
Sara - Despair

Sara didn’t enter the house fast enough. Edith beat her. As the older woman entered, she stopped in the doorway and put her hands on her hips. Her face which normally was in a frown became even more creased.

“Well, looks like I have a lot of cleaning to do.”

Sara went rigid behind the woman. Cleaning? The house was spotless. She did not keep a messy house. She even stayed up late at night to pickup after everyone so the house was clean when they all got up.

The woman hadn’t even paused to meet her own grandchild, her first grandchild. She had gone straight into the house and began criticizing. Sara felt her anger rise, but she pushed it down and focused on moving in as Edith moved further into the house. As she laid Mary down who had begun to fuss, she listened to her mother-in-law move about the house. Doors opened and closed. Low mumbling accompanied it.

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