivals or parades so it didn't really matter.

"The King also said that he would lead the main parade with his sons." Braegen concluded and Sol jolted out of his distraction, hope blooming afresh in his heart.

He was too scared to ask if he was an exception to this and was grateful when no one mentioned it either, it would be better he heard it directly from the King, whether the outcome proved favorable or not because at least then he could try to change the King's mind in the privacy of His chambers.

Apparently, Demon sightings on Earth was more interesting than an upcoming festival because soon enough the discussion drifted back to that.

Sol still thought they were being paranoid and lazy because male High-Borns were the Demon Hunters while the females were the Warrior Maidens, only nobility were born with special abilities so it was the wisest course of action.

While the Warrior Maidens had sacrificed their lives to win the 4th Holy War, the Demon Hunters preferred to sit in their castles and attend parties, all the while complaining about doing their jobs.

Sol didn't even feel bothered anymore about not being able to train to be a Demon Hunter, well he hadn't met any others apart from his brothers who were really annoying so he couldn't be a judge.

Absently, his elbows drifted to the edge of the table again, his face resting on his upturned palms with a big sigh, he had never met his father because he died while trying to rescue his pregnant Warrior wife from the midst of the war and his mother was a vague memory as well so it was no surprise that he felt rootless.

Tricking everyone to let him visit Earth for a while was probably not the answer to his problems but Sol would take anything right then, plus he really really wanted to go to Earth.

All he would have to do now was keep to his plan of going to see the King and then finding out if he would be a part of the parade or convincing the King to allow him then he would be on his best behavior for a couple of weeks before going back to the King again with his request, he would use every weapon at his arsenal to make sure the King agreed because if he could just get the King's word decreeing that he was allowed to visit Earth then everyone else had to obey.

He grinned goofily, elated with his scheming.

"Care to share what has you so excited, Prince Sol?" Myril's cruel voice shatters his happy imagination of the blissful freedom he would have on Earth and Sol winced.

He was supposed to be working on acting right so he had to stop getting lost in thoughts at the bi-weekly Council meetings, he decided to remain silent not wanting to incite the red faced archangel while hoping intensely that the meeting came to a close before he ruined all of his chances of ever getting out of his castle.

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