
Stifling Calm 2

"You there, yes you, come here!" Versailles called out to a female beast walking on the other side of the Crimson Palace.

Since the last time she'd gotten lost in the rotten halls, she'd vowed to never take them again without guidance.

The female beast looked confused and bewildered as she heard the Serpentine Queen's call. She'd never interacted with the serpentine before so she wondered if she'd done something to displease her and gain her attention.

She hoped not, because from the rumors she heard, even the Werewolf King seemed to be afraid of the beast.

With a pale face and trembling limbs, she hesitantly arrived before the Queen of the Underworld Palace.

"Se...Serpentine Queen, wh...what can I do for you?" She stuttered.

Versailles closely scanned the timid beast. Green skinned and green-haired, the female had the faint making of a blossoming, beastly beauty with her neon yellow eyes.

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