

Xplo took the gernal and came gernel dint believe xplo but gernal went to see Ajax and Ajax was sleeping

"See xplo Ajax is sleeping and even his pants was fresh"


"You were just dreaming ok xplo, now come for exercise"

Xplo and gernal went and Ajax opened his eyes and saw there was noone.

Acculy in the time xplo went Ajax wore a normal pant and a shirt and kept Uzi below the pillow.

now it was a new day but the thing was Ajax couldent complete any missions during morning because noone were allowed to go outside the camp.

So Ajax could complete his missions only during night.

Ajax went for training and he noticed all the time xplo was staring him suspiciously.


It was 5:50 and the sun was going to set Ajax was exited for the mission.

And in the exitment the orange light went down and the moon was coming and it was dark.

Ajax went to his tent and grab his Uzi but Ajax was scared to open the gate now with the Uzi.

"I think SB737 can help me"

[Called me?]


[How can I help you?]

"Please say how can I go out, i have an Uzi, if someone sees me i will be in a trouble"

[Easy put it in your inventory]

"Inventory is that where is got an energy drink"

[Ya][I will teach you][Just go to status,Choose inventory and you will see all the things you have in inventory in left yellow bar, then you will see the Uzi, drag it to the 3rd bar and when ever you want it back you just drag it out]

Ajax followed all the steps and the Uzi dissaperd and it went to his inventory.

But Ajax wanted to see his status, how much his strength.

And his muscle level.

"Hey SB737, can you show my status"

[Yes, Sure]


Ajax Moore Level 1

strength- 10

Speed- 7

Defence- 9

Agility- 5

Stamina- 8

Combact items- ELC Silver sword, 1739 Pistol, Uzi


Skills-Language comprehension Lv-1

Marksman Lv-1

Rank- A


"My status is improved"

[Not much, your still level 1]


[Ok first finish your mission]

"You showed the map for weponary shop So i can go"

[Be careful you storage area is just 4KG, Left=1KG]


Then Ajax slowly opend the gate and went outside and took his Uzi from the inventory.

Then Ajax walked in the jungle way.

again there was full of silence, only there was sound of footsteps.

Ajax was Not scared like yesterday.

Ajax just walked and walked and then he saw the weponary shop and Ajax shocked, because there was a M16.

"It's a small shop, how is there a M16"

Ajax said to himself and then Ajax noticed there was noone in that shop.

And it was easy To steal the leather armour,

and Ajax planned to steal the M16 and Ajax will keep that in his tent.

Ajax dint waste his time and rushed in that shop and there were 5 leather armour but Ajax just took 1 set of leather armour.

And he tried to put it on inventory but Ajax could only keep the helmet on inventory because 4KG space was full.

Ajax wore chestplate,Boots and leggings.

And took the M16 In his hands then Ajax ran towards the jungle and he madesure that noone saw him and after running little far Ajax felt safe and stated walking, it was a small misson but exiting and usefull misson and even he got experience for robbing.

Then Ajax opend the gate and went inside locked the door after returning to the tent Ajax put his armour into the chest, he had a chest witch is small but the storage is 50KG.

Ajax even took his helmet from inventory and even put his M16 in chest because noone should see his stolen items.

And then a light red screen appears

[Misson Commplete]

[Reward=5 Bullets]

Then 5 bullets of 1739 pistol appears but now already Ajax had bullets on his Uzi and M16 and now even he can use 1739 pistol so Ajax went Good still now.


Chapitre suivant