

Tsuki's POV:

As we were going in the house, we saw an unknown kid, a bandage covering his mouth, he also had 2 different colored eyes, the most interesting part about him was the snake that was around his neck, glancing at him we figured he was nervous,

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce you, this is Iguro Obanai, a kid I saved not too long ago, Iguro-kun, these two are My sons Kyojuro and Senjuro, and their friend Anenokoji Tsuki." The older Rengoku introduced us three to the other kid, the three of us bowed, and the person known as Iguro also bowed although he was... Extremely nervous, he was fidgeting and all that

"Nice to meet you Iguro-san! Welcome to our house!"

"Yeah, Nice to meet you, don't be so nervous, no one's gonna eat you." I said trying to make him feel at ease, I failed spectacularly.

He started fidgeting even more before mustering a response, "Nice to meet you… thanks for having me..." Iguro said silently,

"Alright then, I'll leave you kids alone." Shinjuro said before going into the house, before that, I stopped him and asked, "Shinjuro Rengoku-san, how do I... Become even stronger? You said that my strength was lacking compared to technique, how do I fix it?"

The older Rengoku, scratched his head and answered, "You are a little smaller, compared to your father when he was your age probably due to the fact that you focused a bit too much on technique, while your father focused on honing his body to the peak. your body will gradually grow stronger, you are your father's son after all, but you can speed it up. To do that... Well, you better start picking heavy things up, and putting them back down." Shinjuro smirked at that before, going into his house.

"...pick heavy things up huh? Alright." I muttered to myself before turning to the others.

"Well, what do we do now?" I questioned the three, They all thought about it for a second or two, before Kyojuro's mother, Ruka Rengoku called out to us, "Dinner is ready kids!"

Kyojuro before going grabbed us and dragged us inside, Iguro was even more nervous for some reason.

As we went in Kyojuro sat down in the middle, while I and Obanai took the seats next to him, Senjuro sat in Kyojuro's lap.

Kyojuro's parents were there waiting for us, and they smiled kindly... Shinjuro tried.

"I like what I see here." Ruka said while smiling kindly.

Shinjuro nodded, "Indeed, it's good to see that boisterous child make some friends."

'Huh... they are talking as if, Kyojuro didn't have any friends...' I thought before glancing at Kyojuro, 'Nah, that's impossible, Kyojuro is very... Easy to befriend.'

"Well, what are you kids waiting for? Eat before it gets cold." Shinjuro spoke and started eating.

After Dinner.

The food was delicious. I see why Kyojuro eats that much, I would too.

Me, Kyojuro, and Obanai sat together in Kyojuro's room.

"Kyojuro, please tell Rengoku Ruka-san, that the food was delicious," I said to him silently, I was a bit embarrassed to say it at the table.

"U-Um I-It was the best I've had..." Obanai spoke silently, he is slightly less shy and tries to communicate now, a big improvement.

"Of course! Mom would be very happy to hear that!" Kyojuro responded.

"With that out of the way! What should we do now?! I'm bored!"

"I have no idea, what do other kids do at this time?"

Me and Kyojuro were thinking quite deeply about this.

"U-um you two are... Demon slayers right?" Obanai asked, "Indeed! We just passed the final selection today!" Kyojuro responded,

"I-I want to be a demon slayer too... Could you... Help me?"

With that said, Kyojuro's smile disappeared completely and was replaced with a very serious face, like seriously, it was not even the same character design.


"Being a demon slayer, is a dangerous job, you could die at any time, are you sure you want to do this?" Rengoku questioned him, not a trace of his usual optimistic attitude.

"Y-yes! I am sure!" Obanai clenched his fists and spoke loudly, for the first time since we got acquainted.

"...Alright, if it's what you desire, we will do our best to help." I said to him while grabbing Kyojuro's shoulder, Kyojuro in turn smiled and went back to his... Usual self.

"First, let's start with the explanation, you're aware of what demons are right?" I asked getting a nod in return.

"Then this will be much easier to explain, you're probably wondering how demons die, well, that's simple, they disintegrate if they step into the sun."

Obanai pondered over this and asked, "H-How do the demon slayers fight them? I've seen Rengoku Shinjuro-san... kill a demon with his blade, how did he do it?"

"The blades of demon slayers are made out of a special type of ore, which absorbs sunlight using the blade you must decapitate the said demon, and they will die, there is another way to this, and that is by Wisteria. Wisteria is poisonous to demons, inject it in their body, and well, they will die."

"T-Then what about Breathing styles? I remember hearing about it before..."

"Ah, right almost forgot about that, breathing styles aside from the Nichirin blades are the most important weapons a demon slayer could have, breathing techniques help maximize the strength of the human body, and push it beyond the limits, like how the demons have blood demon arts, we have breathing techniques.

Let's start with breathing techniques, there are 5 fundamental breathing styles, Wind, Stone, Water, Kyojuro's Flame, and Thunder, each of them has different strengths and weaknesses, and each needs specific training methods, of course, it matters on who is learning them as well, they have to be... "compatible".

As for the Blood Demon arts, each time a demon devours a human, it becomes stronger, and it can eventually become powerful enough to develop unique supernatural abilities known as Blood Demon Arts. Blood Demon Arts are different from demon to demon, Blood Demon Arts wary greatly, some can be combat-oriented, and some can simply be the manipulation of fire, ice, lightning, etc. There are also some that are completely different than the rest, such as controlling one's biology, or completely changing it to something else. You understood all of that?" I questioned Obanai after a very long explanation he nodded and asked another question,

"What Breathing Style can I learn? what Breathing Style am I compatible with?"

I pondered over this for a bit, Stone and Flame were out of the equation since all three needed extreme strength, Stone even more than the other two, which leaves us with Thunder, and Water, I can't teach him my Moon Breathing as I probably won't be a good teacher, I copied it from someone, not everyone can do what I did if I did try and fail... well that would be... disastrous.

Now for Thunder, It needs a strong lower body, flexibility, and speed, which won't be bad for Obanai but looking at him closely, he doesn't have that build for power, nor speed... like how That one Thunder user did in the final selection, in fact his build is like that of a... Water Breathing user.

Water Breathing is the most balanced of the five, I believe Obanai would be most compatible with Water Breathing.

"If I have to guess... I'm gonna say Water Breathing, since it's the most balanced out of the five if you don't like it... who knows maybe you could create your own Breathing Style derived from Water Breathing."

Obanai thanked me before he went deep in thought, I looked over to Kyojuro to see that he was already fast asleep, well I'll join him in dreamland soon enough but before that...

"Obanai, I didn't question it before but, now I feel that I must ask... that snake of yours, won't bite us during our sleep right?" I asked, just to make sure, can't ever be too careful.

"N-No, don't worry, Kaburamaru won't bite." The snake hissed as if agreeing that he won't, "I see, goodnight then, I'm heading off to join Kyojuro in dreamland."

That said, I laid down and went to sleep. the futon was extra soft.

Did you guys miss me? I sure did.

Crims0ncreators' thoughts
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