
I Can't Help It

Dane made it to Saturday by the skin of his teeth. He had planned things out so Ginger would be able to do something that she liked but they would still have plenty of time to talk the way going to a movie wouldn't. He knew she liked movies too. 

They could watch plenty of those later. For now, he needed to get to know her better so he could figure out how to make her fall in love with him. 

So they were going to lunch then a paint-your-own-pottery studio. She had mentioned liking artsy things like that too. He was so happy to see her when she arrived at the restaurant that he had to restrain himself from hugging her and never letting go. Werewolves didn't like being apart from their mates. 

His whole pack (except the kids, who wouldn't know) was sympathetic to his plight…even if they did think he had lost his mind. None of them even liked being apart from each other for a whole workday. Waiting four and a half days sounded like pure torture to them. 

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