


The room was suddenly quiet even though nine men were sitting there. All seemed silent, thinking and contemplating, but no answer emerged.

Glenn and Han sat at the bar together, not far from the group. Blake just came in, got his beer, and joined the discussion.

"If Mr. Alexander disappears. Then was his reason anyway? Can't he properly talk to us when he has a problem!" Blake blurted his thought to Han while occasionally glancing at the members of The Seven Wolves. They were discussing in the corner of the room.

"Everyone has their reasons. Sometimes we cannot understand everyone at once, Blake. But after all, he has the right to go," replied Han casually as he also bottomed up his drink. Blake scoffed in annoyance and shook his head.

"And leaving his brother just like that! I think The Seven Wolves are serious." Blake slightly sneered at the group while glancing at them. 

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