

Heat swept over her, drying her throat. She was extremely thirsty. Her skin was so sensitive to the air that flowed around her that it prickled her like thorns. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't. Because all she could think of was her thirst, her hunger.

So Elize gave into the temptation. She didn't open her eyes, she just felt strong arms folded around her waist, pressing her against hard and warm skin and fiercely strong muscles. She whimpered as she sucked his blood.

Caleb knew how hungry she would be just after turning and he was there for her hunger. She fed on his blood that night, and he had been there for her without flinching, stroking her, telling her softly, encouraging her, "Drink from me, love… drink…"

Elize stayed with him for a night after turning into a vampire and then until he was crowned the king of Ixoviya, but after that she had left him without speaking.

Elize had come straight to her home in Yorkshire, to be with her father and brother—the only people in her family. She was new to the transformation. Fire raged inside her… an insatiable fire. Her hand would inadvertently go to her heart and felt it racing like a wild bone drum. She couldn't believe that she had grown fangs. Her canines were razor sharp. Everything was too enhanced for her. Even a small flap of the wings of an asp was like a blast to her ears. She could scent blood from a distance. So many scents… so many that she was choked.

She had pounded on the front door in the middle of the night, hoping it didn't break under the impact. "Papa!" she called him. "Papa!" She was crying, little realizing that her tears were… pink.

Her father opened the door. She turned to look at him and then she hurled herself in his arms. He had wrapped his arms around her tightly. "What is it, Elize?" he had asked, so concerned, so nervous and so happy to see that his daughter was absolutely fine and even more beautiful than she ever was. In the dim moonlight and the soft porch light, her skin, though paler, was like velvet. The hazel of her eyes was like warm honey and her tresses were silkier and voluminous than he had ever remembered. "Calm down, Elize."

And Elize hated herself. She wanted to drink blood, her father's blood, anyone's blood. She was too hungry… Her father, Patrick, was an Irish, who had married her mother from Yorkshire and then settled here. He was a well-respected man in his community. Patrick removed her hands from her face when she hid it as he pulled away. "Come inside," he said with a smile.

When Elize walked inside her home, she felt so warm and good and loved until— until her father saw her pale face in the light and he flinched at her pink tears. He dropped her hands and stared at her, at the monster she had become. Her gaze went to her brother, Owen, who was standing behind him with his wide eyes staring at her, his head recoiling from her sight. He had clamped his hands across his mouth.

"What is it honey?" Elize heard his wife, Nessa. When she came to stand beside him, she recoiled at the sight.

Emotions erupted within her. "Papa… I…" she sobbed as she knelt on the floor in front of him. "He turned me…" Then she went on to tell her entire story. In the end she said, "Please papa, help me." She needed all his love and support. She was emotionally broken. She had let down her family. And she wanted to get back her previous life. However, what happened next was beyond her imagination.

Patrick clutched his chest as he staggered two steps behind and then fell on the floor.

"Papa!" she shouted as she rushed to him, but Patrick was already unconscious. She held him in her lap wailing, "Papa… I am sorry…" She wished she had died.

"Remove your filthy hands from papa!" said Owen as he took his father in his lap and turned to Nessa to ask her to call an ambulance.

Elize was aghast as she looked at her brother. Her body trembled as shock surged like thunderbolt.

In the hospital, her father had regained consciousness for a while. The doctor had informed that he had had a heart attack. In that small time, he had instructed Owen to take care of his sister and not reveal about her to the community. And then her father slipped into a coma…

Owen had thrown her out of the house the next day threatening that if she ever came back, he would reveal her true identity to the community who would then burn her at stake.

Elize had managed to find a job teaching high school math in a night school because being a vampire she couldn't come out of the house during the day. And this was the only thing she could afford at the moment. A month and a half had passed, and her father was still in the coma…


The phone buzzed on her side table, pulling Elize out of her thoughts. It was time to go to school. She wiped her tears and picked up the phone. "Hello."

An excited, nasal voice from the other end sounded, "Elize, please could you take my class tonight? My boyfriend has come over!" Denise asked.

Elize chuckled. Denise had been waiting for her boyfriend for a long time. "Yes, sure," she replied softly.

"Thank you!" Denise shouted and mwahhaed her.

Elize laughed at the only friend she had dared to make. She was scared that if she made more friends, she might end up killing them. Every day was a struggle for her. There were too many scents, too many secrets...

She pulled the blanket away and got up to get dressed. She entered the bathroom for a hot shower and when she came out wrapped in a fluffy pink towel, little did she know that she was being watched by… him. Little did she know that his fangs had elongated and that his shaft had grown painfully.

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