
Events & Date Plans with Alvida

As we were heading back home Vivi started to ask me questions.

"Is it just the Boa sisters that you are married to or are there more?"

"There's more, but until we are officially married you won't be able to meet them all alright?"

"Okay…. Though why do you have so many women in the first place?"

"I love all of my women equally, some came for me, some I saved from danger, some I showed them the truth of the lie they were living, and others made me have to earn there love, but in the end they all fell for me and came to respect my greatest wish, to have a family that will some day outshine even the Big Ma Pirates in size…. At first my first three wives were very upset that I was going after others, but I didn't want to put the stress solely on them to bear my children so I looked for more women who would want to be mine and now here we are with my current amount of women plus you being apart of my family soon enough." I say as I take her hand and look her in the eyes which causes her to blush before looking away.

"I-I see you want a big family, and plenty of kids as well, so you need many wives to make that happen…. Though I want to wait till I'm at least 18 before I start thinking about having a kid of my own."

"Of course Vivi, I won't force any of my women to have my children until they ask for it and I'm ready for it, and with finally having some kids of my own whenever my wives are ready we will try ok?"

"Ok that's all I really want to ask I'm actually more excited to see the place you call home." She says with a smile as she goes to the front of the deck to watch the waves roll by as we're being pulled by a Yuda back home.



About a day and a half later we arrive back at home, no one decided to bother us on our way back home probably because of them seeing the Firebrand Jolly Roger they decided it was best to leave me be that we arrived at home just fine.

"Wow! So this is Amazon Lily! This place seems more like a tropical paradise than anything else." Vivi says in awe at the sight of it all.

"It is but the only real safe areas in Amazon Lily is the main city where everyone lives at, besides that the rest of the island is dangerous and most of my crew lives on a separate adjacent island that the Kuja have come to call the Isle of Man, because that's the only place any of the other Kuja can find men easily."

"Really? Then I'm excited to see both of those place, but first I should pay respects to your wives first." She says after we make it to harbor as we head towards the main palace.

I look at her as we're making our way there and see her visibly nervous, "Don't worry to much so long as you get on there good side they'll easily accept you as one of them."

"A-alright, I'll try to act more confidently." She says as we make our way into the palace and to the throne room where all three sisters are waiting, our daughters are currently being looked after by there grandma Gloriosa.

"So this is the princess that proposed to you? Well we will get acquainted then and see if she is worthy to be a sister of mine." Hancock says trying to sound very domineering but doesn't even faze Vivi as she has stars in her eyes and comes up to Hancock and takes her hands.

"I still can't believe that I'm getting to meet the three Boa Sisters! Oh there's so many questions that I want to ask you about yourselves, your tribe and culture and how you make your skin so soft and smooth!" She says in an excited manner while looking at all three of them.

This put them off for a bit but they all like getting attention and when other women look up to them as well so Hancock just had a rather bashful look on her face as she genuinely smiled, "Alright I will tell you everything I can and maybe get to know us all a bit better."

I just smile seeing this is heading in a positive attention so while the girls are busy talking with each other I decide to leave them be.

Though before I go back to HQ I go and check up on my daughters and see there all sound asleep with Gloriosa watching them, though after seeing my daughters and kissing there heads goodnight I left them in her care as I went back to base.

"Looks like I better keep my promise with Zala now." I say as I head back to base and go to find Zala.

And for the rest of the day I did just that making her nice food, giving her a nice massage, relaxing together under the sun and spending a wonderful night together.



MarineFord, Sengoku's office.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." Sengoku says from his desk as he's looking over data and reports that he has received around the world.

Soon after a rather burly man in a red suit with a constant frown on his face comes on into his office before taking a seat in front of him.

"Sakazuki… why are you here in my office this late at night?"

"For two things I want to discuss about." He says before getting up and placing a few files on top of Sengoku's desk.

He just looks up at him before looking back at the files that have names of four people on them, "Larissa, Agress, Tanya, and Visha, the up incoming star recruits that have been only in the service of the marines for a few years but they have taken down plenty of pirate crews everywhere in the world besides the new world themselves, not only that helped save city's and towns that have been in danger but in Agress's case have also been healing and saving the lives of our men with his powers of his, why are you showing me this? I was planning of giving both Larissa and Tanya Captain ranks and Agress and Visha both there 2nd in command's Commander Ranks soon enough."

