
[Bonus chapter]Execution

"Silence," Joaquin ordered, waving weakly.

Their distinguished guest finally stopped chanting, feeling their throat almost bleed from all that yelling. But as soon as they raised their heads, they noticed the knights surrounding them. 

"Since today is the first day of my regime," said Joaquin before they could even ask a question.

"What are you doing?" a nobleman asked to the knight who approached him, only to hear the explanation from the new emperor himself. 

"As your new emperor, I would like to give you all a toast," Joaquin smirked, glancing at the knights, which was their cue to give the ministers small jars containing a red substance. The confused gentlemen accepted the tiny jars with furrowed brows, setting their shaking eyes in the throne's direction where Joaquin stood with his arm wrapped around the unwilling empress's waist. 


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