

"There are 10 of you who know how to swim and 40 who don't. So, those who can swim, please stand to the left in a straight line…. Good, now, those who cannot swim, please stand behind one of these ten people. only 4 of you per person. I assume you can do such a simple task?" The professor asked mockingly.

Everyone clicked their tongue at her insults and made their way to one of us ten. A group of girls made their way toward me. Jenna went to Percival, much to my surprise. I shot him a playful smile before giving him a secret thumbs up for good luck.

But what plain shocked me was that Abby was actually standing behind Robert. I rubbed my eyes thinking that I was seeing things. Fred, Percival, John and everyone else were also doing the same. We secretly looked at each other before looking up at the sky wondering if pigs were going to start flying.

My attention was soon refocused back on the four girls who were standing behind me silently looking at me expectantly.

"What are your names?" I asked with a slight smile. Better to get along rather than start pissing people off.





I nodded silently at their names. I would say that I was probably going to forget them by the end of the day, but my memory wouldn't allow me. I chuckled to myself at the thought before gazing at the four.

"Why me? you made a b-line straight towards me." I asked curiously.

Patricia stepped forward slightly, "because we think you would be the best swimmer. Meaning that you would be the most knowledgeable to teach us. Therefore, the only adequate and the most obvious choice was to go for you." She said confidently.

I was left speechless. I mean, she wasn't wrong, but damn, I really didn't expect that from a 12-year-old. what are they drinking these days to be this rational? I was accustomed to girls hanging out with boys they liked or had a crush on. That was the only reason I could think of as to why they would come up to me and choose me. but it seems that I misjudged them.

"Well, your words prove true. I am indeed the best swimmer here. So, you will be getting just what you expect." I acknowledged before shifting my gaze back to the professor without leaving any room for further discussion.

"Well done everyone, you are able to get into groups." She said sarcastically. Another round of clicking tongues could be heard as they gazed at her in disapproval.

The professor waved her hand dismissively, "yeah-yeah, you'll get used to my way of talking. Deal with it. Now, make your way to an area by the poolside. Instructors, you will get in first. People who can't swim will put on floaties that are by the poolside. Chop-chop!" she instructed while clapping her hands.

Everyone jolted into action as they spread out into different areas of the pool. My group followed me as I walked towards the opposite corner of the pool that was empty. There were some floaties that were perfect for people who couldn't swim. But before they could even put them on I interrupted.

"Don't bother putting those things on. They will only get in the way."

The girls froze in place before looking over. I was already in the pool by now gently swaying my arms from side to side while on my back. That was all I needed to stay afloat without using magic.

"But the professor said-"

"She is not in charge at the moment, I am. So, you do as I say. In any case, you are safe either way. now, gently slide into the water whilst holding on tightly to the edge of the pool." I instructed slowly.

The four girls did as told and slowly got in. they were rather nervous as they gripped the wall so tightly their knuckles turned white.

I sighed slightly; this was going to take a while.

"First, I'll need to get you accustomed to the feeling of being submerged under water. So, extend your feet until they are on the surface of the water."

The girls were confused but did as told.

"No! don't let go you dumb- Ahem, you silly lass, grab hold of the wall but stay parallel to the water surface. There you go." I said as I used telekinesis to push her back to the wall where she grabbed hold.

I let them get accustomed to this for a few moments before continuing.

"Ok, now, I want you to slowly put your head underwater. Don't let go of the wall. Keep your head underwater for 5 seconds before lifting it again."

The girls looked slightly startled but under my firm gaze, they reluctantly did as told.

But as soon as Alysa put her head in the water she panicked and let go sinking further down.

I sighed slightly while covering my face.

I snapped my fingers, and she floated to the surface before landing on the side of the pool spitting out mouthfuls of water.

"You need to relax, the water is not your enemy, it is your friend. Stay calm, and slowly try again. I'm here in case you fail."

Alysa looked at me before regaining some confidence.

Slowly, after many more mistakes, the girls were able to consistently raise their heads from the water before resubmerging them again and again. every couple of times, I would extend the duration by a second. When they were comfortable enough, they began to hold their breath for more than 30 seconds.

At some point, they even began to compete with each other to see who could hold their breath longer causing me to laugh as I floated on the surface resting against a pool noddle.

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