

He would show the old man later. Derek thought, glaring at Mike. But for now he had to resolve the issue somehow, quickly, before it escalates into something else, before it stains his father's good legacy. Still, he couldn't stop himself from making a dig at Mike.

"As you mentioned Mike…" He started, producing a huge mocking emphasis on Mike's name, aware but ignoring the exaggerated sighs from Anthony and Agrip. They both knew that he was going to never let the elder go. Despite that knowledge and their sighs of seeming tiredness of Derek's act, they were still interested in what the latter had in stock for the elder.

"…the creatures are of magic, so to be able to deal with them as you mentioned, we have to know more about them, we have to throw a wide research net on them. Our findings would determine our next course of action. Or don't you think so…Mike?" 

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