
Envoy’s of God: First Half

"What are you looking up at?" (Perona)

"Hmmm it seems this god can hear us all the way from his perch up their." I say as I point at I giant beanstalk that penetrates even the clouds further up in the sky where this god is most likely residing.

This seems to scare the man and his daughter, "be careful of what you say young man, our New god goes by the name Enel and he can fire off lightning from anywhere in all of Skypeia to strike down on us should we anger him after he took over for our previous god Gan Fall." (Pagaya)

"It's alright sir will be fine, you just take your daughter and run along now, will handle this when need be." The man hesitates but realizing not wanting to have them in this he nods and promptly leaves for their home.

"So Enel God of these lands I get the feeling you want to meet me, well I'll be seeing you as soon as you send the invite if you want to meet." I say still looking off in the distance, but not getting any response I just shrug my shoulders.

"Alright girls in the mean time let's go see the sights in the mean time." I say as I wrap my arm around Zala's waist while we go walking around Angel Island.


Upper Yard, God's Shrine, Enel's Throne.

"Hoooo you want an invitation do you?" He says very calmly at first but when he sees the small table that holds his grapes he snacks upon he promptly grabs it and chucks it out of God's shine to let it fall down below crashing down to the base of the giant beanstalk.

"IM A GOD!!! I don't send invitations to anyone! Even if that man does give off the aura of the God of Flames! I will not be mocked in this way! If he wants to see me so bad then I'll let him see me!" He then steps out of his throne and looks towards his priests.

"Bring me this man of flames, and while your at it take down his crew as well, that should teach him for demanding anything of me."

"Yes Our Lord!" Says his 5 priests as they disburse and head towards Angel Island.


Back on Angel Island, near the milky road.

"Boss you sure we should just barge in like this?" (Kuda)

"No but I got a gut feeling that staying on Angel Island is a bad idea right now, plus I feel like I pissed off this islands god and we came here to find the Polyglyph and that has to be in the Upper Yard so whether they like it or not we're going in, luckily there's a large enough boat for us to use to go up this cloud river."

I say as I decide to 'borrow' the ship that seems to be the only ship around here that we know how to operate, but to get us out of here fast both me and Owen grab onto the rear of this boat and use our flames to jettison our boat towards Upper Yard.

After we got it up to sufficient speed we jumped back on board and road it up this river of clouds and not long later came across the entrance to Upper Yard.

"To proceed you must choose from one of these entrances and take on the trial of ordeals to enter the lands of the gods." Robin say as she looks at the 4 entrances that have the words, Swamp, Iron, String and Balls.

"Hmmm…. Let's just go through the swamp one since we're already close to it out of all the choices." The rest just nod and we go through that gate.

But unlike how the ordeal was meant to be played we brought ourselves to shore as soon as possible and entered the forest that was nearby.

"Alright everyone here's the plan, I'm going to find this god and see what he's all about, most likely I'm gonna fight him with only Owen, Perona and Baby 5 are coming along with me, we're gonna split off into groups, Gem, Mikita, Zala, and Kuda will be group 1 and are just to explore the Upper Yard and see if this place has any treasures for us to take, Theo, Robin, Nami and Nojiko you will be group 2 your also looking for treasure but primarily the Polyglyph as that's what we're looking for, here Nami you can take my Compass and use it in your search alright?" I say as I hand it off to her.

"Ok Captain I won't let you down!" She says as she holds the Compass close to her chest.

"I know you won't I've never doubted you for a minute." I say as I rub her head.

"Now everyone move out, I'll set off a signal that's big enough for anyone to see from where ever they are on this island, when you see it everyone head to me, but in an emergency Zala and Robin have their baby den den Mushi's to get in contact me and I'll head your way as soon as possible alright?"

"Yes Captain!" (Everyone)

"Alright now spread out! The sooner we get this done the sooner we can all go back home to rest!" They all nod and we all split off, my group heading straight for that giant bean stalk in the distance, Robins group going in roughly the same direction as us as that's where the compass was pointing too, but Zala's group heading in the opposite direction towards a large stone ruin that they could see in the distance.

