
Chapter Ninety Three

Kyle was the first to notice the glint in the Rogue killer's eyes. Even over the alpha's threats, she didn't seem to be backing down. If anything, she was getting ready to attack. The royal beside her remained perfectly still, unable to move from the threat. "You aren't going to get away from here," the words cut through his resolve like a hot knife through butter.

Chad, whose hands brandished a blade against Claire's back, growled at the girl who only seemed to be coming up with a way to attack, "Isn't she supposed to be important to them? You said…"

"I know what I said," Kyle replied, right before he noticed the look in the weak woman's eyes. Her eyes were barely open, but they were clearly trained on the girl before them and they were sending a clear message. Kyle didn't get the time to react as the woman nodded. What followed was the distinct sound of a thunderclap, the Rogue killer vanishing at that same time, if only even before the sound was heard.

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