"No I want Them all to skip ranks with Larissa and Tanya at Commodore rank and Agress and Visha at Captain rank, and I want them under my command personally as part of my fleet." (Sakasuzki)

"And why exactly do you want them under your command?"

"Because they have similar ideals on justice like I do, they are efficient and do there job without letting there morals get in the way and treat those in need both civilians and marines with equal need of protection and are absolutely ruthless with those that would be willing to upset the balance of the world over all, especially Tanya, even though she joined the marines at the young age of 10 in the 6 years she has been in service I have seen her personal track record, her efficiency and ruthlessness to get the job done without endangering civilians and having a great tactical mind able to know what the enemy will try to do and never letting any of the get away without taking a bite out of them, and a completion rate of over 90% when it comes to assignments, not only do I want her in my fleet specifically but I want to raise her all the way up to Vice Admiral when she has enough merits, and if I believe she is good enough… that should anything ever happen to me that she would be the candidate of my choosing to take my position."

Sengoku was stunned silent at hearing everything that Sakazuki needed to say and that he personally can see the full potential of the young girl Tanya and believe that she is the perfect candidate to take his place should anything ever happen to him.

"…. If that is your decision then so be it, I will raise there ranks and have them all fall under your command specifically, and whenever she reaches the rank of Vice Admiral and should you either retire or are no longer able to do your abilities as admiral she will be one of the possible candidates to take your place instead."

"Thank you Fleet Admiral."

"Was there anything else?"

"Are we really not gonna do anything about the Monster and him recruiting pirate crews across the seas? He has supposedly recruited a few but he has been smart enough to tell them not to be raising his Jolly Roger but we know he has gotten a few under him, even the Beautiful Pirates as well, Also I still demand we get rid of Firebrands status as a Warlord of the Sea! We both know that he has ties to the monster!"

"And we also know that Doflamingo has ties with the beast as well, but we don't do anything to him do we? Plus not only did he help save a country from total Genocide but him and his crew has been able to track down pirate crews that were in hiding and have them brought in to be tried and sentenced, even if he has known ties to the Monster he has done to much good to the world and very little bad to warrant having his title removed, he even admitted that back when he was a pirate and not a warlord that only he and Boa only did what they did because those people were coming to close to there shores to protect there lands, besides stealing food and Boa temporarily petrifying them they never killed innocent people, so as Fleet Admiral I'm ordering you to drop this subject and not to bring it up again, got it?"

"... Yes Sir…"

"Good, now go and get some rest, I have some more reports to write." Sakazuki just nods his head before leaving Sengoku to his work.

".... I'll get you one of these days Fire brat…." Sakazuki says under his breath as he goes back to his office to do his remaining paperwork.



System- Repeating mission Rise through the Ranks has been completed and due to both Tanya and Larissa going above and beyond both reaching Commodore and Visha and Agress reaching Captain ranks better rewards will be rewarded.

Rewards: 4 rainbow gem units (Total 30), and the blessing of protection upon your bloodline.

Blessing of protection- Will protect any of your children and there descendants from birth to the age of 18 from one attack that would have killed them at that time, but only once and will not activate on anything else but should there wounds they receive lead them to there end they will be saved and healed back to full health as well, should it never be used it will help boost the vitality of your descendants as well.

I hear this notification after waking up while holding Zala in my arms, I just smile and get up and let her rest from that wild night we had together.

"So they've gone really up in rank now, well that's good better to have them up in higher positions of power if I can, but with that said I think I should also spend time with a certain pink haired woman of mine." I say to myself as I head off to Perona's room and enter to see her sleeping like usual while holding a huge stuffed teddy bear in her arms.

I just grin before I slink into her bed and cuddle up to her, this startled her but seeing it's me she just smiles and turns herself around to cuddle right back up to me.

"Mmmm, what brings you here to my humble abode?"

"Well I feel I haven't been giving you that much attention lately and that I think you deserve some attention from me today." I say as I undress myself down to my boxers while she was already only in her underwear.

She blushes as she sees where this is going, "Then be gentle ok?"

"Oh don't worry will be making love all morning long." I say as I begin to undress us both.