Up above on a giant bird looking down on all of this some of Enel's Priests we're looking down on us as we split apart, they then nodded at each other and decided to go after the three groups.

Gedatsu (21) and Ohm (19) going for Vargas's group, with Satori (17) and his brothers under him went after Robins Group and that just left Shura (23) and Yama (35) with Enel's Divine soldiers to go after Zala's group.


Zala's group about rough 30 minutes after we all parted ways.

"Ugh this is gonna take forever! And it's like a rainforest up here! I'm getting all muggy from the humidity!" Mikita decides to complain as they were going through the thick woods.

While they have been on the way they've been attacked by several large animals, but since they live near Amazon lily this wasn't an uncommon sight for them, after all they hunted large boars and even Large panthers for food to be served up in their base so it wasn't unusual for them to see and hunt down these types of animals.

But suddenly from the clouds a giant bird with a man right on top came flying down, and out of the forest a rather large man with a small army of men were following right after him began to surround them.

"Interlopers! you trespass on the land of the gods!" (Yama)


Robin's Group at the same time, was coming over a hill that overlooked the ruins of what they see as a fallen city that has been lead to ruin.

"Robin, Will you let me be the leader of this group of ours while we are here on this island?"

"Hmm? Sure, but why do you ask that?"

"Us from the Frontier have special ability's that people in this world don't have, like us having the ability to control elements without the use of your worlds devil fruits, though it is currently unknown if the devil fruits would strengthen us further, that's what both me and Noel are currently looking into, but the abilities that we have can help our allies when one of us is designated the leader, mine is called Hippocratic Oath as a passive leader skill that boosts everyone's power and the amount of damage that you guys can take before being knocked out cold, as well as help passively heal you when you receive serious injuries as well."

"Oooo that's so cool! Wait doesn't Captain have a leader skill as well? Why haven't any of us felt it's effects before?" (Nami)

"His unfortunately only increases the strength of those with fire ability's just like him, so the only known people to benefit from him being the leader is Owen, Marie, and if she ever feels like leaving the Frontier for once Larissa."

But before he could go on they saw three round balls rolling towards them, before reaching them they sprigged up into the air and surrounded them.

"Halt! You are on sacred grounds!" (Satori & Co.)


Vargas's Group, Opposite side of the ruins from Robins group.

"I can just tell that God is up that beanstalk looking down on us." I say as I look up into the clouds that are pierced by the giant beanstalk.

"Well we just got to bring him down from his high horse now don't we?" (Perona)

"Yeah! Let show this god or whatever what for!" (Baby 5)

"Let's be careful though a person doesn't get a title like god and have no strength to back it up." (Owen)

"And what I can see he's got followers to boot, look giant dog incoming." I say as I point to the two men riding on the back of a giant dog that stops not that far away from us before the two men jump off before sending the dog back to where they came from.

"You shall go no further!" (Gedatsu)

"So this is the man of Flames that our lord mentioned well False God Prepare yourself!" (Ohm)


"For your transgressions we find you guilty! And sentence you all to death!" The 5 Priests of Enel all day at the same time, even though there so far from one another.


Kuda's Group.

"Oh will just have to see about that Bird Man! Gem! Boost me! I'm taking that over grown chicken down!" Mikita says as she unfurls her umbrella.

"Got it." He says as he pulls out his bb pistol and fires a bullet near her feet to send her flying up into the sky straight towards the giant bird and it's pilot.

"Zala! Spike ball form! I have a plan to deal with these fucks!" Kuda shouts as he brandishes his blade whip around cutting down some of Enel's army at a time.

"Alright let's do this then!" Zala shouts before piercing her arms and legs which causes them to bulk up and protrude spikes out from her limbs, she then messes up her hair to turn it into a large ball of spikes before going into the fetal position and taking on the shape of a human sized spike ball.

Kuda the wraps his whip blade around her body turning her into a spiked wrecking ball that he used his strength to easily send her spiked ball body into their enemies stabbing and crushing them in the process.

