
Slowly Becoming a Better Man

After Bolting off for some distance we ended up in a clearing nearby the beginning of the river that goes through Haven.

But as soon as we got there Speed transformed back into her human form which was fast enough to make me fall flat on my face as she looked down at me with a rather pissed look.

"Babe! You went to far! What if someone saw us!" She shouted at me, sure she probably wouldn't have mind if I did that somewhere more private but she was out in an area where anyone else could see us messing around.

I just get up and come closer to her, "But you know, I find that side of you to be very cute you know?" I say with a grin as her face gets even more red and flustered at me saying that.

"Stop teasing me you meanie!" She says as she try's pushing me away, but there's no real strength behind it.

I just smile before picking her up and carrying her princess style which makes her blush before I sit down with her in my lap as I brush my fingers through her hair which makes her ears twitch and her tail to swish back and forth as her horse like smile blooms across her face as she enjoys my touch.

I know I haven't really talked about this in this logbook of mine, but at this point in time I've come to a decision for myself, I need to know the women I'm planning to spend my life with, but this time I plan to write down our times together, and a little more on the stories of the girls who came to be a part of my life, some I've already put in enough detail about there lives and how we have interacted with each other over the years but I need to put more interaction with some of my women I haven't exactly developed more with in a long time.

But now it was the Beast Girls time and the first I wanted to hear more about her story was Speed.

"Speed I got to ask, who were you before you were a part of the Beast Pirates?"

"Me? Well… I wasn't born in Wano, but I was born on Beehive Island, let's just say being a little girl in the middle of a paradise for Pirates wasn't the best of places to live, sure some pirates were nice but most were mean or just creeps who wanted my body but one hard kick to there balls made them stop chasing me."

"And things kind of just stayed that way for me as I was going around there, I had to steal and run to get away all the time, I was born an orphan actually, I had no name but everyone would say, 'Catch that Speedy Brat!' They would shout as they chased after me but they were never fast enough to catch me and I would always get away with whatever food or money I had stole." She said with a smile as she rubbed the underside of her nose.

"But one day 6 years ago, Kaido and his crew came to Beehive island, mainly he and his crew were there to recruit people into his crew willingly or otherwise."

"But for me what I saw was a jackpot worth of goods, and over the years I got better with the bow as I also needed to hunt for food from time to time in the forests around Beehive Island, so even if I got caught by Kaido I could get out of there and even fight back if need be."

"And well…. I got caught, I tried to fight back, even killing a few in his crew but that just pissed him off and he just looked at me and then… nothing I lost consciousness and woke up with shackles on my hands as I was locked up in a cell in his ship."

*Kaido probably used his conquers haki on her to end the fight quickly, either because he was annoyed by her, or he didn't want her to hurt anymore of them…*

"After a few days of travel and only being fed enough just to get by, we finally reached Onigashima, and me and a few other prisoners that he had caught before catching me were given a choice, Join his Crew or be forced to do hard labor until you either died or relented and joined anyway."

"But I asked, 'Will we just be treated as your slaves even if we join you?' As at the time I was rather skeptical that we wouldn't just be made slaves anyway even if we joined his crew, but when he heard that he just grinned, 'No I won't treat anyone who joins my crew like slaves, you'll get a full belly, a place to call your own, but if you want more than what you have you need to fight for it, everyone here is in your way of you want to be at the top of MY food chain.' He said before he tossed us all our weapons back, 'And it just happens I have a rather high position in my crew open for one lucky person to take for themselves, so what do you say?'"

"And as soon as he finishes saying that everyone starts to attack each other that were prisoners, none of us wanted to be slaves and we all wanted to be in the crew since his crew was a better situation than what any of us were in, I won't go into details of the fight because in the end I won just barely but I was pretty badly beat up at the time and after I was announced the winner I lost consciousness from my injuries."

"After that I woke up but in a nice fluffy bed in a clean and tidy room, something I never had before, and after two days to let my wounds heal I was then given my devil fruit and that was when I got my devil fruit abilities and was given my title of Shinuchi, and well the rest doesn't really matter since it was just pirating things and seeing the islands around the New World, and now here we are with me in your arms…." She says with a blush as she snuggles up to me more.

It makes me smile hearing her story and who she was and what she became as well, but I looked down at her with a rather sad look.

"Speed…. I'm a bastard of a man you know? I'm surrounded by women and have several wives and children even…. But I don't have enough time for all of them, which they all say is fine but I feel that for some of them that's not fine…. But I don't know what to do anymore….. I even feel that it's to late….." I say as I progressively get sadder and more depressed at the thought of everything I've done.

Maybe some of you are laughing at my plight saying that I deserve this since I've more or less been getting more and more women but then forgetting about the ones that I claimed as my women, even I'm ju-

But before I could let my thoughts keep spiraling downward Speed placed her hand on my head, "Maybe you are what you say you are, but I have to ask, do you love every single woman that has become a part of your life?" She says while she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Yes, I love ever single woman who has decided to be by my side." I say with no hesitation whatsoever.

"Then I think the best thing to do is talk with every single one of them, starting with your wives and working from there, show them how much you love them and the children that you have had with them, but it has to come from the heart, it can't be a physical thing what you need to do is tell them that you have fucked up and that you did them wrong, but you want to make things better, and that instead of focusing on the world find other people to do the desk work themselves while you have all the time you need to spend with friends and family." Speed says while giving me some rather heartfelt advice.

Hearing that and feeling her hand on my head tears began to well up and flow out from them, I didn't sob or weep but I just let my head bury in her chest as I let the tears flow out of me.

She just smiled and kept stroking my hair, "I guess you have this side to you as well huh? I guess you haven't lost your humanity after all." She says with a smile as she holds me closer to her.

And after 10 minutes of staying like that I get up and escape her grasp before she looks and can see a rather determined look on my face, I just look down at her and smile, "Thank you Speed, now I know what I should do to fix this huge mistake I have made for myself and slowly go and try to fix it."

She then stands up and just holds my hand, "Good, I'm glad I could help….. though I mean…. W-we can continue w-what you want to do from before, I-if you want that is…." She blushes nervously as she fidgets around at the thought of it, after all thanks to her devil fruit she had more animal instincts than a normal person, and she has found him to be her perfect mate and her Alpha so she doesn't mind him having his way with her she even wants that to happen.

I just smile before pulling her in and kissing her before pulling away and whispering in her ear, "After I've fixed this problem of mine, it will be just you and me for three nights straight, how does that sound?"

Hearing that her face goes extremely red as she blushes hard before giving a horsey grin as she sits back down and rocks back and forth as she thinks what I'm gonna do to her.

But I leave her to her imaginations before opening a gate and heading to my first location, Amazon Lily.

……… You know I’ve honestly come to realize that I’ve been treating the girls in this story as nothing but women for him to have sex with, so I’ve decided to change that, sure this story will have sex still and the plot will move forward but there will be chapters where it’s just him spending time with one girl or a certain group of girls and there relationships building up from there, if people really hate this I’ll stop but this is gonna be a thing from now on.

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