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"I know, why didn't you deal with them?" asked Kane

"They don't seem dangerous to us at least, but if they get violent break their snouts." says Ocean.

Dropping Victoria's head near the rest of her body, Ocean proceeds to light her on fire as he and Kane watch as she burns.

"They are here." says Kane

"Man they just don't quit, I think they want their snouts broken." says Ocean.

"Can you shut up with the broken snout talk please?" asked Kane

"Fine, I'll just do it." says Ocean as he spins around punching the shadow that approached him.



It was clear from the sound made that a bone from one of the two had broken, but as the Wolf was thrown back with blood splashing and flowing freely from its snout it was clear as day what had happened.

As Ocean had said, he had done and broken the snout of the shapeshifter that attacked him, and he had taken no damage from the attack showing the gap between the two, he hadn't even stepped back one foot from the collision.

As Ocean looked on at the pitiful shapeshifter on the ground, another had gone running after Kane, which was a big mistake.

Kane casually threw a punch forward aiming for nowhere in particular as connected right on the nose of the transformed shapeshifter blasting him back as well leaving him in a state similar to the first one.

Now they were two wolves rolling around on the floor in Pain with broken snouts just as Ocean wanted.

"Eh, Kane I thought you weren't interested in breaking their snout."

"I did it by mistake, anyway let's return to the master." says Kane as he speeds off heading back to Damon leaving two injured shapeshifters on the ground.


(At the Cullens)

"Are we seriously leaving?" asked Emmett

"What else are we supposed to do it's already decided." said Esydthe

"So do you really have nothing to say about our family falling apart?" asked Emmett

"I do not we will come back together, A real family never gives up on its members, so Our family will be whole again at some point."

"And if it doesn't?" asked Emmett

"It's simple, then we were never really a real family." said Esydthe


(With Edward)

"We have to leave Forks." says Edward

"Why?" asked Bella

"Carlisle's supposed to be 10 years older than he looks and people are starting to notice."

"Okay, I've gotta think of something to say to Charlie."

"When you say we ?..."

"I mean my family and myself." says Edward

"Edward, what happened with Jasper, it's nothing."

"You're right. It was nothing, nothing but what I always expected and nothing compared to what could have happened." says Edward

"You just don't belong in my world, Bella."

"I belong with you."

"No. You don't."

"I'm coming."

"Bella, I don't want you to come."


"You don't want me?"


"That changes things a lot. But if it's not too much to ask, can you just promise me something?" says Edward

"Don't do anything reckless For Charlie's sake. And I'll promise something

to you in return. This is the last time you'll ever see me. I won't come back, and you can go on with your life without any interference from me. It will be like I never existed, I promise."

"If this is about my soul, take it. I don't want it without you."

"It's not about your soul. You're just not good for me."

"Not good enough for you?"

"I'm just sorry I let this go on for so long."


Edwards Runs away disappearing from her sight.

Bella collapses on the ground in tears Calling out for him, with no response.


Currently, in a castle, the original vampire was not in a good mood, he felt that his pawn had died, and quite suddenly at that.

Were the werewolves that strong?

Did they get help?

How could they kill something he created?

Something that had part of him.

This was unacceptable, they had to be punished for this, this could not stand.

All of these were thoughts that were going through his head, and the more he thought about it the angrier he became.

IT clung to his thoughts like a tick to a dog.

It could be said that the original vampire's mind has long since started to degrade, it would seem he wasn't as perfect as he thought.

"Jessie!" he shouted it wasn't long after that a man entered the room in a hurry kneeling before him

"Yes, master."

"Go to where the werewolves, stay, and kill them all, I want their head on a spike before me before the end of the week."

"It shall be done Master." without any delay he sped out the room leaving the original Vampire alone, as he knew better than to stay around when his master was in a mood.


"Master we have returned." says Kane

"Oh, I trust victoria is dead."

"Yes master, we ran into two of the pups but they were taken care of, injured not killed."

"Very well, you two go about your business I'll call you if I need you." says Damon

Ocean and Kane left, Damon pulled out his phone and went to recent calls, and called the first number.


"It is done, Victoria is not a problem for the girl anymore, you better keep your end of the deal otherwise I'll see no reason to keep you or your so-called family alive, and I promise It isn't hard for you to end up like victoria, burned to ashes with no one to recognize you."

"I know, rest assured I'm not foolish enough to earn your wrath any more than I already have." says Carlisle


Damon ended the call and sighed, he couldn't believe how foolish Carlisle was.

"Anyway it isn't my problem, and if things go the same as they are supposed to and the Volturi find out about my existence if they are foolish enough to come they will die."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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