Meanwhile Gem was keeping the giant bird and Shura distracted with his gun shots causing him to deftly keep dodging so as to not let his pet bird be hurt by the explosions going on all around him, there was so much action going on that he had to pay attention too he couldn't effectively use his abilities to turn clouds into near invisible threads to tie up his enemies so he can easily finish them off.

But as he was thinking these thoughts he didn't notice the woman from earlier coming back down to him at break neck velocity before it was too late and her immense weight smashed into his bird sending him and his pet bird straight into the ground below.

Haggard Shura stood up and looked down at his pet seeing him knocked out cold and seeing the woman who did all this was floating back towards the gunman that he had been paying attention too the entire time.

"Damn you! I'll make you pay for injuring my pet!" He says as he begins to wave his arms around to start making invisible thread in the air that Mikita can't see and that Gem could just barely see thanks to his good eyesight.

"Careful! He's laying traps around in the air!" He shouts to Mikita to warn her, but with her being hot headed she doesn't listen and goes straight for Shura, floating above him to come straight down to smash into him, and if that missed just jump and smashed right back down again.

"Damnit! She's not listening and getting all tangled up in those threads!" He says trying to take a shot at Shura but the threads block his shots causing them to blow up before even getting close to him, where he just grins at the gunman for his foolish efforts while dragging the woman further and further into his trap, until finally she was completely wrapped up in the thread that she couldn't move that well any more.

"This is the end for you lass!" He says as he pulls out his gun of his own to aim at her.

But before he could take the shot, Gem was able to see the perfect opening for him to actually hit Shura as there was a small gap in the thread that gave him a clean sight line on hitting him, so he just focused as hard as he could as he took his shots in rapid succession.

*BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!* Of the 8 shots he fired in rapid succession before his clip was empty 3 of those shots were direct hits and they did enough damage to him to completely shatter his shooting arm and destroy his gun, if Gem used his revolver and not the BB gun Shura would be a bloody must by now.

"AAAGGGHHH!!!" He screamed in pain as he clutched his arm and fell to the ground, dissipating his cloud threads in the process freeing Mikita who just walked up to him and gave him a heavy kick to the head knocking him out cold before tying him up and putting him to the side to go help Zala and Kuda.

While they were taking down Shura, Kuda and Zala were mopping the floor with Enel's army that the only one left standing was Yama the commander of Enel's army.

"Useless! The lot of you! Looks like I have to do your job for you!" Yama says as he takes on a battle stance before rushing down Kuda with speeds that seemed impossible for a man in his weight class.

As Kuda tries to slam Zala into him Yama would deftly dodge right over the attack and skillfully attacking in return but Kuda is just as or even more agile than him so they got in this rhythm of attack, dodge, counter, repeat as they played this cat and mouse game with eachother.

But Kuda knew he couldn't keep this up with Zala forever she's starting to lose her hold on herself as she's start to get motion sickness from being used as a wrecking ball for a prolonged period of time, so unfortunately he had to release her from her ball form so she can correct herself, which Yama used as the perfect time to do his signature mountain sized belly flop on her.

But before he could complete his fall he was shot out of the sky and sent straight into a tree with the force of impact from that explosion.

"Ugh…. Thanks Gem…."(Zala)

"Just stay down, we got this from here." (Mikita)

"Looks like I'll have to use that move now Huh? Everyone get back!" Kuda says as he jumps in front of them as Yama slowly begins to pick himself back up from the ground.

"Brave Burst! Black Mist!" He says as she puffs up his checks and sprays a black poisonous mist towards the giant of a man Yama who unfortunately inhaled it, and not long after he started to cough up black blood, before eventually falling over, dead from his injuries and the poison.

"Ugh….. Why didn't you do that sooner?" (Zala)

"I have to be in a fight awhile before I can use that move." He says as he retracts his blades back into his sleeves.

"Now what?" (Gem)

"Let's wait till bird man over here wakes back up and ask him about any treasure that's up here." (Zala)

"And after that?" (Mikita)

"We kill him simple as that." (Kuda)

They then all sit and relax waiting for Shura to reawaken to tell them where the treasure is located in the Upper Yard.

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