
Chapter 106: Zoey Winters vs Angelica Myers Concluded!

"Regardless of who wins tonight, this match will certainly be remembered fondly for the rest of their fighting career!" Announcer Mike grinned.

"For the several hundreds of thousands of viewers watching tonight, this match will not be one they'll ever be able to forget. I know I won't be able to forget such an exciting match between two young prodigies!" Announcer Chuck responded back.

"To think they're so young too! Can you imagine their future matches when they're so good now?"

"We have two legendary fighters in the making, Mike. History is being written right now! If you're not following these girls on social media, I would do it right now, folks! I am willing to bet all of the money I have in my bank account that these two will become hall of famers within the next twenty years!" Announcer Chuck excitedly rambled.

"Twenty years?! You're underestimating these two. I'm willing to bet they'll become hall of famers within a decade. One of them will probably be inducted in five years." Announcer Mike replied.


"More magjistars are interested in the normal people's fighting community than I thought..." Alexander was frankly shocked.

"This is why we definitely have to make something similar for our community! They wouldn't go here if they had a magji alternative!" Lindsay excitedly chatted. She felt more assured of her decision the longer the match went on.

"Do you think the Council will listen to some kids?" Joseph pessimistically reminded them.

"Have you forgotten who your teacher is?" Lindsay asked, staring into his sunglasses.

"She has a point," Hayato added.

  Joseph could only groan. This Lindsay girl... She had a way for words that rendered him speechless. He still thought this entire idea was a horrible idea. Considering he was one of the most talented young magjistars in the current generation, that had to count for something, didn't it? But Joseph knew when he was outnumbered. Even the assassin got convinced by the girl. He knew that Zoey would be 200% interested as well.

"What do I get out of involving my teacher in this and supporting this ridiculous fighting tournament anyway?" Joseph asked just to be stubborn.

"You could create history in the magjistar community! Don't you see what a huge undertaking this could be for magjistars? It'll revolutionize the way we communicate with one another!" Lindsay's energy was overflowing. "Could you imagine if we invited foreign magjistars to participate as well? Maybe we could strengthen the ties between magjistars across the world!"

"Have you forgotten that we'll be selling this idea to the Council? It'll be their grand achievement remembered by history even if this does turn out well. Not ours. If we're lucky, we'll be footnotes if they don't manage to screw up our idea somehow after we present it." Joseph played Devil's Advocate.

"They couldn't catch Zoey after she destroyed my clan. The competence of the Council is rather low, in my opinion. You should be prepared for the possibility that they screw it up somehow." Hayato nodded.

"I'm already in the process of writing the draft for our presentation to the council!" Lindsay showed a text document on her phone with already a thousand words filled on it. "After the celebration tonight when Zoey wins, or another day we could go over it and hash out any details I've forgotten to include."

"That doesn't change anything. What makes you think the Council will accept every idea we propose in this document anyway? What if they think some dumb kids don't know what they're doing and completely change it?"

"Anything is better than nothing! And I'm positive that the Council is smarter than you two are making them out to be. As long as I properly present it to them and explain all the pros and cons of following our idea to every detail, there's no way they'll mess it up." Lindsay held firm hope in the idea.

"Alright, guys, the match is starting up again. Save this for later." Alexander spoke up.


  The final round began with more intensity than the last two but somehow with less action. Everyone watching had halted their breathing as they watched in anticipation. Angelica Myers still had a fire blazing in her eyes, but she did not burst like a volcano as the round started. Everyone could tell she was hurting bad but no one believed the match was won in Zoey's favor just yet. It's said that an injured animal is in its most dangerous state.

  Zoey stalked forward like a cautious tiger hunting her prey. Both fighters were waiting for the slightest hint of a flaw or weakness to capitalize on without injury to themself. In Zoey's eyes, she saw nothing but weakness. However, behind all that weakness was an animal willing to give its all to fatally injure or wound its attacker before perishing itself. Zoey wasn't interested in a win that made her look like a loser. She was using Zoey's Victorious Boxing! Not Zoey's Sort of- Kind of- Maybe-A-Win Boxing.

"Flash Fist," Angelica muttered, controlling the magji energy within her body to not show any outward expressions of magji.

  Despite how she felt being taken this far by Zoey Winters, she knew that exposing magji to all these people would ruin her family. It wasn't worth it. Yes, Angelica wanted to win no matter what, but not at the cost of those around her. Even if suppressing the magji technique would make it slighter weaker and waste her mahna, it is better than doing nothing at all and slowly being whittled away!

  Zoey's eyes flashed in surprise as she was punched directly in her face. With a grimace of pain, she quickly raised her guard only to feel a similar hit impact her stomach. It only took a brief moment before Zoey was being overwhelmed with quick bullet-like punches. Sure, she could see them clearly without any issues, but Superstar increased her strength again. Just after, she perfectly measured her own power to match it. Son of a bitch!

"Fine! Twisting Punch!" Zoey's fist twisted itself back as she fully allowed herself to be battered by Angelica's flash punches.

  In the eyes of the audience, Zoey could be seen throwing a regular corkscrew punch. The visual was far different in the eyes of those that wielded mahna within their bodies. In Angelica's view, she saw the very air itself being twisted and constricted by Zoey's fist through pure magji prowess. Angelica realized that no matter how many Flash Fist punches she threw, it wouldn't be enough to combat that ridiculous magji technique. At least, not with Flash Punch....

"Star Smash!" Angelica's fist should've lighted up bright enough to look like the shine of the galaxy. If only they weren't fighting in front of nearly millions of people.

  Of course, the clash between the two young girls was anything but ordinary. Their attempts to restrain any magji expression was utterly at odds with their goal of defeating each other. It wouldn't make sense for there not to be something fantasy and magical-like for the audience to witness at the clash of magji techniques. The people in the crowd and possibly those at home saw how the impact from their blows was enough to rattle the metal cage and knock the referee off his feet!

  Contrary to belief, the audience went absolutely nuts at the sight of this impossible scene. Cheers, yells, and screams deafened any sound within the stadium. Zoey and Angelica were both nervous after witnessing the impact of their first clash, but at the sound of the crowd, the two continued their battle. Unleashing as much force from their fighting techniques as they could without entirely outing the magji community.

  Zoey's twisting punch landed on Angelica's gut, twisting it something fierce as Angelica landed a star smash straight across her face. Angelica dropped to her knees from the horrific, unbelievable pain of having her skin and organs twisted while Zoey was sent sliding straight to the cage with a blackened eye and multiple purple bruises on her body. Zoey grinned as she recovered and looked down at Superstar. Superstar could no longer hold her smile anymore.

'God! What kind of inhuman sick sadistic magjistar would practice such a technique?!' Angelica thought as she did her best to revert the damage from her insides being twisted in ways they weren't supposed to.

  Zoey slowly made her way over to the kneeled Superstar. No matter how much she tried, any movement to get up would result in horrible pain. Even if she used all of her mahna to try and force herself to move, it still wouldn't be enough to help her finish this match without grievous injuries. So, she simply kneeled with a grimace on her face as Zoey stood over her, smiling like a demon. A sharp contrast from the beginning of the match...

  Zoey crouched down low and stared Angelica in the eyes.

"It's been fun, real fun. We should do this again sometime outside of the ring. After our punishment from nearly exposing the magji community and all." She whispered the last part.

"I won't lose next time..." Angelica fiercely replied, staring Zoey back in the face.

"Angelica Myers! Can you continue!?" The referee asked.

"I cannot," Angelica answered.

  The referee waved his hands, and the match came to an end with a ring and an ear-shattering roar from the audience.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts
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