As we begin to make out I begin to play with her pussy to help her get all nice and wet, which doesn't take long so I slowly but gently force my large member deeper inside her all the way to the entrance of her womb.

And for awhile i we do is grind into each other or do some soft sex as I slowly go in and out of her.

"Mmmmm when you go at this pace I can feel every inch of you coming out and Ahh going right back in." She says as she wraps her arms and legs around me as I go in and out of her letting her feel the length and girth of my member going in and out of her.

Then she comes up with an idea so she gets close to me before separating her soul from her body and then going down to get a better look of me going in and out of her, she then grins and then begins to put my balls into her mouth and swirl them around while feeling there weight while getting a real good look of me going in and out of her.

I just grin at this, since she has lowered her defenses I guess it's only appropriate that I go a bit harder on her, and so I start to go from some gentle sex to some real hard pounding which her ghost self can't react to quickly enough as I go in and out of her gushing hole as she cums hard squeezing me tight.

This makes me get even tougher as I go all out for a few minutes instantly making her a babbling mess before I give her a shot of love straight into her filling her up completely.

But unlike my other lovers she gets tired easily especially if it's just the two of us and I could feel that she wanted to stop for now but will have more fun some time later, so with that said I pull out of her and let her rest up as I go and get dressed in the mean time.

(R-18 End)


After that rather short sexcapade with Perona, who I left to herself so she can rest up, I went back to my office to look over my reports.

The ancient artificial devil fruits are coming along nicely and Noel has gotten it up to 40% with the normal Artifical Zoans so we can make even more profits from it as well.

Doflamingo is slowly losing all of his money from the beast pirates, and means I'm making even more money, I'm getting millions by the day and having to spend millions by the day though to improve everyone's strengths.

*pururururu pururururu Click*

"Hello, may I ask who is calling?"

"Ummm…. H-hi is this umm Firebrand Vargas?" I hear the sound of a lovely woman saying on the other end.

*This voice sound strangely familiar… wait it can't be can it?*

"Alvida? Is that you? Huh it seems that fruit must have worked after all you sound even more beautiful than before."

"Ohh stop it your making me blush, besides the only thing has changed about me really is that my freckles have disappeared and my voice is softer on the ears now."

*Please that fruit was meant to help unlock your true beauty not just get rid of your freckles and soften up your voice but genuinely make you more beautiful.* I think to myself.

"Well why have you decided to call me today?"

"Umm… I was wondering if we could go on a date on the moving cuisine ship the Baratie?" She says to me in a rather nervous but cute way.

"Hmm let me see do I have anything going on for the next few days?" I say as I look through some of my papers and realize that I really don't have much going on for a few weeks actually.

"Yes I think I can make time to have a dinner date with you Alvida, how about I come find you somewhere around Cozia island and will both head off together on my ship towards where the Baratie is making port at."

"YES! Ehem I mean I would enjoy that very much!" She says in excitement on the other end of the line.

"Alright I'll see you soon Alvida." I say before I hang up.

On the other end of the line the now beautiful and slimmed down Alvida jumps around in joy like a school girl getting to shake her idols hand in person.

Then she goes and composes herself before going out to her crew, "Alright men! We set sail for Cozia Island!"

"Yes Lady Alvida!" They all respond in unison as they prepare to set sail for Cozia Island.



A few days later I arrive on my boat on Cozia Island where I see The new and improved Alvida waiting for me on the coast a bit aways from her ship as I bring my small boat meant for only a few people near shore before using my flames to get on shore.

"Alvida, your more beautiful than you were before, like a diamond that has been polished now you shine with your full potential." I say as I look her over.

"Ohh you are a ladies man aren't you, clearly you know beauty when you see it even if it only changed me a little." She says with a bashful blush.

"Oh and how are you liking your new powers?"

"It's really fun actually, if I take off my sandals I can slide over any surface as if it was perfectly smooth, also it makes it so if someone try's to hit me there attacks just slide right off me."

"I see that actually is very good to know, it will help you out in your future battles now…" I say as I pick her up princess style, "Shall we go on our date?"

She blushes hard at me doing this as she covers her face before nodding her head, I just grin at this and use my flames to boost myself back onto our ship as we head off to Baratie to have our date together.

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